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The Captain's Stand

Page 52

by Kat Mandu

  “You got it Captain,” Goliam said snapping to feet as Richard winced, the man put his head threw the wall. “Sorry cap,” He apologized as he landed, Richard glanced up and watched the ceiling reform itself.

  “No harm done, anyway thank you,” Richard dismissed as Goliam head out the ring of keys jingling along.

  With the Door shut Richard got up from his chair then headed to back of his room, to see Spark still out cold on one of his pillows, Richard grabbed an apple from a bowl he kept as he bit into it. “Oh come on Spark, get up already know way and old fart like that should be able to do you in,” Richard encouraged as he sat down at a chair and waited.

  Book Three

  Chapter 55

  “Ah,” Richard Yawned as he got up scratching his chest as he silently glanced around his room, “I got these cool clothes but, nothing beats the jacket,” he smirked he quickly splashed some cold water cleaning up his face, as well as removing excess facial hair. Put his hair into a tail after a quick brushing and the Jacket, pants, and boots were comfortably back in place. “Now where is my list?” rubbing the sleep from his eye he pulled the curtains back letting the light into his full office.

  He glanced over to see that Spark was sitting on her the counter, she was hugging her legs close looking at the Broken Mirror, the Mage had used to communicate with them. He opened his mouth but closed it, he really didn’t have any way of talking to her, since he stepped out during the conversation the two magical beings had. He sat down at his desk putting the finishing touches on his crew roster and put down the rest of the paperwork needed to give him clearance to buy certain military items that would come in handy. He tapped the papers and quickly put them into a large envelope before putting a wax seal on it when a knock at his door just reached his ears.

  His head snapped over but Spark had vanished from sight, he turned the mirror over as he opened up one set of doors to see two figures waiting out the main doors. “Lord Stronglance, and Lord Morgan, to what do I owe the pleasure?” he greeted surprised to see the pair, “Come in,” he ushered stepping aside, as the older lord walked past Richard and Morgan locked eyes Richard didn’t waste even a dirty look as he closed the door.

  “Sorry to come so early but I have a long list of things I need to get started. My young Companion has recently set the date with my Daughter. I have a list of items I need to be imported. It shouldn’t be more than a week’s sailing, to Marseille, the job pays well, I promise you.”

  “Sure, I could use some sea time, I just hope I have enough space,” Richard accepted as he grabbed the scrolled up parchment with the list of items, He glanced over it was mostly French wines as well as a select group of well breed white horses for the event. “Shouldn’t be too much trouble, it will take some time to get the crew together.”

  “No trouble I’ll send Captain Audwine with the funds my younger daughter may join, you I think she had a job the Dragon Mage inquired her with,” He frowned at the last bit.

  “Is there a concern my Lord?” Richard directed back after he weighed the scroll down.

  “Nothing you can do, I fear I just got my daughter back just to lose her.” He sighed, there was suddenly a dull thud as Richard glanced up confused.

  “Sadly, I fear I am out of my debt when it comes to family matters.” Richard apologized, as a second thud, echoed above them.

  “I didn’t expect you to, anyway we have-,” he was cut off by another thud, he glanced up, as Richard looked at Morgan, as he gave him a wide grin.

  “I need to take care of that, you have a wedding to take care, congratulations,” Richard smiled shaking hands with Madison’s dad as Morgan and Richard shook hands only for Richard to squeeze just hard enough for Morgan to grimace before Richard escorted them to the door.

  “Nice try,” Richard whispered as the pair walked off with Morgan glaring back at him. A massive blade dropped down at Richard only for the mast to suddenly twist and swat the blade away splashing harmlessly into the salt water.

  Richard leaned up against the rail, as he smiled, “Fish sure are jumping today huh Morgan?” Richard commented offhandedly. Morgan turned in glared back as Richard gave him a Two finger salute flipping the man of as Richard turned around.

  Sam rushed past heading up the stairs as Richard casually followed, to spot a series of blades having dug into the upper deck just above where Richard was standing. Sam pulled out a much smaller one glancing up.

  “Captain Richard is there an issue I just saw that bastard,” Laurella rushed in as Richard pointed at Sam. “Oh no,” she glanced up, in panic.

  “I think he’s giving up on this, I don’t think he can drop anything big enough to harm the Golden Eagle, as a massive blade suddenly appeared above them, as the ship lurched.

  “Ah, shit!” Laurella panicked as Richard kept his balance the ship forward just enough to avoid the falling blade. Laurella looked off the back to see the blade sticking up out of the water and swallowed.

  Richard shook his head as he watched the ship slowly repair itself not even leaving a scratch behind as he smiled at the spot before he rubbed his goatee. “I wouldn’t worry about it, pass the word around we will be leaving port, we got a little job to take care off.”

  “What would that be?” Laurella asked,

  “Picking up wedding supplies for Nora AStronglances wedding.” Richard shrugged as inspected the place where the cuts were.

  “Are you fucking kidding me you’re getting supplies for the man’s wedding the fucker just tried to kill you,” Laurella pointed out.

  “Yep,” Richard agreed as he rubbed his fingers together trying to find any leftover residue. He glanced over his shoulder at the doctor, watching her visibly fume. “Not much I can do about it. So might as well make a buck, we lost our best shot at getting rid of the little shit. So might as well make some money on it.”

  “I would rather see the man beheaded than wedded,” Laurella frowned,

  “The way he runs things he’ll likely kill’em self,” Richard laughed, “Besides if he’s stuck here that’s one less Pirate Lord we need to worry about.”

  “Speaking of which I was thinking that over,” Laurella paused waiting for Richard as he turned to look at her. “How do we plan on pulling off such a stunt, I know there are a lot of Lordlings running around not mention the official Pirate Lords and Morgan’s abilities are insane, how do you expect to actually make do with your promise?”

  “You have been thinking about this a lot,” Richard observed, glancing over as the worry was etched all over her face. “Well, you are not required to stay, if you’re worried about dying.” Richard reminded.

  “I made peace with death on that cursed island, it’s everyone else I am worried about.” She admitted,

  “Fair enough. I would love to say I have some magical idea, some crazy map hiding mythical items that will level the playing field. Sadly I don’t have anything of the sort, but I plan on keeping an eye out, we cut down the small people, we move in and out contently moving. The main thing that keeps the Lords going is the constant greedy people.” Richard explained,

  “Well that’s a start but as soon as that happens we are all target number one there won’t be any resting.” Laurella reminded,

  “On a normal ship but we are not on a normal ship, this baby can run itself the crew always rested, and we can pepper anyone in our sights, it’s latterly a matter of attrition.” Richard shrugged, “besides the ship has shown not even the abilities of a Pirate Lord can do enough Damage to harm the Eagle, I think our odds are pretty good.” Richard smiled brightly.

  “What about on Land?” Laurella admitted,

  “While possible, I am afraid I don’t have an answer,” Richard admitted, “I am hoping to look into anything that may tip the scales in our favor so don’t think I am going to rest on the power of the Eagle. But finding War relics is expensive and time-consuming. And outside of trying the stunt, Amaro did,” his face twisted in disgust, “We are just going to have to
be good enough to make up the difference, besides if things get too hairy we can always meet up with the navy.” Richard shrugged. “Ah crap, I got ahead of myself, have you seen Eagle Eye anywhere?”

  “Not really,” Laurella admitted,

  Richard gave out a heavy breath, “Why did the ship of my damn dreams have to be so big?” He grumbled as he headed down, “Oh if you see Tray and James tell them I would like to talk to them about something.”

  Richard frowned it seemed it was going to take some time, He headed past Arken who was lounging on the deck, they both gave a curt nod before going back to their own interests. He glanced up, a rope from the mast dropped down as Richard grabbed on sticking his foot into a lop and was suddenly pulled up. Dropping on the mast he headed over to the crow’s nest to see Eagle Eye leaning up against the mast with a straw hat.

  “Captain,” the man greeted his hat shifting only a bit.

  “Eagle Eye,” Richard returned, “Mind if I sit down?” Richard asked,

  “Do as you like, it’s your boat,” Eagle Eye reminded,

  “So I told everyone that I would be willing to drop people off, and most people seem to be sticking around, you haven’t said anything,” Richard glanced over but he couldn’t see any indications. “Well things have come up and I have some more life and Death dealings I need to worry about.” He paused, “I let it get away from me my first task, so if you want to take off,” Richard pulled out a coin purse dropping it between them, “That will be more than enough to get you on a good ship back, home, it may take some time but it would be safer than being on this ship if the sword blades raining down wasn’t clue enough.” Richard cracked a smile as he stood up.

  “All the same,” Eagle Eye muttered as Richard glanced over his shoulder,

  “Perhaps,” Richard replied in a dull tone, “I am just giving you usable options I do plan on Heading back to Colonies, and I would say the ship moves fast enough to make your stay here the best option. I just don’t like the idea of letting someone like Morgan in a position of power.”

  “All I hear is excuses.” Eagle Eye responded,

  “I don’t have to if that would full fill your inert desire to look down on me,” Richard rolled his eyes. Eagle Eye didn’t say anything not even bothering to touch the coin purse with that Richard headed back down.

  “Captain I heard we are making for a little trip?” Boss said as Richard stepped down,

  “Yep, not exactly a fun job but something to get us back out onto the open sea. So round everyone up Mr. Boss we got to pick up some fine wine,” Richard smiled patting him on the Shoulder,

  “All Hands on DECK!” Boss shouted as the ship quickly came to life.

  Richard walked along as people started moving, emerging from all kinds of places as Richard casually walked along. Goliam moved past his hands filled with two barrels he was moving, Morsina floated above him landing on one of the masts.

  “I said on Deck!” Boss shouted as Richard headed up the stairs next to the wheel as everyone glanced over at him.

  “We got a short job coming up,” Richard started, “Nothing dangerous but we plan on heading out as soon as Madison and Audwine arrive, so don’t go too far today, and spread the word, and get everything battened down you don’t want falling over the edge.

  “Okay, I’ll get the rope,” Arken called out,

  “Said the Actress to the priest,” called James as everyone got a good laugh at the comment. Richard kept moving while everyone moved around the ship securing, then they waited, Richard, frowned as he stood, he was standing next to the gangplank, with Boss waiting next to him, Richard shifted his body uncomfortable with standing for so long, almost everyone was waiting. Most were sitting in small circles chatting, others are lounging,”

  “I should get a hat,” Richard frowned shielding the sun with his hand.

  “I thought so as well, I couldn’t find anything that looked good,” Boss admitted, Richard glanced over at him frowning,

  “I can’t really, maybe a bandana or something?” Richard asked glancing over at him. Boss scratched his head frowning.

  “I couldn’t really find a hat that is me,” Boss admitted,

  “Oh, you went Hat shopping?” Richard asked as Boss nodded,

  “I think something black with a wide brim would work, maybe a red slash around the base, what do you think?” Richard asked as Boss glanced over at him for a second as if envisioning such a hat on him.

  “I don’t think it would work, I think the hat would ruin your look,” Boss admitted Richard frowned,

  “You think so?” Richard wondered,

  “Yeah, I think that hat could work, but it would impair looking up you know, and with those two crazy bitches running around wouldn’t risk it,” Boss admitted.

  “True but sunlight in the eyes is just if not more damning, in terms of combat,” Richard pointed out as the pair cared on their debate losing all meaning as they bounced around letting the words carry them through the hours.

  Boss paused in the middle of a conversation on the battle tactics of a sinking ship as Arken walked passed them, Boss paused before looking at Richard.

  “You know there are a lot of things I can recall, but I can’t tell you how or why. Speaking and fighting, I know it but I can’t remember where I learned it. But the Bendact where did they come from?

  “Nobody knows, it’s a closely guarded secret of the halls of Ra. Down in one of the southern containment. There are a few theories but they all have limitations. The biggest one is that a deity was either impressed or in some cases saved, that second detail is dependent on how generous you are feeling.” Richard chuckled. “But it is said they were molded with souls of the unborn taking on Human shape and Sentience. Keeping their own gifts as a beat with all the benefits of man,” Richard explained.


  “Children who die before they have the chance to live, at least that’s the traditional translation. Other ideas are the spirits of accent warriors, and some places like the Sun people believe they just earn souls thanks to living long enough.”

  “Sun People?” Boss asked,

  “It’s a catch-all for the men of the East, home to some of the most advanced nations in the world, The came up with gunpowder and while these pistols are new creation firearms are not, some of the finest goods and supplies come from that part of the world. It’s also home to some of the best swordsmen and swordsmiths in the world, Nathan’s blade the Katana if not directly the design comes from that part of the world.” Richard pointed out.

  “You been to that part of the world?”

  “Nah the Language is next to impossible for me, so unless we have a translator buying and selling would be limiting, even more so since there is only one port city, but this is all second hand, Tin would be a better man to ask seeing as how he’s at least a descendant of the area but don’t be a dick, I don’t know if he actually grew up there, since the Sun people to have their own Nations, and are just as prideful as a Highlander is of his own home. So step carefully,”

  “I think Nathan would be better suited to ask,” Boss admitted, “But once the ship heads out since we will be doing a lot of sitting around,” Boss admitted.

  “Whenever,” Richard shrugged, “It looks like our Dame has finally decided to join us,” Richard smirked, as a carriage approached.

  Richard sighed striating himself up as Madison stormed out of the carriage as the Captain of the guards, rode up on Snowball.

  “Permission to come aboard? Uh sir?” he kind of lingered as he watched the woman in stormed up the plank as Richard when stone-faced

  “Granted,” Richard dropped as the Madison stopped and glared at him.

  “How in the world could you?” she accused as everyone on deck was no looking.

  “What, I didn’t do anything illegal,” Richard commented,

  “Yet,” Boss commented, Richard, shot him a glare but didn’t respond.

  “You know what I am talking about,” M
adison frowned.

  “Let’s talk in my office it’s unbecoming to get so worked up, in public,” Richard gestured at his office, as Madison glared at him.

  “Arvil could you show the good Guardsmen were he can keep his horse,” Richard asked as the wind user smiled ignoring the atmosphere surrounding them.

  Richard leads the way as a few crew members pulled in plank as the Golden Sails lowered catching the wind, as the ship finally left port.

  “I want your head for agreeing to anything to marry that disgustingly cowardly, no good, dirty rotten Pirate to my sister!” She raged as Richard wondered why he bothered to close the doors behind them.

  “Let’s do some pushups,” Richard said taking off his jacket and getting down to the floor starting the activity.

  “I would rather not,” Madison raised an eyebrow,

  “I find it helps my temper,” Richard admitted, he paused looking up at her. “Look I felt we all needed some time away from Gaslight. I wanted to be able to relax to reorder my thoughts without the fear of death lingering over me.” He stood up crossing his arms behind his back as he watched the city slowly vanish behind them at the amazing rate. “Those Assassins have almost gotten me far too many times, and so long as Spark is around, her safety, as well as the entire crew, would be at risk, even if it would take time, a Wish length of over a thousand years is not out of every species range of life, and those with such a lifespan could easily overtake any advantage this ship has.”

  Madison frowned grumbling, “I am still angry.”

  “I can’t say I blame you, If it was up to me I would storm the castle lay the fucker out, and gut the sun of a bitch on the stairs leading up to the throne forever ending his life in view of the thing he so desperately craves,” Richard casually vented as he poured out a fine brandy, as Madison just looked at him he poured her a glass. “But sadly doing so would end my carrier making two enemies, with very vast recourses. Not mention the earlier issue, If it was any other noblemen besides your father I could send Stephano to just slit the bastard’s throat,”


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