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Page 14

by C. D. Breadner

  Her tongue teased the end of him, then she lowered herself further and ran her tongue up the underside of his cock. There was no other word for it. If she’d ever seen a cock this was it.

  As her tongue ran its path he groaned, and his hands tightened, still in her hair. She could see and feel him harden, and that caused a happy spasm low in her body, too. Her tongue played around his head, paying special attention to the notch where he seemed extra sensitive. His body jumped and all his muscles in his torso tightened in an erotic display that she enjoyed very much.

  She brought her eyes to his, and to her supreme delight he was breathing through his mouth, head raised to watch her.

  “Are you tired?” she whispered, and his answer was a slow shake of the head.

  With one hand she brought his cock upright, then slowly sucked the end of him into her mouth. His hands pulled at her hair before he bit out a strained, “Fuck, Gertie.”

  Bolder, she reached down to cup his sack in one hand as she continued to slide and suck at him, swallowing as much length as she could before pulling him out slowly, lips tightly in place for the slide. His hands in her hair and the rocking of his hips were in time with what she was doing, not to control her. She moaned every now and then, the wet between her legs almost uncomfortable.

  But she liked this, she really liked it.

  Gertie wasn’t sure what flipped the switch, but eventually he pulled her off him, rolling onto her with his body, his weight pressing her into the mattress and his mouth closing over hers again. He reached over her for another condom, slid it into place quickly, then his hands were sliding up under her back, clamping on her shoulders as he sheathed his erection inside slowly and carefully. Gently.

  That was different than before.

  Her legs came up to his sides, her hips curled under the slow advance and retreat of his. His mouth stayed on hers, tongue holding her attentions as her hands slid over his bare back. His skin was so smooth and perfect she felt she’d never get enough of it.

  Their bodies were a tight knot, panting and grasping at each other, but fitting perfectly at the same time. She felt a release building in her, slowly and sweetly, and as it came closer Buck pressed her arms to the mattress, his hands linking with hers over her head. Pinned like this she could only hope he let it happen, hope that he wouldn’t stop before she felt it.

  His mouth came off of hers, eyes burning into her hotly now, noses brushing against each other. He was so close this way, watching her. Jesus, that was hot. She liked how ramped up he got her. He wanted to see it play out, too.

  Gertie bit her lip, keeping her gaze locked with his. All that masculine beauty, this close up, the perfect pull and drag of his cock so deep inside her, it overwhelmed her with a beautiful, crashing wave. Her neck arched, and that’s when she lost eye contact. She had to squeeze her eyes shut, her body only wanting the one sense, the sense of feel, to take over her. And it did. With a delicious edge it cut through every inch of her, making her quiver and jerk until it was done with her, exhausted from that possession.

  As it ebbed away she opened her eyes again, finding Buck right there still, watching. He was grinning, though, eyes sliding over her face.

  “You know how beautiful you are when you come?” he whispered.

  Gertie swallowed, shaking her head.

  “You should watch yourself some time. Goddamn, Gertie.”

  Then he tucked his face into the crook of her shoulder and neck, his hips picking up their pace only slightly. Her hands were still held over her head, so she could do nothing to tease and tempt him. Unless …

  “You feel so good inside me.”

  He almost missed pace on that. “Shit, Gertie.”

  “I mean it. You’re perfect. You stretch me so wide but you fit perfect.”

  “Gertie,” it was a growl, and he might have been asking her to shut up.

  “Fuck me harder.”

  “Gertie, Jesus.”

  “Please. Harder.”

  She didn’t dirty talk much, but it must have been what he wanted to hear. He let her go, pulling away for long enough to make her whimper in frustration. Before she could track what was happening he had her flipped to her stomach, jerked her up to her knees and planted deep.

  The noise she made wasn’t human. His hand in the center of her shoulder blades kept her chest to the bed, her back arched severely as Buck took over.

  She didn’t even feel this orgasm coming; it hit her with a surprise tackle and left her shrieking into the pillow. Buck was grunting with her, buried into her up to the root, his body quaking along with hers. When he pulled out and left the bed she simply collapsed onto her stomach, gasping for air.

  The sheet was slid up her back, cool and crisp, along with a soft kiss and the rough scrape of a beard on her shoulder blade. She started and turned her head, realizing she’d dozed off in the time it took Buck to get rid of a condom and clean up. He chuckled, the sound having the same effect on her skin as his kiss did.

  “Wore me out too, Gertie,” he muttered, leaning over her to turn off the lamp.

  She had a slight moment of panic, remembering again where she was and who they were surrounded by. “No one’s going to come in here, are they?”

  “Door’s locked,” he assured her, settling on his side in the dark next to her. His hand sat hot and heavy on her lower back. “Don’t worry.”

  Gertie sighed, still on her stomach, facing him. “Buck?” she asked tentatively after a moment.


  “Thank you.”

  He patted her back, leaving his hand where it was. “Pleasure’s all mine, Gertie.”

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  Buck pushed open the door of his room, stepping aside and letting Gertie enter ahead of him. She’d argued the whole way over, but she had no other options. He was an ass, because he knew this and didn’t give her any other means to get away from him.

  His room hadn’t changed in the past few months. It was exceptionally clean however, since he’d expected her. She must have noticed it as she stepped over the threshold with careful steps. There was no elevator so the stairs had really wiped her out. She was in too much pain for him to carry her.

  Without pausing she moved to the bed, sank down on the side and sighed. He shut the door and set her bag on the chair next to the small table under the window. She tried to shrug out of her jacket, but he helped her stand up to do that. Her dislocated shoulder meant one arm was in a brace, so the jacket was easy to shuck. She had flannel pants and a T-shirt on underneath, so he yanked the bedcovers back for her as she kicked off her sandals.

  “You don’t have to do all this,” she reminded him, and Buck nodded while getting out of the way. She sat on the edge of the bed and swung her legs up.

  “You want the covers?”

  “No,” she answered. “I actually broke a sweat getting up here.”

  “I should have had my shit moved to the main floor,” he muttered, handing over the remote to the TV.

  “No thanks,” she said, amused. “I remember what happens in those rooms. You can’t get those mattresses clean.”

  Buck smiled back, then moved to the bathroom to get her a glass of water. She had antibiotics and painkillers to take, she’d need water.

  She had the pillow arranged behind her how she wanted and he set the water down, sinking into the second chair at the table with a sigh. She cast him a shy smile, which was funny. Her, suddenly shy around him.

  “You look exhausted,” she noted.

  He nodded. “I feel it.”

  “You need to sleep.”

  “I will eventually. Get settled.”

  She put the remote on the nightstand, TV still quiet. “Shut the blinds and come take a nap, David. You spent the whole time in the hospital in that chair next to me.”

  He shrugged. “I’ll sleep, don’t worry.”

  “Get over here,” she snapped, and he had to grin.

y,” he muttered, standing to pull the blinds together and shrugging off his kutte. He placed it over the back of a chair, kicked off his boots and pulled off his T-shirt as he circled the bed to the opposite side.

  “Yeah yeah,” she muttered as he climbed onto the covers, bunching the pillow under his head.

  The silence in the room was heavy, dragging. Having Gertie in his room again was familiar but still foreign. There were many, many fantastic moments shared between them in this room. In this bed. But all he could really think about was that first time they had sex. Had sex. That was bullshit. Once the burning need to nail her was gone he’d outright made love to her, no other description fit. Something in him had snapped, and he’d wanted to savor and enjoy her more than just another anonymous slam.

  From that moment on she’d been his.

  He rolled to his side, facing her. He let his eyes slide closed. He was exhausted. Not just from three days of napping in an uncomfortable chair. It was worry, stress, the need to avenge what happened to her.

  She may have been a nightmare towards the end of their relationship, but he knew there was a rock bottom she had to sink to before she could truly get better. Up to that point he’d liked how nuts she was. Apparently he was drawn to shit shows. He’d loved her jealousy, impulsiveness. And every fight always led to amazing, mind-blowing sex so maybe he was as much an addict as she had been.

  In the dim light he found her good hand, holding it in his. She didn’t pull away, which made him grin. Then he finally nodded off.


  A knock on the door made Gertie jump, wrenching his hand tightly in hers. He was up fast, wincing when he saw how much the surprise had hurt her. She hissed in a breath between her teeth and grimaced, looking more exhausted for all that.

  “I got it,” he assured her, giving her hand a reassuring pat. “Don’t move.”

  He swung the door open and was surprised to see Tank leaning on the door jamb. His vice president’s eyes darted over Buck’s shoulder, and he fought the urge to block the view. He’d let his girl down before, some would say rightfully, but he wasn’t about to do it again. His protective instincts would have to cool it around the club, though.

  “Yeah?” he grumbled, rubbing a hand over his face to wake up.

  “You need anything?” Tank’s voice was low but it rumbled. Even now the big guy was trying to keep it down, which relaxed Buck a lot.

  “Nah, she just needs to rest.”

  Tank nodded, working his jaw. “What about you?”

  Buck shrugged. “I’m fine. I’m tired, but fine.”

  “We’ve got company out here,” Tank shared with a head nod towards the clubhouse, and now it was Buck’s turn to peek over shoulders.

  There was a Markham Sheriff’s department cruiser in the lot, and he immediately recognized Sharon Downey. “Shit,” he whispered. “What’s she want?”

  “Well, she wants to talk to Gertie.” That sent Buck off on a tirade of curses which Tank talked right over. “And we told her no way. She also says she has information we might find interesting.”

  That also calmed him down. Buck nodded and checked the form on his bed again. She was facing away from the door, still. He hoped she was sleeping.

  “All right,” he agreed, turning to grab his boots then leaving Gertie alone by shutting the door. He pulled his boots on standing on the concrete walkway. “She say what she has?”

  Tank shook his head and started for the stairs. “Nope, thought you’d want to talk to her first.”

  Buck followed, running both hands through his hair and shaking off the logy feeling that nap had left him with. By the time he hit the asphalt lot the sheriff was heading their way, removing her cop glasses and tucking them in the open neck of her shirt. Around the edges of the lot his brothers were gathered and watching, mostly under the awnings and overhangs out of the sun. But Buck felt their gaze as he stopped where the sheriff met up with him. Tank continued past them to the clubhouse doors, and Sheriff Downey watched him a while over her shoulder, making sure they weren’t overheard.

  It was for show. She knew the second she was gone he’d tell the club everything, but for her own reputation they’d put up the charade.

  “We’ve been able to do some digging, and we found out a few things,” she started with. The sheriff was also a woman of few words, he’d learned.

  “And what’s that?” Buck asked, rubbing the back of his neck.

  “Her father’s fled,” she said bluntly, and Buck just took a moment to decide how he felt about that. But she wasn’t done. “You likely know who he owes money to. They’re trying to find him too but he flew out of LAX the day before yesterday headed for Norway, and he’s vanished.”

  It was then that his warring emotions decided who the victor would be, and it was anger. Buck was furious on Gertie’s behalf. Not only had her father gotten her into this, he left after she’d been attacked. And he must have known, right?

  “I have a name. Jonathon Sachetti. He’s the one most interested in finding her dad. And his contacts extend into the Mazari gangs from LA. You know these guys, right?” She gave him a moment to nod. “She told an officer they looked middle-Eastern. That would suggest the Mazaris. They run guns and girls. But the bad shit. They’re tied to human trafficking, little girls taken from people who owe them money back home and brought here basically to exist in slavery.” She swallowed at that. This was a topic that really bothered her. It bothered Buck, too.

  “Guns and girls.” Buck mused. “Let me guess at a few of their gun customers. G-Town?”

  Sheriff Downey smiled. “Smart and good-looking. Take this info and do with it what you will. Me, I won’t cry if the guys who hurt Gertie never show up around here again.” She lowered her chin meaningfully. “Take that however you want to.”

  Buck nodded, and then she was returned to her cruiser without a backwards glance. It was too bad the uniform was so unflattering. She might still be as hot as she had been in high school.

  Buck’s gaze sought out Spaz in the assembled crew, and he nodded him over. The tech geek jogged his way, looking eager to help. “What’s up with all that?” he asked as he got closer.

  “Find out as much as you can about the Mazaris.”

  Spaz’s eye brows rode high. “Shit, Mazaris?”

  “Do it,” Buck said sharply. “They hurt Gertie. I need to know as much as I can about them.”

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  “Vancouver? Next week?” She couldn’t hide her disappointment.

  Gertie’s boss, Taylor Davidson, caught her expression and gave a short laugh. “What’s wrong? Don’t want a hotel room and a trip to Canada on the company tab?”

  She laughed too, shaking her head in apology. “No, I’m sorry. I actually forgot I had it coming up.”

  Taylor leaned forward in his seat across her desk from her. “Don’t tell me you’ve found someone here that you don’t want to be parted from.”

  She smiled, cheeks coloring. “I can’t tell you that,” she muttered which made him grin wider.

  “I understand. It’s just a couple of days, though. You can sext each other, or whatever the kids are doing these days.” Then the humor fled from his face. “Sorry, that was inappropriate and I shouldn’t have said that.”

  “Please,” Gertie begged, leaning forward. “Don’t worry. I don’t take it that way when you make jokes. It’s nice to have people comfortable talking around me again.”

  Taylor nodded, stood and knocked on her desk as a farewell. “Maggie’s got the tickets. She’ll be dropping yours off.”

  Gertie smiled in appreciation, and the smile was gone when he was out of her office. Gertie hadn’t spoken to Maggie in a couple of weeks, and now that she was actually happy she felt a bit of guilt that her friend wasn’t around anymore.

  Because Gertie was happily in lust.

  It was like being with Darryl again, in the beginning of their relationship. She couldn’t get
enough of Buck, and their obligations kept them apart while also making their times together even better. Almost every damn night had been spent in his dorm room, and why he called it that she had no idea. It was a hotel room, but whatever. She brought a bag with a change of clothes and stayed over each time. She’d only met a few of his friends passing by, which was starting to feel strange, but she was sure eventually Buck would introduce her to them. Or, so she expected.

  So busy was she with her new sex life and three-orgasms per night on average, Gertie had thrown out a half-empty bottle of wine that had turned. That hadn’t happened in her condo in years. She had something else that made her feel better now. He rode a motorcycle, didn’t shave, wore leather, and kissed her like he was eating her alive.

  Who needed wine or anything else?

  And she’d honestly forgotten about the trip to Vancouver. She was sent up every two months to check in on their only Canadian office, and she’d been so distracted she’d missed out on the fact that the next trip was coming due. She was there for three days, only two nights in all, so it wouldn’t be a huge deal. But she was going to miss Buck.

  Her attention went back to her computer monitor, but before long there seemed to be something out of the ordinary happening out in the cubicle farm right outside her office door. Not that people were shouting, but the world had actually turned really quiet. Gertie saved her progress then leaned back in her chair to see out of her office door.

  Then she knew what had alerted her to something being amiss: female hormones.

  Buck was walking her way, pulling off his shades and tucking them into his vest. Kutte, shit. She kept forgetting that it was called a kutte. Shit, he looked good. He always looked good, that was true. One of his friends was behind him, a guy that Gertie still called Silver Fox in her own mind because Buck hadn’t introduced her, really. He had thick, white hair still shot through with jet black here and there. His age showed in his face in an extremely attractive way, his deep tan making his blue eyes all the more startling. The lines at the side of his mouth suggested he had a good sense of humor. They were both in their kuttes, looking like part of the wilderness inside this clean and streamlined office.


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