Breaking Her

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by Natalie Graham

  Breaking Her


  Natalie Graham

  All rights reserved. Under no circumstances may any parts of this book be reproduced or transmitted in any form without written consent from the publisher. The only exception being by a reviewer who may quote brief passages for review purposes only.

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  This book is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to any person, living or dead, any place, locales, events or occurrences is purely coincidental.

  All characters and story lines are created from the author’s own imagination or are used fictitiously.

  The author fully acknowledges the copyrighted or trademarked status and copyright or trademark owner for works, products and companies listed within this work of fiction.

  Cover design by N. Graham.

  Published by N. Graham.

  E-Book 1st Edition – 2014.


  Warning. Contains language and scenarios which some readers may find offensive and / or disturbing. Contains scenes of a graphical, sexual nature. Recommended to readers 18+


  I would like to start my acknowledgements with a special thank you to my husband for his continued support throughout my writing and publishing journey. You will never know how much your words of encouragement mean to me. I’d also like to apologise for my mood swings during said journey.

  A special thank you needs to be given to one of the nicest bloggers I’ve had the opportunity to ‘meet’. Francessca of Francessca’s Romance Reviews has given me endless support and encouragement since publishing Broken Ever After and I’m not sure I would still be writing if it wasn’t for her.

  Special mentions need to be given to Emma, Carly, Kelly, Dawn and Charmaine. You ladies have NO idea how much I value your opinions and help (It’s a lot by the way). THANK YOU.

  I’d also like to thank the Bartenders at The Book Bar for inflating my ego at every opportunity. You ladies also have no idea how much I value your support. You ladies are AWESOME!

  I know I will have left people out because I suck, MAJORLY! And I’m sorry for that, but thank you to every single person that has supported me in my journey with Broken Ever After and Breaking Her.

  Dedicated to Natalie

  for her super-human bravery.

  Her courage and ability to fight

  gave me untold inspiration.

  Rest in peace.


  My official job description had been pretty simple when I came to work for Mason Enterprises. Take care of the boss and his niece; when not needed with either of them I was to shadow my uncle, Frank McIntosh in his role as the head of security at the firm. My unofficial job, the primary reason for me being here, was to gain a position of trust with the boss, Austin Stevens. Mission accomplished, I was his Personal Protection Officer – wherever he went, I went. I even lived with the guy.

  My next job- or the next part of Frank’s plan was to scare him shitless by convincing him that his precious little niece’s life was in danger from some lunatic. It was, but I wasn’t about to tell Uncle Frank that I thought his plan was absolutely fucking insane. I didn’t see the point of all of this if the goal was to get little Bobby’s share of the company.

  Bobby Mason, the son of Robert Mason – the founder of Mason Ent., had been overlooked from gaining control of his father’s company when he’d left a will before his suicide declaring Olivia Stevens the sole beneficiary. She had all of his money, and all that Julie, Bobby’s mother, had wanted for years now was the assets passed to their rightful owner.

  Frank had always looked to Robert like a father would to his son, just as he had done with me after my own father had been killed. He became quite close to Julie Mason after Robert had died. Exactly how close was up for debate but it wasn’t my business, but it must have been pretty serious to devise a plan together like they had. They were both risking jail time for extortion if either of them were caught.

  Taking pictures of Olivia and delivering them to her uncle was easy enough, even creating fake notes that made half arsed threats, was easy too. What wasn’t easy however, was convincing Austin that the police didn’t need to be involved.

  “I’ve seen real threats before, these are nothing.” I’d assured him, Frank agreed making a show of reassuring him that it was more than likely nothing. “She already has a tail that follows her and is outside her house all night. The only logical step I can see is to actually have someone in the house with her.” I stared at Austin over his desk, his elbows resting on the glass top with his hands buried in that ridiculous floppy surfer hair of his – which looked completely out of place paired with the suit, in the middle of London.

  “That won’t work. The two spare bedrooms are taken up by office space for my brother.”

  “How about she stays with you then?” I caught Frank’s glance over to me in my peripheral vision and had to suppress a smirk in his direction. “I’m there, and isn’t the room right next door to mine, hers anyway? It’s a perfect solution. The place is secured up to the hilt so she’d be safe.”

  “You know, I knew there was a reason I hired you.” Austin smiled at me over the desk. I smiled back trying not to be too pleased with myself. “I’ll have to speak with John and Suzie, but I don’t see any reason why they wouldn’t go for it.”

  “Shall I make preparations for her move?”

  “No. Not yet.” He glanced up at the clock on the wall. “I don’t want her school work disrupted. She has her exams coming up and she’s already shaken over those. She doesn’t need this shit to deal with too.”

  “We can up the watch on her if you’d like? I’ll even do it myself if that makes you feel more comfortable? Of course that leaves you short though.”

  “Don’t worry about me. Just make sure Olivia is covered at all times.” ‘Covertly’ added like I was an eejit and forget that we were all following her in secret so that we didn’t upset his precious little Lollie. Little did he know that she was sneaking around with one of her teachers from school.

  I’d found out that little gem after he’d dropped her home and they’d spent ten minutes saying their ‘good-bye’s’ with their tongues wrapped around each other’s tonsils. My fist tightened as I remembered how he’d hooked his fingers through her hair. At the time I’d had this strange feeling of jealousy sprout through me which I quickly quelled with my sheer force of will. I’d had to uncurl my fingers one by one from my steering wheel, just as I had to do with my fist after simply remembering. After hearing that he’d returned later that night hadn’t done anything to placate that unfamiliar feeling within me.

  I wanted to hunt the bastard down and tear his throat out for touching her. She was mi-.

  “Riley? You ok there, son?” I forced my gaze around to Frank and gave him a sharp nod. My jaw eventually loosened enough to give him a tight smile.


  I’d watched her from afar for four months now; following her to and from school, on her runs and when she went swimming. Following her. Always following her, reporting any change in her routine which there never was until this weekend.

  She walked towards the lift with Frank, her pinkie finger entwined with one of his as I’d seen him do with Francesca, my cousin, when she was little. Every few steps she’d glance back at me. Something about the way she looked at me, unnerved me. Her startling, jewel like eyes holding my gaze for a few seconds before pulling away, blush creeping over her cheeks and her eyes wide with something. Shock? Horror? Was she scared of me? Well, shit.

  No, not shit. T
his is good. Hate me, hate me now. You will soon enough anyway; once Frank and Julie have you where they want you. A random thought speared through my mind, of me having her where I wanted. Underneath me. I gritted my teeth until my jaw hurt as I tried to get visions of her out of my mind that had no fucking business being in there in the first place.

  Stepping into the lift, I positioned myself behind her. There was a distinct smell of chlorine around her like she’d been swimming and not rinsed the water from her hair properly. Images of her in a bikini flooded my mind, of her rising from the pool, her hair dripping down her back to her tight little backside that was taunting me right now in a pair of denim shorts; they were so tiny that I wanted to offer her my jacket to cover her up. For someone so small her legs seemed to go on forever.

  I felt the familiar twitch in my trousers that meant I’d have a raging hard on in seconds if I didn’t stop thinking of her like that. Her right foot came up behind her left calf, scratching the smooth skin up and down… up and down. Too late.

  The plan. Stick to the plan, Riley. I kept telling myself, willing the betrayer behind my fly, back into position.

  I looked around me, thankful that I was alone at the back and quickly rearranged myself so it wasn’t noticeable, clasping my hands in front of myself.

  Green eyes stared up at me again and I froze, swallowing hard. Don’t look at her. Just don’t. I tried to pull my eyes away, locking eyes with the pretty boy instead. He looked between Olivia and me again, his brows furrowing. At that, I clamped the inside of my cheeks between my teeth relying on the pain to concentrate my thoughts; my gaze moving to the floor marker above the doors counting the levels as we ascended. After what felt like an age we finally arrived at the top floor.

  Olivia exited the lift with pretty boy and Austin, said her goodbyes to Frank and her eyes landed on me once more. Frank pushed the button for us to return to the ground.

  “Are you sure about her?” I whispered over to him as I locked eyes with her once more through the closing doors.

  “Oh aye, I’m sure. And she’ll get just what she deserves.”


  “Hey again, Uncle Frank.”

  “Twice in two days? To what, do we owe the pleasure?”

  Two palms slapped down on the desk in front of me. I dragged my eyes up from the computer screen in front of me to be met by the fucking amazing green eyes of Olivia Stevens. I’d always hated green eyes, they’d always seemed so cold, but hers… they did something to me and I wasn’t sure if I loved or hated it. Her lips parted slightly on an exhale as she stared at me and I wouldn’t be a man if I said that that one movement didn’t make me think of other things. Taking a breath to speak, those plump, pink lips of hers pulled up at the side as she tried to hide a smile.

  “I just needed to give some keys back to Uncle Aussie. Do I have to sign in?” Those lips were going to be the death of me. She pouted in another miserable attempt at hiding her smile. Frank nodded towards the lift which I knew was my cue to walk her over. Pulling my jacket together at the top button I stepped from behind the desk, falling into step beside her. The scent of chlorine was replaced with that of something citrusy, a flavour that I knew would be sharp on my tongue.

  It seemed so out of place on her and I didn’t like it; she should be covered with the delicate scent of flowers or- the lift’s doors opening broke my chain of thought, allowing my brain to concentrate on other things like breathing again, or possibly following her into the lift instead of standing like a fucking eejit. Taking a hint from the day before I kept my gaze on the floor indicator, counting up the levels until we reached the top, trying to think of anything other than how she’d taste.

  “You didn’t have to take me up, you know?” Reluctantly I looked down at Olivia as she stood beside me. If I shifted my gaze just a little, I’d see the swell of her tits as they disappeared under the tank top she had on. I wanted to say ‘I know’ or ‘It’s no bother’ but I couldn’t. I couldn’t do anything but nod, my throat tightening along with The Betrayer in my pants. I desperately needed to loosen my tie and my belt, but wanting her like that was wrong on so many levels. I wasn’t about to admit that to anyone though, especially myself.

  When the doors parted and she all but ran from the tiny, metal box suspended fifty floors above ground. Her little feet carrying her away from me. Her legs stopped moving below the perfect curve of her arse; moving my gaze upward, her head turned as she looked back to me.

  I felt like I was trapped, it was like watching a film in slow motion. A beautiful blush coloured Olivia’s cheeks, her bottom lip slowly pulled away from the top, her teeth claiming the delicate skin as they clamped down on it.

  Fuck it. I want her.

  I wanted her in every single way I could think of and there was no more denying that to myself.

  “What do you look so fucking pleased with yourself for?” Frank asked when I returned to the desk.

  “I have a plan. And you’re going to love me for it.”

  I’d spoken to Sasha Ivanova a couple of times since I’d come to work at Mason Ent. under the guise that her security pass wasn’t working, in order to worm my phone number out of me but busty blondes weren’t my type. So what is your type? Five foot four of perfection packaged up as a practically innocent eighteen year old? –No. Yes. When I’d heard that Sasha and Olivia’s teacher/boyfriend had history in a rundown from Austin last night I’d practically came in my pants over the idea. I pulled up the camera feeds around the outside of the building, scoring big time when he was on the first one, parked out front. Dialling upstairs to Sasha was another score when she answered on the first ring.

  “You’ve reached Mas-”

  “Miss Ivanova?”


  “I have a Jamie Matthews down here to see you, he said he’d wait out front for you in his car but you need to hurry if you are to speak with him.”

  Franks eyes bulged as I gave him the rundown on what I was hoping would happen. We both watched on the monitors as Olivia left Austin’s office a few minutes later, a quick glance in the direction of Sasha’s desk with a visible sigh as she saw it empty. Another moment later and she was in the lobby saying goodbye to Frank, purposely avoiding my gaze before turning to head outside. She pulled up short, her hand flying to her mouth in shock.

  The polished marble building front provided a shelter for her to rest against as she comprehended what she had just seen. Looking left and right she straightened herself before taking off at a dead run back into the building. She didn’t stop until she reached the lift bank; I could hear her hammering the button from across the foyer. Shifting the camera again, I watched as she collapsed against the side, hugging her knees to her chest. Watching the level’s slowly creep up as tears glistened on her cheeks, she willed the lift to move faster ‘come on, come on’, she repeated over and over again.

  “Good job, son. Now just to convince Aussie she’ll be better off living with him.” ‘Good job’? How is this a ‘good job’? I’ve hurt her. I’m the one that has done this to her. Olivia got to her feet as the lift neared the top, wiping the tears from her cheeks she bolted from the lift. Her long dark hair trailing behind her was the last thing I saw when I felt Franks hand landing on my shoulder, signalling his appreciation for my plan coming into fruition. If this was such a good thing, why did I feel so utterly fucking shit about it?


  It felt like seventeen lifetimes had passed, by the time Jamie fucking Matthews made his way into the building.

  “Hi, I came in with Olivia yesterday, is it ok if I head on up to Austin’s office?” His polite smile was enough to make me want to vomit. My jaw locked with a snap from the effort it took to keep quiet and let Frank talk.

  “I’m afraid I can’t let you up at the moment. Would you mind waiting one minute while I call upstairs?” Jamie’s brows furrowed in annoyance but he nodded and stepped back anyway. He folded his arms over his chest as he turned away looking over the
art work hanging on the walls, his hands nervously running though his hair every few seconds. “Aussie¸ I’ve got Matthews down here. Do you want him kept down here? He’s looking edgy and wants up.” Frank paused as he listened to Austin’s instructions, then called the Morgans out from their break to remove Jamie.

  Henry and Harvey Morgan, or The Morgans as everyone called them, were cousins born the same week. Their fathers were twins, making them look so annoyingly similar that it was easy to get them both confused.

  The phone rang almost as soon as Frank had replaced the receiver; ‘Internal – CEO’ flashing up on the display. Frank looked up at me with a shit-eating grin as he informed me that Austin was taking Olivia home and that I needed to get Danny Logan, his driver, to the front in five minutes ready to leave.

  Leaving the desk with Henry and Harvey flanking him, Frank approached Jamie, quietly asking him to leave.

  Shouts of ‘Why?’ and ‘Where’s Olivia?’ along with a variety of expletives bellowed across the foyer earning a lot of raised eyebrows from the suits heading to and from their offices. Logan pulled up in the armoured Merc GL63 AMG so I ran out to wait by the door.

  “What’s going on, Riley?” Logan called from the window he’d just rolled down.

  “Boss’s niece, wanker of a boyfriend, you do the math. He wants to shift her ASAP so get ready to roll.”

  The window rolled back up just as the boys escorted Matthews out of the building, back to his car. They stood beside the car as he got in, started the ignition and drove away.

  “We good?” Harvey asked as they walked back in the direction of the entrance.

  “We’re good.” I assured him as I leaned back against the car. Looking up at the tall structure of glass and metal to the top floor I wondered how Olivia was doing. How could I hurt her like that? If what was reported about her was true- that she’d been abused by her uncle as a child, then she deserved the protection that Austin was paying for. She didn’t deserve what Frank and Julie had planned for her at all. How could I have been so stupid to go along with any of this? My only explanation was that I hadn’t been thinking with anything other than my dick when I’d pulled this part of the plan in to action. I’d wanted to be close to her, but that meant hurting her in the process which wasn’t fair.


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