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The Captain's Stand

Page 38

by Kat Mandu

  “Normally I get a complaint or two at this point,” she admitted, looking at him a bit surprised,

  “I feel complaining is just a waist of breath,” he admitted as the doctor looked him in the eye with poorly hidden concern.

  “That can’t be healthy don’t push yourself too far, I expect some grumbling at least, don’t think you’re going to hurt my feelings I already have to deal with James, Tray, and Gerald, not to mention the rest of this motley crew.”

  “I don’t want to bother you, you already have a hard enough job, I have to help find Richard so I need some,” he trailed off as Laurella jumped up in a panic only to realize he was asleep.

  Chapter 40 Saving Face

  Born Of Thunder

  “So any reason you didn’t stand up for me?” Lord Morgan accused,

  “You want to argue when you’re out manned and out gunned?” David replied, “Still the accusation was something else wasn’t it and you didn’t deny it.” He reminded,

  “I wasn’t going to argue with a bunch of ruffians they are beneath me,” Lord Morgan replied indigently,

  “As nice as that is make sure you don’t attack those sanctioned by my father The Lord and the man who’s the eldest daughter you plan to marry, it may not look good.” Madison reminded,

  “Yes, Lord is a proper title,” Morgan replied,

  “One that you have,” David reminded as Morgan glanced back at the doctor. Silence rained between them, as Madison glanced over at David.

  “Since we are here I take it you have some kind of hope?” she asked looking at him.

  “It’s a long shot something I am not sure will work but I am hoping Nariko may have an answer,” David admitted, with a slight swallow.

  “We would never be allowed an audience with her,” Morgan gasped,

  “Only if your foolish enough to ask,” David said with a smile, “Her brilliance may have the means of finding what we need but first,” he paused taking out a massive stack three inches squared sheets of paper. “I need samples.”

  “Samples?” they both repeated looking at each other.

  “Yes, Nariko is a woman beyond even the greatest of minds and has a very large sample of dirt. I am hoping that if I can get enough dirt samples from shoes we can refine our search and find Richard.”

  “Dandy,” Lord Morgan responded less than enthused. “Once the fellow lords of the house here of this dead or alive the Queen shall make sure that the golden Eagle is not a sanctioned ship of Britania isles. On might think you were not a patriot with such talk and actions.”

  “Are accusing me of something?” he asked looking at Madison.

  “No, of course not, I would not dream of thinking such a thing of one of the Queen’s advisors,” Madison said with a chipper smile.

  “Exactly,” Lord Morgan said with a smile, David cleared his throat as he glanced over at them, Start whipping these sheets of paper.

  Surprisingly Morgan didn’t complain grabbing a few stacks of the paper as Madison frowned at him, She and David glanced at each other. “Talk about it later,” He mouthed before they split up with David being in the middle.

  It didn’t take long even if David took the time to organize them all making cure he had everything set up.

  “So I take it we go see Nariko,” Morgan said, “Unless there is something else we can look into?”

  “Yes, I would mind checking for show prints and dirt on the golden Eagle while I doubt it would be much help one can never have too much data to work with.”

  “I have a feeling I am going to get a good welcome on that ship,” Morgan reminded in a not too subtle jab.

  “Go talk to the guard and see if you can smooth over a talk with Nariko. We will take care of the ship if you feel it’s in your best interest to avoid the crew.” David advised giving the man an out.

  “I don’t like either option, but I am not leaving you even if I am not comfortable on board,” Morgan replied with a sigh. “Doesn’t mean I have to like it,” he sniffed,

  “Glad to know we have a strong man to protect us,” Madison jested.

  “Hey!” David called out with a frown, but was ignored,

  “Don’t patronize me,” Morgan frowned rolling his eyes as Madison allowed herself a bit humor at the man’s expense

  “What are you doing?” Spark hissed in Madison,

  “Words are weapons, Humor disarms, and now I need him at ease if he knows I am joking, sees me smile, he thinks he can convince me that Laurella is wrong. But pirates come in all shapes in sizes.” Madison said as she shifted her cap to cover up her mouth.

  “Is it even worth it?” Spark wondered back in a hushed tone.

  “Worth a shot if not it’s all part of the game,” Madison admitted, moving front forward back towards the Golden Eagle. “Hellow?” She called out as she exited the sewer. She stepped onto the boats being mindful of the armor she was wearing. She stepped soundly back onto stone letting a sigh of relief escape her lips as she glanced back to see David and Morgan chatting amiably back and forth as she waited.

  “That’s not worrisome,” Spark said to her hiding in the fold of her cape.

  “Honestly if I need to I can drop both just keep your eyes out and stay hidden if nothing else it will at least make it harder if David is in on all this,” Madison said planning in case of such an event. She headed onto the ship and was surprised to see it was empty, she didn’t think Boss would being the full crew down but it seemed that he did. She frowned looking at the wheel, as she moved forward and was surprised that it seemed locked in place.

  “I don’t think that’s going to work,” David commented, as he appeared up the gangplank.

  “I wanted to check I was a bit worried that Boss left the Golden Eagle to be stolen,” Madison admitted.

  “Thank the Shaper that they are all gallivanting around in the sewers,” He frowned, “How did you deal with all these indignities?” he asked,

  Madison didn’t respond as she looked back at him, “Let’s not dawdle,” She finally said

  “You okay?”

  “Talk later,” Madison silenced in a tone that gave no room for argument. David moved forward checking the floor and the window.

  “Done, now to talk to Nariko,” Madison swallowed as nearly everyone seemed to shift. David frowned before walking away leading them, Morgan seemed to hesitate for a second, before following David.

  “So Who is Nariko?” Spark asked,

  “You remember Conan right?” She asked,

  “Yeah,” Spark admitted, “I have been keeping my head down cause of him.”

  “Well Nariko is well, you’ll have to see her for yourself. I may even say talking to her may help you find your family,” Madison admitted, she breathed waiting for a response,

  “You are not kidding are you?” Spark said flying out of the cape and Looking the Dame right in the eye. Her eyes seemed to water a bit as Madison was hoping for both of them that Nariko could give some answers.

  “Madison!” came a call as the Dame grabbed the fairy and hide her under her cape.

  “Coming!” she called back racing back out to the deck.

  “Home,” Spark murmured As she found herself, back in the pocket on the cape. She found it was a bit breezier than the coat pocket she had taken over.

  “Carriage!” cried out and as Madison got inside She shifted using her wings to prevent from being pressed into the side of the carriage. She rubbed her shoulder remembering that incident, “So How are we going to do this, we already sent a message to the Dragon Mage I feel like we are pushing out limits.”

  “Who says I am going to ask?” David replied to Morgan’s question.

  “What?” Madison and Morgan both said at the same time.

  “Are you kidding me, she’s been looking for an excuse to use her mineral tester,” David said with a chuckle.

  “You are going to tell me we could have called this a lot sooner?” Madison said as Spark could almost see the glare on her face.r />
  “Not exactly I keep an ear to the university and I figure if we walk in and let her know her latest invention, from what I hear she won’t be able to pass up an opportunity,” David admitted,

  “So what your saying is we could get into some trouble for this?” Madison asked

  “Hardly I wouldn’t risk it if I didn’t think I could pull it off besides, I have my pride as an investigator. If I have to rely on magic to solve my cases, well it leaves a bad taste in my mouth.”

  “That seems heartless,” Spark thought,

  “Mind you, we still need to bring in the guard as well,” Morgan reminded,

  “I know that, but I am going to avoid involving them for now until after we talk to Nariko.”

  “I am getting a headache,” Madison moaned, “I wish we had grabbed an open top carriage,” She said adjusting her armor.

  “You should try leather,” Spark thought as the carriage rolled on to its destination.

  “So something has been bothering me, when did you get this idea?” Madison asked as they stepped back onto castle grounds.

  “Honestly not long after Richard was kidnapped. The invention didn’t seem all that important a month or so ago being something I strung up more to farming. But the idea did hit me as a possibility.”

  “So this is all speculation then?” Madison asked a bit concerned,

  “Yes, sadly. But Honestly, my brain is reaching its limits on what I can do.” David admitted.

  “Pitty,” Morgan said with a smug smirk. Madison glanced back at him, David moved to the outer wall heading along the dirt paths that intertwined between the shrubbery. While the air was filled with sounds of birds and the occasional horse they soon moved into the sound of a low buzzing the steadily grew.

  “Is that electricity?” Madison asked as they headed to the back half of the castle grounds to see a building made out of a material she was not familiar with.

  “It’s called cement, a good portion of the building is even built underground taking up a lot of the castle grounds. But It was required since she works on things that could be destructive or flammable. The place was on guard by about a dozen guards, when the three finally approached.

  “Can I help you my lady?” the lead man asked,

  “Yes I need to talk to Nariko, Or could you at least send a message to her detailing a request to use her, er Mineral, device?” Madison tested the words for it, before looking back at him.

  “I really shouldn’t she should be disturbed.” The guard admitted before glancing at the door. “But for you Dame Madison,” he said drawing himself up he marched to the door, before pausing at the front before giving it a quick knock.

  Madison waited he seemed to be talking but she couldn’t tell. When suddenly a loud voice broke the tranquility of the grounds. “Company, well sure bring them I have tea ready and everything!” she announced as the door was pushed open not pausing for a second Madison moved to the door as the guard stepped to the side.

  The place was dark but open with only what seemed like a single source of eerie light that seemed to sizzle. “What kind of witchcraft?” Morgan mouth when a thunder-like a roar erupted, annihilating the silence as all three about jumped out of their skin. Madison was about ready to draw steel as the noise seemed to whine but steady off at a constant rate.

  “Haha!” cackled a voice as they drew in closer to see a metal box with some kind of metal cylinder pressing in an out of the box itself. A burning like smell soon filled the air. “Crap Cool, fuck I forgot about the friction, shut it off shut it off!”

  There was, even more, noise as a form crashed through all kinds of metal bits and pieces. Madison turned a corner only to have to step out of the way of a massive library. She frowned, “Oh these are blueprints.” David pointed out, “Huh, all,” he paused looking at another, “Different,” He grabbed a third, “Languages, and measurements,”

  “I am not likening this place,” Morgan said

  “This place is a lot bigger than I thought it was,” Madison glanced long line off bookshelves. The noise grew louder as they headed deeper in. Madison spotted what looked like toys, bags, and shelves of materials. Madison had just turned a corner when an explosion hit, “AAAAAHHHH!” came cry out as something must have caught on fire, as she could smell smoke in the air when suddenly, rain dropped from the sky.

  “AHhhh!” Morgan cried out before stopping realizing it was water. “I was, startled,” he admitted, as Madison glanced at him, before rolling his eyes when suddenly she felt a slight impact. She quickly realized she had been run into.

  “Oh dear, oh dear,” said an aged voice as a set of fine china including a kettle and tea cups smashed onto the ground. Madison glanced down to see a rather mousy looking woman who had to be in her eighties. “Of all the times, oh, dear,”

  “Nariko? I presume?” she asked as she offered her hand.

  “Oh guests, of all the times, I am so sorry I had to check on the tea, and the engine,” she said in a right panic.

  “Easy,” Madison helped her up and she got a much better look. The woman had snow white hair done up in a bun. A pair of glass on a rather small button nose Despite the laughing lines she looked rather youthful. She had a set of overalls, heavy duty work gloves, and stomping boots.

  “Right, well everything has been blown up, soaked to the brim, and Shattered,” she said looking down at her tea. She let out a groan as she eyed the tea.

  “What were you working on that exploded?” David asked more interested in the sizzling that just reached his ears.

  “It’s scrap, I am missing something anyway. I have another tea set for just such an occasion.” She said, “Fallow me,” she waved them over as the followed the woman off to a kitchen. But it was in the open area, only set apart thanks to the ice box and stove. She moved to a table that was old and warn, as she gathered up a mass of papers and notes, old cups and un-cleaned plates.

  Madison could see the look of disgust on Morgan’s face but he was keeping his mouth shut. “Sorry to bother you,” She finally said as she looked out over what she could only call a massive warehouse.

  “That’s just fine normally Dust is the only one who visits me, these days but as the years go by people to poke their noses in every now and then,” Nariko said with a smile, as she put on a kettle. She tossed her work gloves off as she grabbed a grabbed a rag to clean off her face and hands. She smiled with her lips and almond eyes as she joined them at the table.

  “Dust? Who’s Dust, I am not familiar with the name,” Morgan said, “I have been living in the castle, and I have never heard the name.”

  “Sorry old nickname, His name is Dustal Alec Guinness, otherwise known as the Dragon Mage,” she said chuckling.

  “Eh, you call him Dust?” Madison asked her mouth dropping a bit.

  “Well it’s a nickname it beats some of the other nicknames he has, most having to do with death or something,” she waved off. “So normally I don’t get any company so I figure you want something?” she said with a smile.

  “Yeah, ahem, if you don’t mind I was hoping if you would so kind as to check these dirt samples I am hoping you may be able to narrow down finding a friend of ours,” David said holding out a two inch thick said of cards.

  “I have been hoping to do some work on that idea. But I will need your help and a lot of hands to do it.” She admitted as the tea started to steam. She got up and started to pour the tea, using a Yamato style tea cups.

  “More footwork,” Morgan said rolling his eyes as he suddenly got swatted on the head with a rolled up paper.

  “It’s good for you, ya brat,” she told him as she ignored the glare she was giving him. “I need dirt samples from all over the city as well as a group of people to keep everything organized. We can use my home here as a base of operations.” She announced.

  “Thanks,” was all Madison could say as she moved taking the woman’s hand with both of hers to shake it.

  “Look I needed the samples as a
file system you’re really just helping me out with the grunt work,” Nariko said waving her off. “Anyway get moving I want as many people as you can hear, Madison was it, you’re going to help me move some of this stuff around, you two can go gather some hands.” She ordered David shrugged as Morgan paused looking at her. “You want to stay here and help move shit?” she asked looking at him, and he quickly headed out himself. “That’s what I thought,” She said looking at Madison, “All right sugar you can come out now, I can smell magic at twenty yards and your not fooling me by hiding in that cape.” She said as Spark floated out of the cape looking confused she glanced over to see that Madison was just as shocked.

  Chapter 41 Relevant History

  “Hmm,” Nariko said looking at Spark, ” Well then that would explain the ship, I take it Richard made a wish and got a magical ship.” She said getting a nod from both of them. “I figured as much pity, that could have done a lot of good, but nothing we can do about it now,” she admitted, as she grabbed her tea cup taking a sip.

  “I was given, told that you may be able to help me find my, family?” Spark asked hesitantly.

  “Well, yes and no kid,” she admitted squinting her left eye as she grimaced.

  “Pardon?” Spark asked,

  “Look, Madison could you be a dear and help clear out some room near the front for just pile up the papers anywhere me and the miss here we got hard talk ahead of us.” She directed Madison glanced at Spark,

  “You’ll know where I am at,” she reminded before walking away to move some of the supplies around to make room for the tables.

  “Take a seat sugar plum,” She instructed as Spark did so, Nariko passed her a cup of tea before dropping into a chair herself.

  “So?” Spark asked after a long moment.

  “Honeybun, this going to be hard and I want you to know that I could be wrong. D- The Dragon Mage has been dealing with the aftermath of the of the Second Mage war for about two hundred years now and some people are still fighting that war. So don’t give up when I tell your Race has been considered Extinct.” Nariko forced out.


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