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The Captain's Stand

Page 31

by Kat Mandu

  “Were are my cloths at?” Madison asked looking at David.

  “I have no idea,” David admitted,

  “What do you mean you said you had it!” Madison shouted as the sound of the siren cried over the night air.

  “We don’t have time unless you want to be spending the night in a cell,” David retorted as a long red cap flowed down dropping on Madison. Richard glanced over as he noticed a small bump floating along Madison’s neck.

  “Good to see you, Spark,” Richard whispered getting a slight twitch from the bump.

  “That’s convent,” David said looking up.

  “One of your friends?” Madison asked locking a clasp around her neck.

  “Now you need a rock spear and a gust of wind and you could be in a pulp book, the queen of the Jungle,” Richard joked. As he took off down an ally way.

  “Wait I got a carriage waiting for us.” David reported. He pulled out a pistol, Richard paused in confusion.

  “Were did you?” Richard started when a spring went off and two slides went out. He light a match and sent up a small ball that exploded in the air.

  “Huh,” Richard said glancing at phoebe,

  “For a second I thought Conan was pulling my leg,” Richard said,

  “Conan? The inventor?” David asked looking over at Sam. “He’s been missing for almost ten years, and you claim to know him?”

  A cart raced along as Richard glanced up at the driver to see Bartholomew. Madison bolted in first keeping the cloak as close as possible, David walked in next as Richard stood on the step glancing back a good portion of the people had already cleared out but made a quick look just to make sure. He glanced over and spotted the woman Madison had fought against before a person ran by obscuring his vision for a second and she was gone.

  “All sorts of crazies in this town,” Richard muttered as he shut the door sitting next to Madison who shifted as far away as the carriage aloud

  “Agreed,” Madison seconded with a lot of bite looking at David.

  Suddenly the carriage started to slow, as the shadow of the guard walked up to the side.

  “Is there a problem officer?” Bartholomew inquired David slide open the window enough,

  “What seems to be the problem ah, Captain Lexton,” David acknowledged, slightly surprised Richard watched as the man nodded his head and waved them off.

  “Captain Lexton?” Madison asked

  “He’s been working in the city for about three years after the old captain of the guard retired from active duty. Me and him get along anything he can’t handle means I get something interesting do. Which is often to be honest he’s not the sharpest sword in the armory.”

  “That’s nice,” Madison muttered,

  “So what are we doing?”

  “Well for the next few weeks more of this,” David said as they both looked at him. “I need to keep my ear to the ground and see what happens. I plan on working something out and creating other identities, including using your real ones. I have a few ideas planned but we can’t go too far away from the city for now.”

  “Ah cast as wide a net as possible trying to guess what the next prime target is since there is no similarities to go off of. I can see that as an idea, still I don’t much like it,” Madison replied crossing her arms.

  “I hope this ends quickly, but it doesn’t look like anything is going to happen in our favor unless we get really lucky,” Richard said with a sigh and the shake of his head.

  Chapter 33 Boss’s Long Day

  Cheifs Unwanted Guest

  “Got, it,” Boss admitted as he set down a folded piece of paper”I seem to have no issues writing,” Boss admitted, as he looked over at Madison.

  “We shall see a lot of this is papers until you start putting it into practice. I really am hope reclamation will return your lost memory.” Laurella admitted.

  “I still think telling him lore from different parts of the world may help,” Nathan replied as he stroked his beard in thought. The three were sitting the front half of the captains quarters.

  “To be honest Amnesia is tricky what we are dealing with seems to be retrograde the inability to remember the experience going under what you recall the demon fox seems like a good point. You are capable of retaining new information, which is a good sign. Sadly I don’t know if the origin of this if this is science I can help walk you through the means of regaining your memory. But if this magic based,” Laurella looked worried at that prospect.

  “Why, is there no one who can help?” Boss asked, “If it is magic?”

  “Well, there is one magic expert that would be able to, however, he’s been very busy in the east He travels a lot so pinning him down is hard. I have met him in passing and he would be willing to help if you can find him, but the things he can do with magic make it hard, sometimes he flies others he walks, and even disappear and reappear instantaneously. He called it teleportation, I think,” Nathan admitted.

  “Why isn’t there anyone else with his abilities we could ask?” Boss asked,

  “Well two fold, the reason he is out there and the reason he is the only one we can ask is the two mage wars. Or MW 1 and MW2, if you want to simplify them, the first was two groups of magic users almost decimating the Mage population worldwide. The second was a war that had Mages on one side and a group of radical magical beings lead by a Succubus of all things.”

  “What is a Succubus?” Boss asked as Nathan sighed rubbing his head.

  “A nasty piece of work who feeds off lust, but that’s not important, During the war, the city of Camelot was lifted off the Britannia island and crashed into the planet in the east. The Dragon Mage, the man in question has been over in the area for over a hundred years trying to help rebuild the area and keep the piece, which is rather difficult.

  “Okay, I am going to take a stab at this and say the main reason for the unrest is causing a lot of people want to take up lands in the area since the wars seemed to have killed off a lot of prior owners?” Boss wagered a guess.

  “Exactly, it’s only recently been calming down, despite the Dragon’s power he is limited on how many things he can keep in check with people all too willing to instigate the moment his back is turned.”

  “Hmm interesting, I will have to remember this, I take it this is all common knowledge?” Boss asked,

  “Yes, to some extent, the war and the Dragon Mage are very well known the Mage has been active for almost four hundred years. Everything else is a bit limited depending on the person.” Laurella clarified.

  “Four hundred years?” Boss replied, “that’s incredible,”

  “You should hear some of the stories, those during the final battle of the second war are a particular favorite of many crowds.” Nathan chuckled, “It gets the woman riled up if you know what I mean,” he said with a good-natured wink.

  “Be careful there is more than one way to rile a woman up, anyway we shall go over some new information tomorrow, I need to get away from this madhouse,” Laurella said with a sigh.

  “hmm wouldn’t be a bad idea, for me as well,” Boss said getting up,

  “Not on your own you will get lost, Nathan you and Tobi can join him try not to get into any trouble,” Laurella ordered

  “I am the first mate since when do you get to order me around?” Boss returned crossing his arms over his shield.

  “Since you don’t know what a figure of speech is.” She replied then looked at Nathan, “and no hints are we clear scruffy?” she said tapping her electroshock rod into the palm of her other hand.

  “Are you calling me scruffy or him?” Nathan asked “Seeing as we both have a beard,” Nathan pointed out.

  “Don’t be a dumb ass about it,” she replied looking at Nathan. She strode out putting her weapon back over her shoulder.

  “Well let’s go find Tobi,” Boss said with a sigh,

  “So much for the chain of command,” Nathan said under his breath as he chuckled and followed him out. Nathan shut the do
or behind them as they soon found the man in question.

  “I don’t see him, you head back and see if he’s in one of the side rooms, I will head below deck,” Boss advised, He walked down to the main deck, and he glanced back to see Nathan was gone, and no sign of Laurella, he simply walked off the ship and onto the deck.

  Having little to base things off of he found everything rather interesting, he would randomly pause, glance at people. Some dressed in fine coats and new hats. While others looked plainer and in some cases dirty. He frowned noticing that he felt out of place. He checked his pocket and with a bit of coin in his pocket decided to get his hair trimmed up.

  “Greetings,” said the barber, he was in the middle of a haircut as Boss sat down on a chair, with a few other old men.

  Boss listened to the small talk, they were chatting randomly some about gangs in the area, the recent concerns about the string of deaths. One man was blaming it on the druids. Boss felt his body seems to twitch at that name.

  “I keep telling you Druids are a bunch of tree huggers you keep blaming them for everything.” The other old man said as the barber motioned, Boss glanced over at the old men but he just shook his head and pointed at Boss.

  “So what are we looking for, want a trim or a full cut?” he asked.

  “Give it a trim make it look presentable,” Boss said, he had to admit he didn’t remember what he looked like under the beard but he was okay with not finding out, who knows having his face shown may attract attention he wasn’t ready for.

  The door opened up as he glanced over to see a woman sit down on the chair, the old men seemed to shift uncomfortably as she sat down. He glanced at her not seeing what the deal was with her. She had on a pair of slacks a loose fitting brown suit with a thick belt around her waist. He noticed something about her seemed to bother those around her but he couldn’t see what. He glanced over mildly watching things in the mirror and the corner of his eye. Trying to figure out what was bothering the old men and wondered if it was worth worrying about.

  “Woman wearing something that shows so much skin,” The barber derided Boss raised an eyebrow but said nothing. It took a whole as he looked at his trimmed facial hair everything looked much more presentable. He walked onto the street as he glanced around he wasn’t sure what to do next. He glanced over and decided that a shop would be good. He spotted a Tops shop and walked in. He was quickly greeted by a staff member but he waved him off. He found a top hat and tried it on glancing up at but set it down, he was rather amused. But didn’t find anything as he walked out of the store only to stop with the face of the woman before eyeing him dangerously.

  “Are spying on me?” she ask, “Who do you work for?” she demanded to poke him in the chest.

  “I am called Boss, I guess I work for Captain Richard Zane of the Golden Eagle,” he answered rather confused as to what he had done to be so directly confronted. Boss watched her get lost in thought as he took a step around her.

  He glanced around the area when he heard something and turned to avoid a sharp needle. “Is this really the time and place for this?” Boss asked as the crowd around them quickly started screaming as the woman quickly flung a fist full of throwing stars as he quickly drew his own steal.

  She smiled as she slowly reached into her pants, slipping her fingers around an object and drawing out a short blade, that looked a lot like the Katana blade Nathan normally used.

  “Now then I have been rather board, fighting in wrestling rings but you may be worth a night of interest at least,” she smirked as she licked her blade.

  “that would explain your lack of tact. But still, question what has brought this on,” Boss asked as she suddenly closed the distance Boss dropped one blade resting one wrist under the other to reinforce his stance, twisting his blade around his body he drew back his remaining weapon and raised his free hand ready to grapple.

  “As much fun as this has been, I am afraid we will have to cut this short,”

  “What makes you think you’re going to have any less luck?” Boss asked as she took another swipe at him, He closed the distanced pressing as close as possible, Boss suspected foul play as he tensed waiting for a low blow. Then she blew into his face, he reared his neck back confused but he pushed her back with enough forced to send her airborne. She landed skidding to a halt as she heads the sound of a siren she slipped the blade gently back into place. Boss put his remaining weapon away eyeing her in confusion. He waged she ran out of time, he turned to retrieve his remaining, “I need a name for these,” he thought as his left leg seemed to go jelly going numb as he nearly dropped to the road, just barely keeping his balance.

  “Not good,” He frowned as he braced himself against a lamppost to steady himself. His forked weapon felt heavy and was slowly getting heavier.

  “I have to admit the idea behind such a weapon is amazing, stabbing force sharpened edges, and twin pikes to help catch and disarm. I have to admit there is some use to this, does it have a name?”

  “Call it the Swiss-blade,” Boss said, “I could go for a nap,” Boss murmured.

  Boss blinked shaking his head as he looked up at the night. He shook his head and tried to move but his body every limb was tied to a chair. He looked up to see a moon and stars glittering above him. “I am never going here to end of this,” He grumbled as the woman from before sat in a chair across from him. “Well I was wondering when you were going to wake up,” she said as she took a sip of a warm drink.

  “You have an anesthetic and you don’t have a time in mind?” Boss criticized.

  “If you died I would just grab someone else,” She shrugged, “So I have been hearing some rumors revolving around the Golden Eagle and it’s captain Richard, Robert Zane. I was hoping we could have a chat on the details.

  “20 knots but Richard said he wasn’t pushing the Eagle,” Boss informed,

  “Impossible, That’s impossible there is no ship that can go at that speed,” Davina replied,

  “It’s magic, The Captain believes there is a limit but he is no hurry to find out what it is.” Boss admitted, “You could have just asked, Richard never told us to keep this information under wraps.”

  “What about Richard?” She asked after pinching the bridge of her noise.

  “You would be better off asking him, we have more of a working acquaints. I know only what I have seen, a man quick to risk everything and quick to forgive transgressions. But I think there is a line to what he forgive just ask Brendan.” Boss laughed, “I don’t think there was anything left of him after that confrontation.”

  “It seems I overestimated your importance, but all the same, it’s been fun,” she said taking a metal circle with a curved diameter of the handle. “Now then how about the layout of the golden eagle itself, like where the food is kept, were the captain sleeps, and cannon powder,” She listed of holding the sharp edge closer to his neck.

  Boss Spat in her face she flinched as the saliva her dead in the eye. Using his angle he pushed the chair over smashing his restraints as he kicked hard. The blow hit home knocking Davina off her feet, even if the rope still prevented full motion. “Screw it you’re not with the trouble,” she shouted,

  Boss twisted taking the blow on the shield over his chest the blade caught as chief grabbed on slamming his head into her. She released the blade as he grabbed it. The Diameter down the middle the bladed circle but it slide in two halves he quickly sliced up the rope as Davinia stumbled to her feet grabbing Richard’s Swiss blades as she spun around to see Boss brandishing her weapons.

  “I am ending this; your line of questioning is making me rather worried if I plan to sleep on the Golden Eagle anytime soon.” Boss said glaring at her.

  “Please if I wanted Richard dead I wouldn’t be wasting my time,” she explained,

  “Minds change, now are we going to fight or can we part ways like sensible people?” Boss asked standing up strait.

  “Boss!” cried out a familiar voice as Boss glanced around to see
a small humanoid figure flying towards him.

  “By the Shaper,” Davinia cursed as Spark dropped down to the roof, and grew to full human size.

  “There you are what’s with the,” She paused as her hand started to pulse with a white light. Davina dropped the swissblades before raising her hands.

  “So what happened?” Spark asked looking over at Boss.

  “I went out for a walk and I ran into her, she started a fight, drugged me, and Interrogated me,” Boss listed off. Spark turned her full attention back to Divina.

  “I recognize you,” Spark realized, “Davina right?”

  “Yep, I don’t think we met I know I would remember a fairy if we ever did,”

  “I try to keep a low profile, being a fairy can attract the wrong sort of attention. I wouldn’t be here if Captain Richard wasn’t adamant about bringing the full crew out trying to find you.” Spark relaed.

  “You work for Captain Richard?” Davinia asked,

  “We have an arrangement, ” Spark evaded, “Well Richard said if I ran into any resistance to deal with them, but you’re not putting up much resistance.” Spark frowned not sure what to do. Boss walked up to the woman handing her back her Chakram before picking up his weapons and holstering both of them.

  “I am ready to head back Spark no sense in killing her,” Boss said heading for the stairs. Spark’s magical energy around her hand slowly vanished as she shrunk down to her smaller size.

  “Spark, if you want I am sure we can come to some kind of arrangement,” Davinia offered as Spark hovered over Boss’s shoulder.

  “No thanks, I don’t much care for your style,” Spark retorted as she adjusted her dress. Spark fallowed chief down the stairs, as he closed the door behind him.

  “Boss, Run,” Spark cried out growing to full size as she grabbed his hand dragging.


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