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CHERUB: The Fall

Page 12

by Robert Muchamore

  ‘And this thing,’ James said, his voice full of mock disgust as he held the Manchester United album between his thumb and forefinger at arm’s length.

  ‘That’s from me,’ Bethany grinned innocently. ‘I thought you liked Man United.’

  James huffed. ‘I suppose it might come in handy if I ever have to scrape up some vomit.’


  The dinner in the Lake Lodge restaurant was a bit fancy for James’ taste. He usually counted cheeseburger and chips or a good breakfast fry-up as his favourite meal, but it was a nice setting with candles on the table in a dining-room overlooking a lake. He liked the fact that everyone was dressed up, especially Kerry in a black off-the-shoulder dress and the gold necklace he’d got for her birthday earlier in the year.

  After profiteroles and hot chocolate sauce, Meryl said she was going to the bar and told the kids that she trusted them to behave themselves. They all decided to try out the plunge pool on James’ balcony.

  As they headed upstairs, James found himself behind Lauren and Rat. Lauren – who wouldn’t have been seen dead in a dress six months earlier – wore green stockings and a black micro skirt and Rat had his hand around her waist.

  Lauren was only twelve, but her bra had a purpose these days, and her hips had started to widen out so that she was beginning to get a proper woman’s bum. James didn’t like it one bit. It was OK when he used to tease her about having a boyfriend, but he felt differently now that she actually had one.

  They were stepping off the third-floor landing when James realised why it made him uncomfortable. Until now, he’d been able to go after girls and rely on the fact that his little sister would always be there for him. But in a few years, he’d leave CHERUB, Lauren would probably get a serious boyfriend and they’d slowly grow apart.

  Lauren’s mini-skirt was almost like a sign hanging off her butt saying that she was looking for someone to replace James in her affections.

  ‘What are you looking so miserable for?’ Kerry asked, as she whacked James across the shoulder.

  ‘Am I?’ James said, pretending to be mystified.

  Ten minutes later everyone except Kyle was in the bubbling spa pool on James’ balcony. It felt beautiful because the water was really hot; the November air was crisp and the balcony looked out over a motorway, with headlamps snaking along it and a nearby village with a huge church lit up in the centre.

  ‘Where’s Kyle got to?’ Gabrielle asked, as she popped up in the middle of the pool and ran her hands through her long braided hair.

  James shrugged. ‘He took my spare room-key and said he had to go fetch something from the van.’

  Kyle arrived a few minutes later, holding a cardboard box and still dressed in his shirt and jacket from dinner.

  ‘What’s that?’ James asked as Kyle put the box down and ripped into the cardboard.

  ‘Champagne,’ Kyle grinned, before leaning over the pool and passing a bottle to James. ‘Mind you, it’s not actually champagne. It’s Australian sparkling wine, six ninety-nine a bottle in Sainsburys.’

  ‘Don’t let Meryl see that,’ Lauren said nervously. ‘She’ll skin us alive.’

  ‘I think there’s a tray of glasses by the mini-bar,’ Kerry said.

  Kyle tutted. ‘And what did your last servant die of, Miss Chang?’

  ‘I seem to remember kicking his head in after he refused to fetch a tray of champagne flutes,’ Kerry smirked.

  As Kyle fetched the glasses, James popped the cork out of his bottle and downed a few mouthfuls before passing it along to Kerry.

  ‘There you go, cow face,’ Kyle grinned as he set the glasses down at the edge of the pool beside Kerry. He threw off his jacket and started unbuttoning his shirt.

  Kerry poured glasses of fizzy wine and passed them around the pool as James popped another bottle and Kyle pulled down his trousers, revealing a complete absence of underwear.

  ‘Go put something on,’ Gabrielle yelled as she covered her eyes in mock disgust. ‘I don’t wanna look at that thing all night.’

  Kyle broke into a smile as he stepped into the pool. ‘Sorry dudes, but the Kyle bathes naked. At least, he does when he forgets to pack swimming shorts.’

  ‘Perfect,’ Lauren grinned as she furtively sipped her sparkling wine. ‘Now all we need is for James to start farting.’


  By 1 a.m. James’ skin was wrinkled, the empty bottles were hidden under the bathroom sink and everyone except Kerry had gone back to their rooms.

  ‘You’re all shrivelled like a prune,’ James giggled, as he lay on his bed kissing Kerry’s back.

  ‘You’re just Mr Smooth aren’t you?’ she said, as she rolled over.

  They were both a little drunk. James reached across to his bedside table and grabbed a small foil package. ‘I looked in the bathroom cupboard,’ he explained. ‘This hotel doesn’t miss a trick.’

  Kerry was shocked. ‘Put the condom down, James, you won’t be needing it.’

  ‘Come on,’ James said gently. ‘Why not?’

  Kerry groaned. ‘We’ve had this conversation a million times already. If we have sex before we’re sixteen, we’ll both get kicked out of CHERUB.’

  ‘Who’s gonna know?’

  ‘They’ll know if I get pregnant.’

  ‘That’s what this is for,’ James said sarcastically, as he jiggled the condom.

  ‘I’m fourteen years old and they’re not a hundred per cent effective.’

  James tutted. ‘I’ll be really gentle Kerry, I swear. Just do this one little thing for me.’

  Kerry’s eyebrows shot up and she shoved James away furiously. ‘One little thing? What the hell is all this?’ She spread her arms out wide. ‘I shopped for your presents, I looked up this hotel and the dune buggy place on the internet. I even polished your rotten bloody shoes.’

  ‘I know Kerry, but …’ James couldn’t think what to say. ‘It’s not as if we’d be the only underage cherubs ever to have sex.’

  Kerry pointed at the bottom half of her swimming costume. ‘My body, my decision. Maybe, if we’re still together when I turn sixteen. But right now I don’t even know if we’ll still be together tomorrow morning. I’m sick of you always pestering me. You’re like a dirty old man.’

  James heard Kerry sob as she picked her hotel robe off the floor. It made him feel really guilty. ‘Come on Kerry, don’t cry. You’ve had a few drinks. You’re tired and a bit over-emotional.’

  ‘You’re not even worth crying over.’ Sniffing, Kerry knotted her robe and began hunting for her slippers. ‘I’ve been planning this for weeks. Everything was supposed to be perfect. You don’t have any respect for me or my feelings.’

  ‘I can’t help it,’ James said desperately. ‘I’ve really had fun today. I do love you and I want to be a fantastic, wonderful, caring boyfriend who understands your feelings and all that stuff. But I’m also a fifteen-year-old virgin and I really, really need a shag.’

  Kerry wiped her eye on the sleeve of her gown and James thought he heard her laugh as she stepped towards the door.

  ‘Goodnight, Casanova,’ she tutted.


  James was woken by the buzzer on his door. It went off again as he scrambled around in the nude looking for his robe.

  ‘Hang on, I’m coming,’ James shouted.

  He was surprised to see Lauren standing in the doorway. She was fully dressed, with her jacket on and her wheeled suitcase behind her.

  ‘Hello,’ he said curiously. ‘What time is it?’

  Lauren glanced at her watch. ‘Eight minutes past seven,’ she said as she stepped into the room.

  James had been up worrying about what had happened with Kerry. He’d had less than four hours’ sleep and the wine had left him feeling groggy.

  ‘What’s going on?’ he asked. ‘I didn’t think we had anything planned for this morning.’

  ‘You don’t,’ Lauren said, as James sat down on the corner of his bed and rubbed his eyes. ‘I th
ink you’ve got a session in the spa booked for later, massage and that. I was well looking forward to it, but I’ve got a mission and John Jones is waiting downstairs.’

  ‘Oh,’ James said, surprised. ‘When did this happen?’

  ‘I found out yesterday, but I didn’t mention it last night ’cos it always feels a bit sad when someone’s going away. I didn’t want to spoil the mood.’

  ‘How long for?’

  ‘Less than a month and it’s only down in Brighton so we’ll probably see each other.’

  ‘Who’s with you?’

  ‘John’s the mission controller, but I’m the only agent.’

  ‘Oooh, black T-shirt and going on your first solo mission at twelve years of age,’ James said, a touch sarcastically. ‘You’re quite the little superstar, aren’t you?’

  Lauren flushed and looked down at the carpet as she realised that she was being insensitive. ‘I hope your inquiry and everything works out, James,’ she said awkwardly. ‘I mean, nobody can fault your record on missions until now. You’re the only agent who was on both of the missions that knocked out Help Earth. I’ve heard loads of people say that you should have got the black shirt for that.’

  ‘I expect it’ll all turn out OK in the end,’ James said unconvincingly. ‘Anyway, good luck with your mission and keep safe.’

  ‘It’s categorised as low risk, so there’s no need to worry,’ Lauren grinned, as the two siblings hugged. ‘And do me a favour and keep an eye on Rat for a few days. He was a bit choked last night when I told him I was going away. He’s not been at CHERUB for long and I think Andy’s his only close mate.’

  James nodded. ‘I’ll invite Rat along if something’s happening. I like him anyway, although it’s awkward when Andy’s around. He’s still sore because I beat him up that time.’

  ‘Hardly surprising,’ Lauren grinned.

  ‘I’ve apologised about eighty-six times,’ James shrugged. ‘You can only say it so much.’

  ‘Anyway, John’s waiting in reception. I’d better skedaddle.’

  ‘One last thing. You haven’t spoken to Kerry, have you?’ James asked. ‘Only, we had a bit of a row late last night.’

  Lauren stared pointedly at the condom on the bedside table. ‘I wonder what that was about,’ she said.

  ‘I feel really bad,’ James muttered. ‘I mean, you and Kerry set all this up and I end up rowing with her. Plus she’d had a few glasses of wine and you know how she gets.’

  ‘Haven’t spoken to her,’ Lauren said. ‘But I’d recommend grovelling and lots of it.’


  James couldn’t get back to sleep. He ended up ordering tea and toast from room service and sitting on his bed reading the Sunday paper he’d found outside his door.

  Kyle called just after nine. ‘Everyone seems to be up and about. We’re heading down to breakfast and we’re booked into the spa for ten o’clock.’

  ‘Righty ho,’ James said. ‘I’m not sure about this spa thing though. Have you ever been to one? It looks girly to me.’

  ‘Can’t say I have,’ Kyle said. ‘But you should have seen the girls cooing over the brochure when we booked up.’

  ‘So you’re going?’ James asked.

  ‘I know it’s not your cup of tea James, but the girls went to the dune buggy place because they knew you’d like it.’

  ‘I guess,’ James said, clearly not convinced.

  ‘Besides, there’s five of us lads, so I expect we’ll just stand around taking the piss out of each other.’

  ‘Who knows, maybe I’ll even like it, eh?’

  ‘Exactly,’ Kyle said. ‘See you down at breakfast.’

  After waiting for Kerry and the others to head off to the dining-room, James crept down the back stairs to the lobby and stole a rose from the floral display. When he reached the dining-room, he put it between his teeth and knelt in front of Kerry.

  ‘Good morrow my sweet,’ he said, making a poor attempt at a posh accent as he handed her the rose. ‘Please accept my apologies for my caddish behaviour last night.’

  Kerry smirked. She twirled the rose between her thumb and forefinger and addressed the whole table.

  ‘Who thinks I should kiss and make up?’

  Everyone started to laugh, and comments flew around the table ranging from kick his arse to marry him and get it over with. James was a little bit scared because he’d left himself open for Kerry to humiliate him if she wanted to.

  ‘I tell you what,’ Kerry said, as she leaned forward and kissed James on the cheek. ‘I’ll accept your apology, so long as you go and fetch me another piece of toast from the counter.’


  It was early Sunday afternoon when Lauren arrived at the Aldrington Care Centre, or the ACC. She’d spent the entire drive with a set of detailed paperwork spread across the back seats of a Range Rover Sport. As well as ploughing through a series of briefings on human trafficking, she had to read and remember all the details of a background story that had been carefully prepared by John.

  Her name was Lauren Yuran, daughter of an English mother who’d died in childbirth. She’d lived in eastern Russia with her father until the age of eight, but had been sent back to live with her British grandmother when he was imprisoned for his role in an armed robbery. Unfortunately, her grandmother died of a heart attack within a year and she’d spent the last three years living in children’s homes and with a succession of short-term foster parents.

  She was returning to Aldrington Care Centre following an unsuccessful placement with foster parents in Croydon and as she spoke Russian the chief supervisor at the care home – who knew nothing about the CHERUB operation – had agreed to place her in a room with the mysterious Anna.

  Lauren Adams’ previous experience of a care home had been in London, in the time between her mum dying and her being accepted into CHERUB. She’d expected a similar type of building with shabby corridors and mildew in the bathrooms. But ACC was less than two years old and modern care facilities are built quite differently.

  There was a small office and a central kitchen where main meals were prepared, but the home itself consisted of five self-contained units. Each unit was built like a terraced house, with a kitchen and living-room downstairs and six large bedrooms upstairs with accommodation for two children in each.

  John had packed a large bag of Lauren’s things and with Lauren in tow, he wheeled it across a deserted playground and up to the front door of unit three.

  ‘It’s open,’ a kid shouted.

  Lauren pushed the door and stepped into a large kitchen, with two washing machines running and notices taped everywhere: You must clean the worktops before preparing any food. Stack ALL cups and plates inside the dishwasher after meals, and in giant orange letters, No snacks or other treats before homework is complete and signed off by the house parent on duty.

  The kitchen was extremely hot and Lauren was slightly flustered by the bare chest of a good-looking teenager sitting at the dining table reading the latest Caroline Lawrence book.

  ‘I’m looking for Chris Powell,’ John said hopefully.

  ‘He’s off today,’ the kid explained. ‘Madison is on duty. She’s in the front room playing video games.’

  Three little kids sitting on the carpet all turned around when Lauren and John stepped into the room. Madison appeared to be in her thirties. She wore a pair of inexplicably large glasses with red plastic frames and a T-shirt with Lego men on it.

  ‘Hi Lauren,’ Madison said brightly, as her giant earrings jangled. ‘I’m one of your house parents. Welcome to ACC. These three are Luke, Seb and Oonah, and you’re going to be upstairs sharing a room with Anna.’

  Lauren gave the three little kids an awkward wave as they glanced away from the Playstation to acknowledge her.

  ‘And you must be John Clarkson,’ Madison continued, as she reached out to shake John’s hand.

  ‘That’s right,’ John lied.

  ‘Have you worked at Croydon social services for
long?’ Madison asked.

  ‘I’m retired actually,’ John said. ‘I’m doing a few weeks’ cover for someone on maternity leave.’

  ‘Well, feel free to stop in the kitchen and make yourself a cup of tea. I’ll show Lauren up to her room.’

  John shook his head. ‘I’d better get going. I want to watch the four o’clock match on Sky.’

  As Madison stepped out of the room, John made a telephone shape with his hand and mouthed the word later to Lauren.

  As Lauren and Madison jointly carried the big case up to the first floor, the house parent began explaining various rules and rotas and asked if there were any kinds of food she particularly liked.

  ‘And this is your roommate, Anna,’ Madison said brightly as they stepped into a comfortable-looking bedroom with a giant black stain in the middle of the carpet. ‘I’ll leave you two to get acquainted. If you’ve got any questions, I’m just downstairs.’

  The two beds were space savers, with wooden ladders leading up to the sleeping area. There were child-sized wardrobes, chests of drawers and pull out desks underneath.

  ‘Hey there,’ Lauren smiled, as she went up on tiptoes and peeked at Anna.

  Anna sat on her bed playing with a bead necklace kit. There wasn’t much of her. She was ten centimetres shorter than Lauren, with a tiny waist, china white skin and fragile hands and feet. Lauren was chunky like her brother and imagined that she’d be able to lift Anna over her head as she might have done when playing with a toddler.

  When Lauren had to read some massive computer hacking textbook, or found herself melting on some brutal training exercise in high summer, she used to consider quitting CHERUB. But she knew it was worth it when she saw someone like Anna and realised that her mission might help save her and other girls just like her from being abused.

  ‘You stare for?’ Anna stuttered. She’d only been learning for a few weeks, so her English was pretty terrible.

  ‘Sorry,’ Lauren said, before switching to Russian. ‘You sound Russian.’

  Anna brightened up as she turned to face Lauren. ‘Do you speak Russian?’

  ‘Not much since I moved to England, so I’m out of practice, but my father was Russian. I lived there until three years ago.’


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