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Infiltration (Katieran Prime Series Book 11)

Page 8

by KD Jones

  Chapter 12

  He looked down at them, both half dressed. He had taken her on the floor of a shuttle. It was not his finest moment, but he didn’t regret it. Being with Melody was the most amazing thing.

  “I should have taken more care with you. You may have bruises.” He expected her reprimand or tears. She surprised him again.

  She giggled. “Sex bruises are the best kind.”

  He shook his head at her. He went over to the first row of passenger seats and lowered the middle armrest. Then he moved the backs of the seats to a lower level, almost laying down.

  “Come, let’s get some rest while we wait for the Purists ships to return to the luna.”

  She removed her shirt and bra. He froze in place, watching in awe at every inch of skin she exposed. Her breasts were enough to fill his hands and her waist was tiny. He could almost wrap his hands around her middle and his hands would almost touch. Her hips were trim and her ass curved out in a soft arc. He wanted to take a small nip out of that fine ass.

  “You are so lovely,” he whispered.

  She swayed her hips as she walked over to the seats. Then she knelt down, purposefully placing first one knee then another. She began to slowly maneuver on the makeshift bed. She arched her back and shook her backside.

  Goddess! She was seducing him and he had no defense against her. He practically ripped his shirt over his head and kicked off his boots and pants. He nearly released a second time when he looked up at her and saw her on her hands and knees.

  “Don’t move,” he growled out.

  He stalked her, moving around so that he was coming up behind her. He was so hard for her it was almost painful. His staff was standing up on its own pointing in her direction. He had to remind himself to take it easy; she was more delicate than females he had been with before. Slow down. Don’t hurt her.

  StrykER placed his knee on the chair seat and climbed up. He maneuvered so that he was crouching over her. The sight of her ass up in the air and the curve of her naked back made some of his semen slip free. If he didn’t get inside her soon, he would explode.

  “I need you.” Those words whispered from her followed by trembling made him feel powerful and humbled at the same time. He was the male that caused her to react this way. At the same time, she trusted him to not hurt her.

  “I will try to be gentle.”

  “I don’t want gentle. I want you.”

  He couldn’t hold himself back. He placed the tip of his cock at her wet entrance and began to push past her folds, past the tight squeeze of her inner walls. He didn’t stop until he was all the way in. Then he waited for her to adjust. From this position and his angle, he had gone in much further than before and didn’t want to take the chance of hurting her.

  StrykER reached around to her front and teased her nipples. Her breathing became erratic. She moaned and wiggled, making his cock move back, then forward. “Goddess.”

  He couldn’t stop himself now. He began to move in and out, holding her hair with one hand and placing his other on her hip to control her movements. Yes, this was what he craved. To hold her where he wanted, to make her take him hard and deep. She was everything he ever wanted in a mate.

  Mate? Where in Kitana had that thought come from. He shook his head to clear it but her inner walls squeezed him and soon he lost all rational thought. He moved with pure animal instincts of conquering, dominating. The male in him came forward to keep his control in balance so that he didn’t injure her in any way. He wanted more from her though. He wanted her pleasure.

  “Give it to me, Melody. Give me your release.” He pressed her chest against the flattened seat and moved, pumping and drilling her from behind. Her round ass felt sinful every time he moved against her. He moved his hand from her hip to smack the impressive orbs. The vibrations from the gentle smack went all the way to her core where he could feel it. They both moaned with pleasure from it so he did it a few more times.

  It didn’t take long for her to scream out her release calling his name and whispering it like she treasured it. He fought his instincts to claim her and pulled out, letting his seed hit her ass. Seeing that made him release a second time. Never in all his experience with females did he have an immediate second release. It undid him to the core.

  He turned to his side pulling her against him. He needed to feel her body against his.

  “Are you okay? Did I hurt you? I can’t believe I spanked your ass like that.”

  She giggled. “I didn’t know I would like my ass being spanked, but damn, that was so hot.”

  He leaned up to look down at her. “Really? You were okay with me that kind of play?”

  She nodded shyly and red spots rose on her cheeks. It made her look adorable. If she was fine with it, did that mean she was used to it?

  “Have you done this with males before? With AshOR?”

  She frowned at him. “I don’t like talking about my sexual relationships with other people. Especially while I’m naked with someone else. That just spells trouble.”

  “I just worried that I had been too rough. I have instincts in me to dominate. Most females I have shared sex with did not care for it.”

  “I liked the spanking. I’ve had one boyfriend on Earth that had me do some kinky stuff with him. Some I liked and others I didn’t care for.”

  “What did you like?”

  She turned to lie on her back and he immediately cupped her breasts. She stretched giving him all the room he needed. He liked that about her. He liked the feel of her, the taste of her, the sounds she made while being pleasured.

  She stroked his cheek. “I liked gentle spankings during moments of passion like what you just did; it can give the push you need to orgasm. I liked to sometimes be held immobile, not to hurt but to enhance the pleasure. I even let him tie me up once.”

  “You allowed him to bind you? Were you not scared? Did it not hurt?”

  “He used a special type of rope that wouldn’t hurt my skin. I wasn’t scared because at that time, I trusted him completely. It didn’t hurt. It was actually the second best sex I ever had in my life.”

  “What was your best sex?”

  She looked up with shy eyes. “With you right now. That was the best.”

  He growled in pleasure, rocking his semi-hard cock against her hip. “If you enjoyed sex with your boyfriend, why are you not still together?”

  “I liked what we did together, but I didn’t like that he wanted to watch me have sex with his friends.”

  StrykER moved back in shock. “He would share you with other males?”

  “He wanted to, and he wanted me to watch him while he had sex with other girls. I wasn’t into that. I don’t like sharing.”

  He looked into her beautiful eyes. “I don’t share what’s mine, either.” Thoughts of her with other males had him feeling possessive and aggressive. He needed to be inside her again.

  He moved to lie on top of her. She spread her legs so that he fit in the sweet cradle of her thighs. No other words were needed as he tested her readiness and then drove deep inside. He was determined to make her forget any and all males that she had known before.

  StrykER wasn’t sure how many times he took her. The last time she collapsed into a deep sleep. He held her against him and felt like his life had turned upside down. How could one small female embed herself in him so deeply that he couldn’t think of ever leaving her?

  This wasn’t like him. He didn’t like having his emotions out of control like this. She shivered so he automatically pulled her closer to keep her warm with his body heat. His body should have been tired by now but his cock rose wanting inside her again. He resisted all of five seconds before he lifted her leg over his hip and entered inside her. She was still wet and ready. He should pull out, but he didn’t. He closed his eyes to rest with one thought. Mine.


  “Have you found them yet?” OrIN demanded.

  “Not yet. Our warriors are coming back to refuel then
they will continue the search.”

  “What did you find out about the unauthorized video feed?”

  “StrykER took the digital tablet from young warrior TaymAR and programmed it to automatically play while the security was being corrupted.”

  “TaymAR should be punished.”

  MarIK hid his expressions. “He was told by StrykER that you wanted to view the tablet. The blame lies on StrykER.”

  “StrykER is not here for me to punish!”

  “I will hold TaymAR in his quarters and take him off training until StrykER is found. I am sure he will want to be there to help exact revenge.”

  OrIN wasn’t satisfied. “He is to go back to the mines. I don’t want a warrior under me that I can’t trust.”

  “Very well, I’ll inform TaymAR he is to go back to mining duty.” MarIK breathed a sigh of relief once he got out into the hallway. He liked TaymAR and hated using the young male this way. He wasn’t sure if he should put the blame for all that has happened on OrIN’s crazy scheme to overthrow the ruling primes, or on his own shoulders for trying to uphold his own honor.

  He snorted. How much honor was left for him to hold onto when he followed the orders of a madman and allowed an innocent female to be abused unnecessarily?

  When he first met OrIN in warrior training many years ago, they both were young and full of hopeful dreams. They were assigned different locations and didn’t see each other again until about three years ago. MarIK had suffered several losses, including that of his mate, RowANa.

  RowANa had a weakened immune system, which was caused by the mutation of the virus the Morins had cursed them with. All of RowANa’s entire family suffered. The females didn’t live past the age of twenty-five. He had traveled with her from the Colonial planet where they had resided to Kiljor and Katiera in hopes that the medics would find a way to save her life.

  She went to the next life three years ago while they were on Katiera. At about the same time he lost his mate, Katierans were bringing transport ships full of healthy Earth females to breed with. He watched from the sidelines feeling his heart was broken as so many others welcomed the different species with hope and joy.

  OrIN saw him eating alone in the meal room and approached him. As they rekindled their friendship, OrIN began expressing his displeasure in the turn of events. MarIK was grieving and angry, so he had been open to hearing what his friend was saying. In retrospect, he could see that OrIN had preyed on his weakness and heartache to manipulate him. Now he could see that, and he was trying to find a way to undo the damage that OrIN was causing. Goddess, help me.

  Chapter 13

  Melody felt cool as she stretched out on the empty seats that they had laid back to use as a bed. “StrykER?” She opened her eyes and glanced around. He was sitting in the pilot’s seat and typing something onto the shuttle’s computer.

  She sat up and reached down on the floor for the shirt she was wearing earlier. She didn’t bother with panties, which he destroyed, or pants. The shirt was long enough to almost reach her knees. She made her way to the pilot’s seat.

  “Hi.” She wrapped her arms around his neck. She kissed his cheek and felt him stiffen. She peered around him to look at his face but it was blank, with no emotion showing at all. “Is something wrong?”

  “No. The Purists’ warships went back to refuel on the planet so I went ahead and fired up the shuttle. We’ve been traveling for about two hours.”

  She moved to sit down in the co-pilot’s seat. “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  He shrugged. “You were tired and there wasn’t anything that you could have done to help me.”

  She wasn’t sure if she should be appreciative that he as trying to let her get some rest or offended that he just said that she was useless. She stared out into the dark space. The silence that grew between them felt like the vast deep space. She thought they had been getting closer. What happened?

  “How long before we can send a message out for help?”

  “It depends. We can send something out in fifteen minutes but we won’t be near any known Kiljorn routes where a transport can pick us up. When we send out that message, it can also be picked up by the Purists. It will be a toss up on who finds us first.”

  She clutched her hands together. What would be the best thing? Wait and bide their time in this awkward silence or take a chance that they could be caught by the enemy? Neither of those options appealed to her. Maybe she should just address the elephant in the room—er, shuttle.

  “Did I do something wrong?”

  He looked at her in surprise. “No.”

  “Then why are you giving me the silent treatment?”

  “I’m speaking with you.”

  “Right, like we’re strangers.”

  “We are strangers. We didn’t know of one another until twenty-four hours ago.”

  He was right, and she knew it. It hurt more than she thought it would. Somehow in the last few hours of them making their escape and giving in to their attraction for one another, she started to have feelings for him. Obviously, it was one-sided.

  “Let’s call for help. It will take the Purists a while to get to us and hopefully by that time, help will arrive.” She stood up.

  “Where are you going?”

  “I’m going to finish getting dressed and straighten up the seats.”

  “You don’t have to do that. You could go back to sleep.”

  She shook her head. “I want to be prepared for whatever comes our way.”

  She didn’t say anything else as she pulled her pants on. She sat on one of the seats and pulled her boots on. The seats took a little more effort and time because she couldn't find the lever that would raise the backs up right away. Finally, she got them all up. She glanced toward StrykER to find him staring at her.

  She sat in the chairs in the back of the shuttle to avoid being near him. She had left the middle armrests down, which turned the seats into a couch. She stretched out.

  “I think I’ll take that nap.” She used her arm as a pillow and lay on her side.


  “Tell me when either the Purists or help shows up. Maybe I’ll be useful then.” She turned around so that her back was facing him and her face was pressed against the seat.


  StrykER wanted to yell or punch something. His thoughtless words had hurt Melody. That was never his intention. He was just putting space between them so that he could sort out his emotions, but he didn’t want this much space.

  He looked back and saw nothing but her back. He hated that. She had been so responsive and allowed him control that no female he had been with previously would have agreed to. He hated that she had known other males before, but finding out that she liked being restrained was a big turn on for him.

  He set the autopilot and stood up. As he walked over to her, StrykER couldn’t deny it— he wanted her. This made things much more complicated. He had just ruined a mission in order to rescue her. It was the right thing to do; no female should be treated the way that OrIN treated Melody.

  She rolled over to her back but she was still sleeping. He squatted down next to her,reached out, and stroked her cheek. He felt moisture; she must have silently cried herself to sleep.

  “Goddess,” he whispered, touching the spot over his heart.

  She affected him in ways he didn’t understand. What was he going to do about her? She didn’t exactly fit in his life. He was always on the move, going wherever they needed his interrogation skills. It was a fast-paced and sometimes dangerous life. How could he expose her to something like that?

  She has already been exposed. A little voice reminded him that she was already dealing with something dangerous. He moved her dark hair out of her face. The strands were silky and soft. He wanted to take her to his home, lay her on his own bed, and spread her hair out over his pillows.

  His first time with her should not have been in a shuttle. It should have been somewhere special that meant som
ething to both of them. She deserved to be treated with romantic dinners and seductive locations. He just wasn’t sure if he was the right male to give that to her.


  MarIK turned to face OrIN. “StrykER sent out a request for help. We’ve got their location and I’ve sent two more warrior ships out to get them.”

  “Will we get them in time?” OrIN frowned.

  “I don’t know. It depends on if there is a Kiljorn transport closer in the vicinity. It’s possible that we’ll get there.”

  “I need you and two of our other commanders to meet me in my ready room to go over strategies.”

  “Yes, sir.” MarIK turned to leave. He gave the pilots of the warships coordinates slightly off in order to give StrykER and the female more time. There was no telling who would get to them first. Goddess help them if it was his warriors.


  Something loud and beeping woke Melody up. She felt groggy as she got to her feet. The ship shook a little, making her almost fall.

  “What’s going on?”

  “There’s a transport ship that is pulling us in.”

  She sat down in the co-pilot’s seat. “Who is it? The Kiljorns or Katierans?”

  “It looks Kiljorn but if the Purists have a transport, it could be one of ours.”

  “Didn’t they make contact?”

  “I tried but they have not responded back.”

  “That’s not good. Why wouldn’t they respond back?”

  “There could be several reasons. Our communications is monitored, so to prevent the Purists from knowing who came to our aid, they’re not transmitting anything.”

  “You don’t seem worried that it could be the Purists.” She expected him to be a lot more stressed and ready to fight.


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