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Forgiving the Billionaire (A Clean Billionaire Romance Book 2)

Page 19

by Anne-Marie Meyer

  All Hannah could do was smile. She felt bad for them. Especially since most of the people in line were shooting them dirty looks.

  “Who takes kids on a plane?” Samson muttered. A few passengers who were standing next to their seat nodded in agreement.

  “I don’t think that they are trying to inconvenience us. They look pretty upset.” Hannah nodded to their red faces and pinched lips.

  “They should have known better.”

  “They need our compassion.” Hannah glared at him. How could he be so judgmental? Her eyes widened. What had she gotten herself into? He was never going to change his mind. He didn’t want kids and never would. She was fool to think things could be different.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Why are we doing this?”

  “Doing what?”

  “Why are we faking that we want a relationship?”

  Samson stared at her. “You don’t want to marry me?”

  She swallowed. “Do you want to marry me?”

  He glanced at her, then over to the toddler that they’d finally dislodged from the seat and were dragging from the plane. There was a collective sigh as the line started moving again. “No. Not if having kids is involved. I love what we have, but that’s it. I don’t want it to change.”

  The weight that Hannah had been carrying around these last few days lifted from her shoulders. Reaching over, she pulled the ring from her finger. “Here.”

  Samson studied her, then took it. “You sure?”

  “I want kids.”

  He wrinkled his nose as he slipped the ring into his pocket. “Then I guess we’re done.”

  Hannah sighed and gave him a small smile. “I guess we are.”

  The line dwindled down so Hannah stood and grabbed her carry-on from up above. Samson followed after her. As they walked down the walkway toward the airport, Samson glanced back to her.

  “What’s your plan?”

  Hannah stepped out and glanced around. Families rushed around her, desperate to get to their plane that was most likely taking them home. “I’m going to go home.”

  “Back to North Carolina?”

  She nodded. “Yeah. I’m going to spend Christmas with my mom.”

  Samson shouldered his briefcase and wrapped his hand around the handle of his luggage. “Do you need any help?”

  Hannah shook her head. “Nope. I’ve got this.”

  He stood there, as if he wanted to say something. Hannah just smiled. “It’s okay. Go. Your family’s waiting.”

  Reaching out, he wrapped one arm around her shoulders. “Have a nice life, Hannah Bell.”

  She patted his back. “Merry Christmas.”

  He raised two fingers to his forehead and flicked them away. “Aye, aye, ma’am.” Then turned and walked away.

  Hannah’s heart hurt. It was hard saying goodbye. But for the first time in a long time, she wasn’t running away from her problems. She was facing them. The strength that gave her caused her to smile.

  She glanced around. An attendant stood behind a counter and was typing furiously on the keyboard in front of her. Hannah approached.

  “Excuse me?” she said as she set her carry-on next to her.

  “I’m sorry your flight was canceled, but it’s not my fault,” the attendant’s raspy voice said as she glanced up, her eyes wide.

  Hannah stepped back. “I’m sorry. My flight isn’t canceled. I actually need to buy one.”

  The attendant’s gaze swept over Hannah. Her fingers stopped typing so she could take a drink from the mug next to her. “I apologize,” she said and put the mug back down. “It’s been kind of hectic around here.” She gave Hannah a smile. “You need a flight?”

  Hannah nodded. “Yes.”

  “Where to?”

  “I need to get to North Carolina as soon as possible.” Then Hannah gave her a smile. “I need to be with Mom.” And Logan. But that ship had sailed. She needed to push him from her mind.

  The attendant typed on the keyboard again. “I can get you to Wilmington, but there will be a layover in Atlanta. Will that work?”

  Hannah chewed her nail, then sighed. “I guess.”

  The attendant’s fingers flew again. Soon the printer whirred, and her tickets were spit out. The attendant put the tickets into an envelope and handed them to Hannah.

  “Flight leaves in twenty minutes. Gate Forty.”

  Hannah nodded and took the tickets. Once she located the gate, she stood in line with the other waiting passengers. The realization of what had happened sunk in. Samson was gone, and she was alone.

  She swallowed. And her mom was gone at work until tomorrow. Yet again, she was alone. Wrapping her arms around her chest, she sighed. It was a feeling she was getting used to.



  Piper nearly bounded out of her seat as the plane pulled into the gate. Logan had made the mistake of getting her one of the holiday cookies the attendants were selling. Sugar, mixed with exhaustion, made a hyper Piper.

  “We should grab some food,” Logan said, leaning over to Miss Kathy.

  She nodded. “Good idea.”

  They waited until the plane was empty, then got up themselves. As they walked down the walkway, Logan glanced down at his tickets. “We have about an hour until the next flight, so we should do this fast.”

  “Okay,” Miss Kathy said.

  Once they were in the airport, Logan glanced around. When he saw a security guard, he approached him. “McDonalds?”

  The guard waved his hand, motioning down the terminal. Logan thanked him and called for Piper to follow. They walked in the direction the guard had indicated until they found a McDonalds. Relieved, Logan left Piper with Miss Kathy and approached the counter.

  He ordered and the teller gave him a receipt and told him to wait. He leaned against a nearby pillar and glanced around. Miss Kathy had some soothing effects on Piper. She was rubbing her back and talking to her. Piper had calmed and was resting her chin in her hand.

  Someone bumped against his shoulder.

  The woman kept her head down. “Excuse me,” she said as she continued walking.

  “No problem,” he said, glancing over to her retreating frame. There was something familiar about the way her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders. Thinking back, there was something familiar about the melodies of her voice.

  He stared, almost too stunned to believe it. “Hannah?” he asked, but she was too far to hear him.

  Racing after her, he fell into step with her. Her head was down as she stared at her phone. But, he’d know the curve of her lips and splash of freckles anywhere. Grabbing her arm, he pulled her from the crowd.

  Instantly, her gaze shot up. Her lips were parted as if she was about to give him a piece of her mind. But she stopped. “Logan?”

  Reaching out, he pulled her into a hug. Everything about holding her body next to him felt right. When he pulled back, he glanced down at her. “I thought you were in New York,” he said.

  She stared at him. “I thought you were in North Carolina.” Then she glanced around. “Where’s Charity?”

  “She’s back at the reception. Or at my house.” He shoved his hands into his pockets. “I don’t really know.”

  A groan escaped her lips. “What? You shouldn’t be here.”

  Logan straightened. “I know.”

  She narrowed her eyes. “Know what?”

  “What Charity threatened you with.” He reached out and touched her shoulder. “I told her she was kidding herself if she thought I was going to let that fly. All she wanted me for was my money. I won’t have that. Not when I love someone else.”

  Hannah’s eyes widened, but then she furrowed her brow. “But what about Piper? I won’t let her drag that little girl through the mud. I love her too much.”

  Logan thought his heart would burst from her words. She loved his daughter. That meant everything to him. “Don’t worry, I’ll keep Piper safe. Charity’s reach will only go so f
ar.” He paused as he watched her mull his words around in her mind.

  “I love you.” There. He said it.

  Her gaze snap back up to him. “What?”

  “I love you. It’s as simple as that. I know I’ve complicated things in the past. I know I’ve hurt you. But, Hannah”—his voice grew deep as emotions filled his throat—“I love you. Truly and completely. There is no one else in the world I want to be with than you.” He smiled over to her. “I want to have a family with you.”

  Her eyes widened as her lips parted. Her beautiful, pink lips. “I—”

  He reached out and pulled her close. “Don’t think. Do you love me, too?”

  She glanced around as if unable to meet his gaze. “I don’t want to hurt Piper like that.”

  He leaned down and captured her gaze with his own. “I have a feeling Piper won’t mind. She already loves you more than me.” Then he leaned forward until his lips brushed her ear. “Besides, I think you’ve won over her heart since you gave her those dolls.”

  She pulled back and looked at him “You found those?”

  He nodded, then grew serious. “Please say you forgive me.”

  Her face stilled. “For what?”

  “For hurting you all those years ago. I was a stupid boy. I didn’t know what I was doing.”

  Tears formed on Hannah’s lids. She stared at him. “Of course,” she whispered. “I forgive you.”

  He smiled at her. “That was easy.”

  She reached out and swatted his shoulder. “Hey, now.”

  He feigned hurt for a moment before he pulled her close again. “Let’s do it again. Say you love me.”

  She studied him, then shook her head. “No.”

  His stomach sank. “What?”

  She chewed her bottom lip. “I’m tired of talking.” Suddenly, she pressed her lips against his and everything around him faded away.

  Wrapping his arms around her waist, he pulled her to him. Everything about her. The way her lips felt. The way her body fit against his. The way the smell of her hair filled his every sense. All of it was familiar. All of it said home.

  Her lips moved against his as he deepened the kiss. Her fingers weaved their way into his hair. He never wanted to let her go.

  He groaned when she pulled away. “Why’d you do that?” he asked.

  Her lips were puffy as she glanced up at him. “I love you, Logan Blake,” she said.

  Pulling her close, he softly pressed his lips against hers. “I know,” he whispered.

  She swatted him again.

  He reached down and kissed a trail from her nose to her ear. “But you’re going to have to stop hitting me,” he whispered.

  She giggled. “I will when you stop saying ridiculous things.”

  “Did she say she’ll dance with you?” Piper’s voice asked from behind them.

  Hannah snapped away from him. “Piper?” She glanced over to her mom. “Mom?”

  Logan smiled. “Oh, I forgot to tell you that they came with me.”

  Crouching down, she pulled Piper into a hug. “I thought you had to work, Mom.”

  Miss Kathy’s face grew serious. “It’s Christmas. It’s time for family. It’s time for moving on. I wasn’t going to let my little girl leave again. If you were only going to be happy in New York with Samson, then I was going, too.”

  Logan could see the tear slip down her face as she let go of Piper and stood. “I’m so sorry, Mom.”

  Miss Kathy shook her head and extended her arms. “All is forgiven if you can forgive me, too.”

  Hannah nodded and rushed to her mom’s arms. They embraced. Logan couldn’t help but feel complete.

  “So, did she dance with you?” Piper asked again.

  Reaching down, Logan hoisted her up into his arms. “What do you think, Pip?”

  She studied him. “You look too happy. So, I’m going to guess… yes?”

  Logan wrapped her into a hug and kissed her cheek. “Yep. She’s here to stay.”

  She gripped her dolls in her arms. “Good.”

  Logan wrapped his free arm around Hannah and Miss Kathy walked beside her as they made their way down the terminal.

  He heard Hannah giggle. “What?” he asked, glancing down.

  She smiled up at him. “Bert was right. Christmas is a magical time.”

  His heart surged at the words. She was right. Reaching down, he brushed his lips against hers. All he’d ever wanted for Christmas was right here, wrapped in his arms.


  Hannah sat on the roof of the deck, surrounded by tulle. She had slipped out here to catch a breather from Sandy. Man, when that girl wasn’t the one getting married, she was a slave driver. It didn’t help that her opinion clashed with Hannah’s mother’s. They were like two Rottweilers fighting over the last bone.

  Brushing down her wedding dress, Hannah glanced out to where the sun gleamed off the ocean. She was getting married today. She couldn’t believe it. She looked down at her ring and her heart soared. Logan and Piper had done such a good job picking it out.

  “Fancy meeting you out here, beautiful.”

  Logan’s voice sent shivers down her back. Turning, she smiled, then realization hit her. He wasn’t supposed to see her in her dress.

  “Logan!” She gathered the skirt toward herself. “You’re not supposed to see me.”

  His eyes widened as the dress got pulled up to her thigh.

  “Miss Hannah, I do declare,” he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

  She shot him a look, and he just grinned back at her.

  “Tonight, my dear. Save it for tonight,” he said, his voice husky.

  Her cheeks heated as she smiled at him. Butterflies erupted in her stomach. Forcing a serious face, she waved toward his tux. “Why are you out here?”

  Logan leaned back on his hands. “Had to take a break. Man, when Jimmy’s not getting married, he’s a task master.”

  Hannah giggled. “I know, right? I thought pregnancy would slow Sandy down”—Hannah shook her head—“It’s only made her meaner. And more organized.”

  Logan laughed. Hannah felt the stress of the morning leave her body. Even with the craziness of everything around her, she was making the best choice today. She couldn’t wait to marry Logan.

  His face stilled as he studied her. “I love you, Hanny B.”

  She smiled over to him. “I love you, too.”

  He crawled across the roof until he was at the edge. “Marry me?”

  She would have scooted down to meet him, but was too afraid of snagging her dress on the shingles. “You already asked me.”

  He nodded. “I just want to hear you say it again.”

  She rolled her eyes. “Yes. I will marry you, Logan Blake.”

  Leaning back, he smiled at her. “I’ve still got it.”

  “Hannah Bell, what in the world are you doing out here on the roof?” Sandy’s voice carried from inside her room. Sheepishly, she glanced over to Logan.

  “I gotta go.”

  Logan glanced back to his window. “Yeah. I’d hate for them to find me missing.”

  Hannah stood and gathered her skirt into her arms. “See you on the other side?”

  Logan blew her a kiss. “Of course, babe. Soon, everyone will be gone and it will be just me and you—”

  “And me!” Piper called from inside Hannah’s room. All the girls were getting ready at her house. The guys were getting ready at Logan’s.

  “And Piper,” Logan added. “At our house.” Then he leaned in. “But not tonight. Tonight, it will be just you and me…” His gaze turned serious as he smiled at her.

  “Can’t wait,” Hannah said as excitement flitted through her body. Sandy tsked her as she handed the skirt to waiting hands.

  “I’ll be the one at the end of the aisle,” Logan called.

  “Can’t wait!” Hannah repeated as she slipped into her room and shut the door. A smile played on her lips. This was all she’d ever wanted and it was happening
. Piper rushed over to her and gave her a hug.

  Hannah’s mom appeared in the doorway. “Ready, Hannah?”

  Patting Piper on the head, she glanced up. “Yep. Let’s get going.”

  Her mom and Sandy helped hold her dress so she could descend down the stairs without tripping. At the bottom, she glanced around. Bert stood next to the door with a suit on. Hannah smiled. “You look good.”

  Bert grinned and rubbed his bald head. “Yeah, I can clean up nice if I want.” He opened the door and waved toward his cab with the words Bert’s Cab Service written across the side. Logan had decided to put his money to good use and invested in Bert’s taxi company. He’d been able to buy five cars with the money and was already talking about retiring.

  “Your chariot awaits,” he said, extending his hand.

  Hannah glanced over to him and smiled. Reaching out, she gave him a big hug. “Thanks for everything you’ve done for me.”

  Bert patted her back. “You bet,” he said, his voice gruff.

  Hannah pulled back. “Are you crying?”

  Bert wiped at his eyes. “What? No. Allergies.”

  Hannah raised an eyebrow. “Right.”

  “Wedding won’t wait; hop to it, m’lady.”

  “I’m the bride,” Hannah said as she made her way out the front door.

  “Well, then, everyone’s waiting for you,” he said, following after her.

  Hannah paused on the stoop and glanced around. Logan was walking down the sidewalk toward one of cabs that lined the street. He turned and winked at Hannah. She smiled. Her heart felt as if it would burst. Her mom came up next to her and wrapped an arm around her.

  “Ready to go, sweetie?”

  Hannah nodded. “Let’s do this.”

  Grab the next book in the Series!

  Grab the next book

  Finding Love with the Billionaire

  She's out to get his story. He's trying to find his place. When he crashes their plane into the Alaskan wilderness, they’ll discover just how wrong they’ve been about each other.


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