Jazon: An Omnes Videntes Novel

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Jazon: An Omnes Videntes Novel Page 14

by Wendie Nordgren

  Tracy forgot her jealousy. “Oh, yes!”

  “Thunderdrop, this is Tracy.”

  Thunderdrop climbed up beside her on the couch. While Tracy petted the sentient spider, Jazon put a pillow under her left knee.

  “You are amazing. You have such beautiful coloration, Thunderdrop. I understand how you got your name. Your abdomen resembles a cloud heavy with rain.”


  “I have just the thing to help you get around the Palace, Tracy,” Zared said with a smile. “It is a hover chair for which I no longer have any use.”

  Jazon continued to shield Tracy from the pain of her wound, but he knew the short drive had tired her. He was too concerned with her well-being to allow his brothers’ telepathic teasing to affect him. Izaac was the worst of the bunch. Into his mind, his brother asked, “What’s your wife’s name? Is it Sara? No, Tracy is her name. That’s right.”

  “Her black hair and eyes are a coincidence, nothing more. She is beautiful, though. Isn’t she?” Jazon’s telepathic question was rhetorical. He was smitten with his wife.

  Tracy watched as the two royal ladies practically floated across the floor to her in their gorgeous dresses. Tracy was all too aware of her T-shirt and jogging pants, the left leg of which had been cutoff well above her knee. She blushed and tried to smooth her hair.

  “Hello, Tracy. I’m Teagan. Welcome home.”

  “Thank you. It’s nice to meet you.”

  “Tracy, I’m Neema, Teagan’s mother. I sympathize with your injury. The detestable male responsible will never hurt you again.”

  “He is detestable. What he did to Duran while my mother watched….” Tracy shuddered. “I’m relieved Jazon caught him, and we won’t have to worry about him anymore. I was terrified of what he would do to Andy. I feared my sweet boy would be warped into someone unrecognizable.” Tracy noticed the fear that entered the eyes of both ladies at the mention of Andy’s name. “Andy is a completely different person. He is kind and gentle.” She could sense the ladies didn’t believe her.

  “He could be tricking you,” Teagan said.

  “No, I’m a telepath, but he wouldn’t be able to trick Jazon. My husband is strong. No one can trick him.” Tracy proclaimed as though daring Teagan to argue.

  Teagan laughed. “I suppose you’re right.”

  After Tracy had met his brothers and the entire Imperial family, Jazon insisted on taking her to the infirmary for a new pain patch. Then, he carried her to the room Teagan had prepared for them and held her while she took a nap. She had met everyone. Tracy had been jealous of Teagan, hadn’t been sure what to think of Sparrow, but had made an instant connection with both Violet and Princess Neema. In his absence, Neema had become obsessed with toy blasters and dolls. She either dressed her dolls up or had them fighting battles with Niklos, her little brother. Tracy had a playdate set up with Neema for after naptime.

  When she opened her eyes, she found herself snuggled against Jazon’s chest with her left leg propped up with pillows. “This is nice,” Tracy said as she looked around at the lavish room. Her observations were interrupted by her mother. The enormity of her daughter’s relocation to the Parvac Empire had finally hit her. Jazon held the vid-screen for her. “Mother, I’m fine. It’s beautiful here. I’m staying at a palace with the royal family.”

  “You’re so far away. How is your leg?” Melinda asked as she wiped at her tears.

  “It hurts. I start physical therapy tomorrow. I’m not looking forward to that, but I do have plans to go out sightseeing with Violet. She’s Arachnean. We’re getting our hair done, having lunch, and maybe doing a little shopping if I can handle it. My typical attire doesn’t mesh with this place too much.”

  “You will call me?”

  “Yes, Mother.” Tracy ended the call.

  Jazon grinned at her. Soon after their arrival, he, Agata, and Vasco had been awarded medals for their outstanding bravery in service to the Empire. “It’s still naptime,” he said. Tracy giggled at him as he undressed her with the same gentle care he had used earlier while changing the diaper of Peter, Teagan’s youngest son. However, soon afterwards her giggles changed to satisfied sighs.

  A few days later, Tracy hadn’t worn any of the beautiful clothes she had purchased while out shopping with Violet, her daughter, Poppy, and her husband, Kaoti. Instead, she wore an old stained pair of shorts and one of her academy T-shirts. Dr. Phillip Svenson, the human doctor who served as the family physician of Princess Probus’ household, gave her a smile that made her stomach flutter. His blue eyes twinkled at her like sunlight reflecting off of ocean water. He had his hand wrapped around her left ankle with his other hand flat in front of her toes.

  “Touch your toes to my hand,” Phillip ordered.

  “It hurts.”

  “Just try,” Phillip coaxed. Tracy pushed through the burning pain and touched his palm with her big toe. He made her repeat the exercise five time. Phillip lifted her ankle. “Don’t tense up. I’ve got you. Just relax. Now, circle your ankle.” Once Tracy was in tears, he stopped, gave her a pain patch, and sent her to the hydrotherapy tub.

  “How is she?” Jazon asked.

  “She’s gorgeous, smart, and so sassy. The skin on her legs is so incredibly soft.” Deliberately, Phillip began thinking of how those soft legs would feel wrapped around his back.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Jazon warned.

  “What? I was thinking of offering myself to her in proper Parvac fashion. Don’t you want to be my co-husband?” Phillip asked with a wink.

  “It is good for your sake that I know you are only teasing me.”

  Phillip laughed. “Seriously, it won’t be easy, but the prognosis is good. Her epidermal layer is healed, but it will take time for the nanites to heal the scarring. Retraining her muscles will be the most challenging aspect of her recovery. Tracy isn’t going to like it, but I’m taking the hover chair away from her next week.”

  “It’s too soon. Moving her leg hurts her enough. I will not allow my wife to suffer needlessly.”

  “She has to work through it and start using her leg. Otherwise, she might become psychologically addicted to that chair.” Phillip waited until Jazon’s helpless anger dissipated. “Did you know she likes to go fishing? Why don’t the two of you come out on the lake with Fitz and me in the morning? Don’t worry, Jazon. We’ll have her back to normal in time for our Thalassan vacation.” Phillip winked at him.

  Emperor Probus had been planning an elaborate vacation for his household for weeks. The elimination of Felix’s clones had done much to alleviate the apprehension of the Imperial family.

  “I can’t wait to see your wife on the beach,” Phillip said suggestively.

  Jazon pulled back his fist.

  Zared caught the blow moments before it made contact with Phillip’s nose. “You would be wise to resist tormenting my brother,” Zared said.

  “I can’t help it. It’s so easy. I’ll go check on Tracy in the hydrotherapy bath. Maybe, she needs help drying off.” Phillip sauntered off.

  “He’s just doing it to annoy you.”

  Jazon met his brother’s eyes. “We need to find that man a wife.”


  “Do you have any updates?”

  “The assassin has been questioned, tried, and will be executed. Andy has been awarded sentient status and citizenship. He has been claimed by House Jiri and will reside on Thalassa.”

  “Is Teagan okay with Andy?”

  “No, she and her mother are frightened of him. It will take time before he earns their trust.”

  “You’ve explained about Andy to Teagan?”

  “I have. However, logic sometimes banishes fear slowly.”

  “Why do you have to be so pushy? What’s the rush? I’m not ready for this,” Tracy yelled irately at Phillip. She had her right arm around his neck. He was helping her hobble to her chair. “Jazon!”

  “Yes, my darling?”

  “Can we go no

  He waited to answer until he received a nod from Phillip. Tracy was eager to leave the infirmary. In the hall, Jazon and Zared walked to either side of Tracy in her borrowed hover chair. She stopped suddenly.

  “Are you alright?” Jazon asked.


  Zared moved aside and gave his attention to a painting hanging on the wall.

  “What’s wrong?” Jazon asked as he crouched down beside her.

  “You know what’s wrong. There was a hole through my leg. It still hurts. Why are you letting Dr. Svenson push me so hard?” Tracy frowned at him with tears in her black eyes.

  Jazon kneeled down in front of her and took her hands in his. “If you are content to spend the remainder of your life in this chair, you may do so. However, if you would prefer to have the use of your leg, you will follow Dr. Svenson’s instructions. He is the finest physician I know.”

  “Aww, shucks, Jazon. You say the sweetest things,” Phillip said as he walked by. He blew a kiss at Jazon and batted his eyelashes at him.

  “Back off, Dr. Svenson. He’s mine,” Tracy said.

  Loud male laughter filled the hall.

  The next morning, Tracy was eager to leave the Palace and go out fishing. Doing something normal in the midst of living on an alien world with royalty was surreal. “Do you know what Princess Probus asked me?” Tracy cast her line out into the lake. Her question had been asked in a whisper so as not to scare the fish. Both Fitz and Phillip were impressed with her technique which filled Jazon with pride.

  “What?” Phillip asked. He thought Tracy was cute. However, Jazon kept sending him mental images of broken bones protruding through skin each time he had inappropriate thoughts about her.

  “She asked me if I knew Consul Dano! Me! As if I would have ever even seen in person one of the rulers of my home world and the rest of the Laconian Sector. I’ve only ever seen him on the vid-screen.”

  “Yes, we’ve stayed at his house. He took Teagan out shopping and everything,” Phillip said.

  Tracy’s eyes got even bigger in her round face. “I can’t seem to get comfortable with all of this. Aren’t you nervous about being around all of these powerful, high-class people?”

  “I was nervous when I first met Emperor Probus, but he’s Cupcake’s father. So, I decided he was family and moved on,” Phillip said.

  Tracy looked over at Fitz for his opinion. He gave her the practiced smile of a politician. “My father is the Praetor of Thalassa. I’ve known Tavere all of my life. Also, Teagan is my wife.”

  Tracy blushed and gaped at him. “So, you’re royalty, too. But, you seem so normal.”

  Fitz laughed. “After you get to know everyone better, you won’t be so nervous around them.”

  Tracy felt a tug on her line, reeled in her fish, took a few pictures and scans of it, and then released it back into the lake.

  “What’d you do that for?” Phillip asked.

  “You’re eating them?”

  “Well, yes. We always do.”

  “Fine. I can catch more fish than any of you,” she said.

  “No, you can’t. You’re just a girl,” Jazon quipped.

  By the end of the morning, Fitz had caught the most fish, but Tracy had come in second. “Jazon, what about the men who were working with the assassin, the ones who flew the fighters and helped him board our ship?”

  Jazon pulled Tracy onto his lap, which jostled the boat, and kissed Tracy’s sunburned nose. “Agata and Vasco got them. Don’t worry.”

  “What if there are more of them, and they try to take Andy?”

  Fitz said, “They would fail. Andy belongs to House Jiri. We take care of our own.”

  The day came when Phillip took Tracy’s hover chair away. Jazon was on duty, and Tracy was exhausted simply from showering and getting dressed. She was wearing one of her new Parvac dresses. It was rather risqué compared to the fashions of Aurilius. However, the pale-blue fabric and style were very becoming. She sat on the edge of the bed. Each step she took on her left leg agonized her, and the hall leading to the sitting room seemed daunting. While contemplating what to do, a knock sounded on her door.

  “Come in,” Tracy said. Princess Probus opened the door. Surprised, Tracy stood and managed a curtsey. “Princess Probus, good morning.”

  “Tracy, my name is Teagan. Call me Teagan. I started to worry about you. Aren’t you coming out to the patio for breakfast?”

  “I’m not sure. Jazon isn’t here, Phillip took the hover chair away, and it seems like such a long walk.”

  Teagan walked into the room and spotted the cane Tracy’s brothers had given to her. “Here. Use this, and I’ll help you, too. We’ll go together.” Teagan pulled Tracy’s arm around her neck. Together, they began the walk down the hall. They took a few brief breaks before making it out to the patio. Teagan’s husband, Yukihyo, held out chairs for each of them.

  Phillip winked at Tracy from across the table. “See, I knew you could do it. Now that you are better, we need to take you shopping for proper swimming attire. I know just the place.”

  “Phillip, stop teasing Tracy,” Teagan said with a scowl.

  Phillip tried to look hurt. “I’m not. It’s her husband who needs to be teased. Have you seen how he looks at her?” He mimicked a love-struck expression.

  Tracy blushed and smiled. “He is the sweetest and most romantic male I have ever met.” She began thinking about Thalassa and what she had learned of it. “You’re right, Dr. Svenson. I do need things for the trip. I will not allow another female to steal Jazon’s attention from me.”

  “Oh, you don’t have to worry about that happening,” Yukihyo said. Phillip kicked him under the table and shot him a warning look.

  “I need things, too,” Sparrow said.

  “Is Phillip taking us shopping?” Violet asked.

  “Yes, he’s buying us everything we want and carrying all of our bags,” Teagan said.

  “Only on the condition that I get to pick out one thing for each of you, and you have to wear it into the ocean,” Phillip said.

  Sparrow stared at Phillip. “Xavier told me that clothing isn’t worn into the water. Why would you have us do so?”

  Yukihyo smirked at Phillip.

  Jazon, Xavier, Zared, and Kaoti spent the day guarding Teagan and their wives while they shopped. After the first hour, Phillip had surprised Tracy with the hover chair that he had packed into the trunk of the transport.

  “Tracy is beginning to feel like she belongs. She has been homesick.” Jazon smiled. Over lunch, Tracy had told the other ladies about their adventures on Leucon with clones, ice bears, and rats.

  “Sparrow is enjoying herself. Her feelings of awkwardness have diminished significantly,” Xavier said. He watched as Sparrow laughed. It made her brown curls spill forward.

  “Violet was terrified of all things Parvac at one time,” Kaoti said.

  “Teagan was as well,” Zared said.

  They all laughed.

  “We have wives,” Jazon said in disbelief.

  After they had returned to their bedroom in the Palace, Tracy asked, “Are you ready to tell me which of my purchases you like? I’m accustomed to dressing for working in a lab, conducting field research, or attending classes.”

  “Yes,” Jazon responded while giving her a serious look.

  She was sitting on the bed where he had placed her. “Okay. Bring me that bag.”



  “Tracy, at the moment, the only thing I want covering you is me.”

  Tracy watched as he removed his shirt. Once he stood before her completely nude, her eyes went black. “I’ve never wanted you more than I want you right now, Jazon Ponidi.”

  Jazon grinned, “If you want me, come and get me.”

  It took some effort, but she caught him, and she didn’t let him go.

  The End

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