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The Captain's Stand

Page 62

by Kat Mandu

  “What is that?” Boss asked as he kept his eyes on Davina.

  “It’s just a wraith, see em all the time just give me a second,” Spark sighed as Morgan took off as fast as he could.

  Spark set off with another blast of Magic as the wraith swirled in a nebulous form, to avoid it.

  Boss, took a step only for Davina to move alongside him. The assassin was now serious,

  “No more blind eye?” Boss asked,

  “It is now a matter of pride.” Was all she said.

  Spark aimed at Morgan as the wraith intercepted the attack the wraith looked very diminished as Spark took aim again as she rushed after.

  “Shit,” Darcy rushed, as she tagged spice in the ankle cutting the rush off as Boss tried to catch the woman she flipped away from his grasp.

  “That, smarts,” Spark hissed as the wraith shrunk into the assassin shadow, as Boss moved to chase only to see Spark stumble on the ground as he saw a slight trail of blood behind her.

  “Fly,” he thought as he remembered the point of the wig and clothing change. He could hear shouts it seemed that guardsmen were on the way. He moved back as Darcy stayed put

  Boss lifted the woman up over his shoulder with a single heft as she faced forward. “So, now what?” Spark eyed him, Boss grumbled, as he thought, only for Spark to send a blast of magic at Darcy forcing the woman to jump away. “Well after his ass, I don’t think he’s going to bleed out the slippery little chicken shit.” As Boss took of as the shoulder mounted woman kept the firepower active as Boss spotted the blood trail and started to track.

  “Get back here!” Darcy shouted as she leaped up onto the local rooftop only for her to dive under Spark’s light show.

  “Damn,” Boss skidded to a stop as a large group of mounted guardsmen waited at the allied front.

  “Crap,” Spark agreed as Boss decided to abort the operation and ran back as Spark twisted hitting a few guards of their horses. The narrow ally made it hard to follow.

  Boss skidded as paused only to see a group of guards “that bastard has the Devils luck,” Boss cursed. As a foot suddenly connected with his head, he twisted only to see Spark had mounted Morgan’s horse who had somehow snuck up on them.

  “Seems we got our own brand to let’s move, “she urged as the guards started to move to rush them.

  Boss jumped on behind her as the horse suddenly started to move, the sudden spur knocked Spices head into Boss’s bottom lip.

  “Ah,” he winced as the guards scattered as the horse trampled past.

  The pair raced into a setup area as they both dismounted. “Shit!” Boss cursed, as Spark did the same to give the horse a good pat on the head.

  “Well, let’s head back, we may want to let Madison know what’s going,” Spark glanced at him.

  “Why don’t you just fly in and shot the bastard, why does everything have to be so complicated with you people!” Boss shouted, “it’s one damn thing, between Madison, You, and Richard everything has to be a certain way on a specific day I swear! This is bullshit.” Boss ranted in frustration. “If I just ended the bastard in that damn swear you would have been fine!”

  “Maybe, who knows if he had that wraith then we would have been a death sentence. If Smith wasn’t on the up and up he could have had our necks. You’re probably right we may have solved our issue then. Richard believes that if we had we would have new, ones probably worse.”

  “Probably?” Boss glanced over at her as Spark pulled out a scroll. “What is this?”

  “A list of three people, three beings that can live long enough to wait for my next wish. These three one is trapped and bound to an artifact. The second is cut off from the world and the third being watched by the Dragon Mage himself.”

  “Uh huh,” Boss glanced, at the scroll. “The third?”

  “A fire giant, he’s was the most likely, but all three, if word gets out, would hunt down me,” Spark handed the paper over. Each one had a picture similar to the wanted posters but rather than a price it was listed flee on sight, plus a price for location updates.

  The first looked very disarming, the face of a cute woman, with her hair up in a ponytail. The name listed was Jinn. The second was a darker shaded woman with a single fang, her hair looked messy unkempt, name listed Succubus Queen. The third was a man with no hair, he seemed to have lines on his face that reminded him of rivers more than any symmetrical paint. He rolled the scroll farther when suddenly a fourth face appeared well it seemed so it was a Dragon, listed under Dragon Mage, request help if needed.

  “The Dragon Mage is on here as well.” Boss frowned Spark glanced at the page, he rolled it back up and found out why. The list was military most powerful entities.

  “Seems like a group we don’t want to cross,” Boss admired, “I take it lee already had this problem in mind,” as he handed the scroll back to her. She slipped it into her belt, with a solid nod.

  “He warned of other possible less powerful but less capable dangerous.” She admitted.

  “Sounds like the Dragon Mage would be the better company,” Boss pointed out.

  “After the cult guy, it seems he may have his own issues, besides I think he is spreading the word that I am with him for safety.”

  “Everything’s so complicated, so how did you handle Morgan?”

  “As of now, I think he is not used to people able to fight back, combined with him more or less ruling the city, he keeps damage to a minimum. Still, that wraith is concerning, something that can blend into the shadows would make an excellent spy.” She considered.

  The pair moved back to home base as Spark went on about the wraith, which was believed to be a corrupt spirit with an unfulfilled desire. “… the best we can do is some kind of blessed water, traditionally some kind of Druid would do it. Do you still have Druids.”

  “Druid,” the word echoed in his mind. “We are sending you in, the Druids are a powerful lot of magic men and hell-raisers. You have been given the tools needed to track and kill, dismissed.” Boss shook his head, as he realized Spark was a good ways ahead of him.

  “Boss you okay?” She frowned, but he waved her concerns away.

  “Fine, I’ll talk to Laurella on the matter wouldn’t be a bad idea to start checking shadows.” He insisted.

  The plan set they headed back to home base. “Is Captain lee still breathing?” Nathan asked,

  “Who?” Boss asked as Nathan nodded and the two walked inside.

  “Well good luck with Madison I am going to go check on Laurella. Boss opened his mouth only to spot Spark vanish around the corner. Boss could hardly blame her for the sudden desire to be anywhere else.

  He headed back up the stairs for the umpteenth time, as he headed into seeing Arken and Laurella still in work uniforms. Laurella in a pair of overalls and a white shirt spattered with dirt where Arken spotted a long back dress and apron with some kind of hair accessory.

  “Thanks, Laurella sorry about that you look like you had a hard day.” Madison apologized as the doctor picked at her clothing clearly not happy with her appearance.

  “We need to find your dad soon this is wearing my nerves, I need a hot soak.” She decided as the two infiltrators walked past him. Boss watched them go for a moment before Madison cleared her throat.

  “So I take it you couldn’t kill him?” Madison asked as she eyed him coldly.

  Boss was a little surprised but not too much that word got back before him. “Sadly the bastard got lucky, I saw a chance to end this farce sooner rather than later. I don’t regret it,” he admired shamelessly.

  Madison gave a hard glare, the look stretched on as Boss casually stood not really bothered by the look he received. “Anything to add?” He questioned,

  “I hate the chain of command,” she cursed,

  “It is rather lost,” he shrugged,

  “Sadly, I am not sure it’s appropriate for me to act as a commanding officer in this instance. Since the Eagle is out of commission, and the crew technically
part of the Britannia military. I could consider myself the highest ranking officer.”

  “True but Richard is alive and is the captain. He is giving orders and we are actively fighting the very country we are part off so rank outside the Eagles chain of command is useless. So by that logic, I am the highest ranking officer currently in action.” He realized out loud.

  “Yes, you see the issue.” Madison nodded with a sigh. “Worse lee never enforced it so Laurella who holds no rank has taken authority and with no quartermaster to settle disputes and dull out punishment.”

  “We never did work that out did we?” Boss realized as well. “We seem to put a lot of things off don’t we.”

  “Right, we need to fix that, before shit gets out of hand. We can’t have people run off instigating people.”

  “Didn’t you technically leave the crew we don’t really need to take orders from you.” Boss eyed her as Madison blinked. “Don’t worry about it, wouldn’t feel right. We should get that taken care of tonight we may want to find someplace away from the safe houses just in case.” Boss considered.

  Chapter 65

  “So do I get a vote?” Nashton asked Boss as he kicked at the boarded up window. The two were on the observatory rails that linked the outside of the abandoned factory.

  “Only if you get recruited, I think you may be a bit late to get a vote in,” Boss commented as he gripped the old rusted rails and looked over the setup.

  The area had been cleared out with crates lined up for everyone they had everything planned out, so Boss was sure everything would fall apart quickly. They had a voting system, anyone named as a mate or had a sizable job was put out of the run, Madison and Audwine stayed off the list as well, for obvious reasons.

  People started to file in as everyone chatted, Boss watched as a few people already started pushing for the job while others were recommended.

  “So trying to find out who gets the job?” Madison asked she was in her full armor with a red cape fastened on.

  “Yeah, I can’t help but wonder what happens if they pick the wrong person.” Boss glanced over them.

  “Well, if enough people take up the issue they talk to the captain, they vote on the person’s competence. If they are not, they step down and vote someone else in. In some ways, it’s more effective than a monarch.” Boss gave her a look. “Some ways, if you get a bad ruler it’s not as difficult to remove but a good leader, with full power, can get so much more done.” She nodded,

  “No perfect way of doing things huh?” Boss commented. “Well from the looks of it Arvil is accumulating a large group.” He pointed out,

  “He’s one of the few with an extraordinary ability, while there are a few exceptions his ability is born of a long history.” Madison pointed out.

  “That smells of monarchy,” Boss snorted, as Madison nodded,

  “Even if it does we don’t live in a vacuum, I am sure that if we opened the floor I would get a good chunk of votes.”

  “Yeah, but you already have proven yourself, between scouting the island being a noble and the trust of the Dragon,” he nodded at the shield. “I don’t know many who could be a rival to your track record.” He admitted,

  “Please you make me blush,” she giggled at the string of compliments, “I feel Richard would vote higher, not to mention you, and if she was here Spark would have a good shot.”

  “Richard is practically bribing everyone, I looked around the perks of the Golden Eagle is worth listening alone not to mention they pay.” Boss shrugged as Madison nodded in agreement.

  “So ten gold that Arvil gets it,” Madison bet as Boss glanced around, he frowned he had a few possibilities, with both James and Tray working together, with Tray getting the warmer reception.

  “Tray, while I would prefer Kareem, he sadly doesn’t have the connection sadly,” Cheif frowned,

  “True the most qualified are often left behind, the more,” she frowned, “Charismatic.”

  “I agree the ability to talk the talk does not lead to being able to walk the walk. Let us see how it all falls come on I need to get at a good angle to make sure nobody cheats.” He nodded as she silently agreed and the pair split up. He stepped out into the roof as the night sky stretched out above him. He slipped the current back over the opening, he glanced over the area with only a few gaslights peppering the streets close by. He sat down near the edge, as people slipped in. The crew wasn’t too much bigger as the time loomed closer, he glanced around when a glint of metal hit his eye, he spins and for a second he thought he saw a figure in bronze armor.

  “Something wrong?” Nashton asked as he glanced around in the same direction.

  “Just nerves, we need to head back in.” He decided as they stepped back in he glanced back to see nothing but blank space.

  “I nominate Arvel,” someone announced, then sat down.

  “I nominate Tray,” James stood up with a rather sour look on his face. Boss heard Tobi was put forward as well. Boss zoned out as less familiar names were put forward, he noticed a few people looked just as sour as James in the back Arken stood out as the most visibly annoyed.

  Boss heard a sudden rustle, as he spun his hand drawing his piercing weapon as the translucent blueish Eagle landed on the railing.

  “Richard?” Boss blinked,

  “No time, I was dropping off an update you got a large group of guards coming, you don’t have much time you need to get out off here!” He shouted out of the spirit animal.

  “Got it,” Boss nodded, “Nathan, Madison, and Lagertha follow me we are stalling everyone disperses we deal with this later,” Boss ordered as the selected group

  “I think this would be a good idea to set up groups to disperse with, those who are put forward should lead forward if we don’t have enough stick to Madison or one of the mates.” The Eagle flew down landing on Lagertha’s spear. “Well move out!” He shouted.

  “Yes, sir!” Lagertha called back she moved as the startled bird almost fell off as everyone got a chuckle at the spectacle.

  “Changeup Arken, Kareem, and Tin!” Cheif called as Tin was tossed a large back.

  “What is this?” He asked as the Eagle gave what equaled a grin on its beak.

  “Just a few of my favorite things.” Richard singsonged.

  Tin opened the bag up to see a stockpile of Hernanes, just like the ones he used to blow up Brendan’s old ship.

  “They are heading from the direction of the castle they got a few people branches,” Richard explained as the Eagle started to blur and lose its shape. “Running out of time shit, good luck.” The Eagle shattered suddenly as the sudden act startled a few people.

  “Morsina, I need to be eyed in the sky, keep out of arrow range as best you can. Here,” Boss grabbed the curtains and tore them into shredded, drop these when the line gets to close so we know when to back off.” He informed as Laurella tossed one of Richard’s pistols at her as well. “Fire off a shot if they close in we scatter if you shoot close, I’ll shit the other when I leave last.” She explained and with Thay Boss headed out into the rooftop, with Arken grabbing a light torch and a mass of fuses.

  The group of guards didn’t seem to be in much of a hurry, as Boss scanned the area, no signs of others on the roof, sadly the road was too wide to flank them.

  “I got an idea,” Tin insisted as he headed down an emergency exit.

  “What?” Boss questioned as he watched the man drop down to the valley floor. He turned as he split his attention between the guard and the man as he took up and old crate tied a long fuze to it with only a small amount showing. He skidded it bottom up into the middle of the street. He climbed his way back up just in time to see the recession stop.

  “That should keep them occupied,” Tin admitted, as Boss smiled at the simplicity of the act.

  “Okay, now we set up.” Arken nodded, she moved along the roofs as she set up fixes as Tin slowly set grenades around the fuze. Boss caught on quick the idea. Everyone took up a spot as Boss w
atched the group, it was nerve-racking the group had given the crate a large birth as three people tried to inch closer the fuse had vanished from sight.

  Boss couldn’t help but grin as the three tried to figure a way to check the box as they tried to see if the crate was going to explode.

  Boss watched as someone finally had enough and kicked the crate, which flipped along the road. Revealed the group reorganized as Boss motioned the grenades flew the bricks splintered into the air as the group panicked forward, only for Arken to spread as mas explosion to cut the way off Tin moved after as a mass of continuous detonations carried on.

  Boss waited as the moved towards buildings he hit the fuse with the grenades and started to cut off escapes even throwing a few at the back of the line. Bodies started to drop as shrapnel dug in and the group broke and retreated.

  “Good job,” Boss congratulated as everyone smiled, as Morsina dropped down, “Anymore guards on the way?”

  “No, we have a new issue, a fire started up, at the factory.” She hastily informed as Boss squinted to see a mass pillar os smoke just different enough to make out as he noticed the missing night sky.

  The group rushed back, as Boss mentally cursed, “nothing is ever as easy as it should be,”

  Boss leaped in, “Duck,” he shouted, as his group dropped under a fireball that singed some of Boss’s long hair. The place was a mess of activity, some dumb ass was throwing fireballs around like it was going out of style. A loud shot went off as Boss spotted Laurella who afterward had swung at a man who tried to jump her from behind. The man screamed as he went head first into the ground from the backhand swinging.

  “Where did all these people come from?” Tin asked as Boss was just as confused he was.

  In the time he headed for the stairs he didn’t spot a single similarity between the attackers, no uniforms or even commonality of weapons.

  “Ahh!” Screamed a man with an ax as he swung at Boss, he avoided it as the blade skipped off the wall. He grabbed the man and slammed him into the wall as he could already feel beads of sweat on his brow.


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