Book Read Free

Beth Kery

Page 17

by Sweet Restraint

  “Let me suck it.”

  She saw his already rigid muscles grow even tenser. She sensed his inner battle as he fought off a desire to grant her request.

  “I don’t think so, incredibly tempting though the offer is,” he finally murmured, sounding bemused by the temporary break in his restraint. He let go of his cock and picked up the silky skein of hair. Before Laura had time to think, he ran the incredibly soft strands over the side of her torso and breast.

  She groaned at the new brand of torture. The tickler felt delicious on her tingling flesh.

  “Feel nice?” Shane asked as he ran the horsehairs over her other breast and studied her face. He seemed genuinely fascinated by her reaction.

  “God, yes,” Laura panted when he slid the silky fibers to the sensitive spot on her lower back just above the crack of her ass. He stayed there, tickling and firing the nerve endings for several seconds, making her asshole clench in excitement. He moved, gliding the wicked little instrument over her hot, burning bottom. When he trailed the silky skein down the crevice of her ass, teasing her asshole and making her vagina constrict unbearably tight with raw need, Laura begged.

  “Please, Shane. No more. I can’t take this another second.”

  “Tell me what you want then,” he coaxed gently even as he continued to torture her by running the tickler up and down the crack of her spread ass cheeks.

  “I want your cock,” she shouted desperately. “And I want it now!”

  “Far be it from me to deny such a sweet, docile request,” he teased. But Laura heard the hard edge of desire in his tone . . . saw it in the tension of his muscles when he moved to the bedside table to retrieve a condom.

  Laura grit her teeth in an anticipation unlike any she’d ever known before when she felt Shane’s weight lower the mattress behind her. She waited in breathless excitement for the sensation of the broad head of his penis to press to her soaking wet slit. She cried out sharply in stunned pleasure when instead he spread his large hands over her buttocks and swiped his tongue between her labia, laving her hungry clit.

  Every muscle in her body flexed to the breaking point when he suckled. She screamed as orgasm broke, shuddering through her flesh in electrifying waves. She barely was aware of him sliding a finger along her slick perineum, but she jerked in agonized ecstasy when he rubbed his thumb against her asshole and then penetrated her rectum with it.

  He plunged his cock into her weeping pussy at the same moment.

  “Oh, yeah. Such a sweet pussy . . . and what a hot little ass,” she heard Shane grate out as if from a great distance. She was still lost in the throes of a delicious climax. His double penetration of her pussy and ass kicked it back up to the level of the first blasts.

  Shane’s cock slid into her to the hilt, stretching her hungry vagina and filling her near to bursting.

  It took Laura a moment to realize she’d been shouting loud enough to make her hoarse. She’d been drowning in pleasure, overwhelmed . . . utterly overcome. She panted raggedly as her body clambered to recover from the explosive climax while at the same time trying to accustom herself to the welcome invasion of Shane’s big cock. He twisted his thumb and pushed into her asshole to the bottom knuckle. Laura groaned as her rectum clenched around him uncontrollably. His cock lurched inside of her pussy in reaction.

  “Okay?” he asked, his voice rough with restraint.

  “I-I think so.”

  “You completely let go. I felt it. Do you know how much that means to me?”

  Laura realized she was shaking when she felt her nipples scraping subtly against the sheet. Her pussy flexed at the sensation.

  Shane growled.

  “Answer me.”

  “Yes. I know. Shane?” she asked shakily.

  “What, Laura?”

  “I want you to completely let go. Right now.”

  He didn’t respond for several full seconds. At first Laura thought he hadn’t heard her.

  Then he drew his thumb out of her ass and sunk it back in slowly. Laura sensed him watching his actions with his typical focused attention.

  “You’re admittedly difficult to resist for long.” He flexed his hips and groaned, drawing several inches out of her and sliding back in until he was fully seated in her vagina once again. “So I think that’s just what I’m going to do—take you for a nice, hard ride.”

  Yes, Laura thought triumphantly.


  Shane watched his cock draw out of Laura slowly, relishing her whimpers of pleasure when he just as deliberately sank back into her. She fit him like no other woman ever had, taking him so completely and yet at the same time squeezing his cock in a tight, silken embrace.

  Laura’s pussy had spoiled him for other women long ago, he admitted to himself as he begun to fuck her more rapidly, still keeping his strokes long and thorough.

  She cried out when he began to plunge his finger in and out of her ass at the same rate that he fucked her pussy. The heat that penetrated his finger made him escalate his thrusts.

  “You like that, baby?”

  “God, yes,” she replied in a thready whisper. When the slaps of flesh striking flesh became more strident as he fucked her she began to bob her ass more enthusiastically. While Shane thoroughly enjoyed the sight of her plump, crop-pinkened bottom bouncing along as she pumped his dick, he knew from the tingling at the base of his spine she’d drain him before he was ready if she kept it up.

  Shane held his hips steady with intense effort and popped her ass with his palm to get her attention. If this didn’t mean so much to him he wouldn’t have been able to find the restraint not to come in his wildest dreams.

  But it did mean that much to him.

  “Who’s in control here, Laura?” He watched her in profile, her cheek pressed to the mattress, the other stained bright pink with arousal, her mouth gaping open as she sucked wildly for air.

  So far from being impervious now, wasn’t she? Her entire body trembled beneath him. He could feel the tiny, erotic tremors vibrate into his cock and into his thumb as she shivered into him.

  God, she was about to explode like a cache of dynamite.

  He plunged his thumb in and out of her ass, his lips curving into a grim smile when he felt her trembling increase.

  “Laura?” he demanded in a hard voice.

  “Y-you. Shane.”

  “That’s right,” he grated out as he removed his thumb from the hot tunnel of her asshole and grabbed the metal headboard with both hands. “So just let it happen, baby.”

  Shane only had the opportunity for a brief, bright moment of wonder as he began to fuck Laura long and hard, the brisk knock of the headboard and his own knuckles against the wall synchronizing perfectly with his heartbeat throbbing in his ears and Laura’s sharp cries of pleasure.

  She wailed in release. He saw her back muscles convulse even as he felt her pussy do the same around his cock, an eye-crossing sensation of liquid heat flooding around him at the same moment.

  “Yeah, give it to me, give it,” he demanded as he fucked her madly, drunk with a potent mixture of intense emotion and the type of sharp, mandatory pleasure that verged on pain.

  He bucked into her sweet, climaxing pussy one last time, pressing deep. He roared as he came, orgasm ripping through his flesh and lungs, singeing him. What felt like forked lightning shot up his spine and through his cock at once, emptying out every drop of semen in his tightly drawn balls, leaving him raw and panting.

  Scorched from the inside out.

  His hands dropped to the mattress a moment later, his muscles quivering in the aftermath of his explosive orgasm. He blinked the sweat out of his eyes when he heard Laura’s plaintive cry. His brows drew together in concern.

  Christ, had he hurt her? He’d fucked her like a madman, after all.

  “Laura?” he whispered gruffly as he nuzzled her neck. “Are you okay, baby?”

  Her soft sob froze his breath in his lungs. The rapid withdrawal of his s
till-stiff, throbbing cock made them groan in unison.

  Shane pushed Laura’s hair out of her damp face, frustration hitting him when he realized he couldn’t see her fully because of her position. His pressed a fevered kiss to her exposed cheek and forehead.

  “Did I hurt you? I’m sorry, I was so excited—”

  He felt her shaking her head beneath his lips and raised his head.

  “You didn’t hurt me, Shane. It felt so good. I just want . . .”

  “What?” he asked in rising concern and confusion when her voice faded.

  “To touch you.”

  Shane cursed under his breath as he hastily unhooked her from the restraints. “Come here,” he whispered as he came down on his back beside her and lifted her into his arms. His eyes burned at the precious sensation of her weight against him, the top of her head pressed against his neck, her cheek against his pounding heart and her small hand gently stroking the sides of his torso and his ribs, soothing him while his lungs strained for air. He inhaled, her familiar scent made even more intoxicating by her perspiration-damp skin and the musky smell of their combined arousal.

  Shane felt exquisitely attuned to her as their bodies strove to return to equilibrium, as if the connection hadn’t been broken when his cock left the sweet harbor of her pussy . . . like their flesh had been fused somehow by their intense lovemaking.

  She turned her face farther into his neck. Her small kiss penetrated deep to somewhere beyond mere flesh.

  His hand came up to cradle her head.

  “Okay?” he asked hoarsely. She nodded her head against his chest. Her movement spread wetness against his skin. He put his hand beneath her chin, silently asking her to look up at him. When she did so, something seemed to collapse in his chest.

  “All I ever wanted to do was make you happy, Laura. How is it that the only thing I succeed in doing is making you cry?”

  She shook her head and gave him one of her small, wistful smiles. “You never did get a woman’s tears, Shane.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” he asked incredulously.

  “You used to panic when you saw me cry during a movie, like you were worried I was sick or something.”

  He idly raked his fingers through her hair, wondering at how soft it was. “You used to cry at commercials, Laura.”

  “I did not,” she reprimanded. He groaned appreciatively when she ran her fingertips over one of his nipples. The light coat of sweat on his skin gave her caress a sweet glide. He was nuts to keep tying up a woman who possessed such a phenomenal touch.

  Or he was smart. The feeling of her running her small hand and sensitive fingertips all over his naked skin was arousing him again with a rapidity that shocked him. How had he ever endured her doing it on a regular basis in bed without coming almost immediately every time?

  “I hope you’re not going to try to convince me that I misinterpreted your tears that time in Union Park,” Shane said wryly, referring to the time when he’d chased off three jackasses who’d been harassing an eleven-year-old Laura. She smiled against his neck.

  “No, you got it right that time. Kids can be so mean. There were three of them—all of them older than you—but you still stood up for me,” she said, a hint of wonder spicing her tone.

  “They might have been older and bigger, but they weren’t used to actually having to work for their supper. It was easier for them to just walk away,” Shane murmured, thinking about how many times he’d run into the same phenomenon throughout his career. More often than not, bullies were just plain lazy.

  “I was lucky you were there. You used to go to the park to read, I remember.” She laughed softly, the delightful sound vibrating straight into his chest. “You were the only boy I ever knew who wasn’t ashamed to read in front of his friends—read anywhere , for that matter. I admired you so much for that. Your teammates on the baseball and football teams—did they used to tease you about it?”

  “Nah. They might’ve in the beginning, but they were good guys.”


  He blinked at the sound of her saying his name. There had been fondness in her tone, but something else as well, something deeper, richer. Or maybe it’d been wishful thinking on his part—

  “You know, I cried when you surprised me by coming home from college early to attend my graduation ceremony,” Laura murmured. She lifted her head and examined him. “You looked upset then, too. Just like a man not to recognize happy tears.”

  He stroked her cheek softly and held up his forefinger significantly. “And is that what these are? Happy tears?”

  Her lower lip trembled. Instead of answering his question she rested her head back on his chest.

  “Joey told me you really came back to Chicago that weekend because you were dating that girl from Northwestern—Robin Scherer—and she had some kind of sorority dance or something. But I was so happy to see you I didn’t even care.”

  “Jesus. You really do have a good memory. I can’t believe you remember that girl’s name.”

  Her slight shrug shifted her breasts against his skin, making him hyperaware of her stiff nipples pressing into his ribs. Laura had the prettiest breasts he’d ever seen—so firm that a bra was a convention not a necessity, softer than silk against his sensitive lips, the most responsive nipples imaginable—

  “I remember all your girlfriends’ names,” she said softly, pulling his focus back to the topic at hand with effort.

  He cradled the back of her head, urging her to look up at him, but she remained with her cheek on his chest.

  “Joey got it wrong, you know.”

  “What do you mean?” she asked.

  “I might have had something else going on that weekend, but I specifically came back on that Friday night to go to your graduation.”

  She lifted her head and stared. “You did?”

  Her expression of wide-eyed amazement touched him . . . pleased him. He leaned up to kiss her parted lips softly. She tasted so sweet that he lingered before he spoke, molding and shaping her mouth with his own, relishing her tiny whimper of pleasure.

  “I may have been too much of an idiot to notice that you’d become a beautiful woman, but I always cared about you, Laura. Surely you knew that.”

  Her smile struck him as a little sad. “I knew you cared. That didn’t stop me from wishing like hell that you’d lust after me like you did Robin Scherer or Nicole Todd or one of the many other members of your harem.”

  He pushed her onto her back and came down over her, laughter bubbling up from deep in his chest. His mood must have affected Laura because she gifted him with one of her luminous smiles. God, what he’d give to make that sublime smile of hers a regular occurrence instead of a rarity.

  “Maybe you didn’t approve of my timing, but surely I get some credit for sheer volume. Because once I got around to lusting after you, I did it at superhuman levels.” His gaze lowered over her beautiful face and elegant neck, lingering on the green heart-shaped stone that lay between her flushed breasts. His cock throbbed against her thigh insistently as he met her stare. “I still do, you know.”

  She sighed his name against his lips before their mouths met in a questing, gentle kiss that quickly became hot and demanding.

  A loud knocking at the front door shattered the spell of their mounting desire. Laura started in his hold, her gaze snapping to meet his when he broke their kiss.

  He lurched off the bed and stalked rapidly into the bathroom, disposing of the condom before he grabbed his jeans. He retrieved his gun from the small safe his father had had installed in the closet, quickly checking that the safety was in place before he shoved it into the waistband at the back of his jeans.

  “Don’t . . . you . . . move,” he told Laura when he turned around, enunciating each word succinctly. He waited for a response. She sat up in the bed, clutching the sheet to her breasts.

  “Yes. All right,” she agreed when whoever was at the front door started pounding again. He gave Laura
one more fierce, warning glance before he shoved his head into the collar of his shirt and left the bedroom, closing the door behind him.

  He moved cautiously through the living room, standing with his back to the wall as he lifted the edge of the curtain in order to glance outside. The snow continued to fall thickly. A pickup truck with a snowplow attached to the front sat on the road in front of the cabin. A quick surveillance from the opposite end of the window decided him on opening the front door, albeit warily.

  The thin, angular man who stood on the front porch nodded once politely through the outer glass door before Shane opened it a few inches.

  “My apologies for bothering you. I saw the car in the driveway and thought I should stop and make sure you had a shovel before I plowed the road in front of your car. Snow’s already thick. You can see what a pileup the plow is making.”

  Shane nodded although he never removed his gaze from the man. “There’s a shovel in the back.”

  The man’s gaunt face brightened beneath his Milwaukee Brewers baseball cap. “You must be Alex Dominic’s son? He’s mentioned you and I can see the resemblance. I usually sell your dad firewood when he’s here. Do the basic maintenance on the hot tub, too.”

  “Oh . . . right. I’ve heard Dad speak of you as well. Tim, isn’t it?”

  “Tim Brandt. I’ve got a farm east of Eagle River.”

  Tim ripped off his worn leather glove and extended his hand. Shane shook it and introduced himself. He’d already noticed the cords of snow-covered firewood in the back of the man’s truck and vaguely recalled his dad mentioning the man’s name when Shane had visited the cabin in the past. Tim Brandt appeared to be just who he said he was. Still, Shane’s stance remained wary.

  “Thanks for the concern, but it’ll be all right. I might have to shovel us out but it’s more important that the road is clear.”

  “You sure?” Tim asked uncertainly. “I’ll try to make another pass tomorrow morning, but we’re supposed to get another foot or so before it stops. Hope you weren’t planning on leaving anytime today.”


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