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Taking Total Control: A Mesmerizing Bundle

Page 9

by Nadia Nightside

  She moaned. “Fuck. She's so pretty, too. Do you want me to help you with her?”

  “What do you mean?”

  I knew what she meant. It was still hot to hear her say it.

  “I know. I could help you seduce her, somehow. Like I did with Lori.”

  I kissed her on the forehead lightly. She shivered with pleasure. Her entire body a series of responses solely to my actions.

  “Don't worry about it.”

  “Cool. Well...” her mouth twisted. “If you’re going to bring her home here when you decide to fuck her, just know that she ought to know I’m there. Otherwise she’ll freak. But if she wants a threesome, I’m super into it. Okay?”

  “Thanks, love. You make me happy.”

  She purred with semi-orgasmic delight. “God, I don’t know what you do to me...but you’re a lucky son of a bitch to be doing it.”

  Pulling me in, she started to kiss me, her leg sliding lovingly up mine. My hand landed on her ass, encouraging her.


  The voice came from behind us. I laughed suddenly, pushing Mallory down. She moaned in protest, quietly whispering in my ear, “B-but, Master, I wanna...”

  My first thought was that it was Dawn, once again ruining our youthful coital mastery. But, no such luck.

  It was Audrey.

  * * * * *

  After extricating myself from Mallory’s loving grip, it was only a few moments before Audrey had pulled me along outside behind the bookstore. There was a small alley there where enterprising truck drivers sometimes tried to negotiate into our paltry excuse for a loading dock. Mostly, these days, all the books were unloaded in the front. The dock was there as a leftover, something that probably had been quite useful before the tall, identity-less apartment buildings rose up directly behind the shop with their steel corners and tall metal fences.

  The Ice Festival took place in a four block radius in downtown. Down the alley, I could see couples and families walking by. Children held balloons shaped by the local artists on the prowl. A hotdog vendor shouted about his special on beers and brats.

  Audrey crossed her arms, looking at me critically. She wore a long, loose sort of white gown that clung neatly to her large braless tits and firm, luscious hips. Her thick chestnut hair was wrapped around one shoulder in a shiny braid. God, I wanted to fill her. Breed her. Get her pregnant. The urge to grab her, kiss her, take her was nearly overwhelming. All she had for warmth was a small jacket—not quite enough in the winter cool of the city. Her shivering body only made my primal instinct to take her and fill her with warm, overflowing seed all the greater.

  We had never fucked before, of course. Our intercourse barely went beyond kissing. That made me want her all the more now.

  “So,” she said.


  “It’s so nice to see you.”

  It clearly wasn’t.

  “Somehow it doesn’t seem that way.”

  “You stopped talking to me.” She pushed my shoulder, aggressive. “Why?”

  “ asked me to? Because we had broken up and I moved on?”

  “I know I asked you to, but like,” her dark eyes flashed, “I wasn’t asking for complete radio silence. Just, you know. Less.”

  I shrugged. “I suppose if you wanted to talk, there was nothing stopping you from setting the terms of the conversation.”

  “But how am I supposed to know if you want to talk at all?”

  “You’re right,” I said, smiling through gritted teeth. “It’s my fault. All of it. Every last bit. Are you happy now? Are we done? Can I go back to work?”

  There was something in her that had wanted to create some form of peace. I could tell that, with that off-hand remark, I had steamrolled all over it. I didn’t care. She deserved a talking-to for once in her life, raised in Daddy’s riches without ever lifting a finger for herself, and I wasn’t in any mood to deal with her double-talk. If she wanted something from me, she could ask.

  “Mallory’s your girlfriend now, I guess?”

  Instead of owning up to anything she had done wrong, she changed the subject. Typical.

  “Not your business. But, yup. She is.”

  That, and so, so much more, I wanted to tell her. So much more than you’ll ever be, Audrey. You’ll never come close to comparing to what Mallory gives me.

  Not naturally, anyway. Again, the thought filled my mind. Holding her jaw open for just a few seconds, letting a vial of my cum sink down. It would be easy. It would only take a few seconds. Would anyone from the street see? I didn’t think so. We were both so isolated there in the alley. And the struggle would be so quick...after the initial part, anyone watching wouldn’t know what to assume. She would be so calm and placid, so accepting of my will...

  I could make her accept it was all her fault that we broke up. I could make her beg to take her back. Beg for my forgiveness. I could make her apologize for days that she didn’t worship my cock like a woman should.

  “Nice view?”

  I had been staring at her tits, nipples hard in the cold. My breath was heavy, face slightly flushed. This power was getting to me. I looked away, down the street, trying to resist the singing urges of my bulge. This was so hard. Literally and figuratively.

  “What would your girlfriend think of you looking at my tits?”

  I shrugged. “She’d probably say I had good taste.”

  Audrey looked disgusted. “And Lori is...just, what? Your fuckbuddy?”

  “I don’t know that’s any of your business. Why don’t you ask her?”

  She rolled her eyes. “Look, I just know...”

  “What, Audrey? What is it you know?”

  “I know that’s not you. I know that you’re a pushover. You’re acting like a dick, now, and you never used to before. Not this openly, anyway. And you’ve got both of these beautiful girls eating out of your hand, somehow. And it’s creepy and weird and I’m a little scared for them.”

  I rolled my eyes. “For them?”

  “You’re doing something. I don’t know what it is, okay? But...the way they looked at you. I walked around for a minute in the store, paying attention. Lori was flirting with other guys, but she would always look back at you. Like a dog, like a puppy. Hoping for approval. That glassy, obedient look. I’m thinking it’s drugs.”

  “Drugs? Get real.”

  “When I was in Ecuador, I helped these girls get out from under a pimp’s fingers.” She crossed her arms. “He kept them hopped up on some combination of ecstasy and heroin. They were blissful and active and looked to all the world like they loved their life...but they were dead inside. And I know that’s what you’re doing to them. Or something like that.”

  “Yeah, that’s me, Audrey. That’s the guy you went out with. That dude who knows where to get ecstasy-heroin combinations. That’s what I do. I go find drug dealers for the most banned substances in America and then I use my advanced knowledge of chemistry to mix it all together.”

  The funny thing is, I really was angry at her accusation. She was closer to the mark than she knew, closer than she had any right to be. And yet still, I was legitimately pissed that she would level that kind of thought my way.

  Morality is all fucked up, I guess. Especially when you’re trying to ignore it.

  We were quiet then, but my fury still raged. I tried to find something civil to say, but the anger had a mind of its own now. Like a cheetah, lunging after a kill at full speed, it wouldn’t be satisfied until the prey was in its hands or it had fumbled and tripped on its face. Either way, the only cure for the rage was exhaustion of its fuel.

  “God, you’re a bitch.” I shook my head. “You really are. You find me so repulsive that the notion that two women might enjoy me, simultaneously, just doesn’t even register with you. It’s not your business. And hey, you know what?” I couldn’t stop my words now. I was furious. “Let’s say I’m doing that to them. You know Mallory. You know she has her head on straig
hter than anything. If I were able to do that to her, fuck with her head somehow? What makes you think I wouldn’t do the same to you? Why wouldn’t I just, you know, poof! Drug you. And then you’re mine to do with as I please. What’s protecting you, Audrey? Especially now that you’ve gone and told me that you ‘figured out’ my whole plan? Wouldn’t it make just perfect sense for me to fuck your head up too so that you didn’t do anything about it? You can’t even be smart about what a bitch you are, that’s the most infuriating thing about you.”

  I wanted it to be sarcastic. But there was too much of the angry, wicked truth in there...and she could tell.

  She straightened herself upward, putting on a brave face. But I could tell that, instantly, I had terrified her. I felt bad. Really, I did. When anger leaves you, it’s like the air leaving a balloon, keeping you whipping and swirling in the wind, waiting for something to steady you.

  But god, I was tired of her nosing in on my business. Her and her entire family. I just wanted them out of my life.

  “I can see we’re not going to have a nice, rational conversation about this,” she said coldly. “It’s too bad. I missed talking with you, Victor. Or, I missed the old Victor. I thought we might start talking again. Have some fun together, even. But I can see that I don’t want to do that now.”


  “Shut up. Shut up, now. You don’t get to threaten me and then talk to me, okay? You do not.”

  “I wasn’t threatening—”

  “No.” She smiled, her face entirely frozen. “Nothing you could ever do would be a threat to me, little boy.”

  And then she walked out to the street. And it took every ounce of my self-control to not grab her and show her exactly how in control of her I could be.

  * * * * *

  This was a problem. As I came down from the rage at being accused of so many awful things, my actual logic began to work it’s magic. And with logic came regret and guilt. So far I had only been focused on my own pleasure. Using it however I wanted. But now I had to think of the other side of all this—how this looked to those who weren’t me. How it looked to those who didn’t think my cock entering hot, eager, controlled pussy was the sexiest, most perfect thing on the planet.

  What was wrong with those people, right?


  When Audrey called me out on messing with Mallory, messing with Lori...I knew she was right. And when I felt the impulse to run her down and shove my cum down her throat, to show her what I could do to her...that was an enormous problem.

  This absolute power was corrupting me absolutely. Obviously, I enjoyed it. That’s part of the whole corruption process. But I could see that if I kept going down this road, it wouldn’t be long before things got completely out of hand. And with what I was doing to Mallory, to Lori, there was no way for me to justify any of it should someone start putting the pieces together. And maybe Audrey had already started doing that.

  That night, I told Lori to stay at home and cum to the thought of me and Mallory several times. At least four. She had nodded obediently. I could see a flash of doubt—not knowing why that sounded like such a terrific idea, not knowing why it felt so completely normal to do such a thing for me—and then I saw her face glass over as the doubt was replaced with sexual heat.

  “Yes, Sir. Anything you say.”

  And then she walked, sort of dazed, back to her bike and on her way home.

  Probably you haven’t had to think about this before, but it’s really, really difficult to stop being aroused at being in control and then make yourself even more in control when the only way you can think of to control the control is by being even more in control.

  I promise that makes sense.


  I knew it was wrong to order Lori around like that when I had plans to somehow fix Mallory’s thoughts. But, I had to do things one at a time.

  The Ice Festival’s first day had been a good day for the bookstore. There was no telling, though, if it would solve all our problems. Dawn ran the numbers that night, and she’d let me know how we did the next morning. Tonight, it was all up in the air, but even with as long as I planned to have a triumphant success after the Festival was over, my only thoughts were on Audrey, Mallory, Lori, and how to unfuck the situation I was in as best as possible.

  At my apartment, Mallory was already there, in her apron and heels again, making dinner. Fuck, she was so sexy. Her ass was a polished, round surface, waiting for my hands and my hands alone. All I wanted to do was take her from behind and slam her against the counter, fucking her rotten while she made my dinner. And afterward, when she was full of my lifegiving cum, make her swear in trance to always, always beg to be fucked as brutally as that when I got home.

  But I had to roll this back somehow. I had to...I don’t know. I had to get her to stop thinking of me as her boyfriend. Her Master. Audrey was right—I was fucking with her mind, and there was no way around that.

  I didn’t want to be completely out of her life, though. I still, in my own way, absolutely cared for Mallory. Maybe I even loved her. And the past week of having her as my devoted, cocksucking, adoring, heartaching girlfriend was almost more than I could bear to lose.

  But only almost. I had to do the right thing.

  “Mallory, I need you to do something for me.”

  “Of course, babe.” She down the vegetables she had gathered to chop. “What is it?”

  She waited, her hands wrapped in front of her patiently. This was how a good girl hears to obey, she had told me.

  God, she was so happy doing this. Was it truly wrong? I know I had made her happiness...but where did it matter where the happiness came from so long as it was there?

  No, that was the corruption. Get rid of this. Do something. Think of something.

  “I...uh,” my face squirmed.

  “What’s wrong, love? You look upset. Did something happen?” Her hands shifted to her hips. “Was it talking with Audrey? She must have fucked with your head, huh? Do you want me to suck you off so you can relax?” Her voice became a hot, conspiratorial whisper. “I know my Master wants to fuck her so very badly. We could make it happen, I bet. Anytime you wanted. I could get her drunk or something. Put thoughts in her ear.”

  Fuck. The image of Mallory pouring drinks down Audrey’s throat, making her ever more malleable to my will was something else. In fact, I didn’t even need to order her to use alcohol. All it would take was one drink laced with my cum. And all that would take would be for Mallory to be my willing, complicit partner in all my activities. To have her urge me on as I took over more and more fertile, hot bodies. She would know exactly what she was helping me do. She would know exactly what I had done to her. And she would think it was hot.

  “You like that, don’t you?” Her soft hand wrapped around my cock through my pants. “Such a bad boy. It’s too bad you’re only stuck alone here with me tonight. What if, in the meantime, I just suck you off while you think about her. How about that?”

  And suddenly, there was nothing—literally nothing—I wanted more than to have Mallory suck me off while I called out Audrey’s name. And I know that Mallory would open encourage that. But I couldn’t do it.

  Or, obviously I could do it. I was already getting hard just from being around Mallory’s beautiful, willing body, and doubly so because of her achingly hot words. But I had to be strong. Moral. I had to do something right by her.

  “Just m-make dinner, okay?” I struggled to say it. I didn’t want to tell her no.

  Her face twisted. “Did I do something wrong? I’m so sorry, Master. I thought...I thought you would want—”

  “No, it’s fine. Everything’s perfectly fine. You’ve been a perfect slave, all right?”

  Currents of relief visibly ran through her body. “Oh. Thank you, Master. Perhaps I’ll serve you like that after dinner?”


  With her back turned, I made myself a glass of soda and then reached into the fridge, pour
ing a vial of cum down and mixing it in with my finger. I almost slipped the finger into my mouth to dry it, before remembering myself. I laughed at how dumb that might have been. Instead, I wiped it on my pants.

  “Drink this.” I held out the tainted soda to Mallory.

  “Yes, Master.”

  She was absolutely unquestioning. And there was something in her eyes—some glimmer of understanding. Did she have suspicions? She must. She was unquestionably a smart woman. Even as my happy, needy fuckslave, she was always suggesting new ways to serve and please me.

  She drained the drink down. Slowly, her muscles relaxed completely. Her body began to slump. I caught the glass before it fell to the ground.

  “Mallory, I have something very important to tell you.”

  “You have something very important to tell me.”

  I slid her hands up toward her pussy. She naturally began fingering herself. It was sort of sick to do it this way, but commands always went down easier when she had fingers in her pussy.

  “You’re going to learn better than you ever have before.”

  “I’m going to learn better than I ever have before.”

  I took a breath. Here we go. Experiment time.

  “You think of me as your big brother.”

  “I think of you as my big brother.”

  Wow. That went through with no resistance at all. Maybe this de-brainwashing would be easier than I thought?

  “I am your big brother.”

  “You are my big brother.”

  “Lori is your little sister.”

  “Lori is my little sister.”

  “You love us like family.”

  She sighed happily. “I love you like family.”

  For whatever reason, she hadn’t stopped fingering herself. One thing at a time, I told myself. I wasn’t exactly thrilled about it, but the fingering had encouraged the taking in of commands in the past, so I hardly wanted to stop it now.

  “We are your family.”

  “You are my family.”

  “I’m the man in your family.”

  “You’re the man in my family.”

  “I am your big brother.”

  “You are my big brother.”


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