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Sleeping With My Boss: A Standalone Novel (An Alpha Billionaire Romance Love Story) (A Dirty Office Romance)

Page 36

by Adams,Claire

  Chapter Thirty-Five


  Despite the fact that my brain was spinning with all the information I'd ingested on the commercial flight that brought me to the corporate jet in Los Angeles, as I boarded the plane the first thing I did was look for Emily. I had told Bax to find the same crew that had flown over with me earlier in the week and I knew that he'd moved hell and high water to find them and get them here.

  As I entered the cabin, I looked toward the back of the plane and saw her there standing next to the redhead whose name I couldn't recall to save my life. I smiled at Emily and started to walk toward her. She nodded without smiling and looked back at me with an expression that gave nothing away. She looked beautiful, and I couldn't help but smile.

  "Emily," I smiled warmly as I offered my hand. "It's good to see you again."

  "Mr. Marks," she said as she shook my hand quickly and then dropped her hands down to her sides. "It's always a pleasure, sir."

  "And Ms. -" I held my hand out to the redhead as a confused look flitted across my face quickly replaced by a smile. "I'm sorry, I don't know your last name."

  "Trish," she smiled as she shook my hand. "It's okay, we didn't meet last time around. Please excuse my co-attendant here, she's had a rough day."

  "Are you okay, Emily?" I asked genuinely concerned.

  "I'm fine, thank you, Mr. Marks," she said with a weak smile. "Thank you for asking."

  Trish elbowed her in the side and she looked up into my eyes for a moment, but that was all it took for me to see that something was going on. It suddenly came flooding back – how she'd pushed me away and said she wasn't interested. Now, I'd pulled her onto this flight and away from her life in Las Vegas. Maybe what I was seeing was her resentment at being on asked to return to Sydney on this flight.

  The captain announced that it was time to prepare for take-off, so I got myself situated and told the two interns that Bax had sent with me to find seats and get comfortable. Then, I settled in and waited for the plane to get airborne. I ran various scenarios through my head, finally thinking, Forget it, we're not fifteen year olds and I'm not going to chase after a woman who doesn't want me. I'm the head of a multi-billion dollar corporation! I don't have to do this! But down deep, I knew that I was hooked on Emily in a way that I'd never been before and that I was going to follow the path wherever it led – even if that meant I was going to find a dead end.

  Chapter Thirty-Six


  When I saw him enter the plane, I felt myself inhale sharply and hold my breath. He looked so handsome in his usual suit-minus-tie with the shirt open at the neck, five o'clock shadow at noon, and messy dark curly hair that I had to fight to keep from staring. He walked across the cabin smiling and said hello as he stuck his hand out, I shook it and returned the greeting, but I kept my eyes lowered, afraid that he'd read everything in them if I looked up and let him see.

  "Are you okay, Emily?" he asked with genuine concern.

  "I'm fine, thank you, Mr. Marks," I said as I offered a weak, unconvincing smile. "Thank you for asking."

  Trish said something to him and elbowed me in the side as she did, but I didn't hear her. I was lost in the memory of the night Austin had pulled me to him and brushed my lips with his. I couldn't forget the way my body had been drawn to his and the way my pulse had raced as his lips touched mine, and I couldn't forget the way he'd occupied my dreams every night since then. I shook my head to clear the thoughts that were flooding my brain and threatening to lead me right back into his arms.

  "Pssst, Princess," Trish whispered as she poked me in the arm to get my attention. "Get ready for take off!"

  "Oh, yeah, right," I said as I took my place in the jump seat in the galley and belted myself in.

  "You okay?" she asked from the seat across the way. "You look a little pale."

  "I'm fine, just a little..." I trailed off as I thought about how to explain what I was feeling.

  "A little twitterpated, I'd say," Trish smiled as she nodded at me. "It's okay, Princess, you can like the boy. He's hot and he's got good manners. I approve."

  "Oh great," I rolled my eyes at her as the plane began picking up speed in anticipation of assent. "I'm glad that I have your approval, I was so worried that I wouldn't and that I'd have to proceed without it."

  "Smart ass," she giggled as we lifted off the ground and headed up into the clouds.

  Once we were at the proper elevation, we both undid our restraints and prepped the cabin for the first round of drink and snack offerings.

  "You go take care of him," Trish said as she looked over at the section where Austin was sitting reading a set of papers with great interest. "I'll get the peanut gallery."

  "Trish!" I whisper yelled. "No! You serve him, I don't want to even go there."

  "Oh, yes you do," she said with a knowing smile and a gentle shove. "Oh, yes you do."

  I shot her a death look and stuck my tongue out before pasting a smile on my face and stepping out into the main cabin.

  "Mr. Marks, is there anything I can get you right now?" I asked in a quiet voice trying not to startle him.

  "Huh? Oh, yes, I'd like a club soda with lime and a sandwich or something," he said as he looked up and smiled at me adding, "And aren't we on a first name basis now?"

  "Um, I suppose we are, Austin," I said giving him a bright smile that didn't quite reach my eyes. "I'll get your drink and lunch. Do you have a sandwich preference?"

  "I'd like a BLT, Emily, if that's possible," he said in a way that suggested more than just a sandwich. Just then, I had a flash of the blonde in the hotel lobby pop into my head, so I swallowed hard and smiled as best I could.

  "Sure thing, I can do that, Austin," I replied before I turned and walked back to the galley where I asked the cook to prepare the BLT. He had it ready by the time I'd poured the club soda and added a thick slice of lime to the edge of the glass, and I carried the tray out to the cabin.

  "Would you like this set up on the table, sir...Austin?" I asked.

  "No, just put it down here on the table next to me," he said gesturing toward the table that was between his seat and the window. I raised an eyebrow as I realized how close this would require me to stand, but I knew what my job entailed, so I bent over and put the tray on the table next to him. I could smell the faint scent of his cologne and it made me feel weak as I set the silverware and napkin on the table before putting the plate and his drink next to it.

  " that all you'll be needing, sir...Austin?" I stammered still bent over as I tipped my head and looked at him.

  "Oh no," he murmured as he looked over at me and raised one hand to push a stray lock of hair out of my face. "It's not near what I'll be needing."

  "Oh!" I exhaled closing my eyes for a moment as I felt the tips of his fingers brush my cheek.

  "I don't know what I did to make you run, but whatever it was, I'm sorry," he said softly.

  "It'''s not you," I stuttered as I searched for the words to explain my situation without driving him away.

  "Then what is it?" he asked simply. "Tell me, please?"

  "Austin," I began as I opened my eyes and looked into his miserably. "Please, don't...I can't..."

  I pulled back and stood up as I held his gaze. "It's not you. I swear it's not you," I repeated adding, "I want to, believe me, I want to." Then, I turned and quickly walked back to the galley where I collapsed into one of the large chairs and put my hands over my face as I tried not to cry.

  "What's up, Princess?" Trish asked as she came bounding back from the cockpit where the captain and co-pilot had just finished placing their lunch orders. "Whoa, what's going on?"

  "He wants me. I said no," I choked out as I swallowed hard to keep from sobbing. "I can't do this, Trish! I want him, but I can't!"

  "Oh, honey," Trish said as she walked over to the kitchen and handed the chef the orders before she came and kneeled down in front of me. "Stop this, right now. Tell me what happen

  I told her exactly what had happened and what he'd said, and then how I'd run away. Trish smiled and patted my hand as she calmed me down. Then, she stood up, grabbed the orders for the cockpit and walked up front, saying she'd be right back.

  "Princess," she said as she returned to the galley. "That boy is up there in the cabin looking just as miserable as you look sitting back here. Go up there and just talk to him. Tell him the truth. What's the worst that can happen?"

  "He'll hate me," I said miserably.

  "Well, if you keep playing games with him like this, then the outcome will be the same," she said, shaking her head. "So, go up there and take control of the situation and let him know what's going on. Who knows, maybe he'll understand."

  "You think so?" I said in a small voice.

  "It can't be any worse than the two of you moping around miserably for the same reason," she said with her hands on her hips. She pointed to the cabin and said, "Go talk to him."

  I got up and walked out of the galley into the cabin. I shyly approached Austin and said, "Can I talk with you for a minute?"

  "Sure, what do you need?" he asked in a business-like tone that almost sent me running back to the galley, but Trish stood guard in the doorway and shook her head as she mouthed, "TALK."

  "Um, I just wanted to explain what's going on," I said nervously.

  "Okay, then why don't you sit down and let me listen to what you have to say," He smiled as he gestured to the chair across from him. "I'd love to hear you explain."

  I sat down on the edge of the chair, unsure about how comfortable I should get when I was technically an employee, but he smiled and urged me to get comfortable, so I sat back, took a deep breath, and began explaining. It took me nearly an hour to tell the whole tale of my situation and why I was hesitant to let things between us go any further.

  "So, you're saying that you're attracted to me, too?" he asked.

  "Uh huh," I nodded as I blushed and looked away.

  "But you don't want to do anything to disrespect your husband, even though he's kind of gone out of his way to disrespect you. Am I right?" he asked.

  "Well, when you put it like that, it sounds kind of like I should hook up with you," I said defensively.

  "No, I'm not saying that at all," he said. "I'm just stating facts. You won't disrespect your husband even when he's chosen to disrespect you."

  I nodded, not knowing what to say.

  "That sounds like you've got morals and values and that you're loyal to people you care about," he said. "I don't think that's a bad thing."

  "You don't?" I asked surprised at what he'd said.

  "No, I don't," he replied. "I think it means that you are a decent human being and someone who is trustworthy. And that makes you even more attractive."

  "Thank you, sir...Austin," I said as I blushed again. "But what happens now?"

  "Now?" he asked and then grinned. "What happens now is that I give you space to figure out what you need to do about that husband of yours, but keep reminding you that I'm here and I’m interested."

  "Wait, what?" I said while shaking my head, unsure if I'd heard him correctly.

  "I'm going to keep trying to win you over," he said grinning widely. "I'm a good guy, but I'm not an idiot. You're someone exceptional, Emily, and I like exceptional people. Especially when they are as beautiful as you are."

  "That sounds an awful lot like two dogs pissing on the same fire hydrant," I said grimly. "I don't see myself as a fire hydrant."

  "What?" he said and then quickly understood. "Oh, I'm not going to push you, I'm just going to offer you options. We'll be friends. How about that?"

  "Oh right," I said with a raised eyebrow. "A billionaire playboy with women at his beck and call is going to be just friends with one of his young flight attendants. That sounds like a stellar plan."

  Austin burst out laughing so loudly that Trish came out to the cabin to check on things. I waved her off with a smile as I turned back to the handsome man sitting across the aisle from me and said, "Austin, if you think you can be just friends with me until I figure out what to do about my situation, then I welcome it. But I don't think that's going to be easy...for either of us," I said, giving him a knowing look.

  His eyes widened as he caught my drift and then a smile spread across his lips. "Can't blame a guy for trying, can you?"

  Chapter Thirty-Seven


  Once Emily had explained what the situation was, I understood that if I wanted to win her over, I was going to have to take it slow. This was not going to be the least bit easy, though.

  Sitting across from me on the plane, she looked so beautiful in the plain fitted dress with her hair pulled back and just a touch of makeup highlighting her big soulful eyes. I wanted her to let her hair down so I could run my fingers through it as I slowly caressed every inch of her curvy figure. That one kiss we'd shared had unleashed a desire in me that I'd never felt before, and I was now willing to do anything to ensure that, in the end, she'd be with me.

  "So, you're saying that you're attracted to me, too?" I asked.

  "Uh huh," she nodded, and I noticed that she was blushing as she looked away. She was so sweet, but when I kissed her, I knew she wasn't a virginal innocent. There was a passionate woman under that calm demeanor, and I wanted to unleash her.

  "But you don't want to do anything to disrespect your husband even though he's kind of gone out of his way to disrespect you. Am I right?" I asked.

  "Well, when you put it like that it sounds kind of like I should hook up with you," she said defensively.

  "No, I'm not saying that at all," I said, being careful not to overstep my bounds for now. I was going to have to go slow and keep the pace steady until she figured out what to do about her crumbling marriage. "I'm just stating facts. You won't disrespect your husband, even though he's gone out of his way to disrespect you. It sounds like you've got morals and values and that you're loyal to people you care about. I don't think that's a bad thing."

  "You don't?" she asked surprised at what I'd said.

  "No, I don't," I replied. "I think it means that you are a decent human being and someone who is trustworthy. And that makes you even more attractive."

  "Thank you, sir...Austin," she said as she blushed again. "But what happens now?"

  "Now?" I grinned. "What happens now is that I give you space to figure out what you need to do about that husband of yours, but keep reminding you that I'm here and I’m interested."

  When she got up after a bit more conversation and went back to the galley, I inhaled deeply, knowing that this was going to be a difficult tightrope to walk and, at the same time, feeling invigorated by the challenge. Nothing had ever come easy to me, not once in my entire life, so I had learned how to put my head down and work hard to get what I want. I was fairly sure that Emily's marriage was headed for an end, but I knew better than to bank on it. So for now, I would focus my energy on solving the problem with the Sydney crew and on finding ways to actually be with Emily.

  Knowing that she wanted me, too, made this even more challenging, but I wasn't going to shy away from it. Not when there was so much at stake.

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  Once the planed landed and we were back in Sydney, Trisha and I headed to the hotel to get settled for the next five days. We had five free days to ourselves and nothing holding us back from exploring the city and picking up the items on Trish's mother's list of requests. It amazed me how quickly she'd come up with a new list, but Trish just rolled her eyes and sighed.

  I was in my room, a much smaller one than the last time I'd been here, when I heard a knock at my door. When I opened it, there was a bellhop holding a huge floral arrangement on the other side. He handed it to me with a card and said he'd been told to wait for a response. I took the arrangement inside my room and read the card. The vase was full of grevilea, kangaroo paw, flannel flowers, and smokebush – a true native Australian arrangem
ent and it was stunning. The card attached to the arrangement read:

  Emily--Looking forward to getting to know you and enjoying your company. Will you join me on my boat tomorrow afternoon around 2pm for sailing and dinner on Depot Beach? -A.

  "Tell him the answer is yes," I called out to the bellhop. "But he's going to have to tell me where his boat is!"

  "He said to tell you that there would be a car waiting for you downstairs," said the bellhop.

  "Oh, he did, did he? Pretty sure of himself," I muttered.

  "He said you'd say that, ma'am." The boy grinned. "And, he said to tell you that he wasn't sure of himself, he just likes to be prepared for all eventualities."

  I laughed out loud and gave the boy a big tip before closing the door. As I looked at the arrangement and thought about tomorrow's boat trip, I felt guilty. I grabbed my phone out of my purse and quickly tapped the screen and brought up Tommy's number and hit the dial button.

  "Hello?" a woman's voice answered. When I didn't say anything, I heard her say, “Oh shit, it's your wife!"

  "Em?" Tommy said a little too loudly. "Hey Em, how are ya?”

  "Who was that?" I asked in a cold tone.

  "Who? Oh, that was one of the girls in the shop," he said a little too quickly. "I left my phone on the dock, so she picked it up for me."

  "Don't lie to me, Tom Warner," I said. "You know that I always know when you are lying."

  "Em, don't do this right now, please?" he said quietly. "Just not right now, okay?"

  "Why is there a woman answering your phone when I know full well that you are NOT AT WORK!" I yelled into the phone. I was furious with him, not so much for cheating, as for lying to me about it and knowing that I knew he was lying.

  "Emily, let's just calm down and talk about then when you get home," he said way more calmly that I expected.

  "Are you cheating on me, Tommy?" I asked.

  "Em-" he began.

  "Are you cheating on me? Answer me," I demanded. "I want to know."

  "Em, look there's more to it than that. Let me explain when you get home," he said.


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