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A Patriot's History of the United States: From Columbus's Great Discovery to the War on Terror

Page 158

by Larry Schweikart

  Pan American Exposition, in Buffalo

  Panic of 1837

  Panic of 1873

  Panic of 1893

  Panic of 1907

  Parker, Alton B.

  Parks, Rosa

  Passaron, Patricio

  Paterson, William

  Patterson, Robert

  Patton, George S.

  Paxton Boys

  Payne-Aldrich Bill

  Payton, Phil

  Pearl Harbor

  bombing of

  in Hawaii

  Roosevelt, F.D. and

  Pendleton Civil Service Act

  Pendleton Plan

  Penn, William


  colony at

  state constitution of



  Pentagon Papers

  People’s History of the United States

  People’s Republic of China. See China

  Pepperrell, William

  Pequot War

  Perdue, Sally


  Perman, Michael

  Perot, Ross

  Perry, Oliver Hazard

  Pershing, John

  Pershing, John J.

  Persian Gulf

  Personal computer (PC). See Computer industry

  Petition of Right


  capital at

  trade in

  Philadelphia Abolition Society

  Philadelphia convention

  Philadelphia Patriotic


  Philippines as American protectorate

  independence of

  Japanese occupation of

  Jones Act relating to

  McKinley and

  war of

  Phillips, Wendell

  Pickett, George

  Pierce, Franklin

  in 1852 elections

  background of

  Pike, Zebulon


  at Plymouth

  “The Pill,” See also Birth control

  Pillsbury, Charles

  Pinchot, Gifford

  Pinckney, Charles C.

  in 1808 election

  Pinckney’s Treaty

  Pinkerton, Allan

  Pinkney, William Pinta, 4

  Pioneers Pioneers, The (Cooper)

  Piracy, in Caribbean

  Pitcairn, John

  Pitt, William 5

  Planned Parenthood

  Pleasants, Henry

  Plessy, Homer

  Plessy v. Ferguson,

  Plymouth, pilgrims at

  Plymouth Company


  Poland, invasion of

  Political parties. See also specific political parties

  Madison on

  revolutionary and early national

  Political skill, xiii

  Polk, James K.

  in 1844 election

  foreign policy of

  in Mexican-American War


  Pony Express

  Poor Richard’s Almanac (Franklin)

  Pope, John



  Porter, David

  Porter, John

  Portsmouth Treaty

  Post office

  Potsdam Proclamation

  Powderly, Terence V.

  Powell, Adam Clayton, Sr.

  Powell, Colin


  Pragmatism (James)

  Pragmatism, philosophy of

  Prairie, The (Cooper)

  Prescott, William

  Prevost, George


  Principles of Psychology (James)

  Principles of Scientific Management (Taylor)

  Proclamation Line of 1763

  Proclamation of Neutrality

  Procter & Gamble

  Profiles in Courage (Kennedy)

  Progressive movement

  Progressive party

  Progressive reformers

  educational policies

  free markets relating to

  government reform relating to

  ideals of

  income tax relating to

  organized crime and

  Progressive reformers (cont.)

  professionalism of politics relating to

  prostitution problem and


  social gospel relating to

  as social scientists

  technology relating to

  temperance relating to

  Welsh revival’s influence on

  women’s suffrage relating to

  WWJD (What Would Jesus Do?) movement relating to



  journalists allied with

  management techniques of



  of Roosevelt, T.

  of Taft

  of Wilson

  Prohibition, xiv. See also Temperance

  Prohibition Bureau



  Protective tariffs

  Protestant Reformation

  Protestant revolt

  Protestants. See also Religion


  Providence, RI

  Public Works Administration (PWA)

  Pulitzer, Joseph


  Harvard and

  influx of

  in Maryland

  moral codes of

  tolerance of

  Putnam, Israel

  Qaddafi, Muammar

  Al Qaeda

  Quaker Anti-Slavery Society


  Quartering Act

  Quayle, Dan

  Quebec Act

  Queen Anne’s War

  Quezon, Manuel

  Quids (disaffected Republicans)

  Quincy, Josiah

  Quitman, John A.

  Race relations

  in Birmingham, AL

  civil rights movement and

  CORE working for

  Eisenhower and

  Evers working for

  King working for

  Ku Klux Klan and

  in Little Rock, AR

  in Los Angeles

  Meredith and

  in Montgomery, AL

  Parks and

  riots relating to

  Roosevelt, T., and

  “separate but equal”


  slave trade and

  Radical Republicans

  Radio, growth of

  Radio Corporation of America (RCA)


  in Civil War

  expansion of

  slavery and


  Rainbow Coalition

  Raleigh, Walter

  Rankin, Jeannette Pickering

  Reading Railroad

  Reagan, Ronald W.

  and 1980 election

  and 1984 election

  assassination attempt on

  economics of

  foreign policies of

  as president

  Reaganomics of

  Reaganophobia and

  Soviet Union and

  Rebellion, in Hawaii


  during 1973–1987

  during New Deal

  Panic of 1837 and

  Panic of 1873 and

  Reconquista, 5

  Reconstruction era

  African Americans during

  economic compensation during

  economics during

  failure of

  first phase

  law and order during

  military during

  politics during

  racial attitudes during

  second phase

  third phase

  Reconstruction Finance

  Corporation (RFC)

  Red Badge of Courage, The (Crane

  Red Cloud

  Red Cross


  Red October Revolution

  Reform. See also New Deal; Progressive reformers

  of America’s banking system

  of government

  in Jacksonian era


  Regan, Donald

  Rehnquist, William

  Reid, Richard

  Religion. See also Catholics/Catholic Church; Christianity; Church; Evangelism

  in education

  First Great Awakening of

  freedom of

  in Gilded Age

  in Jacksonian era

  Lincoln and

  Madison on

  music and

  in Rhode Island

  slavery and

  toleration of

  Remington, Frederic

  Removal Bill

  Reno, Janet

  Reno, Marcus

  Republican party (GOP)

  in 1860 election

  evolution of

  formation of


  Republican party (Jeffersonian)

  in 1790s

  Federalists v.

  growth of

  Republic of Korea (ROK)

  Reuther, Walter

  Revels, Hiram

  Revenue Act

  Revere, Paul




  in Panama

  Red October

  in Russia

  Revolutionary War

  ending of

  France as ally in

  opening campaign of

  Spain as ally in

  R. G. Dun and Co.

  Rhett, Robert Barnwell

  Rhode Island colony of

  religion in

  Ribbentrop, Joachim von

  Rice, Condoleezza

  Rich, Marc

  Richards, Ann

  Richardson, Elliot

  Richmond-Albany axis


  Ripley, George Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy, The (Stoddard)

  Ritchie, Thomas

  Road construction

  Roaring Twenties

  Robber barons

  Roberts, Oral

  Rock and roll. See also Music

  Rockefeller, John D.

  business strategies of

  life of

  Rockefeller, John D., Jr.

  Roe v. Wade

  Rolfe, John

  Rommel, Erwin

  Roosevelt, Eleanor

  Roosevelt, Franklin D. See also

  World War II

  and 1932 election

  and 1936 election

  and 1940 election

  and 1944 election

  Churchill working with

  Congress and

  death of

  fireside chats of

  Holocaust relating to

  Hundred Days of

  iron curtain and

  media and

  military upgraded by

  New Deal of

  Pearl Harbor and

  second hundred days of

  Roosevelt, Theodore (Teddy)

  and 1904 election

  aircraft trials and

  career of

  Roosevelt, Theodore (Teddy) (cont.)

  Congress and

  conservation relating to

  corporate regulation of

  Cuba relating to

  economic policies of

  foreign policies of

  Hawaii and

  navy relating to

  Portsmouth Treaty and

  progressivism of

  race relations and

  as Rough Rider

  as social Darwinist

  Spanish-American War and

  Taft and

  tariffs relating to

  as trustbuster

  Washington meeting with

  Roosevelt Corollary to the

  Monroe Doctrine

  Root, Elihu

  Rosecrans, William

  Rose law firm

  Rosenberg, Julius

  Ross, John

  Rough Riders

  Rove, Karl

  Royal African Company

  Rubin, Jerry

  Rubin, Robert

  Ruby, Jack

  Ruby Ridge, ID

  Ruckelshaus, William

  Ruffin, Edmund

  Rumsfeld, Donald

  Russell, Charles Taze

  Russell, W.H.

  Russia. See also Soviet Union

  communist movement in

  German invasion of

  revolution in

  Russo-Japanese War

  Ruth, George Herman (Babe)

  Rutledge, Edward

  Sacco, Nicola


  Sadat, Anwar

  St. Clair, Arthur

  Salem, MA

  colony at

  witch trials


  Sampson, William

  Sandy Hook

  Sandys, Edwin

  Sanger, Margaret

  San Jacinto,

  San Juan Heights

  Santa Anna, Antonio Lopez de

  Santa Fe Trail Santa María, 4


  Sartori, Joseph

  Sauls, N. Sander


  Scalia, Antonin


  of Clinton

  under Grant

  under Harding, Warren G.

  Teapot Dome

  Scheer, Reinhard

  Schlieffer, Alfred von

  Schlieffen Plan, of Germany

  Schurz, Carl

  Schwab, Charles


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