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Charming Jane_A Reverse Harem Romance

Page 7

by Kristin Coley

  “I do believe it’s bedtime for the babysitter,” I announced, drawing Michael’s attention from his phone. Jane shook her head reflexively, but I gave her a resolute stare. “I watched you yawn. You’ve had a long day, I imagine, with all of these villains attempting to steal your virtue, and then you wind up with us; quite possibly the worst of the lot.”

  She smiled, her eyes softening as she shook her head again.

  “I’m pretty sure I found knights in shining armor when you came to my rescue.” She rubbed her eyes, the motion almost childlike as she tried to pretend she wasn’t exhausted.

  “Do I need to carry you to bed?” I asked hopefully. She laughed, as she told me, “No.”

  Discomfort slipped across her face so quickly I almost missed it. It puzzled me until her eyes darted to the door I’d left open when I’d come back from getting her clothes. It dawned on me then that she didn’t know where she would sleep and was nervous.

  “You’ll take my room.” She opened her mouth to protest, but I spoke over her. “I don’t sleep much. No more than a couple of hours a night. It’s practically a waste for me to even have a bed. The couch will be fine.” It appeared she still wanted to argue and I shook my head firmly, glancing at Michael for back up. “No arguments.”

  “He’s quite right. We’d never allow a guest to sleep on the couch, and he is a veritable insomniac.” He narrowed his eyes slightly at her. “However, perhaps you don’t wish to stay with us? Would you be more comfortable with a room of your own? I can call down to the front desk and see if there is a room nearby available.”

  “I think not,” I replied, spinning around to glare at him.

  “Ian. Brother. She’s agreed to work for us. That doesn’t mean she should have to stay in the same suite. It may make her uncomfortable.” He stressed uncomfortable and I frowned, disliking the idea of her being out of my sight, especially at night, but understanding what he was trying to say. Demanding she stay here would not win her over in any way.

  “Fine. Only if connecting rooms are available so I can stay near her. If not, have the occupants thrown out. Anything else won’t do, and she could possibly miss out on an opportunity to babysit me.” My high-handed demand caused Michael’s lips to twitch as he fought a smile.

  “That won’t be necessary,” Jane muttered, rubbing her eyes as she stood up determinedly. “You can’t throw someone out of their room in the middle of the night.” She shook her finger at me. “That’s not nice, Ian.”

  “I’m not nice.” I smiled as I said it, but my eyes warned her I was speaking the absolute truth.

  “I’ll be the one to decide that,” she told me calmly, her gaze unwavering. “Tonight I’ll take your room. I trust you to be a gentleman.”

  “Of course. If you’re sure?” Michael gave her one last chance to stay elsewhere, knowing if she stayed tonight, she’d be staying every night.

  “Yes, Michael. I am.” Her eyes told me not to let her regret her faith in me, and I gave her a tiny nod. She had no cause to worry. I wouldn’t do anything she didn’t explicitly give me permission to do. She didn’t see my smile as she walked toward the bedroom; a good thing because the predatory gleam would have had her changing her mind.

  The click of the bedroom door closing had Michael swiveling around to the bar. He pulled the bottle of bourbon out and poured us each a glass. As he slid mine toward me, he said, “Our secret.”

  I nodded, savoring the smoky flavor and feeling more content than I had in years. A glance at Michael had me straightening as I saw his contemplative expression. He had the heart and soul of an analyst, always calculating the odds of any given move. Today’s series of split second decisions had to be difficult for him, and I had no doubt he was working out the ramifications as we drank.

  His silence finally led me to ask, “Do I sense a hint of regret, brother?”

  Was he concluding that Jane being gone was the wiser course of action? I ignored the momentary panic the thought gave me, instead focusing on Michael. Jane was as intrigued with our lifestyle and us as I was with her. My brother was the only issue.

  “Not in the least,” he finally replied, his words penetrating the list of counter arguments I was planning.

  “You look surprised,” Michael said, lifting his eyebrow expressively.

  “I am.” I reached for my glass, taking a sip to give me time to reorganize my thoughts. “It’s unlike you to jump on board so quickly with an idea.”

  “I have a good feeling about her.” He pierced me with a knowing stare. “You’re happy with her here. She needs our protection. I think it will work out quite well.”

  I tipped my glass to him, impressed. It seemed as if Jane’s presence was having an effect on both of the Wright brothers.

  “I need to look over notes for tomorrow’s meeting. You’ll be alright out here?” He gestured to the couch I was sitting on, so I brought my feet up and stretched out.

  “Right as rain, brother.” He looked conflicted, almost as if he wished to say something, a warning I was sure, but his jaw relaxed, and he headed to his room without saying whatever thought he’d had. He hesitated at his door and I gazed at him inquiringly.

  “Explain the situation to Buster when he shows up?” Michael asked and I nodded, my head thumping back against the arm of the couch as I remembered what Buster was doing. He was going to be mighty surprised when he found out we’d adopted a girl. Woman, I corrected myself as I stared out the window broodingly. It was eight o’clock at night in New Orleans and normally I would be strolling down Bourbon Street. Instead, I was sleeping on a couch tonight, my plans interrupted by a mere slip of a girl. One who was far better than I would ever deserve.

  A muffled cry pulled me from a light doze, and I sat for a second wondering if I was hearing things. Another sharper cry had me on my feet and moving toward my room.

  It was Jane.

  I didn’t hesitate to push open the door, privacy be damned. She was scared, and I would comfort her. Restless slumber had her twisted up in the sheets, the hem of my shirt pulled up just enough for me to see a pale sliver of her belly. The sight of tears gleaming against her cheeks twisted my heart and pushed me forward. I kneeled next to the bed, hesitating for a second before resting my hand on her cheek. I brushed my thumb over the tracks of her tears, and heard her choked cries ease with my touch.

  “Love, shh. It’s okay. I’m here. You’re safe.”

  “Ian?” Her whisper was uncertain as her eyes slowly opened. The light coming in through the window was enough for me to make out her relief as she recognized me. She pushed herself up and threw one of her arms around my neck as she buried her face against me. I held her, murmuring nonsense words as her breath stuttered against my cheek. The uneven gasps settled down as I stroked her back. She eventually leaned back from me, her lips mere inches from my own, but I refrained from brushing mine against them. She sought comfort tonight, and I was determined to give only that.

  “You’re safe here. I promise.” I pressed my lips against her temple, unable to resist the tiny kiss. I forced myself to stand up, not wanting the moment to turn into something it wasn’t meant to be. I reached down and tugged her shirt, so it covered the strip of skin before pulling the blanket back over her. “You can rest knowing I’ll keep watch over you. No harm will come to you while I’m here.”

  She nodded, the trust in her gaze twisting my chest into unfamiliar knots. I stepped back from the bed and turned toward the door, each step heavier than the last as I moved away from her. I wanted to stay, my arms wrapped around her as she slept.

  “Ian.” The soft voice stopped me in my tracks as I turned to look back at her.

  “Yes, Jane?”

  “Will you stay with me until I fall asleep?” Her quiet uncertainty would have had me agreeing even if it wasn’t exactly what I wanted to do anyway.

  “Of course.” I strolled back to the bed, going to the other side as she watched me curiously. I threw myself on the bed with a light
bounce, and her responding giggle soothed the tight knot her tears had formed in my chest. “Shall we discuss all of the shenanigans we’ll get up to this summer? Or would that keep you awake? Perhaps I’ll tell you about my time at university. I can’t really speak of their educational merits, but the ones with the best parties … now that I can regale you with.” I cut my eyes toward her in time to catch a glimpse of her grin. “Parties it is then.”

  She wiggled under the covers, and I shifted over since the weight of my body was pinning the blanket down and keeping her wedged in. She managed to pull her arm out from under the blanket finally and curled her fingers around mine. I squeezed her hand gently, knowing I’d lie here all night if it made her feel safe.

  “Thank you, Ian.”

  “My pleasure, Jane, my pleasure.”

  The subtle sound of a throat being cleared woke me, and my eyes popped open to see Michael standing next to me, his tailored suit spotless as he eyed my new sleeping arrangement with barely concealed ire.

  “Must I get the dueling pistols out already, brother? It hasn’t been twenty-four hours and by rights you’ve already compromised our guest.”

  “Thank goodness we’re no longer in the eighteenth century then.” I adjusted my head to keep the bright morning sun streaming through the window from blinding me. Michael took the opportunity to step aside at my movement, and caused the light to hit me straight in the eyes again, since he no longer blocked it for me. I groaned and threw my arm over my eyes. My other hand was still firmly entangled with Jane’s, and I glanced over to see if our conversation had awoken her, but she slept on.

  “I don’t know. There is something to be said for the manners and morals of the time,” Michael replied drily as I rolled my eyes. He gestured at the bed and said, “Care to explain?”

  “I thought I’d compromise her virtue and good name and therefore force us to wed or otherwise face the censure of our peers for our immorality,” I responded jovially, smirking as I watched his jaw work repeatedly. After a moment, I gave in and told him what he wanted to know. “She had a nightmare, and the sound of her crying woke me. I came in here to reassure her, and she asked me to stay until she fell asleep. As a gentleman, I could not see fit to refuse her.” Michael gave a pointed glance at our entwined fingers. I gave him my most innocent look as I said, “She took my hand. What was I to do?”

  “Ah, yes, the eternal question. And one you frequently have the wrong answer too.” He waved one hand unconcernedly, while keeping the other tucked into his pocket. “Regardless, I must go and won’t be back until dinnertime. I would like us to dine together. Would you be kind enough to make reservations for us somewhere, brother?”

  “Of course. Anywhere in particular?” I asked graciously.

  “Wherever she’s comfortable will be fine.” He hesitated on his way out. “My first order of business is to learn everything I can about the people she was to stay with. Introduce her to Buster at your earliest convenience. I don’t want her caught off guard by his presence here. We may need to leave her with him for a short time, while we tend to other matters.”

  “More than happy to, brother.” Understanding passed between us as our eyes met. Neither of us was willing to let Jane’s attacker go unpunished for his behavior. He would pay for the error of his ways. We would ensure it. A tight spin of his heel and Michael was gone, leaving me alone with our little vagabond.

  I carefully disentangled my hand from hers, impressed by her apparent ability to sleep through anything. I usually woke up at the slightest sound when I did manage to sleep, but this morning I felt more refreshed than I had in years.

  Sleeping hand-in-hand with her seemed to have cured my persistent insomnia. I wondered if I could convince Jane and Michael that I needed to spend every night sleeping next to her. The idea cheered me as I contemplated various arguments on my way to the shower.

  Chapter Five

  The sound of water running woke me, and I yawned as I sat up trying to remember where I was. The sun streamed through a window overlooking a dirty street I didn’t recognize, as the events from the day before trickled in. Memories of Ian and my decision to work for the brothers as a babysitter hit me as the shower cut off and was replaced by a cheerful whistling.

  Instinctively, I knew the whistling belonged to Ian. It had his signature written all over it. The memory of him comforting me when I woke from nightmares of being attacked curbed my natural tendency to panic. The clear light of morning, combined with being well rested left me questioning my decision to throw my lot in with those two. The idea of a grown man who needed to be babysat was ridiculous, and the notion that I could handle him was even more ridiculous.

  Ian strolling out of the bathroom in nothing but a towel was a good example.

  “Jane! You’re awake. I was afraid I would be left to my own devices as you slept the day away.” I shook my head in an attempt to draw my attention from his bare chest. It wasn’t like it was the first bare chest I’d ever seen. In fact, I’d seen quite a bit more than just a chest on mission trips. But none of them came close to the man in front of me.

  He was pale, for one, and lean. There was nothing bulky or overdone about his body. He had a light dusting of pale golden hair, along with a distinct muscle definition. My eyes traced the curve of his bicep as he set his hands on his hips and I remembered his strength as he’d held me. As my gaze traveled over his chest and dipped lower to the towel knotted at his hip I jerked my eyes up. A low chuckle made me flush as I met his amused smirk.

  “Perhaps I should get dressed. I have no doubt Michael would consider our current circumstances improper.” He sauntered to the closet, completely unconcerned about his state of undress, and I stole a peek at his back. It was just as nice as the front, I noticed, quickly averting my gaze as he glanced over his shoulder.

  “So what are we shopping for today? Blousy shirts and long skirts? Perhaps we should read through Little Women for the latest fashion advice.” I wasn’t sure if it was the British accent making him sound snarky or if it was just Ian. The grin he tossed me made me think it was Ian.

  “Actually, I don’t want long skirts.”

  “What? Are my ears deceiving me? Did I just hear you correctly? No long skirts? Does this mean I get to see those lovely legs in a miniskirt?” Ian leaned around the corner of the door with a delighted smile.

  “You’ve never seen my legs. How would you know they’re lovely? Maybe I wear skirts to hide my varicose veins,” I teased, leaning over my crossed legs on the bed.

  “Ah, love, there’s nothing about you that’s not lovely.” He went back into the closet before he could see the pleased smile cross my face.

  “Thank you, and no, I won’t be wearing a miniskirt.” At my words he came back out, a hand placed dramatically over his heart, his body now covered in a white t-shirt and navy slacks.

  “The disappointment is difficult to bear, but I will try.” His eyes narrowed in speculation as he took in my position. “So if no to the long skirts, what do you wish to wear?”

  “Pants,” I told him, bouncing a little in excitement. His eyebrows rose as he pressed his lips together and nodded. “I’ve always wanted to wear them, but my parents didn’t feel they were ladylike.” I rolled my eyes. “They felt a woman wearing pants gave a man ideas. I don’t think that’s true. I mean if you really think about it, it would be harder to rape a woman wearing pants. I mean you can just toss a skirt up!”

  He blinked slowly at my rant, a bemused smile tilting the corners of his lips.

  “Quite right, love. You make an excellent point. However, I imagine any man that made the mistake of trying to harm you would quickly come to regret it, pants or no pants,” he mentioned with a growl, reminding me forcefully of how dangerous he could be when provoked. A little shiver went down my spine, and I hurried to distract him.

  “And pants cover the same amount of skin, but they’re so much easier to move around in and there’s no risk of the wind blowing your skir
t up.” He nodded agreeably, but didn’t comment, his eyes hooded. “It would be easier to straddle things too.”

  He closed his eyes for a second. “Jane, my love, if you’re going to insist on no sexual innuendos, I must ask that you quit giving me so many opportunities to make them.”

  I tilted my head in puzzlement, and he only shook his in reply.

  “Let’s get breakfast, and then we shall go find you some pants, and perhaps a nice dress that shows a little leg.” He held his arm out to me, and I took it, still wearing his clothes from the night before, but they would have to do until we’d purchased more. The clothes I had been wearing when I arrived had disappeared, most likely to a trashcan.

  “Underwear too,” I added as an afterthought. I sent him a sideways glance as I thought I heard him groan, but he just gave me a pained smile. “You shaved,” I noticed, running my finger along his smooth jaw. “It looks good.” He captured my hand in his, dimples dancing as he gave me a gorgeous grin.

  “Thank you, love. Now where do you want to go first? The concierge gave me a list of shops nearby where we can purchase clothing for you,” he asked as he guided me to the table where a covered tray sat. He pulled the cover off with a flourish revealing two plates with omelets and fruit.

  “I thought we’d go to Wal-Mart. They’ll have everything I need and it’s cheap.”

  “Wal-Mart? I don’t recall a store with that name on his list,” he asked doubtfully. “Money isn’t an issue. I’ll provide your clothing, since having you babysit wearing my clothes would only serve as a distraction for me.”

  “You’ve never heard of Wal-Mart?” I asked, struck by the blank look on his face when he said Wal-Mart. How could he not have heard of Wal-Mart?

  “Noooo? Should I have?” He dug into his omelet as I stared at him in disbelief. He really didn’t know what I was talking about. He pointed his fork to my plate. “Eat. You’ll need your strength if we’ll be traipsing around town to buy you a new wardrobe.”


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