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Burning Desire

Page 40

by Ami Snow

  “Aaron I want you to do me like the dirty girl I am.”

  As soon as she finished talking he slapped her on the ass and she squealed.


  He slapped her again, harder and she screamed even louder. His hand left a red mark on her asscheek. He began to fuck her doggystyle, just like he did with Lucy. He grabbed her hair and started ramming her as hard as he could. Jane’s whole body began to shiver and shake, and her eyes rolled over. She could feel his breath on the back of her neck, his strong, manly hands gliding across her arched back. It sent a shiver up her spine. She had never been treated like this, it was so rough, just like she imagined it would be with him. He began to kiss her neck and she smiled.

  After they both came, they sat there and looked up at the stars. Jane watched Aaron closely. Even though she knew about his mother, his past was still a mystery to her.

  “Don’t you ever wish you could float away? Just keep floating ‘til you’re so small you look like a star to the rest of the people down here who look up. That’d be cool.”

  “Are you high?” asked Jane.

  He burst out laughing. Probably. High on life that’s for sure.

  “Y’know, I always thought you were a bad boy.”

  “Whatever gave you that idea?” he asked.

  “Well, from what I hear you’ve been in and out of prison so many times that my mom lost count, you have sex with anything in a skirt, and you vandalize public property.”

  “Woah, anything else you wanna add to that list?”

  “Yeah, and you can be a real asshole.”

  He started laughing again.

  “But you wouldn’t just have sex with a bad boy, especially if he was your stepbrother, so you must have changed your mind right?”

  “Yeah, you’re right, I did change my mind.”

  “So what do you think about me now.”

  “I think you’re deeper than I gave you credit for. You had a tough life, and you’re interests are, well, interesting. But the jury’s still out.”

  “Why?” he asked.

  “Because you’re still an asshole sometimes.”

  They walked back home holding hands, still looking up at the stars from time to time.

  The next day she woke up early and jumped out of bed. The thought of seeing Aaron soon was making her excited already. She went to his room and knocked on the door. There was no answer.

  Maybe he’s having breakfast? She thought.

  She went downstairs but he was nowhere to be seen. She thought about where he could be, but drew a blank. She decided to go and study in the library. When she got there, she sat at the table that she and Amy usually sit at, and began studying. After a few moments, she went to get a book and as she walked past the rows of bookshelves, she heard moaning. It got louder and louder the closer she came to the ‘Law’ section of the library. In-between one of the rows of bookshelves she finally found the source of the noise. It was Amy.

  She was standing bent over with her face towards Jane and her panties were pulled all the way down to one of her ankles. Aaron was fucking her from behind and she moaned every time he plunged his cock deeper. Jane gasped and Amy looked up. She froze in fear.

  “Hi J…Jane,” said Amy whilst still being fucked.

  Aaron stopped and looked up. He and Jane made eye contact for a few seconds. Tears started to swell in Jane’s eyes and she quickly ran off sobbing.

  “Jane wait, I can explain,” said Aaron as he ran after her, still in the process of pulling up his pants.

  “Go ahead, fuck my best friend, just leave me alone.”

  She took her stuff from the table and left.

  How could I have trusted him? She thought. And Amy! What a bitch! Some best friend she turned out to be.

  As soon as she got home and sat down she felt her phone vibrate. It was Amy apologizing and asking to meet. Jane dismissed the message and put her phone away.

  God what an asshole, she thought. How could I let him use me just like all the other girls. Just another notch on his bedpost.

  Her thoughts were interrupted by another message on her phone. This time it was Eric.

  I am at The Tavern bar if you change your mind about our relationship.

  Normally she wouldn’t have replied. Every time Eric managed to find out her cellphone number, she would ditch it and buy a new one. It was the easiest way to get rid of him. But this time was different. She was in a vulnerable state. This time she decided to reply.

  I’ll be there in an hour.

  When she got there, the bar was almost empty. There were a few guys who looked like truckers sat at a table in the corner. Jane scanned the room and saw Eric sitting at the bar smiling at her and she walked over.

  “I was beginning to think you weren’t gonna show up,” he said.

  The bartender came over.

  “Two martinis please,” said Eric.

  “Ah, you still remember what I drink,’ said Jane.

  “Of course, I remember everything about you.”

  “Oh that’s so sweet.”

  She felt like it was creepy, but tonight was different. Tonight she wanted to be with someone who loved her intensely, that would do anything for her. But most of all, tonight she wanted revenge. She took a sip from her martini and listened to Eric talk about how successful he was at his latest job. She watched his lips and began to zone out, his voice became inaudible and everything went blurry. She fainted.

  When she came to, she woke up to find herself in an apartment she’d never been in before. She didn’t recognize any of the furniture but saw a window to the far left of the room. She tried to get up but her arms and legs wouldn’t move. She looked at them and found to her horror that she’d been strapped down to the bed.

  “Don’t struggle Jane, the ties I’ve used will only get tighter the more you struggle so try to stay as calm as possible.”

  Jane recognized the voice.

  “Eric? What are you doing? Why are you doing this?”

  “Because I love you Jane, I’ve loved you my whole life. Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I knew I had to have you.”

  “Eric this is crazy, don’t do this, you’re a nice guy, I know that, it’s not too late, you can just untie me and we can talk.”

  Eric laughed.

  “I’m not stupid Jane, I wasn’t born yesterday. I know you wanna escape, it’s only natural. But I’m afraid I can’t untie you until you know.

  “Know what?”

  “Until you know how much I love you.”

  “Believe me I know how much you love me, but tying me up doesn’t really help your cause now does it?”

  “Nono, you don’t understand Jane, you will never know how much love I have for you until I show you. That was the mistake I made last time. Once you experience true, ultimate love with me, then you’ll finally understand.

  He took off his clothes and walked towards her. His body was covered in tattoos. A dragon was wrapped around his whole torso and there where skulls on fire inked on his chest.

  Jane started to panic again and tried to wriggle free.

  “Don’t be afraid, I’m not gonna hurt you.”

  “Wait, please, just wait. Why don’t you untie one of my hands?”

  “Oh come on Jane.”

  “I’m serious, if you’re gonna show me what true love is, I wanna at least be able to touch you. Your face, your body. Women have needs too Eric.”

  She was bluffing but it worked.

  “Okay, but no funny business Jane, understand?”

  “Of course,” she replied.

  He came closer and untied her right hand. The minute he did, she punched him square in the mouth. He staggered and then collapsed onto the floor. Jane was shocked.

  Wow what a lightweight, she thought.

  She began to untie her left hand. She was almost done when she suddenly saw Eric standing over her.

  “That was a nice shot Jane, now you’re gonna have to be punished.

  Jane began to scream as he tied her hand back up, this time a little tighter than before.

  “You make me so angry sometimes Jane. Why do you resist me every step of the way. I guess we have to compromise when we’re in a relationship but you do realize that I’m gonna have to dole out some strict punishment right? He stood there and looked at her for a while.

  “I’m gonna leave you alone to think about your actions. It’ll also give me time to decide the best punishment that fits the crime. You’re gonna learn one way or another Jane.”

  A feeling of dread descended on her.

  I’m never getting out of here, she thought. I’m gonna die in this place.

  She closed her eyes and resigned herself to death. She pictured her mother’s face. Then she thought back to Aaron as he fucked her—his manly chest, muscular shoulders.

  Aaron, I wish you were here right now.

  She opened her eyes and looked out of the window. He was just like she remembered, he smiled and waved. She knew it was her imagination but she wished so much that he was real, that he would come and save her. She watched him as he tapped on the window.

  Wait a minute; figments of your imagination don’t tap on the window! She thought.

  Aaron it’s really you! She shouted.

  He forced his elbow through the glass and it shattered. Eric had heard all of the noise and came rushing in.

  “Who are you? Get outta here.”

  “I’m not going anywhere,” said Aaron.

  Eric picked up a baseball bat he had hidden behind the door and swung at Aaron. Aaron ducked and backed away.

  “I don’t wanna hurt you,” he said.

  “You don’t wanna hurt me?” replied Eric. “I’m pretty sure I’m the one holding the bat.”

  He swung again, this time it connected with Aarons shoulder, and he collapsed to the ground.

  “Aaron no!” screamed Jane. “You monster!”

  Eric smiled and came towards her.

  “I guess that was your little hero huh? Pathetic.”

  Jane saw Aaron getting up. He grabbed Eric’s shoulder, swung him around and punched him. Eric was out cold this time. He looked over at Jane and smiled.

  “Miss me?”

  He started untying the bindings on her hands.

  “Wait, stop!” said Jane.

  “What is it? What’s wrong?” asked Aaron.

  “How do you feel about doing a woman who’s tied up?”

  “Is that what you’re into Jane?”

  She just smiled at him. He didn’t need another invitation and lunged at her, kissing her passionately. He climbed up onto the table and took off his pants. Jane watched as he stood over her. His cock swinging just above her. She marveled at it. It was huge and erect. A line of precum dripped out and onto her stomach.

  “Stick it in my mouth.”

  Aaron did as she asked and bent down with her head between his legs. He stuck his cock in her mouth and she immediately started licking his head. She could feel the salty precum as she lapped it up and tried to move her head forward in order to deepthroat him. She managed to go halfway and held her head there. Aaron moaned in pleasure and started gyrating his hips causing his cock to go in and out.

  After a few moments he pulled his cock out of her mouth and got off the table. He walked over to the other side and buried his head in between her legs and began to flick his tongue on her swollen clit. Jane began to tremble, No guy had ever done this to her before, and Aaron seemed to be pretty good at it. Her pussy was yearning, aching for his large cock and it was driving her crazy.

  “Fuck me Aaron, stop teasing and just fuck me!”

  Aaron smiled, he knew exactly what he was doing. He teased her until she couldn’t take it anymore and then pushed his cock deep into her pussy. She gasped as he did and then froze like a contorted statue. Aaron felt her pussy clench his cock and saw her thighs trembling from the overload of pleasure. Jane had never experienced such an intensely pleasurable orgasm before and she was loving every second of it.

  He gently began to fuck her, first just entering with the tip of his cock, then going halfway. She moaned with pleasure. The fact that she was bound to the table heightened the experience. It made it feel more dangerous, more thrilling. She didn’t want him to stop.

  He began to fuck her faster and faster and she watched as the glistening sweat dripped from his body and onto her. He kept going until they both came violently. He remained on top of her and looked into her eyes.

  “I’m sorry about fucking Amy, I realized I love you and wanna be with you. I won’t cheat on you again.”

  “Thanks Aaron, that’s really sweet of you, but could you untie me now?”

  Aaron sat for a moment with his finger on his chin.


  “Let’s give it a minute,” he finally replied.


  Beyond Her Imagination

  Stepbrother Romance

  By: Amanda Bolton

  Chapter I – Turbulence Sucks Balls

  Dayshia Fayth stared out of the window of the airplane in flight, watching everything passing by so quickly down below. Her eyes closed slowly as the wind turbulence hit. The plane shook hard and the air masks deployed.

  She held her breath, not knowing what to think. Cameron leaned in and whispered,

  “How are you doing there Super Woman? Are you doing okay? Yeeeeessssssss? …… Nod with me if you hear me ……..”

  Judging by the look on her face, nothing seemed to be working to calm her down. He never knew what to do in those awkward circumstances. All he wanted to do was to take it away, but when she felt fear it was inevitably in such a tangible way that there was no convincing her otherwise.

  The younger lady on the other side of Dayshia Fayth said,

  “Ma’am is everything okay? Are you going to be sick? Do you need a barf bag?”

  All she could think was, did you really just call me mother fucking ma’am? You little perky breasted beatch! Sit the fuck down!

  It didn’t take too much longer before the plane touched down and things got substantially better from there. They off loaded and made their way over to pick up their luggage. Cameron, in all of his strength, flexed his muscles as he lifted them up and carried them out.

  They walked through the busy terminal as Dayshia Fayth spoke up saying,

  “Are you sure that you want to be here right now? I mean … There is going to be so much chaos and the drama …… God, the drama! I just don’t know if you are ready for that …. Are you ready for that, for this? You can back down …. It’s not too late.”

  Cameron stopped and grabbed onto her arm which stopped them both. He looked right into her dark brown eyes and said,

  “Hey …. Look at me …… Yeah, right here …. Look at me ….. I want you to hear me when I say that …. I want to be here ….. I want to be with you …. I want to be here with you …… I don’t scare easily, so I’m staying with you princess.”

  She gulped down her insecurities about Cameron meeting her wild family. There was something about his crystal blue eyes that left her somewhat powerless. Some families did a pretty good job of presenting themselves as relatively normal in front of guests, by comparison. The problem was, that that just wasn’t her family, not even on the best of days.

  As they stood by the curb waiting to hail a cab, he asked once again,

  “Is this visit home going to make you self - destruct or what? I mean what the hell is going on in that pretty little head of yours anyway?”

  He had the cutest toothy little grin across his unkempt cheeks. He raised his thick brown eyebrows several times just to antagonize her a little bit. His shoulder length wavy hair was blowing across his face in the heavy wind.

  But she turned her back to him and started to weep with her head in her hands. She was so beautiful when she cried. But she feared what their family would say when they found out that they were in a relationship.

  It was
such a tricky subject, Cameron had unequivocally no idea what to do in that condition. He was a man’s man for all intents and purposes. But what he did do was set down the luggage and wrap his muscular arms around her shoulders.

  He couldn’t be blamed for that, it was his genetic truth. Going home to visit her family always set Dayshia Fayth off. It made her look and feel crazy, it seemed, and she couldn’t hide it for very long.

  Cameron leaned down and pressed his prickly cheek against her neck. The contrast between his olive colored Italian skin against her medium black toned skin was so lovely. But she worried what her family would think about that. In an effort to make her feel better he said,


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