The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 43

by Kat Mandu

  “Glad I am not the only one thinking of long term,” David admitted, as he approached Richard, the captain glared at him but David seemed disinterested.

  Richard frowned as his stomach growled again, “Look I need something to eat,”

  “I don’t recommend him moving around much, he still needs to recover,” Laurella called out as David glanced from the door to Richard.

  “Doctors orders you got some place I can sit out of the way at?” Richard asked as he glanced back at the guard post.

  “You can stay in my lab, I guess, I should have something to pep you up, and maybe some salves to ease the pain, you must be in,” Nariko said as she approached them. “Also I think the Lord may want to be informed of this,”

  “Captain Richard,” Richard introduced as the two shook hands.

  “Pleasure Nariko, now if you don’t mind I may need to tell my friend he may not need to make the trip. Pity,” she said with a sigh, as Richard gave them a confused look.

  “I’ll tell you later Richard, just don’t give her a hard time okay,” Madison warned,

  Richard shrugged as he followed the older woman as they both avoided a few corpses as the guard started to arrange and move them to the outer wall, Richard figured they were not sure what to do with the bodies.

  “So Captain Richard,” Nariko finally said as Richard stopped looking at the building Nariko was staying at. “You caused them a lot of trouble, they really tried everything to try and find you, who knew right under our very feet, well come on in, Also I am going to lock the door so Spark is welcome to come out.

  “Why even bother trying to keep a low profile,” Richard muttered,

  “Golden Sails,” Spark reminded as Richard glared at his coat as he walked in, Nariko closed and Locked the door behind them as Richard waited for her. Spark flew back out of the jacket staying in her much smaller size as Richard watched the inventor head deeper into the mess that made up her home.

  “Richard, feel free to sit down,” She said as Richard nodded, he noticed her lips kept moving even though he couldn’t hear her. She shrugged as she headed over to the icebox and took out some cold cooked chicken and a glass of a brown liquid, Richard hoped was alcoholic.

  He sat down as She handed him, the food. “Nariko, that name is familiar,” he admitted as he slowly started to eat.

  “She’s a friend of the Dragon Mage and an inventor that behind a lot of the recent advances in gas light.” Spark explained as Richard nodded his head in agreement.

  “Right I remember hearing about that,” he admitted as he went back to eating since he had nothing more to say on the matter.

  “I am hoping to stay here for a while in hopes of talking to the Mage himself,” Spark informed as Richard nodded his head as he kept eating.

  “Not very talkative huh?” Nariko as she set down a two-inch cylinder. “Now then please take off your coat this may sting a bit.

  Richard stripped his coat off, as he paused to take a drink of apple cider, his eyes went wide at the taste of the drink but set it back down after a healthy few gulps.

  “Sooo, you don’t seem surprised,” Spark said as Richard glanced over at her with a slight shrug.

  “To be fair I am surprised you are still around most would want to leave for more familiar pastures,” he admitted, “Ah he winced as the inventor played at being a doctor.

  The room went quiet as Nariko finally finished putting on the salves, Richard frowned as he pushed the food away.

  “So now we wait to see what happens,” Richard admitted, “I hope you find your family,” Richard said looking at Spark who smiled at the comment.

  “It seems the Mage will still be coming but since Richard is no longer in danger he’s going to be moving at a slower pace,” Nariko informed as Richard noticed she had been messing with a mirror that looked a bit like the one he had found.

  “I found something like that,” Richard said as he pointed at the mirror. Nariko paused as she glanced back at the mirror.

  “It’s enchanted to keep in contact with the Mage, only I can use it sadly so don’t get any ideas.” She said waggling her finger at him.

  Richard gave a slight smirk, “Maybe if I was five years younger,” he said, He glanced over at Spark, “Do you think you could send a message back to the crew let them know I am all right,” He asked as Spark nodded and headed for one of the windows.

  “I’ll be right back,” she informed before heading off, once she was off Richard rested his hands behind his back both fingers tracing the butt of tooth and Claw. He eyed Nariko cautiously as the woman went around cleaning up the papers and to his surprise bags of dirt.

  “I honestly thought we could track down where you were using a mineral theory,” She admitted with a slight shrug, “Anyway you can stop fingering your pistols, I am not going to do anything to you.” She said pleasantly. “Although I can understand you being so high-strung.”

  “I am fine thank you,” he said, “How do you know what I have behind my back?” he asked,

  “I am an inventor, Doyle was working on them back in the day I recognized the sound when you fired them off earlier. He headed to the island to try and create something as a test to out do me, it’s good to know he’s all right, he was adamant about cutting ties with me.”

  “That’s never fun to lose contact with old friends, I know I lost a lot over the years,” Richard admitted as he felt his body relax a bit. She set the mirror down in front of him.

  “Dust it’s me, I just wanted to say hi, a friend of mines a bit worried about the mirror since he seemed to have picked up one just like it.

  “Oh really,” said a rather deep voice as the surface of the mirror seemed to ripple with the voice before going flat again.

  “Woah,” Richard said jerking a bit.

  “I,” the voice of the mage started before cutting off. “I didn’t get you name.”

  “Richard Robert Zane,” Richard introduced, a second passed by as Richard glanced over at Nariko before looking back at the mirror the silence was a bit unnerving almost as much as the mirror talking in the first place.

  “Well it’s a pleasure to meet you, Captain Richard, I am sorry about not showing up but I am afraid I am caught up in a rather sensitive dispute here in the far east, I would have come sooner but sadly a lot of lives are caught up in this mess,” He apologized.

  “it’s nothing I am used to getting myself out of trouble,” Richard admitted,

  “A useful habit, but all the same I am sorry. Anyway good luck with cleaning up the Amaro cult, I need to get back to negotiating the territory lines boring work.” He seemed to say the last bit to himself before the mirror went silent.

  “Hmm,” Nariko hummed as Richard glanced over at her.

  “What?” Richard asked unable to help himself in asking the woman.

  “I never told him the name of the cult’s head we were dealing with.” She admitted as Richard raised an eyebrow.

  Chapter 46 How Long To Recover?

  Richard frowned as he sniffed the air, the cleanup of the cult was less than ideal. The building they used he was convinced had an open door to the swear, which was great for getting around but the whiff of human waste would always wrinkle his nose.

  “Richard?” came a voice as he turned to see Boss moving in his direction.

  “Over here,” he called out, “Letting them know we found what looks like a holding area?” he asked as he inspected the area, he walked up to a flat crate. He looked at it see a lock. He hit the crate when the slightest whisper of a sound hit his ears.

  Boss glanced at him as they both glanced back at the create, “Did you hear something?” he asked as Richard slapped the crate again. Richard paused but didn’t hear anything, he grabbed the lock,

  “Check the other crates see if there if they keep these things locked for their own amusement,” Richard instructed as chief nodded walking farther down the dark basement hall. Richard took a step back the crate was just up to his shou
lder not big enough to let a grown man stand up but enough to keep him contained. He spotted a crowbar off to the side. He grabbed the bar dug it into the wood door. Richard gave pulled at it letting the wood crack and break snapping to the side as Richard brushed the wood shards of his jacket. A pale foot suddenly pulled out of sight and into the shadows of the create.

  The smell was noticeably worse “Boss I found someone watches my back.” Richard announced as he glanced at the crowbar before tossing it to the ground. His eyes quickly spotted a figure a pair of extremely panicked chocolate eyes. He stepped in as his foot tapped food bowl, he picked it up confused finding what reminded of gruel. he next spotted a chain bolted to the bottom of the create and next was a bucket that was in the opposite corner of the lone figure.

  Boss moved behind him his feet breaking the door even more, as the figure curled up, even more, rattling the chain. “Hey Boss, no sudden movements and grab me that crowbar, slowly,” Richard instructed. “I am Captain Richard Robert Zane, of the Golden Eagle, I am under the employ of Britannia as a pirate hunter.” He explained locking eyes with chocolate. He held his hand out behind him, “You have very nice eyes, not like mine, they don’t even match,” he said giving what he hoped was a soft reassuring smile.

  Boss moved in handing him back the crowbar as Richard slowly moved it around and shoved it under, the square and with a quick pop broke the chain.

  “Ze government?” she asked with a Frankish accent.

  “Aye, I was part of a group trying to put a stop to the mass killing her in gaslight, the guard is currently dragging the living members of this cult to jail, for the time being. Can you walk?” he asked,

  She pushed up against the wall trying to move but collapsed back down. “I am,” she broke out into sobbing as Richard slowly moved closer to her. “I want to help you stand up can I hold your hand?” he asked not breaking eye contact.

  “I don’t want to be seen,” she admitted, “Richard took off his coat exposing his chest before holding it out for her. She snatched it up but lee spotted her hands they had been rubbed raw from some kind metal cuffs. She pulled the coat over her shoulders. Richard kept his hand out waiting, “Thank you misure Richard,” She slowly grabbed his hand as Richard slowly moved her out of the shadows. He suppressed a wince has her face came into view. She no hair on her head with the exception of thin light brown eyebrows, she had read marks and what looked like faded bruises. Richard put and arm over her shoulder and then moved his other hand to her elbow, helping her keep her balance, she was extremely thin, and her free hand went straight to keep the coat closed as she looked away from lee.

  “Okay My friend he is my first mate, he’s going to walk behind you and pick up the chain so you won’t trip over it, okay so we can wait and you can watch him if you want to.” He informed, she nodded her head as she glanced back Richard could see her ribs under her skin she needed a meal, and while he used to some smells it was clear a bath was not something she had in a long while. Richard walked up the stairs, she stumbled up the stairs for a while as Sam rushed into sight,

  “Get some clothing for the lady hear anything would work, for now, Get some shoes for her and something to eat,” Richard said in a quiet tone, Same glanced at the woman for a second before looking at Richard, but he waved his hand and he took off.

  “Oh iz zhat your boy?” she asked,

  “No, I am not the old, he’s my cabin boy kinda surprised her is here running around, to be honest,” Richard admitted when he finally found a chair for her, setting her down, Richard took off his own boots before setting them down next to her.

  “I couldn’t,” she said looking at him but she shrugged,

  “Boss see if you can find a key or something,” Richard asked chief glanced at the woman before gently setting down the chain.

  “Captain Richard,” came a voice as Richard glanced over to see David walking he paused his face twitching into a brief second of concern before pushing past his shock at the woman. Madison was walking with him who gave a nod of acknowledgment just before David started talking.

  “We checked over all the bodies and did a look in the area, Amoranth is still at Large,” He informed,

  “So why should we care?” Richard asked as he looked at Madison and David. Madison shook her head, and David turned away his face twisting in frustration. “Look, we killed off what has to be at least a majority. I am free not to mention they know the Dragon mage is coming, I am not spending years of my life trying to hunt this guy down he could be anywhere in the world.” Richard said,

  “The guy has it out for you, do you really want to leave this hanging?” David asked trying to reason with the Captain.

  “I wanted a low profile, you did not want me to have one, so now ever Pirate lord knows I exist so what’s one more nut case gunning for me?” Richard replied as he eyed David.

  “That is a good point,” David admitted, “But, this wouldn’t be a good trend to set messing up your first government appointed task.” He reminded as he shifted a bit to the side as he grinned back.

  “Fuck, you,” Richard responded with a groan echoing in his throat. “Fine, we’ll look into it hopefully I grabbed the right magical item and he’s still trapped inside the city. In the mean time I am going to be sleeping in my bed on my ship, if you are still hell bent on keeping all three of us together, you’re more than welcome to the guest rooms.” He said with a smile.

  “Sounds good I wouldn’t mind being able to roam around again, too many windows, at your estate Mister David, although you don’t seem all that surprised about my existence,”

  “Fine,” David gave in, as Richard felt a sigh of relief cut through his lips. “As for not being surprised, oh I am, it’s just I figured the Golden Eagle had a magical explanation, your existence answers a lot of questions surrounding Richard,” He explained Spark gave a curt nod before zipping into Richard’s coat as he headed out the door, and back onto the castle greens, the area seemed to still have scars from the sudden battle that had broken out.

  The grass was still broken and trampled with bits of blood and the smaller remains of combat that often litter the aftermath of such struggles. “Ah thank the shaper I am not cleaning this mess up,” Richard admitted to himself as he spotted Laurella and Boss near the front gate as he gave them a wave.

  “Well your back on your feet,” Boss commented as Richard noticed the Richard glanced over at Laurella,

  “So-,” Richard started but the doctor quickly cut him off.

  “Don’t ask,” she interrupted as Richard shrugged knowing better than to question it.

  “I have to admit you cause a lot of problems I can’t wait to finally have a full nights sleep tonight,” Boss admitted,

  “Yeah and you can take care of all the paperwork and the sailors who were looking for a job,” Laurella added, “I’ll have you know next time I have to patch your ass up it’s going to hurt, cause I had everyone and their brother coming to me to keep the Golden Eagle running.” Laurella vented as Richard smiled nervously. “You know what I think you need to make sure your muscles are back in working order,” she said with a devilish grin as she pulled her shocking staff from its holster over her back. She lights the device up as Richard felt a nervous smile. “Clear?” she asked frowning at him,

  “Crystal,” he confirmed with a sly smirk on his face. “Anyway, I think I am ready for a walk down to the docks.” He admitted as he headed down.

  “Walk?” Boss and Laurella questioned at the same time.

  “It’s been a while since I had free roamed so pardon me I don’t feel like going in a carriage,” He said waving them off.

  “You do of course realize you’re volunteering us for exercise as well?” David asked as Richard turned to see Madison and David had appeared behind him.

  “I could go for the exercise myself,” Madison volunteered as Richard smiled at the sentiment.

  “Waste of time,” David muttered under his breath but nobody bothered t give
him any flack for it.

  Richard mused over everything, despite everything being more or less back in line the way he wanted it, he found himself in an all too familiar situation mind he had a lot more bruises. “You know I expected you to be much angrier,” Spark said from his coat.

  “Oh trust me if there wasn’t a law for it David would be trying to peel my fingers off his neck,” Richard said in a rather chipper voice,

  Everyone gave Richard a bit more distance than before. “Three weeks of being beaten would do that to a person. I am sorry I tried to find you but they had just enough of a lead,” She apologized.

  “I appreciate it, you have done more me than anyone could ever expect from anyone,” Richard complimented. “Magic or no,” he added, “And from the looks of Boss you could use some sleep.” Richard acknowledged.

  “Hm,” Boss grunted in acknowledgment as Richard just looked over at David who seemed to be a bit more nervous than before.

  “I am sorry the magic was unexpected, to say the least,” David said as Richard just shrugged releasing a heavy breath from his nose. “I don’t think the same trick will work but with their main base disrupted I am hoping that more traditional means of tracking can be used.”

  Richard yawned zoning out as the man kept the silence at bay. “Honestly I think he’s just ordering his thoughts to himself than anything else,” Richard thought to himself as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and tried to keep his nerves under control. He didn’t say it to anyone but he was jumping at about any shadow and while a cool alcoholic drink was just what he needed, the thought of it seemed to make his stomach turn. He frowned realizing he didn’t have even his pipe and matches with him.

  He could feel his frustration rising back up at that realization but he crushed the burning feeling in his gut, getting angry never did him any good. He itched at his back as he felt he spotted the Golden Eagle off in the distance.


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