The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 35

by Kat Mandu

  “Isn’t your life exciting enough.” Madison pointed out.

  “Tell that to all the paperwork I have to deal with being a privateer is a business, not a party,” Richard reminded, “I don’t even want to think about all the stuff I have to keep track of for each member of my crew.” Richard complained, “Now let’s get going I need to get something to eat and I need to start reading.” He said holding up his book and effectively ending the conversation.

  The night had long since come, as David struggled behind the group, Boss glanced back at him before nudging Richard. “Anything we can do to him?” Boss asked,

  “Not really trying to get him to enjoy himself is impossible, anyway I hope everyone got the invite, I think we can all use some music.”

  “Woof,” came out a cry as Richard glanced over to see Jill rushing in between his legs.

  “Jill,” he cried as he got down on his knee to ruff the dogs fur. He glanced back to see Goliam walking in down the road with Sam sitting on his shoulder waving at the group.

  “So, music,” Morsina commented looking at the flight of stairs down. Her wings twitched, Sam dropped down from Goliam as Arken crossed her arms her ears twitching.

  “It’s fine I can hear it already. ” Arken informed looking over at her friend, Morsina seemed to relax a bit but Richard could only guess since her wings stopped twitching.

  “Well, Sam hope you have fun today cause me and you got some work to do. Tomorrow, I got this,” He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a small book on sign language.

  “So the boy can’t speak?” David asked casually, looking over Richard’s shoulder.

  “Yeah found on the island fending for himself and I needed someone to look after my cabin,” Richard replied,

  “Hold on I thought,” Boss started but Richard glared at him and he didn’t bother finishing that sentence.

  “Now this is something I can get behind Learning,” David said grabbing the book, “You’re going to be taking care of paperwork, I think I can handle teaching him.”

  “Uh thanks,” Richard replied as he glanced at him, before looking at Sam, he stood up. “Okay, then everyone here that’s going in. who is watching the ship?”

  “We got Tin, Tray, and James keeping an eye on it. Told em I would give them a four-course meal for being the last men on the job.” Gerald admitted, “But to be honest, not sure if James was interested.

  “You do realize I could have commanded the ship to move out to deeper water,” Richard said with a sigh,

  “Oh,” Gerald replied, “Really?”

  “Actually I am not sure, worth a shot,” Richard mused as he thought the command.

  “I think I just picked up their voices, they seem to be cursing,” Morsina admitted,

  “Wow, let’s hear it for fairy magic,” Richard said surprised at the situation as a whole.

  “Yeah right,” David denied,

  “So a two-hundred-year-old Mage being the most powerful being on the planet, and this where you draw the line at what is possible?” Madison asked,

  “I find it’s always healthy to skeptical unless a life is on the line,” David admitted,

  “Well we best get moving, I think I hear the music starting.” Richard moved down the stairs as Jill and Sam kept close to his heels. It takes long for the smoke to hit them, with all manner of beings crowding the floor.

  The only noise was a lone instrument, a figure moved in time with the deep mellow beat surrounded by a set of small but thick red curtness. Richard moved into the back area of the room, finding a massive round table with hopefully enough space for all. Jill circled around support of the table before curling around it.

  “Saxophone, man, that is a treat,” Richard said in a hushed voice as he slide onto a chair to get a good view of the stage.

  “Boss took a chair dragging it away from the table as he leaned up against the wall and sat down. Madison raised up a hand as a staff member brought her something a bit sturdier to hold her armor up. Other than Goliam who sat on the floor most everyone had little issue with the well worn wood chairs.

  “Saxophone?” Spark asked,

  “Yeah, it’s said the Dragon Mage went to the future and enjoyed the music bringing a lot of instruments back.” Richard said to her as he glanced over to see Sam getting into the chair next to him.

  “Amazing, time travel,” Spark said in wonder,

  “It’s a legend a lot of people smarter than me are questioning the ramifications of such an act, but I think the world is much better for it.” Richard admitted,

  “I am surprised this plays draws an odd crowd,” Arken admitted, She had been scanning the room, having. Richard glanced around looking at the people, resting near the stage and off to the side one could see a pair of monitors playing the part of bouncer in case anything went wrong. Richard spotted the bartender was a rather small framed Bendact Bestia in the form of a Black panther. Human’s were not to uncommon but one of the waitresses moving around had an extra appendage with a fox tail and ears adorning her form.

  “No that’s something you don’t see every day,” Nathan admitted. As he watched the waitress walk to the bartender.

  “I hear the ears are very sensitive,” Larisia added as everyone looked at her, she fidgeted, “As a doctor it’s important for me to know these things.”

  “So you hired in Mr. Cross,” Tobi brought in, I actually know the guy he’s a good friend, glad you hired him in.” Tobi said,

  “I am right here,” Arvil said raising his hand.

  “Small world,” Richard commented ignoring Arvil, “He helped me out a bit the night I brought him in.”

  “Mind you he’s never been on a bought before.” Tobi informed, Arvil smirked shaking his head at this but let it go.

  “The ship can sail itself, We need fighting men or did you not pick up the fact we are a fighting force not a sailing one?” Boss commented,

  “I know what I signed up for, we may not always get the luxury of a magical ship.” Tobi reminded,

  “I get your point, but why would we forego the Golden Eagle unless it’s all feet on the ground?” Boss retorted.

  “I can think of a few,” Tobi returned, but the waitress showed up,

  “Round of Brandy,” He spoke up, “Also Since Madison has made it home you wouldn’t happen to know any navigators, I am afraid our Dame will more than likely be taking up her old stomping ground.”

  “Hmm,” Tobi hummed a bit, “I don’t know anyone off hand but I will look around and see what I can find.

  “I may know someone she’s an old friend of mine but it’s been a while since I have talked to her.” Laurella commented.

  “Thanks,” Richard than glanced at Madison giving her a guilty look, “Right sorry the thought had slipped my mind,” Madison waved him off,

  “We both kinda figured this would happen I understand,” she said when she tossed something at him Richard tried to dodge but nothing actually hit him.

  Richard tapped his foot along with the music letting time crawl along as the group around him chatted about. “Excuse me sir,” she asked the closest person.

  “Yeah?” asked Eagle Eye who was being his normal quiet self.

  “Is there a Captain Richard in your party?” she asked casually scanning the rather large group.

  “Speaking,” Richard said,

  “I have a gentlemen who is interested in speaking with you on a matter, if you wish to speak with him.” She informed as Richard shrugged his shoulders.

  Can I have a name?” Richard asked,

  “Yes a Mr. Amaro,” she admitted glancing nervously to the side.

  “It had to be tonight,” Richard sighed, “I suppose it would be rude, is he joining us or does he want a private talk?” he asked,

  “He’s over there at the bar actually,” Richard shook his head taking his jacket off, and throwing it gently around Sam. He leaned in, “Keep each other close and if anything happens head to the Golden Eagle.

  “Well now you have gone and jinxed yourself,” Spark scowled from inside the coat.

  “With almost the entire crew here, I am hoping for it,” He said in a confident. Richard on to the table,

  “You going to dance for us?” Tobi asked as Richard flipped him off before dropping onto the floor. Richard walked over as the waitress pointed he was an older man sporting a nice head of near white hair on is head with very proper looking suit on, His eyes went wide as he looked at Richard.

  “I remember you but you had black hair on that night,” he chuckled,

  “Right I remember you but different name right?” Richard asked, “Sorry not very good with names,” Richard admitted, “So what can I do for you?”

  “It’s not what you can do but me, I represent a guild that helps sailors find captains and captains find sailors.” He admitted, “I usually scout out places in the city trying to find capable men to join the guild.”

  “Sounds interesting, but I don’t really need sailors so much as skilled fighters.” Richard admitted, as a drink was slide down to him.

  “Say now more, Rumor has it you plan on leaving soon, so I’ll see what I can find for you, my card has my office location and hours,” he said flipping a card out from between his fingers. Richard picked it out of his hands glancing it over. He slid the card into his jacket as he stood up,

  “Sounds good I’ll look you up in morning till then,” Richard said as he moved to walk away.

  “You forgot you drink, it’s on me,” Amaro said grabbing the glass around the lip he handed to Richard. Richard shrugged and grabbed the drink.

  “Thanks,” Richard said with a smirk,

  “No trouble at all.” He returned getting up from his chair and heading for the exit. Richard jumped back onto the table as he got back in his seat just in time for a lyre player to start up on stage. The music was very southing as Richard kicked back not bothering with his drink as he enjoyed the music. Richard felt something fall onto his side, when he noticed that Sam had fallen asleep.

  “Well I think I am going to get going,” Richard said looking at Madison and David, he picked up his coat and quickly slammed his drink. Back over the table for a third time it didn’t take long for Madison and David to make it out to the ship.

  “This seems to be recurring, theme, you do realize how bad it looks to take a kid to places like this?” David asked,

  “This is nothing it’s just music and if you’re talking about the, bar he has seen a lot worse, so long as I am around to draw the line I wouldn’t worry too much about it,” Richard replied, He shook his head, that drink must have been stronger than I thought.” He thought to himself, he walked up to ship moving into the upper deck he opened up the main doors.

  “Captain,” Tray waved at him as he walked back out onto the main deck.

  “Hey Tray one coming in for the night,” he laughed as he took Sam to his room. He moved to leave and he got out the door when everything started to swim. He stumbled catching himself on the wall.

  “Sp-,” he tried to whisper out when he started to stumble back when suddenly someone grabbed him from under his arms. “Sp?” he tried to question when suddenly his vision went black.

  Chapter 37 Kidnapped Captains

  “Richard, what are you doing?” Spark asked flying out of his coat only to see a loan figure holding a limp Richard in his arms. The two stared at each other in confusion as neither expected the other. “Oh hell no,” she declared as both her hands glowed with a bright light before blasting the man in the face blowing him out the window of the back of the ship knocking the man into the drink.

  Spark turned around as a second head popped up from outside the broken window she drew her blade out as she heard running from behind her. Tin skidded around the corner of the hall spotting the burst out the window and the man’s head before bull rushing the man. Leaping feet first out the window he grabbed onto the man neck on the way down smashing into a rowboat knocking the boat over. Spark picked up Richard trying to think of the safest place to take him when the sounds steel echoed from the front of the ship as well as below.

  Spark glanced out of the boat to see Tin dunking someone’s head in the water. “Don’t worry I got this,” he shouted up as Spark nodded, she turned to go just catching him yang the second man of the ship who was trying to climb back up

  Spark rushed out to the main deck to spot about twelve Invaders. James had unscrewed hi hook and now had short pike were his left hand use to be. He brandished a cutlass in right. Tray was ready with a boarding ax tapping it in his left hand as the twelve paused. Each pausing to looking at Spark,

  “A woman, well this is going to be easier than I thought,” One of them commented, as Spark turned her full gaze on him.

  “What’s your dominant hand?” she asked with a smile,

  “My right?” he answered, “why?”

  “Just so you can use it to nurse your pride,” she said leaping off the upper deck and slamming her foot into his face, the group fell into each other as both brothers looked at each other.

  “What are we waiting for the party just started,” Tray shouted running down the stairs screaming with his ax over his head. As the attackers started to get up Tray looped the ax around as three heads dropped to the ground.

  Spark didn’t bother with the blade as her magical energy arched away knocking everyone apart as she charged in at the man with the big mouth. Slamming her fingers into a nerve cluster on his shoulder he gasped in pain before grabbing his wrist and twisting it over her body then crack. He left arm was now dangling from his left side. He seemed to be screaming but nothing was coming out of his mouth at this point.

  She then swept his feet out from under as he smashed his jaw into the mast. James blocked an incoming sword she had failed notice before kicking the man in the chest she took the opportunity as he fell into the outer rail of the ship, she leaped from his knee then slammed both feet into his face knocking him into the water. She flew back up landing on the rail before letting her hand glow again.

  “By the maker, I thought they were fake, but she is a fucking fairy,” One said in awe as he fell back.

  “How could you fake wings like that?” Another asked.

  “Stain glass?” James asked shrugging as he impaled the man in the back He slipped a rag out of his pocket cleaning, The pike that was replacing his hand, he cleaned it off, I don’t know, but I do know that this ship is my home and I will deal with you swiftly,”

  “Or I can use this cannon,” Tray said with a smile as he wheeled said object around. “Good distraction bro,” He commented as the group of attackers all froze as Tray tossed the torch had lit in the air catching it.

  The group glanced up at the upper deck before slowly backing away. ” And take this trash with you,” James set dropping his rag onto the body of the man he had stabbed.

  “Harsh bro,” Tray told him,

  “That’s the point now where is the captain? Is there some kind of emergency?” James asked looking at Spark.

  “Richard!” she shouted zipping into the air band back into the corridor. She spun around the corner and froze Richard was gone.

  “No,” Spark said as panic erupted, she quickly blitzed through every room, as Tray and James rushed in. “He’s gone!” she shouted, “Shit I had one thing to do just one thing, Tin, Tin!” she shouted heading for the window to see That Tin had pulled himself onto the desk, he spat out water pointing at a large pipe draining into the ocean.

  “Shit, Tray, James you need to find the crew wait where is Madison and David, it doesn’t matter, you need to find anyone I,” his face twisted in disgust at the pipe her nose crinkling as she shrunk down and headed into the swear.

  “If we botch this Richard is going to be in a lot of trouble,” Madison said as she and David kept a fair distance behind Richard’s kidnappers.

  “He signed up for this,” David replied keeping low, Madison frowned as she tugged at her leather armor, she felt to light bu
t her steal would not do much good in this situation.

  “So do you have an idea of where we are under the city?” Madison asked,

  “Don’t worry I am keeping track of direction and area, hopefully, we won’t have to worry about guesswork, I expected this much later, and to be honest this may have repercussions if lee is not ready to speak in two days.” David frowned, “So failure is not an option.”

  Madison rolled her eyes having many retorts but keeping them silent as the two moved carefully. Suddenly a light but very firm tapping noise hit the air.

  “Ah Doctor Smith and Dame Madison so nice see you both,” said a calm voice,

  “Amaro,” Smith frowned, “You do realize with your name out it’s only a matter of time?” David informed,

  “Too bad I know of a lord who will vouch for me if I pulled the right strings. So What is the word of a doctor and a Dame to a Lord?” he chuckled, “Besides you seemed to want me to take him off your hands so badly.”

  “As a knighted and daughter of the Lord the second, I see you I can gut you where you stand!”

  “Then I will make sure the next time we meet, I will have the power to match your strength with a blade, til then I good luck,” he whispered as they turned the corner to pass a mass of mirrors.

  “Shit,” David glanced back to the other side seeing a mass of mirrors and with everything being as dark as it was getting an idea where anyone was at was near impossible, the light slowly dimmed each fading from the mirror before everything went dark.

  “Ug,” David grunted as he was lifted up and slammed into a wall.

  “He save my life, if this is thanks, I give him, I will make sure he does not die alone, are we clear?” she said darkly, slowly tightening her grip on the doctor.

  “Clear,” he admitted, when the echo of footsteps resounded, they both kept still as a small light came from where they had come as Sam entered their field of vision, he walked up to them yawning a bit as he rubbed an eye with his free hand. He had draped and dragging over his shoulder Richard’s coat He smiled as he spotted Madison handing her his coat.


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