The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 36

by Kat Mandu

  “Thanks,” she set the doctor down and noticed Spark poking her head out of the coat. Putting it over her shoulder she held out her hand for the torch and Sam obliged. “Sam, you wouldn’t happen to know where Richard is, do you?” She asked hopefully.

  He shook his head, “What did you expect?” David replied with a frown. Madison didn’t respond as she headed down the sewer, with a set of mirrors. “We need to split up, take Sam with you down the other path and look out for anything that looks like a door or passageway.”

  “Yes We didn’t hear them get to far before their footsteps stopped echoing.” David agreed, he glanced at Sam who looked at Madison unsure of this action. Madison knelt down to I level quickly,

  “If anything happens you run back to me as fast as possible for now we need to find Richard.” Madison said to him he put on a brave face and nodded as he glanced over at David and the two went over a brick bridge over the flowing water to the other side of the sewer and down the opposite tunnel.

  Madison shook her head, as she ripped a glove off and placing her hand on the wall. He walked slowly letting her fingers feel the individual bricks when her eyes caught the mirrors, they were shrinking. She quickly rushed placing her hand on one only for her hand to go through. “David!” she shouted the mirrors.

  “Pull your hand back unless you want to lose it!” David shouted in a panic. Casting the light of the torch onto each of the mirrors, each shrinking in synch with the others. “I am such an idiot, of course the mirrors. This is bad these mirrors were doorways Richard could be anywhere in this city. We need to report to your farther now!” he shouted David glanced up finding manhole cover and heading up the metal bars and into the street. “Taxi!” He all but screamed, the clopping of hooves rushed before moving to a stop as Sam and Madison got to the surface.

  “Was that a mage Artifact?” Madison asked,

  “Yes if we are luck that is,” David sighed, Sam titled his head in confusion, Madison ushered him into the carriage and sat down.

  “I have never seen one, in action I heard rumors but I always thought they were just Pirate lords or Magesons,” Madison admitted,

  “Well, there is always a third option.” David admitted, “And knowing what this is the sooner we get a message out to the Dragon mage the better chance Richard has, they normally take about a month time before killing but I don’t know how they will act knowing they are being perused.”

  “We are actually calling in the Dragon Mage?” Madison felt her Jaw drop. “He’s still void knows where in the middle east, not to mention he hasn’t taken any orders or even requests from anyone since, the second great war.” Madison rambled off.

  “No there are some people he keeps in contact with in case his skills are needed, and lucky for us the same person pushing for the advancement of technology in this city is also on very good terms. So Richard has a very good chance at getting out of this alive.” David said with a very sad smile, “Still this feels like a defeat having to ask for his help.” He admitted with a sigh, he glanced out the window.

  “You don’t like asking for help huh?” she said glancing at him.

  “Do you like the fact that someone had to rescue you in your time of need?” David asked with a forlorn look on his face

  “No,” she replied immediately. Sam let out a silent yawn as Madison unclipped her cape and after a bit of shifting handed it to him. Sam smiled and pulling out the sign language book pointed at the word thank you. She took her hand and ruffled his hair smiling fondly as Sam curled up in her cape to get some sleep.

  “So is that Richard’s kid?” David asked,

  “No, Richard told me on our way back he just happened upon chief and himself on the island before he went to breaking me out.” She explained; “odd question,” she admitted to herself taking time to look. “Now that you mention it there is a striking similarity, but Richard’s in his twenties to have a child this old would well, that’s taking robbing the cradle to a level I don’t even want to go.”

  “True,” David admitted shrugging his shoulders. “Just a random thought in my head, how did he get the neck scar?” Madison just shrugged, “Let me guess found him like that?”

  “Sorry you could ask Boss on the matter but pretty much everyone in the crew with well two exceptions that I know off was on that island for a reason most wouldn’t like to talk about.”

  “A common enemy is one heck of a unifying force,” David admitted, before going silent the two rode on in silence until they got to the castle.

  Madison picked Sam up and they jumped out of the carriage as David all but chucked a back of coins at the man. “Keep the change!” he declared rushing into the castle.

  “I need to speak to the lord!” David shouted out, “It’s an emergency,”

  Madison pushed past the guard and David as she headed into the castle. “Dame, ma’am,” the guard pleaded but he couldn’t put a stop to her as she walked up into the more private part of the main castle. Madison felt the guard try to get her way. “if you touch me,” she warned as the guard froze up letting Madison walk down the outer hall allowing for a partial window ceiling above them. “That’s new,” she admitted, “It looks a lot nice she admitted as a few other castle guards holding torches moved to intercept and it wasn’t long before Madison as wishing for something to cover her ears.

  “I am telling you if it’s important to step out of the way,” “It’s the middle of the night,” “I think we should talk to the captain about this,” Madison frowned as about half a dozen guards argued around her trying to out talk or convince the others and herself.

  “ENOUGH!” she shouted, “I will have you behave with order and respect!” she demanded as everyone fell into line before her furry. “As the guard, you do not talk over each other the lack of discipline is disgusting.”

  “Madison,” Said a voice as the guards went even paler as Madison looked at her father. She quickly explained everything as the man seemed to age with each word.

  “It seems I will have to contact my old comrade Dustal. I better have some tea ready, Guard, could you wake the maid, and have her prepare a hot cup of green tea, would be best. You two do you best if you can solve this it would bring this city no end of pride,” He adjusted his robe pulling out a scroll. “I need you take Lord Morgan and head to the captain of the guard, the lot will hunt down this man shut down his organization, and hopefully find him and put an end to this terror.” He said handing the scroll to his daughter.

  “At once your lordship,” David said with a stiff bow as the pair walked off. “So do we wait to wake the lord and the guard or do it tonight?” he asked as they made their way down the hall.

  Madison had to keep her emotions in check, as the younger sister it was her job to drive any perspective suitor up against the wall. She lifted her boot kicking in the Lords door, crashing into the room as the man leaped out of his bed. Madison moved into the dark room making sure to be at her full height.

  “Who are you!?” he demanded as he got his sword out of its sheath which was tied to the right bed post near his pillow.

  “Get your gear together we got a name for the string of murders and Dad said you’re in,” Madison said as David walked in kicking at the wood frames. He held the torch up illuminating the room as bit as they both looked down to see, that Lord Morgan hand nothing on.

  “Could this wait until morning?” he asked giving a rather charming smile.

  “No, we saw the man using a mage artifact tonight and we know he could be just about anywhere in the city.” Madison said, “Maybe even the world for all we know,” she thought to herself.

  “Artifact? I will get my clothes on immediately,” Morgan said, before pausing, “Could you wait outside?” he asked,

  “That seems fair,” Madison admitted, as she walked outside of the door and leaning just to the left of the opening. David walked out and glanced at her.

  “Was that necessary?” he asked,

  “Nope,” she
admit cheekily,

  “Why?” he asked waving both hands at the door as he looked her in the eye.

  “Got to make up for lost time I am after all the annoying little sister,” she said leaning in. “I have it on a good word he is a Pirate lord, what he is doing here I do not know but for now this is the most I can do until proof is found or he slips up.” She said in a hushed tone. “Besides I didn’t want to waste time Richard’s life is on the line and all that,” she said slowly raising her voice back up making it sound like there had be a pause.

  “Really?” David mouthed,

  “Two people can confirm he is at least up to no good,” she mouthed back, as footsteps hit the tile and Lord Morgan appeared.

  He was sporting a vibrant red out fit with a shinning armor plat over his wrists shoulders and knees, with a yellow cape that framed him. “I have to admit I wouldn’t mind having my chest plat on and ready to go but we got to find our self a blue coat.”

  “Blue coat?” Madison asked as she turned to head down the stairs.

  “It’s a term used for the people who work for the crown but are not part of the army or the navy,” David replied

  “Ah,” Madison nodded, “So after we scramble the guard, we will need to start his head quarters,”

  “I doubt he is there,” Morgan replied snidely,

  “I don’t think he is either but it sends a message that man is not welcome in gaslight or Britania. Let’s just say that will put every eye in the city for him and anyone who worked for him. It’s our best bet to round up as many as we can to limit his control.”

  “I see your point,” He admitted,

  “I have his location, we just need to get a carriage,” David informed as the two looked at him,

  “I make it habit to know of any kind of guild they are a great source of information.” David admitted, “Kind of like a library of people you wouldn’t believe the stories in the thieves guild,” David chuckled as they marched off into the night.

  Chapter 38 What A Wonderful Smell

  “You have got to be kidding me,” Boss sighed pinching the bridge of his noise. “So what you are saying is he got kidnapped and they ran,” Boss glanced out the window, “And you said the window was shattered?” Boss tapped on it, He glanced down to see the open pipe flowing water into the sea.

  “Yeah I jumped out of it myself,” Tin admitted,

  “How convenient,” Boss frowned at the pipeline before looking back at Tin. “Any idea on to where they could have gone past that?” Boss figured this was pointless but knowing people if you didn’t ask the stupid questions you may miss something.

  “No Spark did race off after them but she has yet to return.” James cut in, sadly by the time we got down there we were wet smelly and too far behind to catch up.”

  “Sam’s missing as well I checked the whole ship, he may have chased after them as well,” Tray admitted obviously nervous about the missing cabin boy. “Poor kid can’t even speak and is who knows were, we should let Madison and David know they may not know.” He said.

  “Wouldn’t be a bad idea.” Boss admitted, “Where were they at again?” The three looked at each other before shrugging their shoulders.

  “That sounds life effort,” Tobi said rubbing the back of his head he looked light a light breeze could tip him over.

  “True we should start closer and see if we can find anything in the sewers,” Boss admitted,

  “Still sounds like effort,” Tobi complained but Boss didn’t respond.

  “Let’s lower down the rowboat unless somebody wants to go swimming again.”

  “Only if I get to break the window on the way out,” Tin said raising his hand.

  “Rowboats it is,” Boss informed walking back out onto the main deck.

  “Aww,” Tin frowned as Tray patted him on the back. ” Boss had everyone lowered down and tying the rowboats together created a bridge into the swear pipe.

  “This stinks,” Eagle Eye complained,

  “Ya think it’s a sewer it’s where shit goes,” Boss commented back,

  “That explains why you are going there,” Morgan commented as they all glanced up to see David Madison and Morgan all glancing down at them.

  “With how far your nose is in the air I figured you carried shit around under it!” Boss called back.

  “That would explain the smell.” Eagle Eye added glancing up at the man with an annoyed frown.

  “Easy, we got enough issues instigating a lord is not something we want to do,” Laurella admitted as she and Morgan locked eyes.

  She glanced away from him looking at Boss, “We are wasting time, If you haven’t heard Richard got kidnapped, Great job,” he added before walking into the sewer system he held out his hand as Eagle eye tossed him a torch. As everyone walked onto the bath next to the water Boss headed down doing his best to ignore the smell as nearly everyone was covering their noise.

  The group slowly fanned out with Tin and James heading down one junction, Eagle eye and Nathan heading off in another until before long Boss only had a few people still with him. Quickly checking behind him Laurella, Kareem, and Stefano.

  “I guess this is our limit, we keep separating like this we will end up lost,” Kareem replied as he adjusted his new coat, he had bought a rather nice brown coat, one with a decent pair of matching pants, but he kept his old sandals.

  “Nobody is getting back on that ship until everyone gets a good scrubbing.” Laurella waned,

  “Agreed,” Boss admitted when something caught his noise. His head pulled back surprised that anything could overpower the stench of waste. “Do you smell that?” he asked cautiously,

  “I don’t smell anything but shit,” Kareem replied as Cliff his jaguar seemed to be pawing at his nose as well.

  “No, it’s a soft fluffy smell,” Boss admitted as everyone gave him an odd look “I am just describing it,” he admitted, He took a right and soon found a spot, “Here he tapped a point in the wall, then moved on finding a multitude of vocal points. This whole hall has the scent.” He realized

  “That’s nice and all but It has shit all to do with what we are doing right now?” Kareem asked,

  “What are you lot doing here?” demanded Morgan as he drew his blade Boss glanced over to see the three from before, the man suddenly charged Boss. Boss casually bent out of the way of the blade.

  “Morgan what are you doing!” Madison shouted as nearly everyone moved. Stefano, slide about four knives in-between his fingers throwing them into the air, Morgan’s cap got tagged, pinned to the wall as he quickly added more blades until Boss took a step back the tip of the blade, missed his noise.

  Morgan tugged at his cape as he noticed that the room was all glaring at him. Nathan and Tobi rushed into the area both had weapons drawn and it didn’t take long for the rest of the crew to show up.

  “I knew it your all criminal Pirates,” Morgan accused,

  “You’re not fooling anyone, Lord Morgan,” Laurella said as he frowned at her.

  “I have no idea what you are talking about. David, you need to get the guard these people need to be arrested at once,”

  “For what?” Madison interrupted, “You just attacked a man who didn’t even draw his weapon. Stefano could unpin the Lord for his own sake if nothing else.”

  “Can’t we just leave the Pirate Lord here? Bet yet do the world a favor and slit his throat,” He replied crossing his arms as he glared at the man as Morgan quickly realized everyone in the room would be more than happy to dump his body in the water.

  “We would have to explain why he is missing,” Madison said with a sigh, as she moved forward,

  “He got killed by the cult,” Boss replied fingering his weapon.

  “I see I have a tough crowd, but if you would give me a second, I think I can give you a damn good reason for getting me out of here,” Morgan explained,

  “Not a chance,” Madison said as her weapon light up with the glow of electricity.

if I die then the news of your little group having a Fairy will become common knowledge if I don’ make it home tonight alive and intact.” He threatened with a smile on his face.

  “A Fairy a right,” David laughed but the sound slowly flowed away like the water as he realized nobody else was even smiling.

  “Nobody would believe you,” Madison said looking at him,

  “Ah but a ship with gold sails, with captain nobody until know has heard about? Magic is involved and even if the vast majority don’t. One wish even if it’s a long wait is worth a lot of money not to mention that there are races that can live long enough for it to be worth looking into.” He said with a winning smile.

  “This isn’t over you get to live, but if you vanish on me, well it would be the first time someone dropped dead, ” Madison warned as Spark flew up into the air shocking David.

  “Trust me I got a damn good aim,” Spark informed as her fist glowed before she blasted a good chunk of the brick near his head. “After all, I tailed Darcy already I think I can manage a man as red as a target,”

  “Noted,” he said with a smile, “Think I could I convince you to work for me?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

  “No,” she replied evenly,

  “Worth a shot anyway,” he said looking at the holes in the cloak. “I think you should leave we are trying to find you, captain.”

  “Boy is I filled with confidence,” Boss said rolling his eyes, “Let head up top and get cleaned up I don’t think we are going to get any farther down here.”

  “Boss,” Laurella looked at him clearly hurt that Morgan was going to get away.

  “I wouldn’t worry about him, he will get his soon enough,” Boss promised as he waved his hand and with two exceptions the crew followed him. Tin elbow checked Morgan on the way out as he smirked at the man.

  Boss cracked open the manhole and seeing they were in an ally with nobody looking he gave the all clear.

  “So what was that all about?” Laurella demanded,

  “Morgan will be dealt with when we can keep the safety of Spark she got us off that island and we owe her at least that. Besides Richard is our prime concern and I have a lead. Besides we can kill him off later if we send Stefano after him.”


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