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Echo (The Butterfly Series Book 3)

Page 14

by Isabella Redwood

  ‘Stop, I’m supposed to be mad at you. Seems I can’t even manage that for long,’ I pouted as he pulled me into his arms.

  ‘I am all for forgiveness,’ he teased, kissing my nose as our eyes locked and I was so relieved he was here and in my arms.

  ‘I’m so glad you’re here.’ I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned into my soulmate.

  ‘I always will be.’ He held me close and the door opened with the doctor appearing followed by Cross.

  ‘Everything is fine, and Sophia has insisted we go back to the party. I refused of course and had a new idea. Are we welcome to your junk food heaven party?’ Cross asked and I peeked at Sophia tentatively who shrugged noncommittedly but eventually smiled as I took her hand in mine.

  ‘It was wrong of me to ask you to lie. Let’s eat all the junk food on the East Coast, but you are in the spare room and out of here before the morning,’ Sophia demanded, pointing at Cross who was grinning from ear to ear.

  ‘Absolutely.’ Kissing his soon to be wife as I returned into Nicholi’s arms.

  We had ordered everything within a ten-block radius and were stood marvelling at the food structure Nicholi had created.

  Serving myself some Chinese I sat cross-legged on the floor as Nicholi and Cross were animatedly discussing the quiz game we had just played and whether a rematch was in order. Neither declaring defeat.

  ‘How is your last night as a single woman?’ I smiled, as Sophia tucked into her Indian food and I wondered whether I should ask her about the voicemail.

  ‘Mostly perfect. It was just a, I am sorry, never meant to hurt you, blah blah blah, message,’ she advised, reading my mind without me even having to speak.

  ‘I guess it is part of her programme, making amends or something,’ I mused as Nicholi brought us both into the discussion and we decided on a rematch.

  I left Nicholi and Cross arguing playfully to help Sophia, making sure everything was ready for the morning.

  ‘Okay, hair and makeup are at nine thirty. I will make you breakfast in bed and you can relax as much as possible. The cars will be here at eleven-thirty to take us to the church. Everything will be just fine.’ I hoped I was bringing some comfort and not just causing more anxiety like I did earlier.

  ‘Lexi. They found me in the street and I could not remember anything. Dad was the first person at the hospital and he was yelling, but I couldn’t hear what he was saying.

  ‘I blacked out and the next thing I remember he is sat at my bedside and tells me you were all killed. He told me that every day for six months because I would forget each morning. I think it was because I knew it wasn’t true,’ she whispered, holding me close as we both cried for our lost family.

  ‘Tomorrow will be the best day of your life and mom and Seth will be watching; I know it.’ I reached for the tissues and handed her one.

  ‘Okay, I better get some sleep. Thank you for such a special day.’ She reached for my hand as I covered her over, tucking her in.

  ‘Thank you for never giving up on me,’ I whispered as she closed her eyes and drifted into sleep.


  I DO

  I could hear Caitlan moving around her room and checking the time, it was only five am. Snuggling in next to Nicholi I kissed his forehead, staring at the man that was mine and who I was utterly in love with. I smiled and crept out of the room.

  ‘Everything okay?’ I asked, seeing her anxiously pacing as though she was looking for something.

  ‘I can’t find it, my tiara is nowhere to be seen, and I have looked everywhere. Please help me, Lexi,’ she cried and I walked over to her quietly.

  ‘Found it.’ Lowering it off her head and taking her hand to sit on the bed.

  ‘Oh, what an idiot,’ she raved, looking distinctly annoyed with herself, but something else was not right.

  ‘Soph, you can tell me anything, no matter what.’ I knew there was something really concerning her.

  ‘I don’t want you to be upset with me,’ she whispered and I squeezed her hand gently.

  ‘Listen, this is your day. Whatever you want goes,’ I nodded, hoping she would feel like she could confide in me, after yesterday and breaking her confidence.

  ‘Dad was so upset when I told him grandfather was giving me away. I feel like I am being backed into a corner, not wanting to upset anyone, but still making mistakes in the process. Like yesterday. Cross was upset with me for not calling him straight away. We sorted it out, but I just don’t want more arguments, not today.’ She lowered her head and it was clear she had already made her mind up.

  ‘If you want dad to give you away, then that is what should happen. It is nothing to do with me whether he does or not. Your wedding, your choice. I won’t feel any differently or be upset. I am just so happy for you, nothing else matters.’

  Her face brightened and a small smile formed as the light from outside hit her face, casting shadows across her eyes that were glistening.

  ‘Cross said you would understand, but I wanted you to be comfortable and enjoy the day. I have told him to stay away from you. I swear if he breaks that, the Veneto brothers can kick him out without a second thought.’ Sounding more like the sister I had gotten to know again. She was one of the strongest women I knew and I felt the emotions creeping up, swallowing them, determined not to cry today.

  ‘Okay, I am going to make you breakfast. Unless you want to try to sleep for a little bit longer?’ I asked, standing up ready to leave as her phone went off.

  ‘Breakfast sounds lovely, thank you, Lexi.’ She picked up her phone. I heard his voice as I was closing the door, our father.

  Shaking my head, I proceeded downstairs to make Sophia’s wedding breakfast. Starting to grill the bacon and mix the pancake batter, I turned the radio on and began dancing, chopping strawberries. Pirouetting around the kitchen, I did not hear him enter.

  ‘Oh, morning.’ Suddenly feeling extremely self-conscious. Sophia was the star ballerina. I was always just a wannabe.

  ‘That was simply beautiful.’ He pulled me into his arms as I buried my face in his shoulders.

  ‘Well, you’re biased.’ I returned to check on the bacon and make some Belgian waffles for Nicholi and Cross.

  ‘Not biased. A connoisseur of everything Lexi,’ he winked and pulled up a chair at the breakfast bar, yawning.

  ‘Weddings get off to an early start for sure,’ closing his eyes and pretending to fall back to sleep.

  ‘I can make you breakfast in bed too,’ I offered, as he grabbed my hand and kissed me longingly.

  ‘No fun unless you are there with me and I’m guessing you will be nonstop busy this morning,’ he sulked and I could not help fall into his arms, returning the explosive kiss he had gifted me, with one of my own.

  ‘It is going to be busy for sure for the next week. How are you feeling about us looking after three kids?’ Having offered to take the twins while Sophia and Cross were on honeymoon, we definitely had our work cut out.

  ‘Good practice,’ he grinned and I felt myself beam.

  ‘Right, stop distracting me. I almost burned the bacon,’ scolding him teasingly, as he pinched some strawberries looking completely innocent yet deliciously guilty.

  ‘Morning. Don’t worry I am leaving after I grab some of that amazingly smelling breakfast,’ Cross winked, taking a plate and heading back to the mansion house to change. He had strict orders not to see the bride before the wedding and Nicholi would be leaving soon too.

  ‘I miss you already,’ I whispered, making Caitlan’s tray adding a rose and some glittery confetti.

  ‘You have no idea.’ He wrapped his arms around my waist and tenderly kissed my neck.

  ‘I will see you at the altar, and next time, it will be us, Mrs. Veneto.’ He stroked my face as I reluctantly let go of his hand and watched him drive away.

  ‘Breakfast is served, Madam,’ handing Sophia her tray with strawberry pancakes, a side of bacon and fresh fruit.

  ‘Wow, this
looks amazing. Did Cross grab some before her left?’ Taking a bite of her pancakes and savouring the taste, I bit into my waffle and marvelled at the woman before me.

  ‘What?’ she replied, perplexed by my expression as I leant in to hug her.

  ‘You just look so beautiful. You are glowing, and I am unbelievably excited for you. Has Cross told you where you are going for the honeymoon yet?’ Knowing he had kept it a secret from everyone.

  ‘No, I have no idea. He is so romantic.’

  We both finished our breakfast and decided to watch a movie to try to pass the time, having gotten up so early.

  Running the bath for Sophia, I lit the strawberry and vanilla scented candles around the tub and heard the doorbell.

  ‘I’ll get it, you relax in the bath.’ I opened the door to a delivery guy with the biggest bouquet of flowers I had ever seen.

  Carrying them up the stairs, the scent of lilies and roses enveloped me and I got lost in the design of the Oriental flower, so delicate and perfect as I presented them to Sophia. Handing her the card, she grinned wildly and blushed. They were clearly from Cross and I left her to soak while I put them in a vase.

  Checking my phone, I had three text messages from Nicholi declaring how much he was missing me and could not wait to see me. I replied; desperate to be in his arms as the doorbell once again announced we had company and this was the pattern for the next couple of hours, with an endless stream of gifts, flowers and visitors arriving.

  Sophia was getting her hair and makeup done and Mia had just arrived with the twins and Jacob. Deciding to wait until the last minute to get the girls dressed, I had put some toys out for them and Jacob was helping keep them occupied playing with their train sets and blocks.

  It was my turn to have my makeup done. I peeked at Sophia from behind the door. She was the most radiant, and stunning bride I had ever seen.

  ‘You look absolutely beautiful.’ The tears were falling before the makeup artist had even started.

  ‘I can’t wait to see the girls in their dresses.’ Her eyes dancing with joy as Mia joined us and the tears all flowed once again.

  ‘Sophia, ah, my daughter. I love you so much.’ Mia was barely able to halt the onslaught of emotions at the sight of her.

  ‘Wait until you see her in the dress. I had better put on waterproof mascara for you all,’ the makeup artist replied, clearly used to blubbering women as she started on my foundation.

  I had gotten dressed and was just going to check on Sophia when my phone rang.

  ‘Hey, baby, just checking in.’ He sounded a little strange, anxious even, but was trying to mask it.

  ‘Nicholi Veneto, what is going on?’ It was the fourth time he had called me in less than two hours, sounding more and more distracted each time.

  ‘Are you alone?’ he asked and my heart dropped.

  ‘Yes, just about to check on Sophia. Tell me.’ I was beginning to pace and longing for him to be here with me.

  ‘Larissa is in the hospital again. I don’t want to say anything to Cross, not today. But knowing I’m not there with you and she is not in a cell freaks me out. I’m coming over, can’t concentrate on anything here,’ he added, clearly pacing too and I suddenly felt jubilant at his imminent arrival.

  ‘Sophia, can I come in?’ knocking on the door as she opened it and my mouth gaped.

  ‘Oh, my, you look breathtaking.’ Completely lost for words in the face of my angel sister. She had her dress and veil on and was just about to put the necklace on that was our mothers.

  ‘Thank you. Can you help?’ turning around for me to fasten the pearls on.

  ‘Of course. Now you have something old, this. Something new, the dress. Something borrowed?’

  Mia stood forward and handed her a pearl and sapphire bracelet that fastened with a butterfly clasp.

  ‘That is borrowed and blue,’ wiping her tears with a handkerchief as I once again applauded the makeup artist for giving me waterproof mascara.

  Surveying her dress, it fitted perfectly and complemented her body shape flawlessly. It was a capped sleeved V-neck top with intricate crystals and butterfly shaped lace with an ivory and blue skirt that ended with a long train holding the same crystal and lace detail.

  ‘I love it so much. It couldn’t be more perfect,’ she whispered, her voice fuelled with all the emotion hurtling around the room at top speed.

  I started on my third pack of tissues for the day.

  ‘The twins are ready.’ I carried them into their mother’s room. Having taken a million pictures of them in their baby blue satin dresses with flowers entwined around their hairbands. A halo of blonde hair peeking through.

  ‘Ah, look at you too,’ she cried kissing them both.

  ‘Okay, are we ready to go?’ I watching Sophia sigh and nod her head.

  ‘So ready.’

  I handed her the lily and rose bouquet wrapped with a blue ribbon as the photographer took pictures.

  ‘Is that Nicholi?’ Sophia asked, noting him in the car behind as I waved helping Sophia into the car.

  ‘Yes, Cross is at the church and Nicholi wanted to drive with us,’ I explained, keeping it simple as I buckled the girls into their car seats and JC helped carry Sophia’s train inside. He looked gorgeous with his lily buttonhole and spiked hair.

  ‘Okay, ready?’ I asked as the driver pulled away with Nicholi following behind.

  ‘Absolutely.’ She was marrying the man of her dreams and I was beyond elated for her.

  We arrived at the church, the sun radiating off the stained glass windows as Nicholi exited his car and took his place by Cross’s side as the best man.

  Sophia’s four bridesmaids were waiting at the church for us and opened the car door to help gather up the twins and JC.

  We were all lined up ready to go and I saw him arrive as I took my place behind JC and the twins. He was pulling them in an antique carriage and they were playing happily with the small selection of toys I had stuffed inside with them.

  The doors opened and we began walking through. Everyone gasped at the twins and JC walking down the aisle with many tears shed. Mia met them at the front and next it was my turn.

  Taking one last look at my soul sister, I winked and nodded, and walked straight into Nicholi’s arms.

  ‘Ah, baby, you are stunning.’ He kissed my hand as I took my place awaiting Sophia’s entrance.

  I could see my grandparents sitting and smiled in their direction, turning my eyes back to Nicholi who was looking dreamier than ever. The navy blue suit he was wearing making his eyes sparkle underneath the stained glass and I could barely keep my eyes off him.

  The music began again, and as the doors opened, the whole church audibly gasped once more when Sophia entered.

  Our father looking completely proud and authoritative took her hand as they began walking down the aisle. Sophia nodded and smiled as she began until she saw Cross and their eyes locked, not moving from his face as he took her hand and led her to the altar.

  I was definitely needing the tissues again as the priest began and my eyes passed between Sophia, Cross, and Nicholi.

  After reading the vows they had written to each other, there was not a dry eye in the church and when the priest announced them, husband and wife, everyone rose to clap and cheer.

  Cross scooped his daughters into his arms and they walked up the aisle together, a perfect complete family.

  I turned as Nicholi took my hand and walked me up the aisle completely in awe and unbelievably happy.

  ‘I am so happy for them, and extremely happy I have you all to myself again,’ he grinned wickedly as we waited at the church entrance to throw confetti when Sophia and Cross would leave for the reception.

  ‘Me too, you have no idea.’ I grinned sheepishly and waved at Mia who was escorting JC.

  ‘It was such a beautiful wedding. I think I have single handily kept Kleenex in business for the next five years.’ She dabbed her eyes once more and waved madly as Sophia and
Cross appeared.

  ‘See you at the reception,’ she mouthed as rice and multicoloured confetti was showered down on them.

  Pulling into the parking lot, I handed Mia a new supply of Kleenex as Nicholi opened the door for me, taking my hand and kissing exactly where my engagement ring should be.

  ‘I have it, to return to you as soon as possible,’ he smiled eagerly as his mother watched us curiously.

  ‘Nicholi Veneto, do you have something to tell me,’ she teased, almost jumping on the spot as Nicholi turned to JC and then me.

  ‘I am the luckiest man alive, Mom. Lexi and I are getting married.’

  Mia rushed to hug us both.

  ‘Two daughters in one day. No, I am the luckiest mother and grandmother alive,’ she wept, needing to use the Kleenex sooner rather than later as we walked towards the reception venue hand in hand.

  ‘Wow, this is beautiful,’ Mia gasped as we were escorted into the marquee that was filled with flowers of all shapes and sizes. Sophia had planned everything herself and I marvelled at the antique birdcages dotted around with lovebirds sweetly harmonising together. Each table had the centrepiece I had used for her wedding shower with the golden key wrapped flowers and silk fabrics hung down from the ceiling, creating a cosy vintage feel.

  Searching for our table, I noticed the dance floor at the same time as Nicholi, grinning widely; he clearly had a secret plan.

  We took our places at the head table and much to my relief; our father was not assigned to the same area.

  ‘It was such a beautiful service,’ my grandmother cried, clutching at the pack of tissues Mia had given to her.

  Everyone was seated and the drinks were flowing. We were all waiting for the honoured guests with the maître d.

  ‘Presenting Mr. and Mrs. Veneto,’ he announced as I turned to Nicholi who was watching me intently.

  ‘Stop, I can’t concentrate,’ I teased, squeezing his hand and desperately wanting to be alone with him as everyone rose to welcome the happy couple.


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