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No Such Thing as Dragons : Complete Series Box Set (Books 1 - 5)

Page 106

by Lauren Lively

  "Do I feel too young?" I asked. He didn't answer and I pressed harder, burrowing him in my folds without letting him enter me, "Do I, Ty?"

  Suddenly he grabbed me by my hips and flipped me onto my back. I gasped at the movement and felt my body get even wetter as he hovered over me, staring down into my face with intensity that took my breath away.

  "No," he growled and I felt the tip of his erection tease at my opening.

  "Are you my mate, Ty?" I whispered.

  He moved his hips forward slightly, massaging me and building pressure low in my belly.

  "I am your mate."

  "Do you want me?"

  "More than anything I have ever wanted in my life."

  I took a long, shuddering breath.

  "Show me."

  He pushed forward and filed me, taking his time to let me stretch around him. I whimpered at the intense feeling and clutched at his back. Just when I thought I couldn’t accommodate any more, Ty gave a hard thrust, sinking all the way into me and eliciting a sharp cry at the blissful combination of pain and pleasure. We paused there for a moment, letting our bodies learn each other. He kissed me languidly, his mouth moving across mine familiarly.

  Finally his hips relaxed and I felt him start to move within me. My walls held him firmly and he groaned deeply as he built his rhythm. Each long, deep thrust coaxed sounds from my lips and I gave myself over to him, allowing him to bond me to him completely and irrevocably. Slow sex had never done much for me, but this was a transcendent experience and when I came, suddenly and with blinding intensity, I felt like I was drawing him into my body and my soul. He responded to the scream I let out at my climax with a growl and he gave one more hard thrust and released into me. My body milked him and I clung to him, emotion starting to overwhelm me.

  He finally opened his eyes and I saw that they were completely orange.

  "My mate," he whispered, leaning down to nuzzle my neck and touch a kiss to my shoulder.

  "Always," I whispered back, licking the front of his neck.

  Chapter Eight

  Ty and Samira stayed in bed for the rest of the afternoon, exploring each other as she proved to him again and again that she was everything that he needed, and he showed her over and over that he was everything she could handle. They finally drifted to sleep, completely spent, in each other's arms, but were awaken less than an hour later by frantic pounding on Ty's door.

  "This seems awfully familiar," Samira joked as Ty rolled away from her and climbed out of bed, pulling on his pants.

  He shot her a smile and walked out into the corridor and then down the stairs. The pounding continued, and Ty was aggravated by the time he reached the door. He didn't want to talk to anybody. He wanted to shuck off his pants and crawl back into bed with Samira.

  "What do you want?"

  Ero stood on the other side of the door, his expression strained.

  "You need to come with me," he said.

  "I'm busy right now," Ty said, not really caring what was going on.

  Ero shook his head.

  "I'm sorry. I know you have Samira here and that's wonderful and I'm sure I'm going to be really happy for you pretty soon, but you need to come with me."

  "What's going on?"

  Both men turned in the direction of the stairs and Samira's voice. She was walking toward them, buttoning one of Ty's shirts on over her pants. Ty's heart lit up. The shirt engulfed her, but it made her look adorably sexy and completely his. She came to his side and looked at Ero intensely.

  "What's going on, Ero?" she repeated.

  "The warriors just got back from their patrol. They said that they have really important information and that they need all of us in the meeting hall immediately."

  Without hesitation, Ty ran back up the stairs to put on his shoes and shirt. When he got back down, they left the house and hurried toward the meeting hall. Ero was an impossibly fast runner, a skill that had become a tremendous benefit in their last battle against the Klimnu, and he seemed to be struggling to keep himself slow enough that Ty and Samira could keep up with him. Ty knew this meant that something extremely serious was going on with the warriors.

  They entered the hall and saw it was crowded with Denensyo. Several warriors stood on a low stage at one end of the room and Ty saw that Pyra was in the middle, his face stern and concerned. As soon as Ty and Samira settled onto the bench with the other human women, he began to speak.

  "We have just returned from our normal patrol, but this time we found something we have never seen before. At the far end of the compound there is a cave in the cliff. Until now we didn't think anything of it. Today, however, we decided to investigate further and found that it is not a cave, but a rock tunnel that dips far into the ground. It was extremely difficult to find and impossible for any of us to navigate because of our size. We believe that this is the way that the Klimnu are getting into the compound. The Traitor told them about the cave and has been providing them with information and resources for quite some time."

  A shocked whisper rippled through the crowd and Ty cuddled Samira a little closer to him, part of him terrified that she was going to hear all of this and be afraid and compelled to leave. Instead, she looked fascinated.

  "We need to build our defense and devise our plan of attack," Pyra said and sounds of affirmation rose up through the tribe. "It is time we settled this conflict with the Klimnu once and for all."

  Ty felt Samira stand up suddenly, causing his arms to drop away from her.

  "I'll help," she called out.

  There were a few gasps throughout the room and I reached up to pull her back down, but she stayed strong.

  "Who is that?" Pyra asked.

  "It's me, Samira. I want to help."

  (To be Continued in Part X… )

  Book 10 – Rescued by Sweetest Alien

  Chapter One

  "I want to help."

  The whispers in the room around me grew louder and I could feel the eyes of all of the Denynso burning into me. The ones who didn't know who I was tried to figure out why there was a new human girl offering her help to the clan, and those who did know who I was expressed their surprise that I was so willing to just throw myself into what I was quickly realizing to be an extremely dangerous situation. The massive, intense-looking warrior Pyra stared at me from the platform at the other end of the banquet hall, evaluating me silently.

  It felt like we were stuck in some kind of standoff. Beside me I felt Ty, my brand new mate, gently pull on my hand as if he was trying to tug me back down to sit on the bench beside him. I resisted the tug and continued to stare at Pyra, my shoulders squared and my jaw set. I know that to them I was small and weak, but on Earth, I was not. Slightly taller than average with broad shoulders, round hips, and a sturdy build, most people considered me a very strong and capable-looking woman. Add to that the fact that I am far more intelligent and resourceful than nearly anyone I have ever met, and have a stubborn streak that can rarely be broken.

  The fact that my body was still humming from a day of intense, all-consuming bonding with my mate only worked to make me more determined and give me greater strength and energy than I had felt in a long time. In an instant I had changed from just a human foreign exchange student that had come to Uoria with my favorite professor in order to escape the torment of my stepfather back on Earth to a member of the clan who was fully committed not just to loving and protecting my mate, but to doing whatever I could to defend the entirety of the clan and my future in it. For the first time in my life I felt truly and completely part of something, and from the look on Pyra's face and the intensity in his voice, I knew that was being severely threatened. I was not going to stand by and allow that to happen. I knew that I came to this planet for a reason, and it seemed to be showing itself.

  "I want to help, Pyra," I repeated, taking a step forward so that he could see me more clearly.

  I had only encountered Pyra briefly, but I knew him to be the most powerful and
aggressive of all of the planet's warriors; known throughout the galaxy for his skill in battle. If I could convince him to accept my help and allow me to utilize some of my own skill and knowledge, the rest of the warriors would truly have no choice but to follow along with it.

  "Are you sure, Samira?" Pyra finally asked.

  His voice rumbled through the banquet hall, seeming to quiet the whispers as it rippled through the crowd to me.


  "What can you do?"

  It wasn't a challenge or meant to be mocking. He was genuinely asking me how I could contribute. There was a war coming, and though I wasn't sure about all of the details, I could tell that it was something that had been building up for quite some time. This was not going to be a simple fight. It was going to require more than just the size and strength of the warriors. I stared up at him for a moment, and then an idea suddenly shot through my mind. I turned and rushed toward the bench where the other human women sat.

  I crouched down in front of them and looked at each directly in the eyes.

  "We were planned for our mates since birth, right?" The women nodded, "And we are the only human women who have ever been mated to Denynso men in the history of the clan, right?" They nodded again and I started to feel even more courageous, "So don't you think it is a little bit strange that in a clan that has never had a human woman mate, five are chosen in less than a year?"

  They glanced at each other and I saw their expressions grow nervous. Eden's hand drifted to the swell of her belly as if protecting the child that grew inside.

  "We don't know that there weren't other human women that were supposed to be mates. They just never came onto the planet, so their Denynso men didn’t find them. Each of us had a specific reason for being here. Maybe there would have been more bonds if there was a more open visiting policy."

  "No," Zuri said, meeting my eyes with an expression that said she was following my thought process, "It doesn't work that way. Samira's right. There is a reason that we all came here at the same time."

  "What are you thinking?" Eliana asked.

  "There are five of us. We each have our own skills and abilities. If war is coming, the enemies won't expect women to be a part of it, which means that we can band together and help our mates, and the rest of the warriors, finish this."

  The rest of the women nodded and I stood back up, turning to Pyra.

  "Bring us to the cave."

  The whispers started through the room again and I felt Ty come to my side.

  "What are you doing?" he said to me telepathically.

  I was still getting used to the ability for him to read my thoughts and for me to read his, but in that moment it seemed like he didn't want the others to hear him questioning me. I drew closer to his side and leaned in to him even though I knew I didn't actually have to be close to him to communicate through my mind.

  "Zuri suggested that I come here so that I could use my chemistry and biology knowledge to help with some healing potions. Maybe that's not all I can do, though."

  "The Klimnu are dangerous, Samira. They nearly killed Eden, Eliana, and Leia, and they attacked Zuri. They won't hesitate to hurt you just because you are a woman. In fact, you might be in even more danger because you are a woman. The Klimnu are known for their hunger for women and for not really caring if those women want anything to do with them."

  "Are you sure that you want to go?"

  Pyra's voice interrupted our conversation and I stepped away from Ty to address him.


  Chapter Two

  Ty stared at Samira, trying to keep his mouth from hanging open as he processed what was going on. He was still coming down from the elation of finally bonding with her and had been taken off guard by Pyra's announcement that it was time to declare war on the Klimnu and eliminate the threat that had been plaguing the Denynso. Now he was watching as his beautiful mate offered herself as a tool for them to use in battle. It was all so overwhelming and he didn't know what he was supposed to think. He wasn't a warrior and had never been involved in any of the battles or the raids. The thought of Samira handing herself over to the violent and aggressive warriors so that she could be a part of whatever battle plan they devised was terrifying.

  "We need to go now. Tonight we plan how we are going to handle these creatures once and for all."

  He looked around the room, meeting eyes with the warriors. They started to walk forward toward him, gathering at the base of the stage. Ty watched Samira turn back toward the other women.

  "Eliana, Zuri told me that you are working on healing ointments."

  "Yeah. Ciyrs, Eden, and I have been working on some potions we hope will help make the healing process much faster when people are injured. Right now it is a pretty involved process that can have some rather…unintentional effects, and we are hoping that we might be able to come up with some ointments that will allow us to treat some of the problems that way rather than having to always use our hands."

  Ty knew exactly what Eliana meant with her delicate wording. It was well-known that the healing procedures used by the clan healer Ciyrs and his mate Eliana often resulted in extreme arousal, and sometimes even a link that rivaled the connection between mates. This is what had happened between Eden and Ciyrs, creating some tension between Ciyrs and Pyra even though the connection between the Eden and the healer would never go any further than just a very close friendship.

  "Ciyrs and Eliana can't always do the healing," Eden explained, "It takes so much energy that it can put them at risk if they try to heal too serious of an injury, or too many people at once. We've been trying to find a way to help that."

  "If there is a war coming, there will be injuries, potentially a lot of them. And that means that Ciyrs and Eliana are not going to be able to handle the healing completely by themselves. We need that potion finalized as soon as possible. Can the three of you go work on it now?"

  Eliana and Eden nodded and stood. Ty watched Samira turn her attention to Zuri and Leia.

  "If the two of you can come with me, we can go to the cave and get an idea of where it goes. That is going to be at the center of all of the planning."

  "Samira," Ty started, reaching out a hand to place on her shoulder, "The warriors can plan their battles. They do not need you to do it for them."

  "Don’t question your mate, Ty."

  Pyra's intense voice right behind him made Ty jump slightly and he turned to face the warriors who had gathered close to them.

  "We are coming with you to the cave," Samira told Pyra.

  "She's smart and she's brave," Pyra said, "Be proud of her."

  "You can't bring the women into battle, Pyra," Ty insisted.

  "We aren't going into battle tonight," Samira said, "We are finding out where the cave leads and coming up with strategies. If I can help with that, why shouldn't I?"

  Ty knew that he had no argument against her. There was nothing that he was going to be able to say that was going to stop her from doing exactly what she wanted to do. Just like she had been able to convince him that she was not too young to be his mate despite his mind telling him that she was and him trying his hardest to resist her, if she was set on being a part of the preparations for the battle with the warriors, he was not going to be able to convince her to do anything else. The thought was frustrating, but at the same time it made him even more proud to be her mate. Like Pyra had said, she was smart and she was brave. These human women were proving that the Denynso had known nothing about Earth and its inhabitants.

  "We're leaving now," Pyra said, starting toward the door.

  "Are you coming with me?" Samira asked.

  Ty felt a surge of protectiveness and knew that there was no way he was going to be able to let her go off into some unknown area of the planet where there very well could be direct connection point between the compound and the Klimnu without him. He nodded and she returned the gesture, extending her hand to him. Ty took her hand and intertwined their fingers, i
mmediately feeling calmer when his palm pressed against hers and he could feel her soft skin touching his.

  They filed out of the meeting hall and Ty watched as Eliana, Eden, and Ciyrs took a sharp turn and headed off toward Ciyrs's shop. Those three had been working tirelessly on the ointments for weeks and he was hoping that they were going to find the right formula soon. The war was not going to wait, which meant they were running out of time.

  Ty and Samira followed the warriors as they made their way across the compound, walking so quickly that she had to jog to keep up. Leia and Zuri caught up with them so that they all walked together, moving across the compound toward an area that Ty had never seen. Though he had spent his entire life in the compound, because he was not a warrior, he had not had reason to spend much time roaming around and exploring the borders. It was only the warriors who had to go on patrol who had the opportunity to really learn the entirety of the land that surrounded the compound. Now it seemed that part of that land had been breached, allowing the Klimnu access to their compound and to them. They would need to not only find that breach and learn everything that they could about it, but find a way that they could use it effectively to fight off the Klimnu and keep them from ever returning.

  Chapter Three

  I still wasn't sure exactly what I was doing even as I followed the warriors through the compound. Holding Ty's hand gave me strength and I squeezed it slightly the further we got away from the meeting hall so that feeling it in mind would make me feel braver as the distance between the brightly lit hall and us became greater and we got closer to the dark, unknown areas of the compound. I had only been on Uoria for two days and I had not had much opportunity to explore it during that time so I didn't know where we were headed or what we might encounter along the way. The thought was unnerving, but at the same time exciting. I knew now that I was a part of these people for the rest of my life and that I was going to do everything I could to ensure that they were safe and that we could all continue living our lives comfortably and happily in the compound.


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