Only You and Me
Page 2
“Come on,” I said.
He chuckled and the way his breath landed on me made my entire body quiver. I writhed and scooted down closer to him, but he pulled his face back just in time. I groaned in frustration and lifted my head to meet his gaze. He was wearing a look I hadn’t seen in a long time, one that showed he was truly enjoying teasing me like this. Even if I would never openly admit it to Ryan, this was one thing I actually missed.
He smirked and then kissed my hip before whispering, “Moving on.”
“No! Don’t move on!”
Ryan grinned, “Why not?”
“Ry-an,” I choked out as I pushed my body forward even more.
This time he didn’t move his face away. This time he waited for me to move forward until his lips made contact with the spot I so wanted to feel him. I let out another choked noise of success, but that still made it clear I needed more. He chuckled again and sent vibrations through me. I squirmed on the bed and moaned, asking him to keep going. He opened his mouth and closed it around my center, giving a strong suck to get me going even more.
“Oh! Ry-” I gasped out.
He sucked again and I moaned loudly. He stuck his tongue out and ran it up and down a few times, lapping up my warmth. He pushed the tip of his tongue in just past my opening and swept it up until he flicked my hard nub with strength. I moaned even louder and called out his name, my body twisting from one side to the other. He did it again and then pushed his tongue a little deeper inside me. He ran his fingers along my legs and I knew he was savoring every moment of this. Ryan truly enjoyed eliciting such strong reactions from me, feeling me, and tasting me.
He finally pushed his tongue inside of me entirely and began to work it. He had always been great at this. Even though he liked it and I derived so much pleasure from it, occasions were somewhat rare. There was no real reason behind that, it just sort of happened. I didn’t altogether mind because it gave me something special to look forward to sometimes. In practically no time, I was writhing and crying out as he carried on. My body soon tensed up and I clamped my eyes shut as a strong orgasm ran through me. I exhaled loudly and opened my eyes, body relaxing.
I sat up and placed my hand under his chin, “What was that about?”
He shrugged and responded, “You never know when inspiration is going to strike.”
I laughed and he laid down on the bed beside me. I turned to my side and placed a hand tenderly on his chest, with a smile curling my lips and satisfaction in my eyes. It had turned out to be a good afternoon after all. I dismissed the lurking thought in the back of my mind that maybe he was setting me up for some bad news or something.
We were silent for a long time until I finally decided to ask, “So what was that about?”
“I told you, inspiration-”
“Not that! I meant the phone call.”
“Oh,” he said as he flipped onto his side to face me, “It was Gina whining that she’s bored. I told her to call other people but you know how she gets. Doesn't matter, though."
“Why not?”
“Because I told her I’m not free today,” he told me simply, reaching out to brush a stray hair away from my face. “I had every intention of spending this day in with you and there was already one interruption so…”
I smiled and placed my head on his chest, closing my eyes. Serenity descended upon us and we remained quiet for a while. I had to admit even if it wasn’t the most exciting thing in the world there were few things that could beat peacefully laying in bed with the man I loved.
Chapter Four- Ryan
“I don’t think we can avoid her for long. Well, mainly you,” Marry said Monday morning over a breakfast spread of vanilla yogurt, fresh fruit, and toast.
“I need coffee,” I complained.
“You always think you need coffee,” Marry said before taking in a spoonful of yogurt and repeating, “She can’t be avoided for long.”
“I know,” I said somewhat irately, “I know. I just…” I stood up and walked to the coffee maker, but closed my fist and shook my head, “I just want to put off dealing with it.”
“You mean dealing with the ever-present palpable tension between Gina and me."
“Among other things,” I said shortly before taking a large bite of toast.
She eyed me, but decided to drop it. I was clearly not in the mood to discuss this and the last thing she wanted was to push me so that we ended up arguing. She finished up her yogurt, popped one last juicy grape in her mouth, and headed into the bedroom to get ready. She pulled out the outfit she’d prepared, put it on, and then got started on her hair and makeup. I walked in just as she was pulling her hair into a bun.
“You look so hot with your hair like that,” I commented before walking into the closet to rifle through my work clothes.
She smiled, but said nothing, only focusing on finishing up to head out. Even with the impending hang out with Gina, which could very well be as early as later that night, Marry could tell it was going to be a good day. She kissed me on the lips and headed out.
“I’m just saying, I knew it wouldn’t be long. And sure enough…”
I placed the salad, bought at the local grocery store, in a large wooden bowl and then got to work on plating the salmon and rice pilaf Ryan had bought. Gina would arrive soon for dinner. It went without saying that I wasn’t exactly looking forward to it, but I was in high enough spirits to deal quite well. I had just set the third plate on the table when the doorbell of our little house rang. I looked up and sighed, walking just behind Ryan as he went over to open the door.
“Ryan, darling, lovely of you to have me over,” Gina said in as slithery a voice as ever.
She leaned over the threshold and pulled him into an inappropriately tight hug, rouge painted lips planting a quick peck on his cheek. He stepped aside and Gina looked at me with the same poorly masked disdain as usual.
“Hello, Gina,” I greeted in a significantly less terse tone of voice than usual.
Gina forced a smile before looking over at the table and exclaiming, “Oh, it’s ready! Good thing because I’m starved.”
She rudely pushed past me and took a seat, looking over at Ryan expectantly. Gina tilted her head and smiled at him. It was a genuine smile, much unlike the one she offered me. On top of that, her eyes were filled with infatuation but I knew she was milking it just to work my last nerve. Unfortunately for Gina, I had already decided to let things slide so long as they didn’t go too far. If what Gina wanted was to get a rise out of me, she was going to be disappointed.
The three of us sat at the dinner table and I asked, “So how long are you planning on staying in town?”
“Thinking about staying for good this time,” Gina responded as she cut her salmon into small bites. “I have quite an interest here, anyway,” she added, looking directly at Ryan.
I ignored it and casually asked, “Have you found a place to live yet?”
"I'm actually looking at this lovely one-bedroom apartment that's about a ten-minute walking distance from here!" She smiled somewhat triumphantly.
I began to feel warm and irritated. The thought of Gina living so close to us permanently was far too much. I knew that woman was doing it to work her way between our relationship, but that wouldn’t happen. In that moment, I resolved to put an end to this once and for all. That also meant taking a strong stance where Ryan was concerned, but I was sure he would understand, even if he didn’t quite like it at first. After all these years of me grinning and bearing it, I figured he had to at least be willing to comprehend why this was too much and I had to take action.
“Really?” Ryan didn’t look or sound excited, something I noted with satisfaction.
“Yes! Oh, Ry-Ry, you’ve got to-”
“I already told you not to call me Ry-Ry,” he reminded rather sternly.
Gina’s face flushed and she looked down at her plate. I smirked and leaned my body toward Ryan. I knew how
much he’d always hated that nickname, but he’d never been so serious about telling her to stop. I thought it was about time because, in my opinion, he’d always been a bit too considerate of Gina’s feelings.
“I forgot. Force of habit, Ryan.”
He looked her dead in the eye, “I don’t think you’ve called me ‘Ry-Ry’ often enough as of late to claim it’s exactly a habit.”
I chewed my bite of salmon slowly, watching their interaction with interest. It was the first time I could remember the tension being between the two of them rather than between Gina and I. It was an interesting turn of events.
“Okay, but don’t be upset. Please?”
Gina had turned on her cutesy voice, but it had no effect on Ryan. He just shrugged and shoveled some salad into his mouth. He looked straight ahead and didn’t say anything so I decided to keep the conversation going.
“Any other places catch your eye, Gina?”
“Not really. This was the best one I’ve found. I should know in the next couple of days whether or not I’ll get it.”
“Oh, well keep us updated on that,” I said flatly before faking a smile and then taking my last bite of salmon.
The mood was weird enough that Gina didn’t try to worm her way into staying longer. She didn’t suggest a movie or a game. She didn’t drag out any of her boring and pointless stories. I was pretty pleased, but if I knew Gina, this was far from the end of it. If anything, she would only work harder to get Ryan’s attention. I actually felt a little sorry for her being unable to just let him, and that twisted dream of being with him, go.
“Walk me to my car?”
Ryan turned to look at her, but I was the one who responded, “I’ll walk you. We can have a little chat in private.”
“Oh, am I in trouble?”
Even though Gina’s voice was clearly mocking me, I smiled and responded, “Maybe.”
Ryan muttered a quick “goodnight” before escaping into the bathroom. Gina crossed her arms and her face turned red. She was absolutely terrible at masking her annoyance. I knew Gina hoped to spark something with an inappropriate way of saying goodbye, but he’d very obviously snubbed her.
“Shall we?”
Gina looked at me and then back in the direction in which Ryan had gone. I could practically see the wheels turning in her head and she suppressed the urge to laugh. This was even sadder than her constant advances on a man who was very much in love with and very much committed to me. She huffed and then nodded, walking over toward the door without waiting for me.
I felt anger flood over me. No matter what, Gina would always be blatantly rude to me. That was what bothered me the most about the whole situation. I took a deep breath and readied myself to put an end to this. Focusing on Gina’s rudeness had to take a back seat to what was about to be done. We walked in silence until reaching the car, at which point Gina turned around to look at me with a face that asked, ‘Well, what the hell did you want to talk about?’
I worked past my anger and kept my demeanor cool and controlled. If I was going to pull this off, I had to come across a certain way. I very slightly curled the corners of my lips and looked Gina dead in the eye.
“Gina,” I said softly as I took a step closer to her, “This needs to stop.”
“Look, if you’re going to-”
“Shh, shh, shhh… I’m not done speaking,” I said, “You may have a lot to say, defend, or simply not care about, but all of it is of no consequence to me. So save that precious breath of yours.”
Gina exhaled loudly and her look turned stony. I could tell she was trying to deflect, but the truth was she’d been caught off guard and didn’t like it one bit. My plan was working out perfectly so far.
I took another two steps forward until I was practically in her face. We were close enough to kiss, I thought with amusement. Without thinking twice, I reached out and stroked a loose lock of Gina’s hair. She gulped, but didn’t look away. She was at least trying to hold her ground in some way.
“I want you to listen carefully because I won’t be repeating this: You need to stop. You will stop,” I took a long pause before continuing, “Give it up, Gina. Save what little dignity you have left and just let him go. Trust me, you don’t want to ignore me.”
I leaned in and pressed my lips to Gina’s cheek before turning on my heel and sauntering back inside. I locked the door and looked through the window, waving goodbye with what I knew was an unsettling smile.
“That,” I heard Ryan’s voice from behind me, “Was so fucking hot.”
Chapter Five-Marry
I shut the drapes at once and turned to look at Ryan with a smirk. I ran my fingers through my hair.
“Didn’t know I had it in me?”
Ryan hummed in brief contemplation before responding, “I wouldn’t exactly say that.”
“Oh no?”
He smiled and moved closer to me, shaking his head. I leaned back against the glass, sticking my chest out proudly to entice him with my large breasts. He glanced down at them and lingered before looking back up.
“I’m not exactly surprised,” he told me, “You have an edge.”
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” he breathed out in a raspy voice as he took another step toward me.
My heartbeat was starting to go faster. It was pretty clear where this was headed, but something in me said now was the moment. This was the perfect time to bring up what I had been thinking about for a while now. And if he was so turned on by the way I handled the Gina situation outside, surely he must find me attractive in the dominant position. I smirked because, as Ryan would say, that was not exactly surprising. I reached out and placed my hand square in the middle of his chest, exhaling loud and slow as I looked deep into his eyes.
“And you like it,” I said.
“Oh, yes, I do.”
“It wasn’t a question,” I told him a low voice.
Ryan arched one of his brows and tilted his head in interest. My heart rate picked up even more. This was the perfect moment, but it was also a serious talk. It wasn’t easy to tread the line between the two perfectly. I curled my fingers inward and gripped his shirt, pulling it off his chest. I pulled him toward me, but didn’t allow him to get too close. That would have to wait.
“What is going on,” he breathed out, immense interest shining in his eyes.
I walked my fingers up his chest and placed them under my chin as I responded, “I’ve been thinking about something for a while now.” I stroked his cheek gently with the tip of my index finger, “I think tonight’s a good a night as any.”
“A good night for what, exactly?”
“Something new. Something exciting.”
“I like the sound of that,” he muttered.
He tried to step forward, but I instantly placed my hand on his chest to stop him. It wasn’t hasty or forceful. It was direct and effective. Ryan’s eyes lit up even more. I was pretty sure he could sense what direction I was taking this in and the fact he was so receptive to it from the start made it so much better.
“Good,” I told him.
“Good,” he repeated, “So what is this new and exciting thing?”
“A little more of this and then some,” I told him vaguely.
He laughed, “Do I get clued in sooner or later?”
“Of course,” I told him, softening a bit. This was it. This was the moment and I had to be direct. So I placed my hand on his shoulder, “What are your limits, Ryan?”
“With you? I’d say not many.”
“Is that so?”
“Mm-hm. I trust you and I love you and damn if you aren’t insanely hot.”
At this I couldn’t help, but laugh. I also couldn’t help, but pull him in for a passionate kiss. I tugged his hair to pull his lips off mine and looked deep into those gorgeous blue eyes of his.
“So if you misbehave-”
“Then you should punish me as you see fit.”
“Oh, I like that you had that resp
onse ready to go,” I told him.
“So that’s what you want, huh? You want to tell me what I can and can’t do, keep a close eye on me to make sure I’m punished if needed?”
“Oh, fuck,” I groaned out before kissing him fiercely.
He kissed me back and pushed me against the wall. “That’s supposed to be my move,” I thought but didn’t care enough to stop the kiss. I bit his lower lip and moved down to rub the hard bulge in his pants. He groaned into my mouth and I cupped him, giving a tight squeeze before letting go. He pulled back and gasped sharply, eyes dark with desire. I loved how easily he got all worked up with me.