Echo (The Butterfly Series Book 3)

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Echo (The Butterfly Series Book 3) Page 9

by Isabella Redwood

  ‘She will realise in time it was just a gesture and everything will be okay. I promise.’ He was so sincere I only hoped he was right. Trying to push past this and enjoy the day, I raced Nicholi to catch up with JC and we enjoyed the rest of the afternoon together.

  Walking back to the house, I wondered if Cross had proposed and as we drew closer, I could see the banners he and JC had constructed, hung outside across the patio.

  ‘Wow, he did it will style.’ Nicholi eyed the work and marvelled. ‘He has set the standard high, for sure,’ he continued as we approached and I suddenly felt my heart flutter. Nodding in agreement and hoping I did not misunderstand, I floated into the house where Cross was preparing a romantic meal for the two of them.

  ‘I hope you don’t mind me taking over your kitchen.’ He was peeling potatoes surrounded by an array of pots and pans.

  ‘Actually, I was wondering if you would mind watching JC for us tonight.’ Nicholi asked as I turned in surprise. He had not mentioned anything earlier.

  ‘No problem. He can help with the diapers,’ Cross teased with a resounded eww from JC, having us all in stitches.

  ‘We are going on that date I promised,’ Nicholi whispered as he leaned in kissing my forehead, cheeks and then nose.

  ‘Can’t wait,’ I flushed and after ensuring JC was happy with the new arrangement, I retreated to my room to change.

  Showering quickly I applied my coconut moisturiser and attacked the mammoth legs, ensuring they were completely eradicated. Drying my hair and curling it, I left it loose applying my make up next. I chose a scarlet red dress that emphasised every curve and flaw. Hopefully, he would notice the former and not the latter and grabbed my heels. Hearing the seaplane overhead, I knew Nicholi was taking me to the mainland so no need for boots of any description. I surveyed myself in the mirror.

  ‘Hi, can I come in,’ Sophia asked, quietly knocking at the door.

  ‘Hey, of course,’ I urged opening it and gesturing for her to come in.

  ‘Holy crap, Lex, you look gorgeous,’ Sophia gasped and I felt my face flush.

  ‘Thanks, but how are you?’ The curiosity was killing me and it was my turn to gasp as she held up her hand displaying a diamond ring set with rubies and opals.

  ‘Wow, Caitlan, it is absolutely gorgeous. Sorry, Sophia, I mean.’ I shook my head at my incompetence to even remember the name she wanted to be known as.

  ‘No problem. This is definitely a Lexi, Caitlan moment,’ she smiled and genuinely looking happier than I ever dreamt.

  ‘I’m so happy for you.’ I hugged her gently as she wrapped her arms around me lovingly.

  ‘I’m sorry about before. I know you were just trying to be kind, but I have to do things my way,’ she explained and I nodded sincerely. ‘Have a great night,’ she whispered in my ear and I hugged her once more before descending the stairs into Nicholi’s arms.

  ‘You are absolutely stunning.’ He reached to take my arm. Feeling his hands through the sheer fabric of my dress, I was left wanting desperately for more. ‘Ready to go?’ He helped me with my coat as I kissed JC goodbye for the evening.

  We walked to the seaplane in silence, each peeking at the other and smiling as we boarded and took our seats.

  ‘I hope you don’t mind, I packed a few things for the trip,’ he blushed, as my eyes wandered over to the overnight bags he had stowed on-board.

  Unable to control the huge grin on my face, I blushed the same colour as my scarlet dress and tried to cool my shame looking everywhere but at him.

  The journey seemed to fly by as every part of me was shaking in anticipation. Nicholi helped me off the plane first and into the awaiting car as he loaded our belongings in the trunk.

  ‘Where are we going?’ I asked, curiosity getting the better of me as he kissed my fingers making me forget any worries and focus only on the feel of his lips and the pulsing low down.

  ‘Can’t say,’ he whispered.

  The look that passed between us had me wanting to climb across the seat and into his lap. Finally it was our moment.

  Pulling into the hotel’s parking lot, I watched as Nicholi checked us in and led me to the restaurant. Sitting down I surveyed the menu, trying to pretend I was not distracted and was actually choosing intently what I wanted to eat. The waiter had been twice and brought our drinks before I finally was able to order and to his relief, our first course was on the way.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Nicholi took my hand in his and made me lose the ability to speak even the simplest of sentences.

  ‘I, yes, definitely,’ I garbled as our first course arrived and I tried to enthusiastically eat the truffles when all I was thinking of was being alone with Nicholi.

  ‘How is it?’ he asked politely and I paused, stunned and unable to answer.

  ‘Sorry, what?’ I was completely distracted watching him eat and everything suddenly seemed a million times more seductive.

  ‘The food?’ he smiled and I giggled in response.

  ‘Food is delicious, thank you.’ Trying to pull off a seductive smile that he had in droves and for the first time he seemed lost for words.

  ‘You have me beguiled and bewitched, Ms. Thomas,’ his voice husky and tantalising as I tried to focus, but kept getting lost in him and never wanting to be found.

  ‘Shall we have dessert in our room?’ he suggested and I literally choked on my wine. Feeling so embarrassed and humiliated, I once again flushed a fluorescent red.

  ‘You are the sweetest, sexiest most alluring woman I have ever met and you’re all, mine.’

  Taking my hand, we walked to the elevator and once inside, the air heated ten degrees and I felt my heart racing as I clutched the chocolate strawberries and vanilla cheesecake in my hands that were now more like baked Alaska.

  Opening the door to the suite, I surveyed the room.

  A huge king-size bed with more pillows than I ever thought would possibly fit surrounded it. There was a large living area with an open fire, and a whirlpool bath, which had rose petals scattered at the bottom. Outside was the veranda and lay on the table was a bouquet of red roses each with crystals intricately placed in the centre and the scent was overpoweringly divine.

  There was another bouquet of sunflowers and daisies and a gigantic box of continental chocolates encircling it.

  ‘Seriously, this is beyond amazing. You have completely spoilt me.’

  I opened the chocolates and handed Nicholi the box.

  ‘Oh, Lexi, this is just phase one.’

  I felt my mouth drop. Pulling me into his arms, our lips met and the electric pulsed all around as we stood on the balcony looking over the docks that surrounded us. The moon cast its beautiful reflection onto the water as it rippled gently and the boats bobbed along under the wave’s instruction.

  Opening the dessert, Nicholi, served me a portion and we sat admiring the view making polite conversation. I suddenly felt so nervous and was babbling on it felt like with every question he asked me. Excusing myself to use the bathroom, I splashed water onto my face and stared at my reflection. I was positively glowing inside and out and I tried to calm myself.

  Opening the door, Nicholi was sat on the end of the bed gazing at me.

  ‘I realise this may have seemed like I was making assumptions and I wanted you to know that there is a connecting room.’ He got up to open the door that I had noticed, another room was awaiting.

  ‘I think I like this room. But it is so big and strange. I may need someone to hold my hand, particularly if you are going to make me watch that movie.’ I pointed to the television that was flashing periodically with an array of movies.

  ‘I wouldn’t dream of it.’ Nicholi edged closer and I took a calming breath as he reached for my hand and kissed each finger in turn.

  ‘You are so beautiful.’ He inhaled, as he tenderly traced his fingers around my wrist and planted a kiss there. Slowly moving up my arm, I shivered at the feel of his lips on my neck.

  ‘Cold?’ he asked
and I shook my head, the most ridiculous thing ever, as a smile crossed my face and he pulled me into his arms. Our lips met slowly breaching the confines of our soul as the hurricane of desire hit and we fell onto the bed together.

  Nicholi slowed the pace down, tempting teasing, caressing every inch of me until my body craved more, and I moaned as his velvet fingers brought me to climax.

  I flipped over and kissed every inch of him, from head to toe, as he pulled me back under him, the molten lava of passion exuding from us both as he entered me for the first time and I thrust away the past, leaving only pure and unadulterated desire in its wake.

  We came undone many times before finally being spent; lay wrapped in each other’s arms, in complete and utter bliss.

  Feeding him some cheesecake, I had never seen his eyes filled with so much joy, and happiness. Stroking his face, I kissed him tenderly and the fire once again was ignited suddenly given a new burst of oxygen.

  Falling asleep encircled in Nicholi’s arms, I could not believe this was real and I finally had everything I ever dreamt of. Kissing his hand as he stirred and tightened his grip, I felt safe and secure. It was no longer a possibility, I was completely and utterly in love with this man and knowing he was asleep, I said the words I had been dying to say for so long.

  ‘I love you,’ I whispered as I closed my eyes and fell into a Nicholi infused dream.

  I had not been asleep long when the sound of voices woke me. Turning to see the bed empty and Nicholi’s shadow breaching across the curtains, I clambered out of bed and stepped out onto the balcony.

  ‘Sorry, I did not mean to wake you.’ He kissed me gently and scooped me into his arms.

  ‘Everything okay?’ I was desperate to feel the reassurance only he could provide.

  ‘Definitely, just confirming phase two,’ he winked and threw me back onto the bed, joining me so athletically as once again we were undone in each other.



  Six months had passed by so quickly and the trial date was looming. Sophia had been in intense counselling and her memories were clearer than ever though that made things worse. Things I have laid to rest were now creeping back in and strangling away the happy memories I had clung onto.

  Being with Nicholi and JC were the only things that were keeping me together and strong. The trial causing so much more grief than I ever anticipated particularly my father’s insistence that he wanted to sit down with both Sophia and me before it started. Despite my continued resistance, Sophia had agreed to meet with him and the conversations and exchanges between us were tenser than ever.

  ‘Hey, I was thinking we should go for that Disney break you were mentioning a few months back. Jacob will love it and the twins being that little older should get something out of it.’ Nicholi smiled, shaving as I showered. We had been staying in Alaska and his Connecticut home, but JC would be on school break soon and I was hoping we could spend the time together in Alaska.

  ‘I was thinking we could go back to the house. The weather is much better now and we can do so much more there. Besides, I really don’t envisage spending any extended periods of time with Sophia going pleasantly at this point.’ I shouted over the power shower and hoped he did not hear me complain at the mere suggestion.

  I switched the shower off and reaching for my towel opened the door to Nicholi standing with his hands on his hips looking less than amused.

  ‘What?’ I asked, confused by his sudden mood change. Wrapping my towel around myself the air suddenly chilly and not due to my hair being wet.

  ‘I think you’re being unreasonable. Your father has helped out more times than I can mention and he seems like a changed man just wanting to make amends in his old age. Don’t miss the opportunity because of pride.’

  Always the negotiator and peacemaker, but this was a losing battle and the fact that he could not share or at least respect my point of view was grating on my last nerve.

  ‘Nicholi, just for once can you please take my side or at least pretend that my opinion matters,’ I yelled, a little harsher than I intended, but I remained stern. Just trying to make him see how much this mattered to me.

  ‘It is not about sides, Alexa. It is about learning from my mistakes and moving forward. I don’t want you to have regrets like I do.’

  I shook my head; this was pointless.

  ‘I know that you wish your relationship with your father was better and believe me; I wish that for you too. But this is not remotely similar. I hate the guy and I say that with as much passion as I know I love you. Please, just let it go. I don’t want to fight about this anymore, not with everything else going on,’ I pleaded as Nicholi wrapped his arms around me. Fighting back the emotions, I clung to him for strength and decided maybe conceding on one thing would show him I was not an obstinate bitch and could compromise.

  ‘Maybe the Disney trip would be nice,’ I mused, part of me dying to take JC, but wishing it could just be the three of us. I had long since gotten over my jealousy and concern with Nicholi and Sophia’s past, but occasionally when he took her side like on the father issue, the jealousy returned and I despised myself for it.

  ‘I know what you’re thinking and you know it is insane and completely ridiculous,’ he scolded and I moved away quickly, pretending the need to dry my hair was paramount as he circled his arms around me.

  ‘Lexi, I love you, no matter what and even if you never agreed or listened to anything I ever said. Nothing will change that.’ He kissed my neck and exploring under the towel, completely distracted me as only he could.

  After dropping JC off at school, I decided I was going to visit Sophia and try to clear the air. We needed each other more than ever to get through the next few weeks and the trip might be the olive branch.

  Pulling into her drive, I smiled at the house she had let me design for them, with all financials taken care of by her and Cross of course. But the fact she had let me draw up the plans and know that I had been a part of the process, filled me with the hope that we could ride this storm out and come out the other side in one piece.

  Knocking on the front door, I could hear music in the background, kid’s nursery rhythms and I chided myself for not calling first.

  ‘Hey, great to see you. I have the mommy group here at the moment, but you are welcome to join us,’ she explained, with Daisy on her hip and Alexa on her back in a wrap.

  ‘They are getting so big.’ I watched as they smiled their new toothy grin; both having got the two bottom teeth through now and I could not help get lost in how much they reminded me of Sophia and myself.

  ‘Sorry, I should have called first. It was just about the Disney trip. Do you and Cross have plans for the weekend? We were thinking of going for a five-day break before the trial starts.’

  A familiar face appeared from the kitchen clutching Sippy cups and an array of fruit snacks on a tray, distracting me.

  ‘Lexi, so wonderful to see you,’ he yelled over the Baa Baa Black Sheep song that was echoing throughout the foyer and I shook my head.

  ‘I will call you later. Think about the trip and let me know. Strictly Veneto’s only,’ I reiterated, walking quickly to the car and away from the face that haunted my best childhood memories.

  Speed dialling Nicholi as I pulled away, my heart raced and my palms were sweaty at just the mere few minutes I had seen him.

  ‘Hey, baby, everything okay?’ The sound of his voice instantly soothing.

  ‘I just stopped by Sophia’s house to ask her about the Disney trip and he was there,’ I ranted incoherently, deciding it was better to pull over and talk.

  ‘Ah, Lex. Are you okay? I have a meeting in five, but I can rearrange and come meet you?’ The sincerity in his tone made me feel so bad for doubting his intentions earlier.

  ‘No, I have a meeting too. I just wanted to hear your voice.’ I twirled my hair distractedly as I started the engine and pulled out onto the road again.

ything will be okay. I won’t let anyone ever hurt you again, including him. I know I have been pushing too much and I’m sorry. I promise I will stop and trust that you know what is best. I’m sorry, baby.’

  I just wanted to drive over and wrap my arms around him that instant.

  ‘I love you.’ The tears thwarting me from saying anything more without turning into a blubbering mess and I had a client to impress in fifteen minutes.

  ‘I love you too. I may or may not have a little surprise planned for our trip.’ I knew he was grinning madly. That sexy smile that had me won over within seconds.

  ‘Really, well I may too.’ Two could play that game and I knew I had gotten him intrigued, smiling and hanging up as I pulled into the office car park.

  The client meeting went well and I stood anxiously in the doctor’s office watching the tropical fish swim up and down. The rainbow colours reflecting off the glass as couples holding hands with bulging bellies surrounded me.

  ‘Alexa Thomas.’ I turned to face the nurse, picking up my jacket and purse and walked into the doctor’s office that held my future in its hands.

  ‘Lovely to see you, Lexi. How are you?’

  I sat down in front of the mahogany desk that was surrounded with baby pictures spanning two generations.

  ‘I’m good thanks. Anxious for news.’ Wringing my hands in anticipation and cursing myself for keeping this a secret when Nicholi could have been here supporting me.

  My mind wandering back three months ago when I found the courage to tell him about JC’s birth and how I nearly died.


  ‘Lexi, as much as I would love to have more children, I will never put you at risk. You are everything to me and JC needs a mother alive and well. If in time you want to look into this more I will certainly sit down and speak with the doctors, but not if there is any risk to you.’ He held my hand and took my breath away as only he could with his generous heart and unlimited resource for understanding.


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