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The Captain's Stand

Page 26

by Kat Mandu

  “What would life be without its ups and downs?” Richard frowned, “I need to take care of a few things is there someplace I can meet up with you?” Richard asked as he looked at Dr. Smith.

  “Here is my address,” Dr. Smith said as she handed him an envelope, over to Madison. “The Layout should more or less be the same so you shouldn’t have too many issues with finding my home. I live in the southern part of the city.” He said directing her information to Madison.

  “Good to know, I take it you already have a plan worked out?” Madison asked,

  “I would say everything is in order just show up and know how to swing a sword,” Dr. Smith said before walking out of the room.

  “Well that was interesting,” Richard said as he glanced over at Madison, “So nice to be home and among family again?”

  “I love’em but I am half tempted to go jump in a lake with my armor on,” Madison said with a shrug as she headed for the door.

  “I know that feeling all too well,” Richard replied as Madison looked at him. “What?” He asked,

  “You know it’s weird we went running around an Island, and I know absolutely nothing about, you and you only know about me cause of the crew you use to be a part of.” Madison pointed out as she looked at him.

  “Um,” Richard rubbed the back of his head, “well um,” Richard said as his eyes looked down shifting as if something on the floor would have an idea as to what to say. “Let’s just say it was interesting and leave it at that,” Richard replied as he looked at her.

  “Ah,” she said before she walked out of the room and into the hallway.

  “Ah?” Richard repeated, “What in the world does that mean?” Pheobe didn’t respond as Richard frowned at the back of her head. “Woman,” Richard grumbled as he shook it off he had other issues he needed to worry about.

  Chapter 28 Pub Run

  More Than One Way To Get Sober

  “To Sir Richard!” came shout as Richard raised a mug slamming them all together as rum splashed over the table and floor. Richard smiled as his thoughts swam in his head as he tilted his head back and chugged another glass of rum.

  “Speech!” came out a shout then a chat accompanied by pounding, as he stood up to the table, He grabbed another glass as he lifted it up to the chandelier.

  “I shall stand for freedom, for self-improvement, and well-paid job!” he shouted getting a resounding cheer. “Never will I force a man to be a part of my crew, nor will I stand by and let my crew be disrespected, for those who sail under the golden sails, shall be those who bring down those that will make coin of man’s blood shall be brought to justice be it the noose or the LOCKER!” he declared and with the roar around him he downed his glass shattering it on the floor with a hard swing.

  “Out!” cried out a voice as Richard laughed dropping of the table and head to door.

  “Come on Doc, lets you get you a drink!” Richard shouted as everyone roared in approval, “And Let’s get goliath Drunk Let’s get some Barrels!” Richard issued the challenge as they stepped into the stone road made a right and after a few steps walked into the bar next door.

  Boss slammed some gold onto the table as the man rolled over a keg slammed keg in as Madison walked in last sighing as she grabbed a newspaper and started to glance through it.

  “Chug, Chug, Chug,” they chanted as Tray and Boss leaned on the keg as the giant just took the whole thing, as everyone in the pub just watched as the chugging died down and the liquor trailed away. He spun around grabbing the keg crushing it against his skull as the pieces fell to the ground.

  “What else you got!” he roared the room when quiet as everyone was stunned into silence by the downing of a full keg. “Um, please,” he said giving a sheepish grin.

  “Bring out another!” James cried out as he slammed his gold down. The money was flowing and soon the whole pub was singing drinking songs. Richard stumbled as everything seemed right even if everyone in the room couldn’t hold a tune in bucket.

  “You know something about this seems like a bad idea,” Richard admitted he closed his eyes trying to focus. “Ah I have it,” He stumbled out of the back of the pub, and grabbed a low cart and rolled it in. He slides the thing next to Goliam and rolled the barrel. Richard nodded and grabbed a shot of brandy, now safe in knowing the cart the Crocodile home.

  “Boss!” came out a cry as Richard spun to see Tray, “As your actions have offended me!”

  The room stopped as Boss looked at Richard who shrugged Goliam glanced up as Rum poured over his head.

  “The Challenge has been made are you man enough for this challenge of strength?” James shouted holding his hook hand in the air. The bar roared as Boss sat down on a stool in front of a square table. James sat down opposite as Goliam loomed over the head of others. Sam crawled up onto his back before holding his face up with both fists up as he perched himself on Goliaths head.

  “Place your bets!” Nathan cried out as he grabbed a hat of a patron. “Doctor Give me some odds?” He cried out.

  “Four to one Boss wins,” She said raising a glass before downing and leaning back on the bar.

  “Are you shiting me?” James shouted back,

  “It’s cause you fat, now let me drink in peace,” She cried back. Tray sat down as down the room went quiet as both crossed arms, and locked hands.

  Everyone started shouting as Tray slowly started to push chief down, fists of coins start to fly, as Nathan accumulated a bill of coins, he sat it down and started putting down pets.

  The two kept at it while chief only hat small twitches of strain, Tray was getting red faced as he gritted his teeth.

  Everyone was chanting and shouting encouragement. Richard glanced over at Nathan before picking up the second shot, he slides a bit spilling his drink. “Maybe I should wait a bit.” He moved over to the crowd, watching as Boss slowly bent Tray’s arm back before slamming it into the table. Boss stood up with both hands raised.

  “Who is next!” came a mass challenge as Richard sat down next to Nathan.

  “So I am getting a cut of that right?” Richard asked as Nathan slide a pile of coins over to him as he pocketed them.

  “Who is next?” was now being changed as a man in a trench coat and a flat cap on his head sat down in the chair.

  “Tobi York shall be your challenge,” he said raising his hand. The game went silent.

  “Six to One odds!” Nathan called out as Richard stood up and Looked over the group, he pushed the cart behind Goliam.

  Madison frowned as she looked at the dirty mug in front of her, Richard had chosen a rather dirty pub called Nancy’s the wood chairs were shit, along with the table, the bar, the glasses, the windows, and even the floor nothing looked like it was reputable or even cleaned on a regular basis. She was all but glaring at the cup as cheap rum was splashed onto her armor, as people jostled around.

  “Thish, was very,” Dr. Smith slurred trying to hold himself up by grabbing his armor. “Bad ivea,” before slumping against the bar, the room roared with laughter.

  “I could have told you that,” She said grabbing the man up by his coat and putting him on an empty bar stool.

  Tray and Boss were in the center with a mass of people crowding around as they arm wrestled. Richard was roaring his approval as Boss Slammed Tray’s arm onto the table. Money was passed as Richard downed a mug of rum slamming it down onto the bar. He glanced over at Madison his eyes wild, as she clenched her fist just in case he needs to be quickly sobered up.

  Just as fast as that it was gone. “First day fucking back and I get to clean up another mess,” he frowned spinning in his seat, he all but glanced around phoebe at the now out doctor. She blinked in surprise, he had at least three full glasses. “And you can’t tell me your happy either, you’re gone even longer than me, don’t even get the chance to say hi and boom.” He slapped his hands together. “I need you to do something, I don’t have any skill with this investigation, bull shit,” He growled pressing his fi
nger into his temples.

  “I’ll admit I am not happy about a lot of things,” she admitted, “Still it’s my families job, to take care of this city and county and I have been looking around at the reporting’s, they are not good.

  “Well, if I wasn’t sober I am now what are we dealing with?”

  “Combine, a murder spree that impacts every class of person in the city with a bit of the island blood spree and you get a good idea what we are dealing with there has been almost twenty victims,”

  “Twenty?” Richard repeated his mouth opening in shock.

  “I understand why they want us, anyone with an unbreakable alibi is useful skill or otherwise,” Madison admitted in soothed her own frustration if only a bit having to defend the decision.

  “Still you two alone should be up to the task, but what the heck what’s a few more days with Madison Dame of Gaslight?” he said, but the smile was forced.

  “You compared to the island in what way, think it’s connected to the pirate lords in some way?” he asked.

  “Maybe I don’t see much but there are a lot of symbols and rumor has it blood magic is involved.”

  “Didn’t you say that the alters had something to do with voodoo magic?” Spark asked the two had momentarily forgotten she had been with them hiding in Richard’s coat.

  “No, voodoo is a catch-all name ignorant people use for a lot of black magic that they don’t understand. It’s actually a religion biased on symbols, rituals, and tradition with no actual magic involved.

  “How do you know that?” Madison asked,

  “I am Richard Captain of obscure useless knowledge,” Richard declared pointing upward in a scholarly manner.

  “Okay good to know,” Spark replied, “Just don’t move around so fast it’s rather dizzying.”

  “Can do you want a drink?” he asked he grabbed a peanut shell and scooped up some rum out of Madison’s drink before it vanished into his coat.

  “Murder has claimed, a poor sailor, a war vet, a highborn lady, a bartender, a farmer, a slave, … and to top it all off a lord’s son,” Madison listed off all the victims.

  “I take it there is some way to tell that magic is involved and that each of these deaths is connected?” Richard asked his finger seemingly drawing things out on the bar.

  “Yes, but I don’t know and the one who would have,” she winced half way through her sentence as the doctor puked. “You are an evil man,” she said looking Richard dead in the eye.

  “I know,” he smiled proudly, “Still we should get going you wouldn’t happen to know where it is we are staying?” Richard asked as pulled Dr. Smith’s arm over his shoulder he paused a moment in confusion as if thinking.

  “Don’t hurt yourself, David, Smith talk to me where do you live?”

  “thir-sheen V Ecolsten stresh,” He slurred out as Madison grabbed the other arm.

  “Ah, got it,” Richard replied with a smile,

  “Huh?” Madison asked as Richard reached for his empty glass only to frown at the realization he had already downed it.

  “Ah,” he said staggering a bit. “He said 33 B Eccleston-street, that would put him,” Richard froze as he wasn’t sure where that was.

  “Hick” came out a squeaky hickup. Richard and Madison both looked at his jacket.

  “Anyone else you want to get plastered?” The dame accused as she looked down her nose at her.

  “That last one was un-intentional,” Richard defended. Suddenly there was a massive crash as Richard spun around his hand clumsily going for his sword as he almost fell. Goliam had crashed backwards on the cart Richard had set up “Sam?” he realized as he rushed over to see that Sam had curled up on Goliaths chest asleep. “I will own up to this one.” Richard admitted as he grabbed the cart and started to the door.

  He went and picked the good doctor up and dropped him on the cart as he headed for the door. Madison shook her head as she walked out. “Don’t stay up to late!” she declared but everyone was focused on the match up.

  Richard whistled along as he made his way back to the dock the wheels on the cart squeaking along under the strain of the three bodies he was carting along.

  “You do realize if people saw this, you would get the guards called on you right?” Madison asked looking at him.

  “That, is a good point, however I am intoxicated so I didn’t think of that,” Richard admitted,

  The two walked on making it to the docks Richard looked along the moving slowly as he made sure nobody got dunked into the water on accident. He looked up at his ship, it glittered in the moon light.

  “It feels like a dream, to have something so amazing in my position,” Richard swallowed looking up at the main mass.

  “Really?” Madison asked mildly interested,

  “Yeah, I never had much luck in life, I don’t even have any close friends to speak off, lots of people know me but I know very little about them.”

  “I think we have more pressing matters,” Madison pointed out.

  Richard frowned trying to concentrate “What do you mean everything seems fine?” Richard felt his brow,

  “If we are docked why the ship is not properly tied up?” She asked as Richard glanced over to see all the ropes had been untied.

  Richard sighed and placed the cart up again a rail, he drew his sword as he looked at Madison. “Well we all knew this was going to happen, I should have dreamed something a bit more suttle,” he grumbled.

  “Well it’s not my fault,” Spark said flying out of his coat as the three walked onto the deck.

  “Now Drinking oneself in a stupor is hardly what I call fun but this is something I can get behind,” Madison admitted,

  “Of course she would have a hard on for dealing justice,” Richard sighed,

  “Hello miss placed aggression,” she grinned as a she cracked her knuckles.

  “There is only three people here, this ship is ours!” came a shout.

  Madison drew her sword dropping the shield to the side. The first goon rushed m as Madison stepped to the side sticking out her armored leg tripping the man as he rolled down the plan before splashing into the ocean.

  Richard frowned as he stepped onto the ship as a low pair of growls erupted from the darkness. “Hmm seems like you woke the sleeping dogs,”

  “Is that a giant cat?” cried out one panic.

  “I may be drunk but you didn’t think I would leave the ship on guarded what kinda nut do you take for me, oh fuck,” Richard stumbled to side as the whole ship lurched he looked fine as if he was walking normally but everyone else was just able to keep their feet with the exception of Cliff the Jaguar.

  “Richard what the hell?” Madison growled, lee rubbed his head, One of the thief’s charged lee. “He’s in no fit state to deal with this,” she though stopping on her shield and catching it with her left hand and giving it a hard throw decking the would be attacker.

  “Holly shit what was that!” Richard shouted after the shield had long since passed.

  “Richard, just take a nap,” Spark sighed growing to full size and pushing him to the deck on his ass. She drew her sword, “This is the soul property of captain Richard and as the one who gave him this ship I would recommend leaving, at once,” Spark said as she drew her short sword and her left hand started to glow; it light up the ship exposing a rather good size group of hijackers.

  “So much for a low profile, Nobody on the ship is allowed to leave alive,” Richard said in a cold tone, suddenly all the lanterns light up as the canons flipped pointing into the deck. The Golden Eagle shifted leaving the dock as the wheel spun on its own.

  “It’s haunted!” “Everyman for himself,” “This is a bad idea, bad idea!” Richard stood up and took out his pistols as he started calmly executing. The gun shot just added to the panic as Cliff chomped down on the leg of one of the men.

  “This rather dull, not one of them knows how to fight and all they do is scream, there is no honor in this,” Madison muttered. One of the
cannons when of shattering the bones as they panic continued.

  “This really should bother me,” Richard admitted, as he stood calmly on deck. “But to be shit, Spark head back to the dock and keep and eye on those three. Please,” he added as she glanced at him. She flew off, as he took out his pipe. Before grabbing on of the attacker he swung his sword at him but Richard caught the wrist twistining it away as he kneed the man in the gut. The man dropped as Richard put his sword to his neck pinning him to the ground. As another man was about to attack his back Jill leaped pitting onto the back of the attackers neck and twisting the man snapping the neck as the body went limp to the deck.

  “Who’s idea was this?” Richard asked casually “what you tell me well impact whether or not you leave this ship alive,”

  “But you said nobody could live,” he chocked out, his eyes wide.

  “I could be convinced of making exceptions, I am nothing if not flexible,” Richard admitted as he took out a match and swiped it on his own jacket before lighting his pipe up, “Sit,” Richard ordered as Jill sat down, “Watch,” Richard commanded as he stood up, the man tried to move but Jill growled and he lied back down.

  “Look we were told to see if we could steal the ship, we don’t know who hired us,”

  “Look frank, can I call you frank?” Richard asked, the man nodded rapidly, “Okay Frank this ship is magical,” Richard wiggled his finger in the air as the ship suddenly went in a fast circle as if trapped in a brief whirlpool.

  “Oh,” ‘Frank’ breathed before pissing himself.

  “Yeah, so how about,” Richard paused as the boat became more and more silent. “We make a deal, you Frank, get to live and you can tell anyone you want, except about the monster in my coat,” He said, else we may have to work in some tracking practice,” Richard threatened as he patted Jill on the head. She didn’t seem to notice as she watched the intruder unflinchingly.

  The Golden Eagle slipped back around to the dock as Richard slide the plank back into place with Madison doing most of the work. “Jill come here,” Richard said casually as she Barked and raised away. ‘Frank’ raced off the deck. “Jill, go get him,” Richard said with a bit of glee.


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