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A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror

Page 156

by Larry Schweikart

  Gun control

  Gurley, Phineas

  Hakluyt, Richard

  Haldeman, H.R.

  Half Breeds

  Halleck, Henry

  Halsey, William “Bull”

  Hamilton, Alexander

  beliefs of

  Burr and

  death of

  economic policy of

  financial legacy of

  first report of

  Jefferson and

  Madison and

  as nationalist

  political career

  second report of

  tax policies of

  third report of

  Hamilton, James

  Hamlin, Hannibal

  Hammond, James

  Hancock, John

  Hancock, Winfield Scott


  Hanseatic League

  Happy Days,

  Harding, Warren

  Harding, Warren G.

  and 1920 election

  scandals under


  Harlem Property Owners’ Improvement Corporation

  Harlem Railroad

  Harper’s Ferry

  Harriman, Edward H.

  Harris, Katherine

  Harrison, Benjamin

  in 1888 election

  economic policy of

  navy built by

  as president

  Harrison, William Henry

  in 1840 election

  death of

  on slavery

  Hartford Convention

  Harvard, John

  Harvard Socialist Club

  Harvey, William

  Hatch Act



  American business interests in

  annexation of

  “bayonet constitution” of

  Japan and

  Liliuokalani of

  McKinley and

  Pearl Harbor

  rebellion in

  Roosevelt, T., and

  tariff favors extended to

  Hawkins, John

  Hawthorne, Nathaniel

  Hay, John

  Hayden, Tom

  Hayes, “Lemonade Lucy”

  Hayes, Rutherford B.

  in 1876 election

  background of

  civil service reform of

  political views of

  Haymarket Riot

  Hayne, Robert Y.

  Haywood, Bill

  Health, in American colonies

  Hearst, George

  Hearst, William Randolph

  Heinz, Henry J.

  Hell’s Kitchen

  Helper, Hinton Rowan

  Henry the Navigator, of Portugal

  Henry, Patrick

  Hepburn Act

  Herndon, William


  Hill, Anita

  Hill, James J.


  Hinckley, John

  Hirohito (emperor)


  Hiss, Alger

  Hitler, Adolf

  Britain attacked by

  France invaded by

  in power

  Hobart, Garret A.

  Hobbes, Thomas

  Ho Chi Minh Trail

  Hoffa, Jimmy

  Holladay, Ben


  Home Owners’ Loan Act of June 1933

  Homestead Act

  Homestead bill

  Homestead Strike


  Hong Kong

  Hood, John Bell

  Hooker, Joe

  Hooker, Thomas

  Hoover, Herbert

  and 1928 election

  background of

  Bonus Army relating to

  presidency of

  “rugged individualism” of

  stock market crash under

  Hoover, J. Edgar

  Hopkins, Harry

  House, Edward

  House of Commons

  House International Relations Committee

  House Judiciary Committee

  House of Representatives

  House Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC)

  Housing, lack of

  Housing and Urban

  Development (HUD)

  Houston, Sam

  Howard, O.O.

  Howe, William

  Howell, David

  Huang, John

  Hubbell, Webster

  Hudson, Henry

  Hudson Valley School

  Huerta, Victoriano

  Hughes, Charles Evans

  Hughes, J.R.T.


  Hull, Cordell

  Hull, William

  Humanitarian relief, for Cuba

  Humphrey, Hubert H.

  Humphreys, Benjamin

  Hundred Days, of Roosevelt, F.D.

  banking system during

  gold standard during

  optimism during

  Tennessee Valley Authority during

  wages/jobs increasing during

  Hunley, 319

  Hunt, E. Howard

  Hunt, Mary

  Hunting Trips (Roosevelt)

  Hussein, Saddam

  Hutchinson, Ann

  Hutchinson, Thomas

  Iacocca, Lee, xiii

  IBM (International Business Machines)

  ICBMs, during cold war

  Ickes, Harold



  in Gilded Age



  Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS)

  Immigration Restriction Act, of 1917

  Impeachment process of Clinton

  of Johnson, Andrew

  of Nixon

  Implied powers

  Income tax

  Indentured servitude

  Independent Treasury

  Indian Ordinance of 1786

  Indians. See also Iroquois Confederacy

  alliances with

  American colonists and

  assimilation of

  in Carolinas

  in Civil War

  Congress dealing with

  cultural influence of

  disease and

  fur trade and

  interactions with

  Jackson and

  policy on

  populations of


  warfare with

  in West

  Individual Retirement

  Accounts (IRAs)

  Industrial Revolution


  in South

  technology in

  Infant mortality, in American colonies


  In His Steps (Sheldon)

  Innes, George

  Intermarriage, of Spanish settlers

  Intermediate Nuclear Forces Treaty

  International Economic Conference, in Geneva


  Interstate Commerce Act

  Intolerable Acts of 1774



  Bush, G.H.W. and

  Bush, G.W. and

  Kuwait invaded by

  IRBMs (intermediate range ballistic missiles)

  Irish in Democratic party

  in draft riots

  famine and

  Iron curtain

  Churchill relating to

  communism and

  Roosevelt, F.D. relating to

  Soviet Union and

  of Stalin

  Iroquois Confederacy

  in Revolutionary War



  Isthmus of Panama


  Iwo Jima

  Jackson, Andrew

  in 1824 election

  in 1828 election

  in 1832 election

  BUS and

  economic policy of

  in Florida

  impact of

s and

  on money

  at New Orleans

  in office

  as president

  Jackson, Caleb

  Jackson, Helen Hunt

  Jackson, Jesse

  Jackson, Thomas J.

  Jacksonian period/Jacksonianism

  James I

  James II

  James, William


  disease in

  Jamieson, Perry

  Japan. See also Empire of Japan

  economic impact of

  and Hawaii

  Philippines’ occupation by


  Jay, John

  treaty of

  on Virginia Plan

  Jay-Gardoqui Treaty

  Jay’s Treaty

  Jazz musicians Jazz Singer, The

  Jefferson, Thomas

  in 1796 election

  in 1800 election

  BUS opposition of

  children of

  on common sense

  on debt

  Declaration of

  Independence drafts by

  description of

  in drafting Ordinance of 1784

  economic policy of

  eloquence of

  foreign policy of

  Hamilton and

  inaugural address of

  on Louisiana Purchase

  Madison and

  military and

  political career of

  as president

  on religion

  on slavery

  support for

  Virginia sabbath law written by

  at war

  Jeffords, Jim

  Jehovah’s Witnesses

  Jekyll Island proposal

  Jellicoe, Sir John

  Jenny couplers

  Jensen, Merrill


  Jewish immigrants

  Jim Crow laws

  Jobs. See Wages/jobs, increase in

  Jobs, Steve

  John II

  John Paul II

  Johnson, Andrew

  impeachment process for

  life of

  Johnson, Hiram

  Johnson, Hugh

  Johnson, Jack

  Johnson, Lyndon B. and 1964 election

  background of

  federal programs of

  Great Society of

  as president

  Vietnam War relating to

  Johnson, Paul

  Johnson, Reverdy

  Johnson, Robert

  Johnson, Robert


  Johnston, Albert Sidney

  Johnston, Joseph E.

  Joint Chiefs of Staff

  Joint Committee on Reconstruction

  Jolson, Al

  Jones, Paula Corbin

  Jones, William

  Jones Act

  Journalistic Progressives


  Judges, Federal

  Judiciary Act of 1789

  Judiciary Act of 1801 Jungle, The (Sinclair)

  Justice Department

  Kahn, Alfred

  Kaiser, Henry

  Kalakaua, David

  Kamehameha III


  Kansas-Nebraska Act

  Kansas Pacific Railroad

  Kansas Territorial Legislature

  Kellogg-Briand pact

  Kemp, Jack

  Kemper, James L.

  Kendall, Amos

  Kennan, George

  Kennealy, Mary

  Kennedy, Edward “Ted”

  Kennedy, John F. and 1960 election

  assassination of

  background of

  presidency of

  Vietnam War relating to

  Kennedy, Joseph

  Kennedy, Julian

  Kennedy, Robert F.

  Kent State University

  Kentucky, secession of

  Kentucky Resolution

  Kerensky, Alexander

  Kerry, John

  Kettell, Thomas

  Kettle Hill

  Keynes, John Maynard

  Keynesian policies

  Keystone Bridge Company

  Khobar Towers

  Khomeini, Ruhollah

  Khrushchev, Nikita

  Kim Il Sung

  Kimmel, Husband

  King, Ernest

  King, Martin Luther, Jr.

  King, Rodney

  King, Rufus

  in 1808 election

  King George’s War

  King of Kings

  King Philip’s War

  Kissinger, Henry

  Kitty Hawk, N.C.

  Kleindienst, Richard

  Knickerbocker Trust Company

  Knight, E.C.

  Knights of Labor


  Knox, Henry

  Knox, Philander, C.

  Korea, war in

  Koresh, David


  Kosovo Liberation Army

  Kroc, Ray

  Ku Klux Klan


  Labor unions

  Democratic party and

  strikes by

  Ladies Garment Workers

  Laden, Osama bin

  Lafayette, Marquis de

  LaFollette, Robert

  Lakota Sioux

  Lamar, Charles A.L.

  Lamar, Lucius Quincy


  availability of

  policy on

  during Reconstruction

  tariffs and

  technology and

  Tocqueville on

  Landon, Alf

  Land Ordinance of 1785

  Lane, Charles

  Langley, Samuel P.

  Lansing-Ishii Agreement


  La Salle, René de

  Las Casas, Bartolomé de

  Last of the Mohicans, The (Cooper)

  Latin America

  Law, constitutional

  Lawrence, Charles

  Lawrence, James

  Lazio, Rick

  League of Armed Neutrality

  League of Nations

  League of United Southerners

  Leary, Timothy

  Lease, Mary Elizabeth

  Lecompton Constitution

  Lee, Ann

  Lee, Arthur

  Lee, Fitzhugh

  Lee, Jason

  Lee, Richard Henry

  Lee, Robert E.

  strategies of

  tactics of

  Legal Tender Act of February 1862

  Legislative system

  Leisler, Jacob

  Lend-Lease Act

  Lenin, Vladimir Ilich Ulyanov


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