Breaking Her

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Breaking Her Page 2

by Natalie Graham

  “Olivia wait!” My brain only then filtered through the sound of tyres screeching to a halt, a door opening and slamming closed and fast paced footsteps. “It’s not what you think! I promise! Please… Let me explain!” Quickly I moved to open the rear car door for Olivia. Her beautiful green eyes glistened with unshed tears as she huddled under Austin’s arm, clutching onto his jacket for support as they walked.

  “Jamie… Please just go home.” Aussie snapped.

  “Olivia please, listen to me!” Olivia’s eyes never left mine as she approached the car; her delicate looking lower lip was being chewed raw as she tried to stop herself from crying. Are you pleased with yourself you fucking idiot?

  Austin pushed Matthews away as he tried to get to Olivia, earning me a disapproving look from him as it was my job. Olivia jumped in the car followed by Aussie as I then held Jamie back, ensuring they were safely in the car.

  “You should leave now before the police are called. Someone will be along shortly to collect her things from your house, you should be there and I suggest that you cooperate.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” As soon as I let go of him to get into the car myself, he went for the rear door handle. Thankfully Austin had had the sense to lock it behind him. “Olivia! Open the fucking door!”

  “Just go, Logan” Austin barked as soon as my arse hit the leather. We were introduced to her properly, but again, I could only nod at her like the fucking nodding dog that you are. I cringed when Austin told her about the ‘threatening notes’ they’d received. I’d watched Frank making it but now I felt dirty for agreeing to be a part of the whole thing in the first place. Olivia’s first thought was that it had to be her ex-boyfriend from school, the little shit that had tried to attack her at her leavers’ prom. I wished so badly that I could tell them what was going on, or go back and do all of this the right way.


  “She’ll probably want to be alone, but she doesn’t leave your sight, you understand?” Austin raised a brow at me in question. He’d been called to return to the office given that it was only the middle of the day so he still had plenty of work to be getting on with. He’d informed me that he’d go with Logan to collect Olivia’s belongings from Matthews’ house and bring them back later on in the afternoon.

  “Aye, I do.” I looked over my shoulder to her pacing in front of the floor to ceiling windows, wiping her face every few steps and shaking her head, mentally chastising herself. I closed the door behind Austin, before taking a few steps into the kitchen of the large, open plan living area. Resting my backside against the countertop, I folded my arms over my chest, my ankles crossed in front of me as I continued to watch her pace, mumbling every so often to herself.

  Olivia stopped, as if suddenly remembering that she wasn’t alone. She wiped her face another couple of times before clearing her throat. “You know you don’t need to be here.” Of course I knew she wouldn’t need me, but there wasn’t any other place that I’d have rather have been. Her eyes directed towards my feet as she continued talking. “I’m fine on my own, Riley.”

  Hearing my name fall from her lips sent a bolt of electricity down my spine and straight to my dick; I stood straight, thankful that my jacket was still buttoned so she didn’t see the reaction I was having to her. I moved away from the kitchen into the open space between the dining area and the lounge, her gaze travelled slowly up my body, inch by painful inch. A blush covered her tear-dampened cheeks as her nipples hardened beneath her top. Oh sweet Jesus… I couldn’t help but smile at her obvious reaction to me. Shaking my head to clear the image and clearing my throat of the lump that had formed there, I completely ruined whatever moment had just been going on.

  “I know you are fine…” Damn fucking fine, I might add. “…on your own, but it’s my job to make sure that you’re safe, Miss Stevens.” Standing in front of the fridge she shivered as she gazed inside; her legs pressing together.

  “Olivia, or Liv please” She said, looking up from the fridge.

  “Miss Stevens.” I watched as another shiver rippled through her body and I was beginning to think that it wasn’t the coldness from the fridge causing it.

  “Olivia.” She smiled.

  “Miss. Stevens.” Blushing even more she shook her head with a little giggle, but her expression changed in an instant. Her smile fell away, her hand drifted to her stomach and wetness washed back over her eyes, threatening to spill more tears. “Are you ok, Miss Stevens?” I asked, taking a step forward. She blinked furiously trying to hold back the tears.

  “I- I’m fine…” That word again. “I just errr- need a drink.” Olivia returned her gaze back into the fridge. “Would you like something, Riley?” Oh man, talk about not choosing your words carefully. She leaned forward, bending at the waist to get a better look lower down in the fridge and my feet seemed to work of their own volition as I walked towards her. My hands were apparently doing whatever the fuck they wanted too as one landed on the small of her back where her t-shirt had risen slightly.

  As I leaned in to grab a can of Coke, my nose brushed ever so slightly against her hair and I couldn’t help but inhale the scent of her. I didn’t care that the citrusy scent felt wrong, I just needed to be close to her, closer to her still.

  What the hell do you think you’re doing? Jesus… I pulled away from her and retreated to the windows overlooking the city of London. In the reflection of the glass I could see her watching me. Her fingers lightly tracing over the rim of her can. I watched as she looked down to her feet, shaking her head. Why?

  Olivia started flicking through TV channels attempting to find something to watch, settling for a show about Vampires. I never had her down for a Vampire fan. Thank God they didn’t sparkle, but give me Blade or Underworld any day of the week over this. I’d had to endure every bloody episode for the sake of an hour of peace every week. My feet were working of their own accord again as I went to stand behind the sofa, my hands resting on the back, either side of Olivia’s head. Her thumb had been circling the lip of her can of coke; slowly moving around and around. I swallowed hard, my grip tightening on the leather material as I imagined that thumb tracing around something of mine. Just stay the fuck down.

  “Oh I missed this one, do you mind if I watch it with you?” Her eyes flicked up to me for a moment, narrowed in concentration.

  “Erm… No, go ahead, sit.” She smiled up at me, gesturing for me to sit in the seat across from her. I don’t think so, missy. I sat right beside her, so close that as she sat with her legs folded, her knee brushed my thigh every time she shifted. Her arm brushed mine every time she lifted her can to take a sip; I couldn’t remember any point in my life that I’d envied a liquid. I wanted it to be me that was swirling around her tongue, me that she devoured.

  Her tongue darting out to lick across her soft looking lips to catch the drop that remained there. Something warm shot through me and I shivered like the fucking pussy I was. What was this? PMT-Guy’s Edition? I couldn’t breathe.

  “Jesus! Fuck! That’s so cold!” Olivia leapt up from the sofa, shaking out her white top with one hand while brushing Coke from her legs with the other.

  “Let me grab you a cloth.”

  “No! No, I’m fine, I’ve got it. I’ll- I’ll be right back.”

  My phone vibrated in my pocket as she darted down the hall towards her bedroom. The door clicked softly closed, as my phone vibrated again.

  From Frank: How’s it going?

  From Frank: This is all up to you now, I’m relying on you to NOT fuck this up.

  Well, fuck me if it didn’t bring me crashing back down to why I was here in the first place - it certainly wasn’t to enjoy the view. I hadn’t thought much further than getting her here. Now what was I supposed to do? “Break her down and get her to hand everything over” Frank had told me. Sounded so simple, didn’t it? But I’d already broken a part of her today and I couldn’t stand what I’d done. My throat tightened up at the thought of it. How the
hell was I supposed to come through? I grabbed Olivia’s can from the table gulping her drink down, trying to ease the restriction in my throat. It was no use though. I guess that was what a guilty conscience did to you.

  To Frank: S’all good. You know I’ll get there.

  From Frank: I know. You’re a good lad. Your Da would have been proud of ya son.

  I had to suppress the snort that followed reading that. I knew dad would have been proud of me for putting my talents – fighting, to good use in security, but I knew for a fact he’d have hated what we were planning, ‘Total Policing’ and all that jazz that went with him being an officer in The Met. No way would he be proud of me right now. No way.


  Olivia came back to the lounge, her feet bare, her legs even more exposed from a ridiculously short pair of shorts and a different tank top. Her long, dark hair was down and holy fuck, dripping wet from the shower she’d quickly taken. My teeth audibly snapped together as I tried to stop my mouth from hanging loose as I took in the sight of her. Fuck. Why didn’t I look at her more closely before I took this job? I’d never have accepted. Oh who the hell am I kidding? I’d have gotten her here a lot bloody quicker had I known she’d be sleeping right next door to me.

  She picked up her can from its position on the table beside where my feet were resting, shaking it from side to side to test the weight within. I had an ‘oh shit moment’ as I remembered that I’d drained what she had left.

  “Why would you do that?” A smile tugged my lips upwards as she glared at me. Her right leg came up towards mine, at first I thought to kick me but the angle was all wrong if she thought she’d inflict any pain. I watched as her bare foot lowered to the floor again on the other side of my legs, hers split in to a ‘V’ that my dick strained to be between with so much force that I thought the zip of my pants was about to break.

  I stood quickly, knocking her off balance a little as I rose in front of her, my hands landed on her delicate waist to stabilise her. Gripping her by the subtle curve above her hip, I could have sworn that her t-shirt was electrically charged. I had to let go quickly before my hand had other ideas about staying where it was.

  “Sit… Let me.” Jesus, I needed to be away from her. That scent- the shower gel or whatever she’d just used smelled like absolute heaven, I wanted to be buried deep in it. In her. That scent was totally her and went straight to the hard-on I was sporting.

  I spun around quickly stalking off to the fridge to fetch her another drink. I probably should have apologised but my thoughts were taken over by the fact that my lips had traced the exact line that hers had moments before mine had. Licking my lips, I prayed that I’d find any hint of her on my skin; I quickly rearranged my trousers in the vain hope The Betrayer wouldn’t be so fucking noticeable. “I paused it for you so you didnae miss it.” Look at you being all considerate- holding doors open for her, fetching her drinks and pausing the TV for her. Whatever next? Carrying her handbag? You fucking pussy!

  “I’ve already seen it.”

  “Now she tells me!” I threw myself back down on to the sofa, wondering if it looked as casual as I’d tried to make it as I settled closely to her again.

  The TV played on, but I couldn’t remember a single thing of what we were watching. I was too busy staring at the legs propped up beside my own on the coffee table; from the corner of my eye I could see the rapid rise and fall of her chest as she breathed. My gaze flicked to the TV catching the sex scene that played out. Surely this wasn’t affecting her in that way? Risking a look in her direction I found her stare not on the sex scene playing out, but on me- well my legs. Her gaze travelling up and down, once, twice, three times before she looked away to the window.

  Moments later her soft voice spoke my name with a curious tone.

  “Huh?” Shifting my gaze to her, her brows were scrunched and her lips were pursed as if she was deep in thought.

  “How old are you?”

  “Twenty-three” Her brows arched in surprise; and she immediately began spouting off shit about me being too young to do my job- bullshit. I could do my job just as well as any retired Tommy or the Boys in Blue. With several martial arts ingrained into me, extensive weapons training, my fitness level at its best, and five languages under my belt. My communication and conflict skills were so effective that I could sell ice cubes to a fucking Eskimo if I had the mind to. Not that I was big headed about it- far from it, but I could. I turned to her, resting my hand next to her shoulder.

  “Do you doubt my ability to protect you, Miss Stevens?” I had a feeling she was thinking about something entirely different as she shivered. I tried not to burst out laughing as she informed me that she was merely curious. “You know what they say about curiosity. I can assure you, I am more than capable of taking care of a wee thing like you.” Oh man, could I. Especially with those arms of hers wrapped around my neck and those legs wrapped around my waist. God no, do not go there, Riley!

  Telling her about my knowledge of seven martial arts I couldn’t help but love the way she smiled as she imagined my childhood. It wasn’t exactly all Rainbows and Unicorns, sweetheart. I’d thrown myself into lessons after my father had been killed in front of my own eyes. I knew, even at four years old, that no one would ever get an advantage over me, no one would ever find a weak spot in my self-defence. I knew at such a wee age that I’d be a master in every single technique and I would always use them to the best of my ability so that I’d never be caught off guard.

  Why in the name of fuck did I consider it a good thing to suggest teaching her some moves? Glutton for punishment, perhaps? I was a fucking eejit of epic proportions. Her face was a picture when I’d first suggested it, lighting up like a Christmas tree, quickly letting her nerves get the better of her. Olivia snatched her hand from mine so fast that I thought I’d had horribly sweaty palms or that I was on fire- it certainly felt like I was, but that was the heat travelling up my arms from the connection of our hands. I was actually turning into a giant pussy.

  Olivia’s high pitched squeal and wide eyes had me holding in both a laugh and a sigh as her gaze registered my weapons as I removed them from their holsters. I think that teasing her instantly became my new favourite game. I made sure to remove my shoes as she wasn’t wearing any, I couldn’t be breaking her toes if I accidentally stood on them; my socks followed, along with my tie. Walking towards her I began rolling up my sleeves to free my arms and give me a little more flexibility to manoeuvre.

  “So, if someone was to attack you, what exactly would your first instinct be?” I raised an eyebrow in question as her gaze travelled from my feet up to my face. Her lips parted slowly on an exhale, before she realised I’d asked her a question.

  “Umm…” I had a feeling that she didn’t have a clue what I’d just asked her. I was just about to ask her again when she replied. “I don’t know… Run?” She nodded to herself once, as if confirming that that was right and was what she’d do.

  “You think you could outrun me, wee lady?”

  “Maybe” She swayed slightly, her weight shifting from one foot to the other and back again as she let her lie sink in.


  “What?” Those fucking beautiful green eyes widened on me in shock.

  “Five… Four… Three… Why aren’t you running? Two… One.”

  I launched myself in her direction, deliberately moving a little slower than I would have if I’d really meant to catch her. She leaped out of the way with a horrid squeal of “Oh my God!” and ran for the opposite side of the room. She stood on the opposite side of the large dining table there waiting to see what my reaction would be. Shifting left and right we were in an awkward dance of countering each other’s movements. Deliberately eyeing the middle of the table so that she would see, I placed my palm in an open area and easily vaulted myself over the top. Olivia squealed again, diving under the table and sliding to the other side between the positioned chairs. I watched as she ran back to the sofa area a
nd laughed. If she thought that was going to keep me from her…

  “Slippery wee thing aren’t you?”

  “I think you are just purposely being slow, Riley.” Her slow, teasing smile had me walking around the table, my eyes following her as she countered my movement again. I walked back the other way again, watching as she followed suit. “I’m sure a big, strong guy like you could have caught little ol’ me by now. It doesn’t say much for your ability to protect me if you can’t even catch me.” She stood examining her nails, her casual posture matching the casual tone of her voice as she mocked me.

  “Is that so? Well then…” My palm slapped the middle of the table again as I took another leap over it. Olivia screamed once more as I ran at her across the room at full speed, barely giving her a chance to find her feet to move away.

  I was on her in a matter of seconds. Literally, on her. Wrapping one hand around her waist, and the other going to her neck, I did a double sweep taking both of her feet from under her, twisting her around and laying her gently on the floor. Quickly letting go of her neck I gathered both of her hands in one of mine, I hoped she’d still be too dazed from the sudden change of being vertical to horizontal to notice what I was doing with my hands anyway.

  “You were saying?”

  “I… Erm… Hmm?”

  “Now what do you think of my ability to catch the bad guys and protect you?” She blinked up at me, seemingly lost as to what was happening. Shit, did I make her bang her head? I ran through the last 20 seconds and I was sure I’d held her neck in the right way so that she didn’t thump her head. I was damn sure of it. “Are you ok?” Her green eyes searched mine, lips parting ever so slightly as she prepared to answer.


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