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Vengeance in Blood (Book 3): Reborn

Page 18

by Watson, Thomas A.

  “No, goofy, there is a TV screen, so they can see me,” Besseta laughed.

  Taking the phone, Kenneth saw Jack and Jill slowly coming downstairs. “Bonnie, Clyde, why were you upstairs with Jack and Jill?”

  Bonnie and Clyde started barking, bouncing around in circles as Besseta tapped the number two on the screen. Kenneth saw the two licking a flat screen monitor showing the image of him. “You got a smartphone for the dogs?”

  “It’s the best thing, Kenneth,” Besseta said, stomping her foot. “We can check on the babies when we’re gone, and they can see us.”

  “Is this the reason Tiffany bought a new laptop?”

  “No,” Besseta scoffed. “This is why we loaded up on disposable smartphones. She got the laptop, so she could play with the puppies; hers didn’t have the processing power.”

  “I’m going to ask, but I’m not sure I want to know. How do you play with a dog, thousands of miles away with a laptop?”

  “It drives a little car around that has a camera. You can chase them, and they can chase it. The little car will even throw a ball,” Besseta said as she bounced on her toes.

  Seeing how happy she was, Kenneth smiled. “Let me guess, you bought one, too?”

  “No,” Besseta huffed. “I bought three, and Tiffany bought three.”

  “How much-,”

  All joy left her face as Besseta grabbed the front of his shirt and reared back her fist. “Ask how much it cost, I dare ya,” she growled. “Fuck that, I double dare ya. I’ll punch you out and break your toes, one by one.”

  Hearing the dogs barking on the phone, Kenneth raised it to his mouth. “Bonnie, Clyde, be good,” Kenneth said, hanging up the phone and never taking his eyes off Besseta. “Besseta, I was just going to ask that, because I think this guy is onto something that we might need to invest in.”

  Not letting his shirt go, but dropping her fist with a confused look on her face, “Huh?” Besseta asked.

  “You said this guy was the developer that made this. It sounds like he started his own company and is just starting out. I think we need to look into investing in it.”


  “Yes, if it makes you happy. I don’t care what you spend, and Tiffany can spend her money on whatever she wants. I see that both of you really like this and I do have to admit, it was good to see them, but this company may be something we need to invest in.” Then added under his breath, “Besides, I think both of you together could pay off the federal deficit.”

  Jumping up, Besseta wrapped her legs around him, hugging him tight. “I’m glad you’re not worried about the money.”

  “Seeing your fist balled up as many times as I have, getting ready to pummel me for worrying about money, is starting to have an effect.”

  Sitting at the table watching them, Maria smiled. “I was wrong. She has already brought him in line.”

  “Maria,” Kenneth snapped. “You can’t always take her side.” The smile fell off as Maria busted out in Spanish, waving her hand at him. “You do remember I am fluent in Spanish, right?” Unfazed, Maria cut loose again.

  Besseta shook her head. “I have to remember this,” she said amazed, listening to Maria.

  When Maria stopped, Kenneth walked over to the table with Besseta still holding on with her legs wrapped around him. “Maria, I love you with all my heart, but if you keep telling her how to cow me down, I’m going to hold you down and spit in your ear.”

  Besseta looked over at Maria. “He can’t spit if I tie his lips together. You must tell me more of this.”

  Giving up, Kenneth shook his head. “Guys, we need to start gathering stuff. It’s daylight, so we won’t be able to get back fast, but if you need us, call us,” Kenneth said, handing one of the phones to Mickey. “Nobody knows about this place. Hell, I didn’t even know about this place and I just read her mind, so just stay close. I don’t feel bad about not committing thousands of years to memory.”

  “Compadre,” Mickey said, standing up. “Are the things you showed us last night hurt by guns?”

  “Yes, but it takes lots of bullets.”

  “I need one then,” Mickey said, nodding.

  “When we get to where we are going, you will have them, but we can’t risk it getting this family to its new home. I really don’t want to kill a cop because he finds a pistol in one of the cars.”

  Besseta laughed. “No, you’ll just make him drop his pants and spank his own ass until it bleeds, standing beside the road.”

  Turning from Besseta, Mickey looked at Kenneth with a confused look. Kenneth just shook his head. “I’ll tell you another day. I’m sorry, my friend, but my wife has worn me out mentally.”

  Walking over, Mickey clasped his shoulder. “On this, I know much. What are you two going to do?”

  “Get some rides and look for Edwardo,” Kenneth answered as Maria walked up behind Mickey and popped his butt. “If we aren’t back by dark, don’t freak. If for some reason, we or Tiffany aren’t here in two days, grab the money and run.”

  Maria looked up at Mickey and turned to Kenneth. “Don’t risk yourself and little Besseta,” she said as tears ran down her cheeks.

  Knowing how much that hurt Maria to say, Kenneth shook his head. “Sorry, but Edwardo is part of our family, and we owe it to him to find him.”

  “LA is big, you can’t search it all,” Mickey said.

  “Want to bet on that?” Kenneth challenged, pulling out his wallet.

  “Show off,” Besseta said and then bit his nose, but didn’t let go.

  “Hey, I need that to find Edwardo,” Kenneth laughed.

  Letting go of Kenneth’s nose, Besseta dropped to her feet. “We will buy the kids some clothes, since I have their sizes now. Use the computer to have the little store at the end of the canyon deliver some food. Sorry, but Tiffany doesn’t have a car here. But don’t leave the area, in case we come back and need to leave really fast.”

  “We will stay in the house,” Mickey said, wrapping his arm around Maria.

  “When we leave, there is some bleach under the sink,” Besseta said, pulling Kenneth to the door. “Mickey, don’t ask why, but I need you to pour small drops of bleach around the house and pee around the house, so they don’t smell Kenneth or I. Tiffany just bought the house and hasn’t lived in it.”

  With a look of bewilderment, Maria looked up at Mickey. “Now, you have a reason to pee outside around the house.”

  Walking out the door, Kenneth and Besseta laughed as they left. Not able to run like they could at night, they still ran faster than a human could to the end of the canyon. Stopping at a locked-up house, Kenneth walked to the garage and nodded at the door. The garage door rolled up and Kenneth smiled, seeing a Harley.

  “We need to clean up some,” Besseta said, walking up behind him. Kenneth looked over at her and saw the dried blood that covered her body. Looking down at himself, he saw the same.

  “Let’s do it fast. ‘Sparky’ knew someone who was looking for Edwardo near Venice Beach,” Kenneth said, walking into the house. “I can smell Edwardo, but for some reason, I can’t locate him.”

  After showering, they dressed in shorts and t-shirts they found in the house. Barefoot, Kenneth climbed on the Harley and started it up. Besseta bounced up behind him, sitting on the bitch seat and wrapped her legs around him like a seat belt.

  Reaching town, Kenneth parked the bike while Besseta called a cab. When the cab pulled up, they climbed in. “Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive,” Besseta commanded, pulling out a cardholder and handing the driver a credit card.

  The driver slid the card and handed it back. “Miss, I just want to warn you,” he said, looking at them in the rearview mirror. “You walk around like that, they will arrest you in ten minutes.”

  “Yeah, we were at a party and our clothes got stolen. We need more,” Besseta said as she sat back and put her legs in Kenneth’s lap.

  “Damn, that must have been some party,” the driver laughed.

en the cab stopped, they got out and walked barefoot into the Armani store. A man approached them, holding up his hand and pointing at the door. “Shut your mouth, pencil dick,” Besseta snapped and the man jumped back. “We need clothes, now. We were robbed and had to stop at a second-hand store, so if you say anything, I’ll choke you with your own tie.”

  The man turned to Kenneth and Kenneth shrugged. “I have my wallet and she has her card holder, so I would listen to her before she calls her dad and has you dropped in the ocean.”

  Bowing as all the color drained from his face, “Accept my apologies,” he said, then straightened up.

  Looking up at Kenneth, “You get one suit at least, but also several outfits. They better look good or I’ll rip them up and we start over,” Besseta said as she walked toward the women’s section, but stopped. “No, scratch that,” she said, looking at the man who worked there and saw he was a manager.

  “So, Leon, you’re the manager?” she asked, and he nodded. “Dress him and I want him to look nice, and not like some sissy ass. I’m going to find some clothes. You have one hour,” she commanded, walking away.

  “My,” Leon said, watching her walk away. “She seems used to getting her way.”

  “Yep,” Kenneth sighed. “Piss her off and she’ll buy the store just to burn it down.”

  Leon grabbed Kenneth’s arm and pulled him to the back of the store. In just over an hour, they were standing outside dressed very nice. Hanging up her phone, Besseta had a leather backpack while Kenneth carried a leather garment bag over his shoulder, and a large graphite rolling suitcase he was pulling along.

  “I can’t believe you paid six hundred dollars for a backpack,” he huffed as a cab pulled up. “I could buy the same damn thing at Walmart for twenty bucks and sew the name tag on.”

  As Kenneth opened the door for her, Besseta glared at him. “One more word, and I’ll bite your pinkie toe off.”

  “Point taken,” he nodded, climbing in after her before pulling the suitcase in and laying the garment bag over it.

  Leaning up to the driver, “Goss dealership,” Besseta said, handing the driver a hundred-dollar bill.

  When she sat back, Kenneth looked at her in shock. “How the hell, did you know about that dealership? It has the largest inventory of exotic cars in North America.”

  “Are you kidding? You have it on your favorites,” she grinned. “I don’t think you get on the computer without looking at the car sites.”

  “Do we really want to attract that much attention?”

  “Attention? Be damned if I’m riding home again in something that isn’t comfortable,” she snapped. “You once said the Jag was the best in its price range for luxury. So, what’s the best?”

  “For luxury and speed? Right now, it’s the Bentley Mulsanne.”

  “We’ll get some of those then,” she grinned happily.

  Feeling lightheaded, Kenneth felt his heart skip a beat. “Babe, they cost four hundred thousand and change- apiece.”

  As the smile fell off her face, Besseta reached over and grabbed his leg, squeezing it hard. “Did you say something?”

  “No,” Kenneth grimaced until she let go of his leg. “It’s only a four-person car, babe. Mickey has five kids.”

  “So, we’ll buy more than one.”

  “Besseta, if we buy more than one, we will attract attention just going down the highway. How about we buy a Range Rover?”

  “Do they ride good or do they beat you up like the Jeep?”

  “You love riding in the Jeep,” Kenneth snapped.

  Shaking her head, “Not for long periods of time,” Besseta said.

  Giving up, Kenneth nodded. “Yes, if you don’t like the way the Range Rover rides, I’ll burn the damn thing.”

  “How many can it carry?”


  “So, we buy the Bentley and a Range Rover?”

  “Yes, baby,” Kenneth said as the cab pulled up to the front of the dealership.

  When they got out, a man came over and Besseta held up her hand. “Black or Grey Bentley Mulsanne, new. Do you have one here ready to sell or shall we go somewhere else?”

  “Uh, yes. We have two black and one grey, here,” the salesman said.

  “Show me and make it quick,” Besseta replied, slinging her backpack onto one shoulder.

  Visibly trembling, the salesman led them inside to the showroom. He walked around several cars and Besseta raised her eyebrows. “I like it that they keep the cars inside,” she confessed as the man stopped beside a big black car and opened the door.

  Besseta climbed inside and gasped at the luxury. Running her hands over the seats, she smiled as Kenneth got in the other side. “This is top of the line, babe,” he grinned. “Never thought I would ever sit inside one, much less be thinking about buying one.”

  “Does this one have everything that a car can come with?” Besseta asked, looking at the dashboard.

  “Its options and accessories,” Kenneth replied, pulling a slip off the dash and sucked in a breath. “Holy mother of God.”

  “So, I take it this one has everything?”

  “Shit, for this much, the damn thing better be able to drive itself, cook supper, and turn into a hover car.”

  Knowing a threat would do no good, Besseta looked out at the salesman. “I’ll take it,” she said, getting out of the car. Taking off her backpack, the salesman stuttered when she pulled out her credit card holder. She handed over her license and a gold credit card.

  The salesman looked down and gasped. “This is a JP Morgan Chase Palladium.”

  “Yeah, so what?” Besseta shrugged, putting her backpack on. “It doesn’t have a credit limit. I have my Black American Express if you wish to use it, but if I take off my backpack again, you’re giving me a discount.”

  “This will be fine,” he stuttered, wondering where this young tiny woman came into such money.

  “I’m in a hurry, so please move,” she stated kindly as Kenneth got out of the other side. “I want the car fueled before I leave as well.”

  “Yes, madam,” the salesman said with a bow. “This way, please.”

  Besseta turned to see Kenneth staring at a car that was low to the ground and shaped like a wedge. “Get the papers ready and I’ll join you. I want to see what my husband is looking at.”

  “Yes, madam,” the salesman said, looking over at Kenneth. “That is the Lamborghini Aventador.”

  “Thank you, now papers,” Besseta said, walking around the Bentley. She walked over to Kenneth and wrapped her arm around his waist. “You like this one?”

  “Babe, it’s a rocket for two people,” Kenneth laughed. “I have one of those already. Tiffany bought me that Saline S7.”

  “So, you don’t like it?”

  “No, but we need transportation for people, not rockets,” Kenneth said, opening the door. “Damn, feels like I’m climbing into the Starship Enterprise.”

  Feeling the joy from Kenneth as he sat in the car, Besseta turned around and snapped her fingers and six other salesmen ran over. “I’ll take this one as well.”

  Visibly pale, Kenneth jumped out. “Are you crazy? We have to drive it over two thousand miles.”

  She turned to the closest salesman. “Will this car make it two thousand miles without getting hurt? We are in a kind of race.”

  “Madam, I would race this car across the states right now, without hesitation,” the salesman said with confidence.

  “Add it to my bill and make it fast,” Besseta said, turning to look up at Kenneth. “Did you want to say something, babe?”

  “Nope,” Kenneth said, forcing himself not to look at another car.

  Hearing his thoughts, Besseta smiled. “You’d better look, or I’ll buy them all.”

  “If I do, will you promise not to buy anymore? There’s only two of us and you’ve bought two already.”

  “Maybe,” she smiled and saw Kenneth keep his eyes straight ahead. “Oh, all right, I won’t buy another o
ne unless you approve.”

  “Thank you,” Kenneth sighed, but smiled. “Thank you for the car.”

  Wrapping her arms around him, Besseta looked up and smiled. “I’d buy you the world, if you’d let me.”

  “I have all I ever wanted, right here in my arms,” he smiled, hugging her tight.

  “Always,” Besseta said, burying her face in his chest.


  The original salesman came over and led them to a very luxurious room to sign papers. Kenneth had never gotten a leather jacket when he’d bought a car, but when he saw the four hundred grand price for the Lamborghini, he almost demanded they throw in a house.

  They drove north out of town and left the Bentley at a hotel, with the garment bag and suitcase. Besseta climbed into the Lamborghini and Kenneth sped back towards LA. As Kenneth drove, Besseta made several calls, then looked over at him when she hung up the phone.

  “Tiffany will be here with the babies at nine this evening,” she said as Kenneth pulled into another dealership. “After we get this one, let’s drop it off and search for Edwardo.”

  “You want me to drive a Lamborghini to East LA? Are you insane?”

  “You’re a big boy, and I’m sure no one will hurt you,” Besseta laughed.

  Shaking his head, Kenneth parked at the dealership and looked over at her. “We would have to kill too many people for messing with the car.”

  “Fine, we’ll leave the car with the others,” Besseta sighed. “The lawyers called. They got the pictures I sent for Mickey’s family. The new IDs will be here tomorrow morning by courier.”

  “Just how in the hell, can they do that so fast?” Kenneth asked, pulling the fob out. “The IDs they send us aren’t fake; they are state issued.”

  “Like I said, they know to only send me real IDs,” Besseta said, opening her door. As the door lifted up, she leaned over and kissed his cheek and got out.

  They left with Besseta driving the Range Rover and Kenneth following. Besseta stopped at two stores and Kenneth bought more phones, and another laptop with an airtime card. He sat in the Lamborghini, contacting people he used to get information from on the internet.


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