Jazon: An Omnes Videntes Novel

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Jazon: An Omnes Videntes Novel Page 13

by Wendie Nordgren

  Melinda wiped at her eyes. “Your father has our gratitude for his intervention. Had Angelica not been here, we might all have been killed.” She hugged Toby and Tam. “Where is she now?”

  Strass said, “After her report, Father paid her for completion of her assignment, and she left.”

  When Strass picked Tracy up to carry her to her bathroom, it was an obvious strain for him, but he pretended otherwise.

  “Did you get blasted, too?” Tracy asked.

  Sympathetically, Strass said, “I was only grazed, and it hurt considerably. I can only imagine the pain in which you must be.” He gave her some privacy until she called for help.

  After she was back in her bed, she closed her eyes against the throbbing pain in her leg that had been made worse by getting up. She kept her eyes closed as the doctor checked her bandages. Her entire thigh pulsed with an attention stealing pain.

  Quietly, Melinda said, “I’ll go get you some tea. Boys, come help me with your sister’s tray.”

  “I will accompany you. Other than continuing to monitor Tracy, my only use in the room is as an unwanted chaperone,” the doctor said.

  After they had gone, Tracy stared after them. “What will become of my mother?”

  Strass said, “You are not to worry. Father is seeing to all of her legal matters. She will retain this property along with all of Jarreau’s credits and holdings. She is his wife, and his transgressions were against your family.”

  “You really did intend to marry me. Didn’t you?”

  Strass nodded. Carefully, he sat beside her on her bed.

  “I was filling out an application when I found proof against Duran. I had already decided to leave. Strass, we liked each other, but we were never in love.”

  “How can you be so sure?” he asked as he took her hand.

  “Because, I know what love feels like now. There’s no mistaking it for anything else. I love my husband, Jazon.” Tracy looked into Strass’ eyes and could see the disappointment and sadness that her words had caused him.

  A cough sounded from the doorway. Tracy’s eyes darted from Strass to Jazon. He wore the uniform of the Omnes Videntes, along with several weapons, many of which were knives. Strass paled and stood from where he had sat on the edge of Tracy’s bed. Tracy worried that Jazon might spank Strass as he had repeatedly threatened to do. He surprised her by smiling and raising his hands with his palms facing forward. Strass raised his hands and shared in the traditional Laconian greeting.

  “Master Strass, I apologize for the ruse I used when we first spoke. Our mission necessitated that we go undercover to apprehend wanted fugitives.”

  “I understand, sir.”

  Seeing Strass and Jazon side by side was a shock. Strass looked tiny and fragile next to Jazon. Jazon looked like a lethal predator ready to strike. Looking at him made her ache in an area other than her thigh, and Jazon knew it. A devilish grin lifted the corners of his mouth. “I am in your debt. Thank you for protecting my family.”

  Strass’ face darkened. “This should have been my family.” Strass turned to Tracy. “If he ever mistreats you in any way, I will make him answer for it. Should you ever change your mind, I will accept you as one of my wives.” Strass glared up at Jazon, kissed Tracy’s hand, and left.

  Tracy held her breath. When Jazon made no move to go after Strass and punch him, she started to breathe again. Instead, he moved around her room and looked at her things. Melinda and the boys brought Tracy her tray. Her brothers stared at Jazon with their mouths hanging open.

  “Toby and Tam, stop that right now. This is your Uncle Jazon. He took your sister as his first wife. Be polite,” Melinda scolded.

  “Can we take him with us to the park? Please?” Toby begged.

  “Why would you want to do that?” Melinda asked.

  “None of the boys are going to believe us if we don’t!” Tam said.

  “Yeah, we have a hybrid soldier, and they don’t,” Toby said.

  Tracy’s face began to burn. Her little brothers wanted to show her husband off as if he was some kind of freak.

  “I can spare a few minutes,” Jazon said. Toby and Tam ran to Jazon, grabbed his hands, and began pulling him from Tracy’s room, all while laughing. “Halt,” Jazon ordered. Her little brothers froze. Jazon took Tracy’s hand, kissed her fingers, and whispered, “It’s not like that. It’s a boy thing. You wouldn’t get it.”

  Then, she was alone with her mother and began to fear the worst. “Tracy, he isn’t an oddity to them. They have lost their father and a stepfather in a short period of time. To your brothers, Jazon is a symbol of powerful protection against that which they have no control. I regret not listening to you. You distrusted Duran all along. I don’t understand why I paid no heed to your thoughts.”

  “Yes, you do. He wouldn’t allow it. He hid one of my own memories from me of an argument he had with father. Oh, that reminds me. Here.” Tracy removed the lanyard from her neck from which her father’s stylus still hung.

  Her mother held it in her hands. “No, Tracy. You should keep this. Let me find something nicer from which to hang it. I’ll be right back. Drink your tea.”


  Melinda turned back to her. “Are you okay about Jazon?”

  “He may take some getting used to. He isn’t what I expected. At least his love for you is blatantly obvious. I didn’t want you to settle. You wouldn’t have been happy with Strass, not the way I was with Nathan. I want happiness for you.” Her mother smiled sadly at her before turning and walking from the room.

  Tracy was napping when Jazon returned with the boys. Her mother had attached her father’s stylus to an intricate silver chain that had been in their family for generations. Her brothers came to her room to show off their stuffed ice bears that Jazon had bought for them.

  “Did you really almost get eaten by an ice bear?” Tam asked.

  “Yes, it was horrible.”

  Jazon handed Tracy a small bouquet of blue and white flowers. “Jazon, they’re beautiful. Thank you.”

  “Show her what’s behind your back, now,” Toby said while hanging from Jazon’s arm.

  Jazon grinned and handed Tracy a jewelry box. Melinda peeked over Tracy’s shoulder. “Oh, Jazon.” Tracy’s heart fluttered into her stomach as she remembered the words she had said to him. At the ring’s center was a large green pearl, and it was surrounded by diamonds. Jazon pulled it from the box and slid it onto her finger.

  “He had it specially treated, so you can get it wet, and it won’t mess up,” Toby said.

  “Our ship readies for departure. Is there anything you would like to pack?”

  Tracy forced her eyes from the ring up to Jazon. “Um, yeah. My clothes and things. I want my doll collection.”

  “Doll collection?” Jazon asked.

  “I’ll show you,” Tam offered. Under his breath, he said, “It’s a good thing you’re brave.”

  Tracy’s dolls filled a shelved wall in her closet. Hundreds of black eyes stared back at him. “Stars,” Jazon muttered. He called the ship for backup.

  Chapter Fourteen

  After enlisting the aid of Parvac soldiers, Jazon had all of Tracy’s possessions packed and loaded into the back of a large land transport. A crowd of young boys had watched from their yards around the wealthy neighborhood. Tracy’s friends had come to say their goodbyes in person. It had caused his wife sadness to say farewell to her friend, Jaimie. Worse was the goodbye she now said to her mother.

  “You will come back to visit?” Melinda asked.

  “I assure you. We will visit each time we return to the Laconian Sector,” Jazon promised.

  Melinda kissed Jazon’s cheek. “You’ll take care of her?”

  “I will.” As a favor to his mother-in-law, he had bound his new nephews to himself telepathically to provide them with the mental stability they had lost once again when their stepfather had been assassinated. He calmed his mother-in-law’s emotions and kissed her cheek in re

  Tracy and her mother waved to each other until their transport was out of sight. The large land transport was unloaded by the time they drove up the ramp and into the warship. Jazon was as gentle as possible with Tracy as he carried her into the lift and to the infirmary. She was paler than usual with pain.

  “What about the sea stars?” Tracy asked.

  “They are in our room.”

  “Oh. Oh, no. What about Andy?” Anguish laced her words.

  “He is in the infirmary.”

  “Is he okay?”

  “Yes, he got a new look, a permanent one.” The doors to the infirmary made a slight puff of sound as they entered. “Dr. Avitus, I have a patient for you.” Gently, Jazon placed Tracy on an exam bed.

  A handsome man on the exam bed beside her smiled at her. Tracy blushed at him and worried Jazon might punch him for flirting with her. The man looked hurt by her behavior.

  Jazon spoke to him. “It’s a good thing, Andy. If Tracy didn’t recognize you, no one will.” Andy’s reconstructive surgery had been quickly approved, so there was hope he would be granted citizenship as a sentient individual. Jazon, Agata, and Vasco had spoken on his behalf.

  “Andy, is that you?” When he smiled at her again, there was no mistaking him.

  “Yes, Tracy.”

  “Thank the stars you’re okay.” It wasn’t enough of a surprise to distract her from the pain when Dr. Avitus began unwrapping the bandages around her left thigh. “Oh, sick.” There was a bloody hole through her leg where the assassin had blasted her with his highest setting. Purple bruising surrounded it.

  “Lean back, and don’t look at it,” Jazon said as he helped her to recline back on the pillow.

  “I’ll begin another nanite series, and I’m keeping her here for a few days,” Dr. Avitus stated.

  Tracy held Jazon’s hand and did her best not to cry. Then, she began looking around the infirmary. She had never before been aboard a Parvac warship. “Oh,” Tracy said.

  “What is it, darling?” Jazon asked. He smoothed her hair away from her face with his fingers.

  “Parvac pain patches are stronger.” Tracy’s eyelids became too heavy for her.

  “Keep her safe, Andy. I’ll be back.”

  “I will,” Andy promised.

  Jazon had to work off his rage. Felix’s assassin might have permanently crippled his wife. Had the shot been any higher, she would have died. He had stopped short of beating the bastard to death, but only because he wanted to watch his execution. Jazon, Agata, and Vasco had received praise for the destruction of the clones and the arrests of the scientists. Vice Admiral Kane Valen had been deployed to assist them while they had been on Leucon undergoing decontamination and had only recently docked his warship on Aurilius.

  Jazon arrived at the gym and went into the dressing room to change out of his uniform. After entering the ring, he had to wait a few moments before the soldiers who were present managed to convince someone to join him.

  “Two more,” Jazon called out.

  Once there were three Parvac soldiers in the ring with him, the sparring began. Jazon tried to clear his mind and concentrate on the match. One of the soldiers made contact with his jaw. While deflecting their blows and kicks and throwing a few punches of his own, Jazon’s thoughts returned to Tracy. Vasco had gotten to her quickly after the assassin had shot her. He was good with blaster wounds. Tracy’s family physician had taken over from there. Seeing her pale, injured, in pain, and being unable to do anything about it had been infuriating.

  That the man had tranquilized both Tracy and her mother, taken them from Sinope, successfully tricked Jazon and his team that the serum was his objective, tried to bury them beneath a pile of rubble, and shot his wife filled him with rage. However, ordering the traitorous inquisitor’s death was the Emperor’s right.

  “Enough! Enough!” a man called out.

  Jazon froze. The three soldiers were down, drenched in sweat, and breathing heavily.

  “Feeling better?” Kane asked. Vice Admiral Kane Valen was tall for a male, heavily muscled, and had the same dirty-blonde hair and green and gold eyes as his cousin, Teagan.

  The other occupants of the gym were silent. Jazon glanced around at the soldiers who had been watching the match. His skill in the ring impressed them. Jazon glanced over at Kane and climbed out of the ring. “He could have killed my wife. I almost lost her. Aww, shit.” He bowed his head. The moisture running down his face wasn’t sweat. Kane helped him remove his gloves and handed him a towel. Jazon used it to wipe away his tears.

  “Dr. Avitus believes she will make a full recovery.” Kane scrunched up his face. He leaned in closer and gave Jazon a sniff. “Jazon, you stink. You really stink. Take a shower before you return to your wife. You wouldn’t want her passing out from the smell.”

  Jazon chuckled at him. “Yes, sir.”

  Jazon had showered and changed but paced the ship’s corridors restlessly. He sensed someone’s approach.

  “What’s wrong now?” Kane asked. “That’s new carpeting you’re wearing out.”

  “I don’t know. My mission is complete, and now I don’t know what I’m doing. I have a wife. I’ve never even had a girlfriend. Shouldn’t I bring her a present or something?”

  “Yes, women like gifts. What does she like?”

  Jazon cringed. “She collects dolls. She has so many dolls.”

  Kane laughed. “I have just the thing. Come with me.”

  Jazon followed Kane to his quarters. He pulled a crate out of his storage unit, opened it, and handed Jazon one of the dolls the Chan family of Arachne had been manufacturing to resemble Teagan, the Arachnean Princess.

  “How many of those do you have?” Jazon asked incredulously.

  “About fifty or so.”


  Kane looked at Jazon as though he were an idiot. “To annoy my tiny cousin, of course. Why else?”

  Tracy was still sleeping when Jazon arrived at the infirmary. He sat beside her and watched her sleep. Vasco came for Andy. He had watched over her while Jazon had been gone just like he said he would. When Tracy woke up in pain, Jazon did his best to hide it from her. After helping her see to her physical demands, he gave her the new doll. It got him a kiss.

  Dr. Avitus decided to keep Tracy under observation in the infirmary for the duration of the return journey to Parvac. The severity of her injury required uninterrupted nanite therapy, antibiotics, and pain patches. Keeping her comfortable and still was the best way to assist with her recovery. Unfortunately, Jazon wasn’t royalty and wouldn’t be getting any special treatment. Dr. Avitus had no intentions of allowing him to sleep beside his wife in the infirmary. He was forced to return to his quarters each night to sleep alone.

  By the time the warship arrived in Parvac space, Jazon was eager to be free of Dr. Avitus’ tyranny, even if it meant being at the mercy of either Dr. Phillip Svenson or Dr. Ryan Fotri, the two private physicians in service to House Probus.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Finally, Kane’s warship docked on Parvac. Jazon kept Tracy onboard until he received confirmation that the prisoner had been relocated to a secure facility to await his trial. Only then with Dr. Avitus’ assistance did he load Tracy into a transport. She had been healing. However, as her nerves healed, her pain worsened. Every time her leg was moved or jostled, it hurt her. Jazon had been in constant contact with his brothers, so they knew what to expect.

  Teagan had promised to keep their welcome simple and had insisted that the two of them remain in her wing of the Palace until the time came when Tracy had made a full recovery. However, when Jazon told her of the invitation, Tracy got upset.

  “What about Andy? We can’t just leave him. He belongs with us! We’re the only family he knows.” Tired from the pain the transport ride was causing her, she started to cry.

  Jazon panicked. “Please, don’t cry, Tracy. Andy is going to stay with Agata and his family for the time being until his family meets hi
m and comes to a decision.”

  “So, he won’t be executed?”

  “No, he won’t be.”

  She wiped at her eyes, embarrassed at her outburst. “Does Dr. Arellano know?”

  “He does. He spoke to Andy, but Andy doesn’t remember him. Cognitively, he was too young to remember him. As far as Andy is concerned, you are his mother.”

  “Then, he should be with us,” she pleaded.

  “Tracy, mentally, he is a young man now. He was a young man on Aurilius when he saw a man hurting his mother. His intervention, along with that of the spy Lord Radford hired, bought us the time we needed. It’s time for Andy to start making his own choices. Now, I’ve met your family. It’s your turn to meet mine.”

  The transport had come to a stop in front of the Palace. Rozz opened the transport door for them while Jazon carefully lifted Tracy from it. She had been too upset to pay attention to Parvac. For a moment, she noticed the pink and orange sky. Tracy rested her head on Jazon’s shoulder. He carried her past uniformed Laconian hybrids who held open the Palace doors for them. Then, he placed her on a couch in a white sitting room accented with blue pillows and vases full of fresh flowers.

  Dr. Avitus had fitted her thigh with a protective brace to prevent it from being touched while she healed. She was grateful for it since the pain seemed to become worse each day. Tracy learned that she was capable of feeling more than just pain. Jealously suffused her being when beautiful women began hugging her husband.

  A male with long, grey hair distracted her. “Welcome to our family, Tracy. I am Zared.” He pointed at the women. “She is my wife, Teagan. The woman with her is her mother, Empress Neema.”

  “Chirp! Chirp!”

  Zared looked down. “Would you like to meet an Arachnean Silk spider?”


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