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The Captain's Stand

Page 40

by Kat Mandu

  Richard then started to pass the time, bending his knees and placing both hands behind his head and started to count. His mind moving he needed to figure out some way to piss the old man off enough to keep him chained up overnight, which meant fighting back even more, but not the point he couldn’t handle moving afterward. He closed his eyes and just waited for sleep to over take him.

  Time moved on after about two meals he would be dragged out of the crate. Each time with a bit more force and caution, as each time Richard found new fun ways to make life difficult, The weight shifted as a man dropped in Richard Pulled the chain hard before swinging his leg around almost snapping the man’s leg as he fell into opening, the next one tried to stomp on him but gabbed and twisted the man’s leg. The man screamed out bending into the other man trying to recover as Richard grabbed both of them slamming them into the opening by their shirts. Another hand grabbed onto him but Richard dragged him down as well all three were caught. Richard Lopped the chain around all three and then repeatedly decked the man in the face punching, the man over and over in rapid succession as the other two struggled to kick or free themselves.

  The game did last long as someone prided the crate open with a crow bar and it wasn’t long before the beating started up again. Richard found this second event just as painful as he was dragged forward to the chain room before being dragged to a jail cell this time with a much bigger door.

  Two more meals and this time Richard didn’t retaliate taking the hits and blows, before being dragged again and Dragged back. Richard waited patiently each time they appeared he was slumped each time a bit closer to the door. Then about four days he pulled the chain tripping the first one Richard swung both feet slamming into the man who rush in after him. The first tried to recover as Richard wrapped the chain around the man’s neck. He pulled it thought choking the man as the remaining three rushed him. Richard was kicked and beaten but he kept his hold as tight as possible before was slammed in to the brick wall as the beatings continued, his body was bruised as he spat up some blood in one of his attackers face, before being dragged back. They stopped using the chain after that incident do to it being used as a weapon.

  Richard again waited a few dozen meals and seasons recovering and before long the door was opened he smashed threw all four of the men running his full speed down the hall. Taking every right fallowing that one wall as far as he could, checking each door slowed him down and before long he was tackled. Richard slammed a kick into man’s groin, he needed an ally someone to run or distract anything. He moved to another door opening it up and closing it and sliding a piece of wood into place to block it.

  Richard slide against the wall as he finally noticed the room was lightened with a gas light finding a well-worn bed. Richard listened as the four slammed the door he found a journal and a bed and while the bed looked so good he grabbed the book and flipped through it.

  Journal entry 70

  I found the Dragon mage and asked him to teach me the ways of magic. He denied me this man who is holding the power of magic from all people. How I wish to bring him low. Years of living and I am not worthy of learning. I will find a new way

  Journal Entry 90

  I found it, I sacrificed a lot of my property but I managed to get into Camelot. I found a journal by a man named Zane and his experiments in blood. Something about blood seems to give power to people the variations seem odd but magic the power of true magic requires a lot of blood of one man. Sadly the blood of mages is best while mage sons are acceptable the less magical, the less power it grants.

  Journal entry 120

  I did it actual magic I must have more I most show the Dragon Mage I am worthy of being taught. I have little and sadly the magic is wild but I have built an empire under the noise of the queen. I now shall deal with people and find the right ones to bring me more power.

  Journal Entry 150

  I am losing my patience while I had a few people pass under my authority. But so few have enough magic to make it worthwhile, I think it’s time for a change of pace. I think Nariko would make an excellent subject.

  Journal Entry 170

  Nothing I have tasked with every kind of person hunted for Magesons but I have had no luck, it matters little how smart or how dumb or rich or poor. Even different people from different nations. I have am going to see if more specific people such as students will make a difference.

  Journal entry 171

  We captured a student but word is a person killed a would be Pirate Lord, while interesting being around magic makes him an excellent target. I care nothing for the student, but if the captain proves good I plan on gutting the crew and hopefully gain access to the ship and see if I cannot speed this up.

  Richard slammed the book shut as the door stopped being slammed knowing they was at least one less but reinforcements were probably coming. Richard grabbed onto the bed hunting for any weapon. He didn’t have any real options time to go for the unusual. Grabbing the bed and flipping it Richard smirked seeing it had a wood frame. He grabbed on snapping of a rather long two by four. Silently shifting of the piece of wood, that blocked the door.

  Richard swung the door back as the three men jumped at the ready. Richard rushed out and as he swung the 2x4 around breaking it on the door frame the sound made all three flinched long enough for Richard to bring the much shorter 2x4 around knocking all three heads at once. Richard booked it again, doing his best to slow down as his side stitched as he almost curved into a wall. Richard could hear them running after as he realized why most heroes in stories had a horse.

  “Get him!” Richard snapped back into reality as he realized that he was gaining a fallowing.

  “Come on I need some kind of exit, this would be really convenient exit right now,” Richard said hopefully as he turned a corner only to see a set of stairs ending in a massive rock wall. Richard turned back to see a mass of people as he glanced down to see all he had was a broken 2x4. “Well, come get me,” Richard said casually and as if that was all it took he was rushed, lee turned back headed up a few stairs and jumped in swinging.

  Richard didn’t remember much after that he remembers not caring if he was hit he just flailed, kicked, and bit as his board was pulled away as Richard was very sure he had been knocked out after a while. He woke up and found himself chained he was dangling a bit, he found himself as he glanced around to see empty space.

  Richard took a deep breath as he grabbed the chain and started to pull himself up and just kept repeating until he got tired paused and then kept at it. The chain clicked away as Richard continued to work, to pass the time until the next chance to escape.

  Chapter 43 A Break Through

  “I need a coffee,” Laurella yawned as she moved with the rhythm of the horse. She glanced over to see Kareem casually riding along beside her. “That’s not fair,” she grumbled folding her arms as Kareem gave her a slight smirk.

  “Maybe someday I’ll teach you how to ride properly,” Kareem said with a smirk and a waggle of his eyebrows.

  “Oh, brother,” Laurella shaking her head as she glanced over at their other companion, Arken who was riding well but she seemed a bit more nervous than Boss who had tied her horse up to his. The group of four was moving slowly as Boss made sure to meander through the streets as if hunting for something he could only see.

  “I am going to Go get some coffee,” she informed as she got off the horse seeing as it wasn’t going very fast.

  “Could you get me one with lots of sugar?” Arken asked as Laurella waved at her, she glanced at Cliff giving the cat. She walked in and fished her coin purse out of her bra handing the money over as she got to cups of coffee. She rushed back to the group not that it was needed. She gave Arken her coffee as the woman took a sip and smiled, at her.

  “Oh man it’s been so long since I had a good cup of coffee,” Arken said with a sigh as Laurella frowned looking at her horse Arken brought her brown steed over and held out a hand as Laurella gave her the coffee
and struggled back into place. Getting her cup back she took a sip needing it to help keep herself awake.

  “So what did you do before getting sent to the island?” Laurella asked before taking a sip.

  “Me?” Arken put a hand to her chest surprised at the question. “Hmm, it’s been a while but, I was. I guess a seamstress,” Arken shrugged, “I was about twelve when I was taken from my home.” Arken admitted as Laurella just blinked at her.

  “I have no response for that,” she admitted.

  “Well they needed someone to repair their sails and they spotted me and my mother who were sewing at the time. Deciding I was less of a pain the plucked me up. My mom tried to stop them but they kicked her. I remember screaming a lot that day.”

  “Sounds terrible,” Laurella commentated.

  “Yeah,” Arken admitted, but she didn’t seem all that bothered over all. “I did my job but they kept me around under the idea I wouldn’t eat much.”

  “So who was the Pirate Lord in charge of the ship?” Laurella asked,

  “No Pirate Lord just regular pirates, the Lord came in later. Edward Lowe,” she said with a sigh. “I would rather not talk about him.”

  “Ug,” Laurella didn’t mind talking about him. “I can see why I mean I hate and fear,” she admitted, “Morgan but even I wouldn’t want to be a prisoner of that,” she stopped sipping her tea. Arken nodded but it was clear she didn’t want to speak on the matter.

  “Were Morsina and Goliam with you or did you meet up on the island?” she asked,

  “Island, I found them by accident they were already together could you imagine Goliam working on his own?” she asked,

  “Fair point,” Laurella admitted,

  “So did Boss let you know what we are doing I mean we are the only ones out here, the past three nights, I mean shouldn’t we comb the city with more than one group?” she asked concerned.

  “He hasn’t told me,” Laurella admitted as Boss glanced back at them they noticed but he didn’t say anything as he went back to his work.

  “I hope he knows what he is doing for Richard’s sake,” Arken admitted, “You know I am surprised you have been very friendly.”

  “I’ll admit I am uneasy with the sharp claws and teeth and all.” Laurella admitted, “But I have seen worse done at the hands of man, with a lot less.” She admitted,

  “Fair enough I can think of stupider reasons. I wish I ran into you sooner,” Arken admitted,

  “I don’t you had a habit of killing off people who tried to get in contact,” Laurella reminded as Arken seemed to think on it.

  “Yeah, sorry about that, we were part of a problem is most people would attack on sight anything that looks like a monster on that island is normally ready to kill you even before you see it.”

  “Not to mention the cannibal and the ooze monster that went after dead bodies, that was a treat,” Laurella added in.

  “Exactly,” Arken finished. The two carried on with small talk sipping coffee and doing their best to keep things for getting to silent for the group.

  “Shhh,” Kareem hushed as the small talk died down, even chief stopped as Kareem pointed to Cliff who was growling. He took out one of his daggers. The pause didn’t take long as some nasty looking gang members started to move out into the open having figured the element of surprise was gone.

  “Well looky here, free cash walking around for anyone to collect, I know them mugs anywhere,” said a casual voice. The speaker as Laurella spotted seem pretty confident.

  “What do you want?” Boss asked not wanting to delay.

  “Straight to the point I like that,” said the talker, “You see you lot are part of the ship the Golden Eagle right?” he asked even though he seemed to already know. Nobody replied so he carried on, “Well here is the thing anyone who is or was a crew member of the ship got a nice bounty on their head. That means you four are worth some money, sadly alive but my crew and I are good for it isn’t that right boys?” he asked as he got a few good cheers of encouragement.

  Boss rolled his eyes as he glanced at Arken and Kareem and with a flick of the reigns was charging past them. “Ahh,” Boss spun around to see that Laurella had been lassoed and pulled off the horse.

  Falling to the ground Laurella pulled out a knife from her elcotrostaff’s holster cutting the rope as Arken and Kareem got off their horses. She drew her primary weapon as the staff light up sparking with uncontained menace.

  “Did I hear something about money?” came a voice chief was familiar with. He glanced over just in time for her Davina to plant both feet onto his chest knocking him off the horse as she landed gracefully.

  “Listen, lady, this our catch,” the speaker brought up, only for Laurella to electrocute him.

  “How’s this you can share the can of whoop ass I am going to open up, trust,” she said spinning the staff in her hands. “I got plenty to go around.”

  “Laurella, you okay?” Arken asked,

  “Fucker spilled my coffee!” she shouted as the man who was holding onto the rope tossed it to a companion.

  “I like her,” Davina said with a smile as Cliff pounced, one man was being dragged by his foot as everyone quickly realized this was a bad idea. Everyone scampered off. Kareem strummed his instrument and cliff released him as the man bolted with a slight limp in his right leg.

  “So still want to collect?” Boss asked, “If not I got work to do,”

  “Wait really? She liked attacked us how many times?” Arken pointed out.

  “Yeah but She’s not responsible for Richard being taken and I don’t have the time to go chasing after her. Cause Let’s be honest she’s good at escaping,” Boss said not wanting to waste his time on the would-be assassin.

  “So where have you checked?” she asked, Laurella took out her shock staff and jolted her; “Ahh,” she let out.

  “Get lost,” Laurella shooed off.

  “After a greeting like that I would rather ask for another,” she flirted, Nobody had anything to say that.

  Boss grabbed the reigns, of the spooked horse, “Please don’t do that, around the horses the last thing we need,” he said getting back in the saddle, “Is anyone getting kicked in the head. As for spots, we had the docks, and Factory areas worked over already, we are working through the fashion district but the most action we have seen is here.

  “Why the fashion district I expected to get hit in the factory or the apartment district,” Kareem admitted getting back onto his horse as well.

  “It’s where the money is, so it’s where the gangs are,” Arken reminded shrugging her shoulders.

  “Yeah,” He said as he watched Arken get onto the horse before looking down at his instrument he seemed to ponder for a second before shrugging it off and getting back on his horse.

  “So I am not one to, but mind if I tag along?” Davina asked,

  “I’ll shock you with a higher setting next time,” Laurella threatened,

  “Sounds like a good reason to keep close,” Davina coed,

  “So are you going to attack, or something damn you’re so inconsistent,” Larissa glared as she got up on her horse.

  “I am board,” she admitted with a shrug, “My sister is all for all those big parties and stuff but trying to kill Richard’s been the most fun I have had in years and trying to seduce Boss didn’t work out so I kind of want the blonde back he was more fun.”

  “You what,” Laurella asked as she looked at Boss.

  “I think this place is starting to get a little warm,” Kareem commented as Arken seemed to shutter as she tried to suppress a laugh.

  “Leave,” Boss said as he brought his horse around. “I have no time to deal with you, but if you keep at this I will hunt you down if it means saving time,” Boss growled.

  “You’re sending me away?” she asked biting her thumb as she used every ounce of her appeal.

  “Leave,” Boss repeated,

  “You’re no fun,” she teased, “Well good luck and I do mean
that,” she said as the seductress walked away playfully swinging her hips back into the shadows.

  “Man that girl is dangerous,” Arken commented,

  “What are you made of stone or something?” Kareem asked looking at chief as he kept moving down the street.

  “No it feels familiar I guess, just a feeling that no good will come of it,” Boss admitted, he felt like sighing but suppressed it. Boss frowned glancing up as if that would give him the memory he needed when he spotted the castle, it wasn’t as big as the castle he and Richard infiltrated but. “I need to talk to Madison he said as he glanced at the castle.

  The rest of the night was uneventful, as they made it back to the Golden Eagle. Boss moved up the stairs to the second floor of the deck. “We are casting off!” he shouted which brought every hand on deck. The ropes were taken off. Laurella kept her distance as she watched everyone get the ship ready to sail.

  “Are we leaving?” asked Tray as he paused in his work for a second Laurella shrugged at him but the ship didn’t move. The crew all looked at Boss who frowned smacking his hands on the ship.

  “I want round the clock watch all members of the Golden Eagle are possible Targets I want everyone present, in the captain’s quarters after I get some Sleep!” he shouted his voice loud and clear over the length of the ship. “Do not leave under any circumstances without a fellow crew members.” He ordered before disappearing inside. Madison yawned a bit when Gerold approached her. He still had his foot in the cast.

  “You wanted to check up on this?” he asked nervously as she looked up at the tall ginger. She glanced over at her personal room and nodded heading to the front of the ship. “I take it things didn’t go too well?” he asked,

  “Yes another fruitless night, I wish Boss would tell us what he is doing because I am worried we are just wasting our time,” She admitted,


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