The Captain's Stand

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The Captain's Stand Page 44

by Kat Mandu

  Richard placed both hands behind his back as Boss and Laurella rode off to return the horse they had borrowed. Richard let the silence hang as he was more than comfortable in it.

  “You okay Richard?” asked Madison breaking the silence as they were heading into the area around the docks.

  “I am fine,” Richard said in a neutral tone,

  “You keep releasing deep sighs,” Madison pointed out as Richard gave her a raised eyebrow. “You don’t notice then?” she inquired.

  “I need a smoke,” Richard said as he could feel himself bristling under her concern. Richard was silently happy when Madison didn’t bother him any further on the matter.

  It was late before Richard finally made it back to the ship taking the final steps up. There was a small light and a table on deck as a few crew members were, in fact, playing cards. “Is Boss and Laurella back?” Richard asked as he approached the table,

  “Richard,” Captain,” were the sudden responses as the card game was momentarily forgotten.

  “I was worried, this was going to be the shortest Job I ever took on,” Tobi joked as Arvil, Tin, and Tray all stood up to shake hands.

  “You want to join us?” Tin asked,

  “Thanks but no thanks,” Richard said, “David and Madison will be joining us onboard so speared the word around. There was a slight jingle as Richard glanced over as Jill rushed him, the dog almost took him out as she weaved in-between his legs barking and wagging her tail.

  “I take it we will need to find our own rooms?” David asked glancing around the ship. Richard stopped running his fingers through Jill’s fur.

  “Come on, I have a few quests room not too far from mine,” Richard instructed, “We never really worked out an eating arrangement so feel free to raid the mess hall,” Richard said, he caught David muttering about discipline.

  Richard Lead up the stairs leaning on the railway a bit as he glanced into his quarters to see Sam sitting on his desk, Sam noticed him and jumped off the desk and out into the hall.

  “Keeping things in order?” Richard asked as Sam nodded an affirmation. “Good job,” and with that Madison Turned down the other side to her old room she had used. Richard opened up a Spare room, as he heard the faint snoring of Boss who had already made his way to his bed.

  “Rather Spartan,” David commented as he entered the room.

  “Personal quarters are for personal decoration, you may want to contact your butler if you plan on making any improvements,” Richard informed in a cold neutral tone.

  “Well then this will do for now, but I don-” David started but Richard slammed the door cutting the doctor off. He glanced at Sam.

  “Don’t ever do that to a guest,” he told the kid as he walked back down to his hall. Sam hesitated to look at the door, before rushing off after Richard. He pushed both the doors open letting them swing freely as he pushed past his desk. He tore off his coat not even caring that Spark was hiding in it as he all but fell into bed.

  “Watch it,” Spark his zipping out his coat which was hanging off the chair behind his desk. Richard remanded still staring up at the ceiling. Spark frowned at the lack of a response as Richard just glared up at the ceiling his pistols were digging into his back but he couldn’t be bothered to move them. Richard pulled out the mirror as he looked at the cracked angry reflection.

  “Sorry,” Richard apologized looking at Spark. “I just can’t sleep tonight,” he spotted the book he had bought earlier. He sat down in his high back chair kicked his feet up as he started to read.

  “I guess going through three weeks of torture isn’t going to make sleeping easy,” Spark commented,

  “I have always had a hard time sleeping but knowing that person,” Richard had paused glancing over at Sam who was surprisingly reading another book. “I should have considered asking what he already knows,” He frowned having not considered that writing and reading may be necessary. Sadly Richard was not much of a teacher.

  “Honestly some days if feels like you’re talking to yourself than anyone else,” Spark huffed as Richard turned his attention back to her.

  “It’s a bad habit, anyway, Spark as interesting as this conversation is you could take a room for yourself,”

  “No, I am keeping an eye on you,” Spark said crossing her arms as the two locked eyes. Time seemed to tick by. Richard frowned as he took up a lantern and light it giving the room a bit of light as he stepped onto his desk to hang it. He glanced over to see that Sam had fallen asleep on the chair and Jill and curled up under his desk.

  Sighing in annoyance he picked up the cabin boy and headed back to the boy’s room. “I hope this is as close as I ever get to having kids,” he muttered under his breath. As he frowned the hall should have been dark but he realized Spark seemed to give off enough light to see by.

  “What no pirates life for little kids?” she asked,

  “Are you kidding me I would be a terrible father, I don’t have the patience for it, Not to mention I am rather selfish,” He admitted as he opened the door up. His mind working making sure his sight and head were not impaired this time. He could his own nerves working overtime as Richard put Sam to bed.

  “Well you have your moments,” Spark complemented,

  “Moments make good memories, not good parents,” Richard responded ignoring the compliment as he glanced over his shoulder, “So was there any disturbances outside of my kidnapping?”

  “Davina, I think made a few appearances she kept interacting with Boss. Outside of that, the ship was quiet, we kept the guard up and we spent the rest of our time existing leads,” Spark informed.

  “Hmm,” mused Richard as he reentered his quarters. He scanned over his papers. “I need to look into what Laurella was dealing with I need to make sure she wasn’t tricked into overpaying the docking fees. Not to mention I still need to file my crew documents. I may need to fake a thing or two for chief,” he mused as he seemed to have stopped talking to Spark.

  “Your doing it again,” Spark pointed out as Richard paused

  “I am thinking of moving the ship out of port during the night, putting some distance between the Eagle and any more late night guests.” He said his eyes looking into hers.

  “That wouldn’t be a bad idea, I think chief tried but the ship wouldn’t move while you were gone,” Spark pointed out.

  “I wonder,” Richard pondered, “Anyway no time like the present, I better ask to see if anyone is not on board before heading for deeper waters.

  “Tray!” Richard called out as he headed back to the main deck to see they still playing cards by lantern light. They all looked at him, “Is anyone ashore, tonight?” he inquired.

  “I think Stephano to be honest, but he hasn’t been on the ship for a while,” York informed as Tray nodded in agreement.

  “Okay I am taking the Eagle out to deeper waters, then, we have had too many late night guests,” Richard informed as he headed to the wheel.

  “We should alert the crew,” York said as the sails drew to their full size as the ship moved the slow creak echoed as York and Arvil headed to the outer rail of the Golden Eagle to watch it slowly turn in a way no ship should have been able and gently sail out into deeper waters.

  “Impressive,” Arvil admitted as he glanced up, “All without the wind this ship is a marvel to behold.”

  Richard inhaled the ocean’s smell as the wind whipped at his hair. It hadn’t taken long but he was addicted to the feel of Golden Eagle under his fingertips. “Ah,” he yawned as he blinked his eyes. “I could do this all night,” he said with a fond smile.

  “Can I take the helm? Spark asked giving Richard a pair of puppy dog eyes

  “Have you ever steered a ship?” he asked raising an eyebrow.

  “Please?” she added as Richard sighed rolling his eyes playfully.

  “Okay, she moves a lot faster than most,” He warned as he released one hand and gestured for her to move forward she stepped in as Richard closed his hand back on th
e wheel. She mirrored his hands as he released taking a side step to the left.

  “Normally you have a second person here to help yell out orders and to be your second set of eyes. On most ships, it’s always best to have a solid chain of command, but thanks to you just one person could easily sail this ship even if an extra set of eyes near the front would help.”

  “We are not at risk of hitting anyone are we?” Spark said as her voice peaked in panic.

  “Not to worry,” Richard soothed, “I already had my eyes out, with it being night almost everyone is either docked or anchored just keep her steady and we will be far enough out.” Richard let a slight chuckle, as he pulled out a spyglass.

  He scanned the area making sure everything was in decent shape normally traveling around in the dark this close to the dock was risky but the Eagle came with some benefits that negated that risk. He scanned over the docks, most were in shadow not giving much light only specs seemed to cover the lampposts and the occasional candle in the window.

  “Hmm,” Richard mused, “That’s odd,” he admitted as he lowered the spyglass. “Perhaps we headed out too soon.”

  “What do you mean?” Spark asked glancing over at him.

  “Someone seems to be sending out some barrels with something tied to them.” Richard said, “Turn to the port side, see if I can get a better look. I think I spot a few barrels, I think someone must have had an accident,”

  “Some get a net, we got some missing supplies or something, drifting around in the docks!” called out as he jumped down to the four from before.

  “I was just about to win,” Tray complained

  “No you weren’t,” York said with a cocky grin as the four met Richard off to the port side of the ship.

  Spark moved the ship as Richard pointed out the barrel. “I’ll get a net,” Tin said as he headed below deck.

  “Does anyone actually know where anything on this ship?” York asked as Tray shrugged, Arvil just laughed, as Tin popped back up with his hands filled with a net.

  “Huh,” Tray said as Tin rushed over,

  “I don’t really have a good aim when it comes this,” Tin admitted as he glanced over, York snorted as he held up his hand for the net. Tin handed it over and with a mighty throw, he missed.

  “Looks like you’re not the only one,” Richard chuckled as York glared at him as he pulled the now soaked net, he pulled it back up as the ship moved closer and closer. Richard had to stop himself from taking control over the golden Eagle to make things easier.

  Richard tempered himself as they tried a few more times before finally netting the barrel and Richard had a feeling he knew what was tied to it, even before they dragged it up and into the light.

  “Well, a body,” York spoke what everyone was thinking. Spark flew over to them as the Anchor hit the water letting out a massive splash.

  “Give me a second,” Arvil, threw his hands forward and sent a gust of wind over the body drying it off and he rolled his wrist keeping the wind going. “For the smell,” he explained as Richard nodded. He bent down and frowned he didn’t have a knife on him.

  “Here,” York handed him a bowie knife, he cut the body loose as he waved at James who nodded and rolled the barrel of to the side.

  He quickly started going over the man’s gear when he felt something and that wasn’t bone or skin. “A glass bottle,” Richard discovered as he plucked out a bottle with a message in it. He stood up breaking the bottle over the rail as he flicked the note open.

  “So is there anything in the barrel?” Arvil asked glancing at the barrel as Richard scanned over the letter mouthing the words a bit but otherwise ignoring the others.

  Tray dug his fingers and pried the lid open but was disappointed to find it empty. “Okay so that was a waste of time,” Tray lamented,

  “This fucking bites,” Richard growled slamming the sheet of paper into Tin’s chest as he grabbed onto it.

  “So what do we do with the body?” Tin shouted as Richard marched back to the bow of the ship.

  “Throw it overboard I do not have time to waste on proper corpse disposal,” Richard called back as the four glanced at each other as Tray glanced down at the open Barrel he had on hand.

  “You thinking what I am thinking?” Tray asked with a slight grin.

  “Yeah but where are we going to find a dress and enough makeup to make it look like a high-end hooker,” Tobi said as everyone looked at him in concerned.

  Chapter 47 Look At Em Scramble

  Richard knocked on the door, before releasing a breath. “Madison, oh fuck it. PHOEBE!” he shouted there was a rather cartoonish crash as the door was pulled open as a sword was all but swung as he soaked in the view.

  “Hi Madison,” Spark said, “We got an emergency or else we wouldn’t wake you up,” Spark apologized,

  “What she said, but you may want to grab some pants,” Richard pointed as she was sporting only a really big shirt for her sleepwear. “I am going to go get David we have a fight on our hands,” Richard said,

  “Give me a second,” Madison said pulling on some pants as she buckled her belt on, she was out the door with his sword in place, “So what is up that pulled me out of bed?” she asked,

  “I really don’t like repeating myself,” he told her with a sigh and a sidelong glance.

  “I can see that,” she observed but kept looking at him.

  “We got a trap set up for us and the messenger was a lot of bodies tied to barrels thrown in the dock,” Richard explained.

  “Gruesome,” Madison commented,

  “Yeah I want to try and clean this up before day break, but I am not sure I want to make a move unless the right channels are taken.” Richard admitted, “The last thing I need is them pinning this on me.” He muttered to himself.

  “My name may not be worth as much as my mom’s but I’ll cover you on this, get this cleaned up, I’ll talk to David and see if we can work something out.” Madison directed,

  Richard shrugged, “That’s all I need is the go ahead meet me back on deck, I’ll explain everything as soon as you and David are ready.” Richard turned heading out onto the main deck as the two separated.

  “Ask someone to put on a pot of Coffee,” Madison called as the doors started to swing closed.

  “Fine, can’t believe you drink that crap!” Richard called back.

  Madison rolled her eyes, as she headed over to knock on the door she was about to push the door open when the door caught. “Paranoid fellow,” she commented as she pushed the door a bit harder when a force slammed against the other side of the door.

  “Who is it?” David ragged as Madison backpedaled in surprise at the aggression in the doctor’s voice.

  “We need you on deck, the nights got a nasty surprise and Richard is already trying to clean it up but you’re going to need to see this, so hurry up,”

  “Fine, just don’t burst into my door like,” David warned, as Madison crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

  “Not like you have something I haven’t seen before,” Madison muttered,

  “What’s that suppose to mean?” David called back, with an accusing tone that made Madison frown a bit harder as she glared at the door.

  “Pirates take baths to, I don’t like your implications,” Madison returned very ticked at what was coming from the other side of the door. She frowned getting no response from David even after he had been dressed and was in the hall again.

  “Well?” he questioned, “Richard needed to see us,” he urged as Madison just started at him letting the doctor understand she did not much care for the implication he had sent his way before turning on her heel and heading back to the deck.

  David followed on her heels, as they headed onto the main deck. Richard had already brought up the second barrel as Tobi and Tin worked to free the bonds on what looked like a corpse Tray and Arvil had moved the first body and stuffed it in the barrel and off to the side.

  “Oh that’s not good at all,” David
acknowledged as Richard pulled out another script reading it in the light of Spark’s presence who was hovering just over his shoulder.

  “It’s the same, I got a feeling every barrel and body will have an exact duplicate of this letter, and who knows if it’s just the dock. We may have to comb the whole city,” Richard mused out loud,

  “Again?!” was echoing around Richard as he glanced at him in surprise at the shared desire.

  “Can’t we just pawn this on the guard,” Tobi said, “Or at least send someone expendable to tell chief.”

  Richard opened his mouth but paused closed, and with one extra second realization dawned on him. “So I see, David Madison We can handle this, you go scramble the tin heads.”

  “Your are getting to use to bossing us around,” David grumbled, as Madison nodded agreeing with Richard’s direction as he handed David the paper.

  “Dear city of gaslight,” David started reading as Madison glanced back to see him struggling to keep pace as he read the note. “Do to the recent loss of my latest victim as well as a very valued tool, I have found my plans stopped with the recent knowledge the Dragon Mage is coming you may find me at this location.” David trailed off as he frowned.

  “This sounds like a trap,” Madison said calmly.

  “Of course it’s a trap. The question is what kind, is the I am going out in a blaze of glory, or is he hoping to fake his death?” David frowned,

  “We should stake this place out and have guards watching the swear as well. If worse comes to worse we need to make sure the nose stays firmly around his neck.” Madison said as she glanced around finding no carriages they could hail.

  “Aye,” David agreed, “

  Madison kept heading towards the castle, moving to the guard Barracks located within the castle walls. The two kept their eyes peeled looking for any more notes or worse bodies littering but the pair didn’t find anything out of the ordinary.

  “Madison?” came a voice as the knight paused in her stride.

  “Um,” she had to think for a second as David paused as well confused at the sudden stop. “Stephano?” she asked as she darted around.


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