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The Captain's Stand

Page 29

by Kat Mandu

  “So are you coming home soon,” Nora asked looking at Madison, David was about to say something but Richard stepped in front of him.

  “Well, we have some things we need to prepare, so if you need a private place to talk please make use of my cabin,” Richard said with a smile,

  “Thank You, Lord Morgan could you stand outside the door for us?” she asked looking at him hopefully. He smiled as he adjusted his white gloves as the two woman headed up the stairs. He glanced back at Richard with a smirk, while Richard raised a brow at him.

  “So a Lord,” Boss said casually looking at him, “I never liked the idea of Lords and Kings. I always believed merit and skill.”

  “No system of governance can remain without some form of corruption,”

  “If all men were equal that wouldn’t be an issue,” Boss said as they watched them head up into this cabin. Boss glanced at Richard as Richard looked back.

  “This an age old debate if you want I could drop you off in Frank, they have a lot of places that thrive on this kind of chat, but I have work to do,” Richard said patting him on the shoulder, I am going to let Laurella know her serves are not in need.

  Richard walked into down the short flight to and entered her room. Richard felt his hairs stick up as he heard the familiar hum of her electro rod. “Something up Doc?” Richard asked as he glanced to the side to see Laurella armed and dangerous.

  “Who’s the tool you humiliated?” she asked lowering her weapon before sliding the lock into place.

  “Lord Morgan,” Richard said as he glanced back at the door. “Why you know him?”

  “I know his face; he was on the ship I was kicked off of back when I was, ‘employed’ so to speak.”

  “DO you know what the lord’s name was?”

  “No The Pirate who would be a Lord never stepped out of the cabin. Morgan was the first mate he handled all the day to day stuff if he hears his captain can’t be too far behind.” Laurella explained, “And If I go out there he will recognize me.”

  “Hmm pity I doubt we would be believed if we tried to oust him. Well, I’ll think on this, but I got a feeling if he is part of a crew, he won’t stand for me living long any recommendations?”

  “Well, I know a thing or two about poisons. If you feel any major effects, swallow this or force it down someone’s throat.” Laurella instructed tossing him a small jar.

  “What is this?” Richard asked raising an eyebrow at her.

  “It’s Mithridate,” Laurella explained as Richard looked at the jar then back at her.

  “You’re kidding, that’s like 65 different ingredients, I didn’t even think of stocking the ship,” Richard admitted,

  “The Golden Eagle didn’t come stocked with it, I made it while we were making time, I had the ingredients memorized back during my Apprenticeship. ” She admitted,

  “Who the hell did you work under that could teach you this,” Richard asked waving the jar in his hand.

  “Nobody I was given a lot of old medical books. They plundered a lot of things and the ingredients for The Mithridate was and is for some people one of the most sought after items. So if you want to have a good store of it,” She said pointing the shocker in face. “You keep your mouth shut, and maybe see if you can find other sources of medical knowledge, what helps me helps you.”

  “I get your drift,” Richard admitted, “In the meantime, I’ll ask Boss to bring you in some of the food.”

  “Good,” She sheathed her weapon. “So any plan’s for dealing with Morgan?”

  “Right now, no,” Richard admitted crossing his arm. “He’s in tight with the authority at least in Gaslight City. But I doubt he’s interested in standing still men of ambition are two things,” Richard chuckled as he cracked open the door.

  “I am not asking, I am not your audience,” Laurella said frowning back and cocking her hips.

  “Well, I plan on waiting for him to make a mistake. The worst thing a person can do is stumble in blind, Lord Morgan already proved assumption is the mother of all fuck ups,” Richard said as he closed the door behind him.

  “Shit,” she cursed, “That’s going to bother me now.”

  Chapter 31 Catching Up And Dinner

  Family Ties And The Investigation Begins

  “Oh it’s so nice to see you, I see it didn’t take long to get back into the armor,” Nora said jumping as she approached her sister and flung her arms around her neck.

  Madison took a moment to get over the sudden action before returning the hug. “I missed you so much,” she admitted, it felt like it was forever since she saw her older sister as even as she picked her up in the hug.

  “This is so unfair,” Nora huffed with a smile, as she was set down and dusted her dress off. “I have to admit, I have never seen a ship so amazing, the sails, the throne?” she paused, “The outside says heroic the captain’s room looks like that of a Dragon mage villain, or an anti-King Arthur.” She said glancing back at Madison.

  “All the same, he works for our father care for a seat; I’ll brew up some tea for us.” She said taking out a candle and setting up a kettle. “So what’s been going on while I was gone?” she asked as she got the sugar and other supplies Richard had off to the side.

  “Well we had a ball last Yule, I got a new dress, I went over and toured the country of Frank. The capital was amazing. I got see all the latest fashion. I was very lucky to even get to visit the Kings court the throne room was so lavishly decorated. It was to die for,” She went on, before whispering, “I got engaged.”

  “Pardon,” Madison said, as she turned,

  “Don’t act so surprised the eldest always goes first, I am going to be married to Lord Morgan, I can’t wait for you two to get some time together. He’s very sweet and he’s been such a gentleman.” She said flicking her wrist at her sister.

  “That’s good to hear, although he didn’t handle his entrance onto the Golden Eagle rather well,” Madison commented wearily.

  “Well, you’ve been living with issues that have been plaguing not only our father but the Queen of Britannia. There is now a rumored fifteenth Pirate Lord by the name of Brendan.” She said with a sad sigh.

  “I wouldn’t worry about him Captain Richard has already ended his Life,” Madison informed as the tea kettle started to whistle.

  “He did?” Nora said blinking as Madison poured out some tea, dropping some cream and sugar into both before sitting down.

  “Yes, Brendan was my captor, and Richard was responsible for my release and the Death of the man,”

  “But all Pirate Lords have some kind of magical ability, it was rumored the Brendan could control fire how could anyone deal with such a man?” Awed by this new information, as Madison took a dignified sip of her tea;

  “It would be if it were not for the fact Richard did not wait for Brendan to gain his abilities the process that gave him his pour was cut off,” Madison explained.

  “Oh, may I inquire as to how one gains such power?” she asked eyeing her sister who had closed her eyes enjoying her tea.

  “I suppose there is no harm since Richard destroyed two of the required alters that are needed. The Alters each required an exuberant amount of blood sacrifices. It was not a pleasant smell, to say the least,”

  “Sounds, horrifying,” Nora sniffed as she took out a handkerchief and dabbed at her eyes. Madison glanced at her sister.

  “Don’t look at me like that,” Madison said with a sigh, as she sat down. “I am a knight I knew what I was getting into and despite everything I survived it all. Well around hundred people cannot say the same.”

  “But you are my sister, and while you suffered I could only hope you someday could escape. I must personally thank Richard for returning you to us.” She said with a smile, Madison had to catch herself before she took a sip of her tea.

  “So about Morgan?” Madison said with a sly smile.

  “Richard, before you walk out do you still have that coin?” Laurella asked

  “I see what you’re up to,” Richard said with a grin, as he glanced at the door.

  “Let me use it and I can head out there and enjoy the Richard?” she asked only to see Richard had already left.

  “I had forgotten about this,” Richard said as he pulled out the coin. He checked the coin both sides having a gender on was a dick the other tits. He had to make sure he headed below deck and purposely dropped the coin male side up. Nothing happened.

  “Perfect,” Richard said as he picked it up. He headed up to the deck, were Lord Morgan and the lady in red.

  “I hope you don’t need anything in your cabin,” said the lady in red.

  “I don’t I got your name miss,” Richard said as he leaned against the rail.

  “Darcy Lady in waiting to Lady Nora,” Darcy introduced.

  “Darcy,” Richard paused for a second something about the name seemed to ring something in the back of his mind.

  “I take it you know someone with that name?” Lord Morgan asked,

  “I think so, but I was crap at remembering names,” Richard said with a shrug, as he glanced over at the Lady in red, she stuck her nose in the air. “Just wanted to let you know the Golden Eagle was a gift and sadly is magical. I don’t even need a crew to manage it.” Richard glanced over as the ship’s wheel moved on its own surprising them both.

  “So even if I wanted to take it,” Lord Morgan chuckled.

  “Yep, sorry about that by the way I did plan on getting the flag situation fixed but I just got into port yesterday.” Richard said, “So where you from?” Richard asked with a pleasant smile.

  “Forge, one of many Lords of Forge sadly,” Lord Morgan admitted, with a smirk of his own.

  “Well if you want you’re more than welcome to stay for dinner.” Richard offered.

  “Hmm, I’ll ask Lady Nora on the matter, but I do have other matters I need to take care of.” Lord Morgan. Richard got back to his feet as he headed to the stairs.

  “So Captain lee, where were you born?” Darcy asked,

  “The Colonies, but I moved around a lot,” Richard admitted,

  “Ah well have fun with your, Party,” she sniffed as Richard shrugged, as he walked his hand shifting as he dropped the coin near Morgan.

  “Oh, could you toss me my coin back?” Richard asked having ‘noticed’ the coin. Lord Morgan raised an eyebrow. Richard took a second before realizing Morgan was not going to play ball. He leaned forward and picked the coin up. Richard turned only for the door to open up.

  “Ah Sir Richard,” Nora said as she moved, I am sorry on behalf of lord Morgan and Myself. I had no idea you were so instrumental in helping my sister, even defeating Brendan in single combat. Your skill must be exceptional,” she said rushing forward a bit.

  “Thanks,” lee said blinking in surprise as she smiled at him. “To be honest Brendan not a real swordsman, your sister is twice as good as am. Although you praise warms my heart, lastly you have nothing to apologize for, your companion Lord Morgan was simply doing his due diligence,” Richard said giving her a bow. “But where are my manners, would you care to join us for dinner?” Richard asked stepping to the side of the stairs and offering her his hand with a winning grin.

  “Oh, um I don’t see why not, I have never gone to a party on a boat before,” she said giving him her hand.

  “Well, then I will give you an experience well worth remembering. Sam!” Richard called out, as Sam rushed to his side.

  “This is Lady Nora, get her a nice chair with a view and make sure she has everything she needs. In the mean time if we are going to have more nobles joining us, I think it may be a good idea to bring out are best,” Richard said when suddenly the Golden Eagle started to both move, but the rocking vanished.

  Sam nodded and offering his hand replicating Richard lead Lady Nora off who was awed by the lack of motion as the Eagle cut through the ocean like glass with not so much a disturbance.

  “You could have done that at any time?” Madison asked putting her hands on her hips.

  “I like the feel of it,” Richard admitted with a playful shrug. Madison shook her head as the smell of food moved up from under the deck. Richard organized the long tables as everyone, got everything ready. As the Sun slowly set candles were light up as the sky gave way to a starry sky and a great full moon, just as the food was starting to be brought up.

  “This incredible,” Nora said as Richard sat down to her left. Lord Morgan was to her right and Richard just smiled, soaking in her awe and Lord Morgan’s glares. Madison sat next to Richard as the meals were being brought up.

  Darcy, Richard’s mom, and Boss all shared the table, as well as Sam, helped bring everything up. “Now then thanks so much for all the hard work, and mind you I won’t make it a habit to have my meals brought to me I thank everyone who helped set everything up. Now then I say we praise the void shape and enjoy this glorious meal. Everyone cheered and Richard thanked the stars that everyone was on their best behavior. Even Laurella had joined them after taking the shape of a man she was off to a side table eyeing Morgan with silent determination as Richard felt the small jar press into his side. It didn’t take long for the dinner to move forward. Richard enjoyed his meal as he noticed Madison was eyeing him.

  “So where did you manners come from?” she asked,

  “I raised a good boy,” Richard’s mom interrupted as they both looked at her, but she walked past the table.

  “Right, so what about me?” Madison asked Richard glanced back.

  “I figured with armor you wanted a different kind of respect more one of warriors than of my fair maiden.” Richard admitted, “But My lady if you prefer, I shall be more than happy to give your due if you so desire,” Richard said with a smile.

  “That’s surreal,” Madison admitted,

  “So why so many different people on your crew?” Nora asked as Richard glanced back over at her.

  “We needed every hand we can get, Some people were surprisingly skilled so discarding them would have been pointless. Take are surgeon George,” Richard pointed out referring to Laurella in male form thanks to the coin. “He was abandoned on the island but his skills are second to none. Boss has no memory, but fighting skills are almost on par with Madison.

  “My sister has no equal,” Nora pointed out.

  “If she does I have not met them, or are you thinking of Eagle Eye? His story I don’t know much of, or Goliam?”

  “Both, I would think to keep a crew together of so many,” she paused trying to find the right word. “Individuals with so many backgrounds?”

  “Well, we haven’t had time to clash really beside most of us don’t have any place to go at the moment,” Richard admitted,

  “And here I thought you were going to preach on coexistence,” Morgan commented.

  “Haha,” Richard laughed at the comment. “I couldn’t get along with myself if I had to at the end of the day most of us have one reason to be on this ship. To kill Pirate Lords, each one of us has been discarded on an island filled with monsters, man-eating plants, and Cannibals. That was the good outcome, the alternate being a statistic for a man hungry for power.” Richard leaned back in his chair.

  “Surly you no longer have a reason, you killed Brendan.” Nora reminded. Richard paused, not really having an answer to the question.

  “I need to take care of something,” Richard said excusing himself as he got up. The group looked up at him as he headed up to get away from the party.

  Richard stepped up to the highest deck on the ship as the breeze hit him. “So what’s eating you, captain?” Nathan asked as he walked over to him. Richard reached up and toyed his facial hair.

  “Morality is an interesting concept, is it worth doing evil, if it prevents a greater evil?” Richard asked after a long second.

  “That’s a matter personal preference,” Nathan admitted,

  “But what if Revenge and preventing a greater evil are inner locked, how does one than gage their own reason
s for doing something?” Richard asked,

  “I think the Shaper would know all the same,” Nathan admitted,

  “I’d call inconvenient,” Boss commented, walking to another side of Richard. “Let others decide, what your reasons are, it will show you more about them than it will yourself, besides If you save the world, be becoming the greatest villain in history what does it matter, so long as your die with no regrets.”

  “I see your point, anyway I think it’s getting late we should head back,” Richard said as he headed back towards the party.

  “So what’s the point of having someone at the helm?” Nathan asked smirking a bit.

  “It makes people comfortable, the last thing we need is someone panicking.” Richard admitted. “besides, I am not sure what will happen if no one is on the wheel when I am asleep.” Nathan and Boss glanced at each other with a bit of concern as he made his way back to his seat the subject thankfully forgotten.

  “Seems like everyone had fun, so glad you could join us, till next time,” Richard said bowing as Nora and Morgan walked off, ending the party.

  “Stay safe, try to get into shipping like your grandfather,” Richard’s mom advised,

  “Keep is cool, big bro,” Colton said as they clamped hands.

  “You want in?” Richard asked holding the pose.

  “What did you always tell me?” Colton asked,

  “Um, you’re going to have to be specific,” Richard admitted tapping his chin.

  “Never work with family remember?” Colton chuckled, “Besides I got a good thing going on I am seeing a nice girl mom, actually likes this one.”

  “I wish you luck, I’ll make sure to send letters this time,” Richard admitted,

  “I’ll keep mom on the down low on this but just make sure you are not biting off more than you can chew,” Colton said withdrawing his hand. Colton and Richard nodded before he walked up keeping his pace with his mom as they walked home.

  “So you think he knows?” Spark asked popping out of Madison’s cape.

  “I don’t think I fooled either of them, to be honest, Mom’s have a habit of knowing. But we leave things unspoken if we feel it’s best,” Richard admitted,


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