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Taking Total Control: A Mesmerizing Bundle

Page 14

by Nadia Nightside

  “She said you were nothing. A nobody. Destined for nothing.”

  I leaned harder into Dawn’s mouth, pumping slightly with my hips. Just out of Celise's sight.

  “A good story,” I said. “To fool you into thinking nothing was happening.”

  “I guess so.”

  She stepped out from the office and back into the store. I saw her shaking her head in the stacks, searching for meaning. Just as I thought I was rid of her and the trouble she represented for a while, Mallory appeared again—back from wherever it was she had gone. They stood in my door together—my would-be nemesis and my quandary-riding-slave, both etherial in their beauty.

  “Can I talk with you, Detective?”

  Mallory flashed me a wink. She was so pretty, so devious, so conniving and manipulative, that I couldn’t imagine what she had in store for me.

  I came down Dawn’s tight, hot bimbo throat. Her gorgeous body orgasmed beneath me, her body shuddering, covered in load after load of my cum. Tranced, eyes totally white, she licked it up automatically, taking long gobs off her fingers in an automatic reaction to its closeness. By the time my thoughts were making sense again, Mallory and Celise were gone.

  It was all very clear, suddenly. What I had to do. The power was mine. It was stupid to deny it so much. I could use it at least to preserve this perfection—Dawn on her knees where she belonged, Mallory cumming as she watched me owning gorgeous women for my nefarious purposes. I could protect that. I could keep it.

  “I need you to listen to me, Dawn. I have a very special assignment for you...”

  * * * * *

  “It''s just that, you said you would fuck me today. I know, Master. I know, I'm so sorry for speaking out of turn. I know, b-but...but...b-but it's been all I've needed for like, days now, and I haven't gotten to touch your cock or feel it at all. And Mallory's great, god is she ever, but it's not your cock, and please c-can't I? No? Oh...okay. No, you're right. I am just acting like an addict, aren't I? You don't like that, Master. I know. I'm sorry.”

  Later in the afternoon, Lori talked to herself in the bathroom, facing the mirror. She had neglected to close the door all the way, and so I could hear her speaking at length, trying to prepare herself for my “inevitable” rejection of her offer.

  As if. I'd fuck Lori seven ways from every day of the week if I had the chance. I had been busy, that was all. She checked her perfect face in the mirror, attending to her make up. Making sure her tiny tanktop pushed up her petite tits in just the perfect manner. Her cleavage, even if not substantial, was incredible. Her breasts pushed against one another just so, meeting like old friends. I really did need to fuck her again. I'd love to hear her call me Daddy...

  Minjee had left some time ago—maybe two hours after Dawn's blowjob in the office. She spent the time drinking coffee, pretending to read a book, staring wistfully at me all the while. When I looked back at her, she jerked her gaze away, suddenly finding something very interesting on the wall or in her book. It was fun, I realized, to tease her. I wondered how many girls thought it was fun to tease me like that back in school, when I had been staring wistfully, thinking that we would never be together.

  Lori continued her prostrations in the mirror.

  “I'll call you Big Bro. are my Big Bro. I know you are. Is that good, Master? Big Bro? I want to know what to do. Anything just to please you...”

  I would show her exactly how to please me, I decided.

  Just as I was about to rectify the situation once and for all, though, Dawn returned. Her special assignment complete.

  I knew it was complete, because Wallace Sheffield followed her in. He looked disheveled, as though Dawn had connived, cajoled, and coerced him into coming here. She better have. It's what I ordered her to do. His suit today was charcoal gray, his tie a bright blue.

  “I don’t very much see what this is about,” he said.

  “I told you, Wally,” she giggled. “You've got to be here. Okay? It'll all make sense soon.”

  “Not a thing about this makes any sense. There's no reason at all for me to be here. But for your sake, I'll stay inside until your employees can see you. They ought to know their boss is a drunk.”

  Drinking? A good excuse as any. For a rational mind like Sheffield's, an over-abundance of drink was probably much more likely than any kind of mind-altering spunk coming from the “boy” who threatened his daughter. Probably it was all a very sane progression—Dawn had overworked herself to the point of exhaustion for the Ice Festival, and now she was suffering through some kind of psychotic break.

  On the counter, next to the register, as I told Dawn there would be, was a very special cup of coffee that I had prepared for Sheffield. Dawn wasn't exactly very smart anymore—probably somewhere in her brain there was some intelligence somewhere—but she absolutely could obey orders to a tee.

  Though, I don't know about that—perhaps it was her vast intelligence that made her such easy prey. She had that much more mental power to completely dedicate to the absolute pleasure of making herself my total slave.

  Something to think about later, when I wasn't about to trance a millionaire.

  “Have some coffee, Mister Sheffield,” giggled Dawn, handing him the tainted cup. “Please, won't you?”

  She pushed her tits up on one arm. He appeared to be equal parts annoyed and turned on. Who could blame him?

  “If I have some, will you tell me what this is all about? Why you're dressed like some two-dollar stripper? Will you let me call an institution on your behalf?”

  In her insanely tiny outfit, every motion was elaborate, and so her shrug was as well. “...yes?”

  “Fine, then.”

  He took a short sip. “There. Now, will...”

  Slowly, he looked at the coffee. Perplexed. Even a bit scared. And then he downed the rest of it quickly as anything, not looking as if he could control himself.

  After about ten seconds, his eyes turned absolutely and completely white.

  It was a different sensation, owning a male. Before, all my thoughts had been centered more or less around building up a group of women to love me.

  It's no secret to me that men run the world. And I'm not trying to be a dick or discount what women can do. It's just the truth of the situation is that in most places, men are the ones in positions of power—largely because they've always been in those positions of power, and have a very vested interest in that power status quo never changing.

  I bring this up because it was there, watching Wallace become fully tranced with his mind ready for me to shape, that I realized for the first time how much fucking power, real power, I owned. Not just power over women, which was enough. But power over even the richest and most powerful people alive. I approached slow, sliding a hand up Dawn's ass crack. She looked at Wallace's new condition with some vague interest, but clearly was much more interested in doting and adoring me.


  “Wallace,” he repeated dumbly.

  I have to admit, it was a weird thing to be icked out about—letting him taste my cum—but I was, just a bit. Even so, I'd have to get over it. I had to get this under control. This entire situation had to be under my control, or no good would come of it.

  Lori then approached, having watched the entire exchange between Dawn and Sheffield from her coffee counter. Her lovely little face was confused. Arms drawn up to her shoulders, questioning.

  “What's happened to him?” she asked.

  Muttering, Wallace repeated what she said.

  “Hey,” said Lori. “What was that? Was he...what was that?”

  I took her by the shoulders and took a firm hold of her. “Go back to your stand, Lori.”


  “Slave.” My voice was firm. “Go. Back. To. Your. Stand. And then later, we'll fuck.”

  The promise of my cock in her again was too much to ignore. “Yes, Master.”

  Now, back to Sheffield. He had been muttering the comma
nds I said to Lori, not quite tranced enough to believe them already.

  “Wallace, it's very important to listen to me.”

  “It's important to listen to you.”

  “What I have to say is critical.”

  “What you have to say is critical.”

  I took a breath. “You don’t want to close the shop.”

  “I don’t want...”

  It worked better when the girls were aroused. Dawn had re-wrapped herself around my body, kissing at my ear and neck. So, I moved her hand to Wallace's cock, over his pants. She was my whore. I could use her how I like. She seemed displeased at his cock's size and shape—a disappointment which I rather enjoyed—but happy to obey my orders.

  “You don’t want to close the shop,” I said again.

  “I don't close the shop.” He sighed happily. Dawn's hand was rather expert at this point.

  “In fact, you want to expand it.”

  “In fact, I want to expand it.”

  “You want to give me money.”

  “I want to give you money.”

  “You know I'm an extremely responsible young man.”

  “I know you're an extremely responsible young man.”

  “I'm more than worthy of dating your daughter.”

  “ are...”

  Even now, this gave him trouble. But I could change him. I could change anything I liked about him.

  “I have dated your daughter.”

  “You've dated my daughter.”

  “Audrey has terrific judgment.”

  “Audrey has...terrific judgment.”

  He struggled with that, but it sunk in.

  “If Audrey wants to date me, I must be great as well.”

  “If...i-if Audrey wants to date you, you must be great as well.”

  “You think I'm absolutely terrific.”

  “I...I think you're...”

  I gestured for Dawn to increase the strokes on his cock. Her nimble hands pushed through the fabric, grabbing him firmly. His precum stained through the fabric.

  “You think I'm absolutely terrific.”

  His eye finally stopped bulging. “I think you're absolutely terrific.”

  “You love the thought of me being with your daughter.”

  “I love the thought of you being with my daughter.”

  “You think she and I are a terrific match.”

  “I think you and she are a terrific match.”

  There. That was enough. I pulled Dawn away, her hands no longer servicing his cock. Wallace seemed to be in extreme discomfort, right on the edge of cumming. I didn't care. Let the man have some blue balls.

  After that, just a few principles: he trusted me; he wanted me to have his money; he had no issues with Audrey's attraction to me. They all went down easy. After twenty minutes, he was as much my toy as anyone else I wanted to control.

  Now all I had to do was make sure Audrey was attracted to me.

  Wallace Sheffield left an hour later, still somewhat in a haze. Not his normal self at all. I would call him tomorrow, I decided, and put everything to the true test.

  My phone buzzed. A short email from Mallory:

  Sorry for skipping off work today. Had to sort through a lot. Sorry. See you at home tonight.

  I love you, Master.



  * * * * *

  I arrived home to find Mallory at the couch, sitting down with a vial of my cum in her hands. She stared at it curiously, like she held the trigger to a nuclear weapon.

  Despite her seriousness, and how bleak this all appeared to be, dinner was still on the table. Quinoa, mango, and black beans, with a salad on the side.

  “Once you’re finished eating, I’d love it if we could talk.”

  “Dinner can wait.”

  She looked somewhat pained. “O-okay. It’s just...I made it for you said you wanted...”

  I took her hand. “Relax. Trust me. It’s fine. It can wait.”

  Stress left her immediately—and then immediately returned as she noticed what was happening.

  “Th-that’s what I want to talk about. You saw it, didn’t you? My second-guessing. Am I calming down because you said so? Am I doing it because things are actually okay, or only because you’re saying they’re okay? Is there a difference? Ought there to be? Can’t your word be final about everything? But who are you to decide that sort of thing, besides my Master and Big Brother and the perfect Man and even that is all fucking injected in my head...”

  Christ. I really, really had done a number on her. The stress in her voice, the confusion, all that was swimming on top of a sea of terror and arousal, caught up in a cyclone of need.

  “So.” She straightened up slightly. “I need you to do something for me. Okay? And this is the last request I’ll ever ask of you.”

  “Anything,” I said, meaning it totally. “Anything you want. I want to do it. I do.”

  She licked her lips, one hand sliding on my thigh. “Remove all doubt from me. Remove every last strip of morality...and then I’ll whisper in your ear, stroking your cock, and let you know how perfect it is that you did it. And when you do it to everyone else.”

  The air was thick with her words for several moments. I couldn't believe what I had heard.

  “Holy shit. Are you serious?”


  “I could...I could go the other way, I think. If you wanted. I could make you how you were...”

  “I wasn’t happy, then. Not like the last week. I’ve been smiling from ear to ear constantly. I’ve been feeling fan-fucking-tastic, and absolutely in love with you. Why would I give that up...for anything? For normal?”

  “I mean, it’’s what you...what you were. Or are. I don’t know.”

  “I don’t want that, anymore. I don’t care if I ever did. I want my thoughts to be controlled by you. I love that. I need it. I crave it. It’s all I fucking want all day long. I just don’t want any more doubts about wanting it. I want my mind, my body, to be your plaything. Totally.”

  She was offering me everything. Everything and anything I had ever wanted. It was a difficult thing to process.

  I could just do it anyway—remove this need to obey me. To be controlled by me. Face the consequences.

  But I had promised her anything. And she had asked for this.

  Before I put her all the way under, though, there were a few things I needed to know.

  “What did you talk about today with the detective?”


  “Who else? Of course.”

  She shrugged. “She wanted something to work on, someone to blame for her ills. I told her that Dawn had leaned on you to help re-finance the store after Sheffield threatened to pull his financial support. I made it seem like the pressure from that was the instigating factor behind Dawn’s ‘affair.’ Someone to blame who was even more to blame than you. Like you know, in movies, when a bad guy kills the good guy’s family, but really it was the other bad guy, the money bad guy, who made the whole thing happen?” She shrugged. “People like narratives. You doing what you did to Minjee gave me the idea. So...I put her to looking into Sheffield’s finances. There was bound to be something dirty there anyway.”

  “And looking through all that would distract her for a while.”

  “Months, maybe. He’s been in business for a long time. I thought it was good enough to get her out of our hair until we figured out everything we wanted to do. With each other. For each other.” Her hands clasped around mine.

  “That’ll have to change,” I said, frowning. “I mean, good work. For sure. But...I just had Sheffield agreeing to donate most of his fortune this afternoon.”

  “Fuck.” Her eyes lit up in awe. “You really control anyone you want, don’t you?”

  “I guess so.”

  “And you want me, right?”

  “Of course I do, Mallory. I love you. I think I’d love you without all this.
I was certainly ready to, before it all started. I just...didn’t expect to have hypnotic cum.”

  She giggled. “I’m glad you do, though. And I want...I want it to be okay that I want that. Like I said.”

  “I know. I’ll make it happen.”

  “And...and one last thing, okay?”

  “Sure. Anything you want.”

  “I think I’ll always have hang ups about you and Audrey. I want you...I want you to get rid of them, okay? Make me not worry about her. Make me know...that you love me more than her.”

  “I do love you. More than her. More than anyone.”

  Small orgasmic pleasure trickled through her body. “F-fuck,” she moaned, her pussy pushing hard against my thigh. “Don’ that. No, god, what am I saying? Do that all the time. But...please. Make me know it. Better than I know anything, even. Make me know that. Okay?”

  She had just the one vial in her hand. For what she was asking, I wanted to leave no room for doubt. I owed that to her. I loved her. I got up and returned with two more vials.

  “To really take you down.”

  She shivered with arousal. “Yes, Master. Thank you, Master.”

  Popping open all three, she downed them at the same time. The cum oozed past her lips, taking effect right away. Less than a minute later, she was blank-eyed, staring at me with infinite, white-eyed patience. I stripped down, and then stripped her. The both of us naked, in front of one another on the couch.

  “You love me, Mallory.”

  Her voice so warm. “I love you, Master.”

  “You love that I control you.”

  “I love that you control me.”

  “You love that I control others.”

  “I love that you control others.”

  “You're happy that I fucked your mind.”

  “I'm happy that you fucked my mind.”

  “You've always, always wanted me to own you like I do.”

  “I've always, always wanted you to own me like you do.”

  “You know it's perfect and right for me to own others like I own you.”

  “I know that it's perfect and right for you to own others like you own me.”

  Simple enough. That was done. I arranged her hands now; one on the nipples, the other on her clit. Reinforcing all the pleasure.


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