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Neon Nights (Against the Odds Book 1)

Page 21

by Bryony Kayn

“I can have a bodyguard for you tomorrow,” he offered again.

  She shook her head. “Thanks babe, but no.”

  He dropped his head, resting his forehead against her bare shoulder, and tightened his arm around her for a moment. “Shit, I guess I’d better get back to the party,” he said finally, lifting his head to meet her eyes once more. “There’re probably fifty rumors floating around about us already.”

  “I’m used to that,” she replied with a grin. When he stood, she added, “By the way? You might want to change your pants.”

  Nikky looked down, noticing for the first time that orange juice had stained his jeans as well.

  “I hope you don’t mind if I watch,” she said, her eyes sparkling with humor. “You do have a very fine ass.”

  “May I return the compliment,” he said and stripped off his jeans unabashedly. He chuckled when she whistled at him and went back into the closet to pick out some clean pants.

  It was after four in the morning when all the guests had departed, with the exception of Jake, Angel, and Spyk. The Bash had been, as always, a rousing success. Nikky returned to the courtyard to find Jake sitting in a lounge chair beside the pool, her stilettos lying discarded on the pavement behind her, bare legs crossed casually. Spyk and Angel shared the chair next to her, still sipping drinks while they talked softly and watched the catering crew clean up the mess left behind. Nikky joined the three of them, smiling when Jake moved her legs so he could sit at the end of her lounge chair.

  “You outdid yourself again,” Angel commented, raising his half-empty glass in a mock toast. “Good thing you only have these once a year. Most of these people couldn’t handle another of your parties any sooner.”

  “Yeah, it turned out pretty well,” Nikky agreed, resting his hand on Jake’s knee.

  “I just can’t believe I’ve missed so many of these,” she said, winking at him slyly. “I’m going to have to make sure I’m around from now on.”

  “Did you have fun?” Nikky asked her. He wanted her to always have good memories of his bashes; after the altercation tonight, and having Steve physically removed from the party, he’d wondered if it might have left a bad taste in her mouth.

  “I had a blast,” she replied, leaning forward to kiss his cheek affectionately. “Your parties are always the best, babe. You ever stop inviting me to come, and I’ll just have to crash.”

  “You have an open invitation to my house, anytime,” he replied, rubbing his hand over her leg.

  “Guess we ought to get going,” Spyk said, finishing the last of her drink. “I’ve got inventory tomorrow, and I don’t want to be doing it till all hours of the night.”

  “Yeah, it’s about that time,” Angel agreed, swinging his long legs off the lounge chair and getting to his feet. He took Spyk’s hand and helped her up, then looked at Jake. “Are you coming?”

  Nikky still had his hand on her leg and looked at her sideways. “You’re welcome to stay,” he offered.

  “We talked about this,” she said, her dark eyes serious. “Thanks for everything, sweetheart. But I’m going home to get some sleep.”

  Nikky stood when she did and put his arms around her for a long time. She returned his embrace, her face against his neck. “If you just wanted to stay,” he whispered so softly Angel and Spyk would be unable to hear him, “with no strings, no promises…”

  She took a deep breath. He felt her hesitate, not even breathing for long moments. Then she pulled back a little to look up into his eyes and touched his cheek gently. “I’m probably a fool,” she said. “But I can’t stay.”

  He nodded, a grin crossing his face. “Can’t blame a guy for trying,” he said and kissed her. The kiss was brief but fiery, and he was pleased that she returned it.

  “Are you staying, or going?” Spyk asked bluntly. She’d never been one to exercise any kind of tact.

  Jake pulled away and winked at Nikky. “Going,” she said, pausing to collect her discarded shoes and hiding any reluctance she might have felt at not staying. “Thanks again, Nik.”

  “You’re welcome,” he replied and walked with the three of them through the house to his front doors. The valet had already brought Angel’s Jaguar around to the entryway. Nikky walked Jake to the back door, which the valet held open. “You work tonight?”

  She nodded. “Yeah, I traded Saturday for Sunday.”

  “I’ll see you tonight, then,” he said, squeezing her hand lightly before watching her get into the back seat.

  “Laters, babe,” she replied and leaned back in the soft leather seat as the valet closed her door.

  Another valet had opened Spyk’s door for her, and she was already in her seat. Angel still stood outside the car and held his hand out to shake Nikky’s. “It was a great party, man.”

  “I do my best,” Nikky returned and stood aside as the big man got in behind the steering wheel. He waved, waiting until Angel had pulled away from the steps before going back into his house. He’d had several opportunities tonight to hook up with a beautiful specimen of the female persuasion, but he’d passed them all up, sticking close to Jake. He had known deep down that she wouldn’t stay, but still part of him had hoped. He hadn’t wanted her spending her entire evening with strangers or acquaintances who didn’t really know her after what had happened with Steve. While Nikky regretted sleeping alone tonight, he would never regret spending time with the amazing and incredibly sexy woman who wanted to keep him as her friend.

  Chapter 7

  Jake didn’t get up until after one. She was used to late nights, but it had been a while since she’d partied until four in the morning. In fact, it had been a while since she’d really partied at all. With the exception of the bullshit with Steve, the night had been nothing but fun. The argument with him hadn’t even been the worst part. Knowing that Debra had left the party as soon as Steve was thrown out and knowing that she’d never returned was bitter gall in the back of her throat.

  Steve hadn’t been able to keep his word to her for even a couple of weeks. In fact, as she brooded about it, she became sure he’d broken his promise within a day or two of making it. If she couldn’t trust him to keep his word—and, obviously, he had proven that she couldn’t—what was the point of continuing their relationship? She refused to go back to the way things had been before. She wasn’t going to leave Hollywood or the Neon again. This was her home, and she wasn’t going to let him take it away from her. But she wasn’t going to put up with Steve’s bullshit anymore, even if she did love him. Love without trust was pointless.

  After showering, she padded barefoot down the hall toward the kitchen, wanting coffee more than anything. There she found Angel sitting at the table in the breakfast nook. He was drinking coffee and going through yesterday’s mail, the half-closed blinds on the French doors revealing him in thin slats of sunlight.

  “Morning,” she said, touching his shoulder as she went past to get herself a cup.

  “Morning,” he returned, pushing the mail aside. “Get enough sleep?”

  She nodded, more from habit than honesty, pouring coffee into a cup that she carried back to the table. She chose the chair kitty-corner from his and pulled her feet up onto the edge of the chair, wrapping one arm around her legs as she took a cautious sip. “How about you?”

  He shrugged, gazing at her. Finally, he said, “I have to ask.”

  She snorted softly, setting her cup down to reach for a cigarette from his pack on the table. “Ask what?”

  “What happened between you and Nikky last night?”

  She lit the cigarette, dropping the lighter back on the table, and blew out a stream of smoke. “What makes you think anything happened?”

  Angel rubbed his chin, his green eyes troubled. “You two were gone a long time after Steve left.”

  Jake shook her head, ashing the cigarette. “Not that long.” When he just looked at her, waiting, she gave an exasperated sigh. “Nothing happened, Angel-mine. We were talking. He told me about the argu
ment with Steve. And he propositioned me, like he always does. And I turned him down, like I always do.”

  Angel nodded slowly, apparently accepting what she said.

  “He offered to hire a couple of bodyguards for me,” she went on, grinning at the memory. “What would I do with two muscle-bound idiots trailing around behind me? Have them carry my trays while I’m working?”

  “Why did he think you need bodyguards?”

  Her smile faded, and she put the cigarette to her lips. “I guess because I’m with Steve,” she finally said.

  He reached over to touch her knee. “Are you all right?”

  She shrugged, pushing her free hand through her hair to get it out of her face. “I’m pissed off is what I am. He’s still fucking her, Angel. After he told me he only wanted me, he turned right around and made it a lie.” She took one more drag, then stabbed her cigarette out viciously, only half-smoked. “If I thought it would do any good, I’d knock the shit out of her and tell her to stay away from him, just like he always threatens. But she’s the type who’d call the cops on me, and I’m not willing to go to jail for him. In fact, I’m not so sure I’m willing to do anything for him anymore.”

  Angel slid his chair around the corner of the table so he could be close enough to put his arm around her. “I wish I knew what to do to help.”

  She leaned her head against his shoulder, wanting to cry over it but unable to. The bitterness and anger inside her were too strong to allow for tears. “I wish I knew what to do,” she muttered, closing her eyes. “I can’t trust him, Angel-mine. How can we work anything out if I can’t trust him to be honest with me?”

  Angel kissed the crown of her head, holding her securely, his heartache for her evident.

  They ate lunch together, just spending time. Then Jake went in and got dressed for work. She paused in her closet for a while, staring at the canvas bag stuffed in the corner while she considered. Inside the bag rolled up in an old shirt were her knives, minus the one she’d gifted to Steve. She thought about taking one with her tonight, just in case. Finally, she shook her head, pushing aside her misgivings. Steve might have a rotten temper, and he was probably seriously pissed off at her right now, but there was no reason to think he’d start anything serious with her at the Neon. He was too famous now, too recognizable to the people who frequented the Neon to take the chance that someone might call the cops on him.

  She put on her comfortable sandals and went into the bathroom to apply her makeup. She wore her usual tight jeans and a dark red satin top with narrow straps that looked good with the color of her hair. Satisfied with her appearance, she headed back down the hall to the living room.

  “You ready to go?” Angel asked, smiling when he saw her. He’d offered to drive Jake to work tonight before he headed over to Jezebel’s for a couple of hours to help Spyk with her inventory. After that he’d go back to the Neon and stay until closing. He’d made it plain he would be there just in case Steve came in with an attitude.

  “Whenever you are,” she replied, extending a hand to pull him to his feet. They walked out into the garage together, and Angel opened the passenger door of the red convertible to let Jake in.

  Half an hour later he pulled into the parking lot of the Neon Club and drove around back to drop her by the rear service entrance.

  “See you in a couple of hours?” she asked, leaning over to kiss his cheek.

  “Sounds about right,” he agreed, watching her get out of the car and shut the door. “You need anything before that, just call my cell.”

  Jake grinned. “You worry too much,” she called back and turned to enter the building. She waved once from the open doorway and watched as he pulled away.

  Inside, she got to work helping Tommy, one of the assistant bartenders, pull the chairs down off the tables. Then she went behind the bar to dry and stack glasses coming out of the dishwasher. By the time the club was almost ready to open for business, she was ready for a break.

  “I’m going out for a smoke before we open,” she called to Don, the head bartender.

  “Me, too,” Cassie agreed, and another barmaid with short dark hair named Katie chimed in as well.

  “You’ve got ten minutes before Lucas opens the doors,” Don called after them, then chuckled when Jake just waved over her shoulder without slowing down.

  Outside, Jake lit a cigarette and leaned against the wall. The two other women lit up as well, and Cassie came over to lean beside Jake.

  “So, how was the Bash last night?” she asked. She hadn’t been able to get the night off work, although she had been invited to the party.

  “Packed,” Jake replied. “There had to be more than three hundred people there. I’d hate to see the bill for all the booze Nikky blew through last night.”

  “So what’s the deal with you and Nikky?” Cassie asked casually. At Jake’s sharp look, she shrugged. “I ran into Tasha and Rob earlier, and they were there last night. They said you got into a fight with Steve and ended up in the master suite with Nikky for an hour. I know it’s none of my business; I was just curious.”

  Katie was looking at her avidly as well, hanging on to every word.

  Jake shook her head. She was amazed how fast and far the rumors circulated. “They exaggerated then. Steve got into it with Nikky, and security escorted him out. I went in the house to talk to Nikky and find out what started the fight. We were in there maybe fifteen minutes, tops. And trust me, if I was gonna do him, it’d take a hell of a lot longer than fifteen minutes.”

  Cassie laughed outright at that. “Yeah, I kinda figured. But that story’s got to be all over the Strip by now. Don’t be surprised if it catches up to Steve.”

  Jake made a face. “If he’s stupid enough to believe everything he hears, then it’s his problem.”

  “You think he’ll be in tonight?” Katie asked. She’d only been at the Neon for a couple of months and didn’t really know Jake.

  “Who? Steve?” Jake asked.

  Katie shrugged a little self-consciously. “No, Nikky.”

  Jake laughed. One more woman totally smitten with the blond millionaire. “He said he’d probably be down tonight.”

  “Cool,” Katie said, and a hint of color touched her cheeks.

  The back door swung open, and Tommy stuck his head out. “Don sent me to tell you the doors are opening.”

  “Let’s go,” Cassie said, taking a last drag off her cigarette and dropping it on the pavement to step on it.

  Jake followed suit, traipsing behind the other two barmaids back into the club to start their shifts.

  An hour and a half into her shift, Jake felt someone slip his arms around her and looked over her shoulder to see Nikky’s smiling face. “Hey, babe,” she said, turning to give him a hug. “I was wondering if you’d show.”

  “I told you last night I’d be here,” he replied, hugging her back. “How’s it going?”

  “Not bad.”

  “Have you talked to Steve?” Nikky asked.

  She shook her head. “Haven’t seen or heard from him. Maybe he’s still shacked up with Debra.”

  Nikky sighed, sympathy in his expression.

  “Don’t say anything,” Jake said, forestalling any comforting words he might have tried to say. “I’m rapidly getting to the point where I don’t care anymore.”

  “Keep telling yourself that,” Nikky said and leaned down to kiss her cheek. “When’s your break?”

  She glanced over the bar at the neon-lit clock. “About twenty minutes, give or take.”

  “Come find me,” he said, patting her ass affectionately. “I want to dance with you.”

  She smiled and nudged him with her hip before turning away. “I’ll do that.”

  When her break came up, she found Nikky at a table with several other people, all drinking and talking loudly over the music. Player had come back to the Neon after their gig at Nikky’s Bash and sounded great.

  “Come on, sexy,” Jake said, tugging on Nikky�
�s arm. “We’re slammed, and I want a smoke, too.”

  Nikky immediately got up, swallowing the rest of his drink before leaving the glass on the table. He followed Jake to the dance floor, and they wasted no time getting into the groove. He slipped his arms around her, his hands on her ass, and she melded herself against him, her arms around his neck.

  While they danced, Jake caught a glimpse of Angel standing near the bar with Sly. When she caught his eye, she raised one hand in greeting, laughing as Nikky swung her around. Angel raised his glass to her in reply, then was lost to sight as Nikky pulled her farther onto the dance floor.

  When the song came to an end, Jake grinned up at Nikky, her face flushed. “I swear, you are more fun to dance with than anyone else I’ve ever known,” she said, giving him a tight hug.

  “Then I’ll put in a claim for your next break,” he said, squeezing her quickly. “Go smoke before your break is over.”

  Jake made her way through the crowd to the bar, but Angel and Sly were no longer there. She jumped up, leaning over to grab her smokes from the ledge beneath the bar, dropped down, and headed for the back hallway. She sauntered down the long, narrow hall, smiling to herself as she remembered the last dance with Nikky. When she reached the back door and pressed the push bar to open it, she felt a heavy hand on her shoulder.

  She tried to turn, but was shoved hard and stumbled through the open door into the back parking lot, almost falling. By the time she’d regained her balance Steve had hold of both her arms just below the shoulders and began shaking her.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” he shouted in her face, his hands clenched so tight on her arms that she wanted to scream. “I’ve been hearing all about it, all night. Everyone’s talking about you hooking up with Nikky. Is that why he had me thrown out? So he could get into your pants?”

  “Stop it!” she yelled back, bracing her hands against his chest, trying to make him stop shaking her. “He kicked you out because you fucking shoved him, and you know it!”

  Steve pushed her backward, hard, and she slammed into the nearest car. “I’ve had enough of this shit, Jae. You stay away from him. I’m gonna tell him the same thing. I don’t ever want to see him touch you again. No more dancing, no nothing.”


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