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CAOS MC: The Series

Page 6

by KB Winters

  I heard the slide and thump of an uneven gait. “Who are you?” The voice came from the dark, scratchy as though whoever it was hadn’t had water for days.

  I thought for a second maybe a lost hiker had wandered my way, but then, that’s exactly what a serial killer would want me to think, right? “I don’t think so, buddy. You’re at my place, who the hell are you? Show yourself, dammit.”

  “Dagger,” he spat on a groan. I’d heard the name before and when I realized who he was, I reached for my phone and flicked on the flashlight.

  “Oh hell,” I gasped at the sight of him beaten and bloody. “Come in,” I urged, but it became clear moving caused him more pain, so I helped him as best I could considering he was a big man. Tall and solid. “Damn, you’re heavy. You lift cars instead of weights?”

  He tried to laugh and winced for his efforts. “Funny.”

  “What the hell happened? Does anything feel broken?”

  “Nah, my ribs are bruised, though. I’m just busted up and probably in need of a few stitches.” Typical man trying to downplay his injuries.

  But I knew better, so I put a hand to his chest until he fell onto the bed in one of the guest rooms, taking off his boots, his cut, and his shirts. All three of them. “Shit. What happened to you? Never mind, don’t talk. Drink this water while I gather some supplies, and then I’ll let Mick know you’re here. Should I let Trudy know, too?” I wanted to make her my first call, thinking about how tangled up she’d been over his disappearance.

  His eyes flashed gratitude behind the blood and bruising. “Not yet, but thanks.”

  “Lucky for you my dad had a pretty amazing first-aid kit in here,” I told him as I finished cleaning up the blood and rinsing out his wounds. “I’m Talon by the way, Magnus was apparently my dad.” I shook his hand and got to work disinfecting the wounds and using butterfly bandages for the ones that needed stitches. “Not the prettiest job, but it’s done. I’m afraid I’ll need to stitch that gash in your head so…whiskey or tequila?”

  Dagger smiled, and I imagined that busted lip hurt like hell. “Yes.”

  I handed him the bottle of Jim Beam and got to work stitching like I had any medical training. “All better,” I told him fifteen minutes and ten stitches later, and then I shot off a text to Mick.

  I need you. Bring ice. Come alone. ~T

  “Thanks for this,” he groaned.

  “None necessary. Trudy’s worried sick, and that’s enough for me.” My whole body went still at the now familiar roar of big ass motorcycles in the distance. More than one which meant not Mick. “Shit. Dagger, get up.”

  “Give me up, Talon, it’s not worth it.”

  I rolled my eyes at his attempt at chivalry. “Lord save me from chivalrous men. I’m guessing those visitors are looking for you?” He nodded and I scanned the room, thinking of the blueprints I’d found a few weeks ago. “Well it looks like you sought refuge here at the right time.” The room sat on a slant like it had been added on later, and right where the roof met the wall I searched for a seam that wasn’t visible. “There,” I said when I pushed and the wall opened.” Get in and don’t make a peep. You’re injured so don’t try to come to my rescue.” He wanted to argue so I shoved him in and shut the door, placing the oversized beanbag against it.

  The sounds of the bikes grew closer, and I knew I didn’t have much time. Gathering up all the bloody rags and gauze, Dagger’s clothes and boots, and all evidence that someone else had been here, I shoved it the hamper in my bathroom and wet my hair before wrapping it in a towel moments before a loud banging sounded at my door.

  Stay calm. You can do this. In movies pep talks always seem to work, to push the person into being stronger, and I hoped like hell it’d work for me. Peeking through a side window, I saw that creepy bastard, Toro, on my porch along with someone I’d never seen before. After a long cleansing breath, I picked up the bat, gripping the handle behind the door. “Yes?”

  “You here alone,” he barked the question at me as though I owed him an answer.

  “None of your business. Why are you here?”

  “Mick here?” Toro’s scowl deepened, and I knew this guy could do serious damage, but I refused to be afraid.

  “He will be soon.” I hoped so at least.

  I could tell right away he didn’t believe me, but I didn’t give a shit. He didn’t know me well enough to know I was lying. “No one is here? You haven’t seen Dagger?”


  “You mind if we look around?” He moved toward me as though my agreement were a foregone conclusion.

  “Actually, I do. I don’t know you or him, and I’m not in the habit of letting men I don’t know into my home. You can wait until Mick gets here or you can go.” I gripped the bat tighter in my hands, sensing that soon I would have to use it.

  “You cocky bitch, I can’t wait to teach you a fucking lesson,” he actually sneered like a fucking cartoon villain.

  I laughed to cover all traces of the fear that snaked through me at his words. “I’d like to see you try.” I knew poking the bear was wrong, ill-advised, but I couldn’t seem to help myself.

  Though I knew what was about to happen because I saw his raised foot, I couldn’t move fast enough when he kicked the door, and I stumbled back. Thankfully I still gripped the bat in my hands, making the greasy fucker grin. “Oh, kitty has claws.”

  “The better to slit your throat with.” I grinned back.

  He lunged, and I swung the bat hard too hard because it only grazed his elbow which was enough to slow him down so I could get an actual weapon. Like a knife. “Bitch! You’ll pay for that,” he groaned.

  I heard footsteps behind me, and I ran faster to the kitchen, grabbing the closest knife I could reach just as his hand wrapped around my arm. I turned and sliced at him, sending him reeling back with a roar of pain. “I’ll kill you!” The unknown man grabbed my wrist and banged it hard against the wall until I dropped the knife, his other hand twisting around my hair and locking me in his grasp.

  Toro spat, “But first, I think I’ll teach you a lesson on how bitches are supposed to act.”

  I swallowed my fear, refusing to show any outward signs to this bastard. I fought against the other man’s grasp, trying to work myself free. “The only way you can get any is to take it by force. Another limp dick,” I spat seconds before his fist landed hard on the side of my face. My head lurched backward into the man’s chest with a resounding thud, but I remained resilient and placed a smile on my face as blood filled my mouth. “Big man,” I groaned.

  “I don’t care what you think, slut, but after tonight you won’t take a piss without thinking of me.” Toro edged closer, rage blazing in his eyes. “Fucking bitch,” he yelled when I raked my nails down his face. “I can’t wait to tear you up.” He punched me hard, and my legs buckled. The other man tightened his arms around me, but I let my weight fall heavy against him. “Let’s see how bad Mick wants you with a fucked up face.” He trailed the blade of a knife down my jaw with a creepy smile. “Or when you’ve been fucked so hard you can’t sit, can’t piss.”

  Bile rose up in my throat. Fear and adrenaline had me, but I swallowed it down because I could hear the little kick up of gravel outside and I knew, I hoped at least, that meant Mick would soon be here. “Oh yeah? You’d better get that bat then because I doubt I’d feel anything otherwise.”

  I knew I’d pushed him too far when his face twisted in unspeakable madness, and he raised his hand to strike me again. But the blow didn’t land because he was knocked to the ground.

  “Mick!” He sat on top of Toro and landed blow after blow. The other man let me go and went after my man. “Mick,” I yelled again, but he was too consumed by his rage.

  Reaching for the bat, I lifted it over my head and brought it down across the unknown man’s back with a satisfying thwack. “Mick, stop!”

  The sound of flesh knocking the shit out of flesh stopped, and he looked over his shoulder. “Babe, you al
l right?” He was at my side in a moment, stroking my face, rage building at the sight of the blood and the bruises I was sure had already begun to form on both sides of my face. “I should have gotten here sooner.”

  “I’m a little banged up, but I’m fine. Your friends figured they could come in and search my house without permission, and then thought they’d take a piece of me for their efforts.” I knew the blame didn’t lie with Mick, but these guys were his guys and that made it feel too personal.

  His expression darkened and he stood over both men, bloody and groaning. “Church tonight at midnight. It’s the only reason you motherfuckers aren’t dead right now.”

  I kind of wished they both were dead as my heart pounded furiously in my chest, and a chill washed over my body. Teeth chattering, I watched Mick kick them out of my house, which I feared may never feel like my home again.

  Chapter Eight


  If I hadn’t been sure about my feelings for Talon before, charging into her house and seeing one of the prospects holding her while Toro got ready to hit her again had brought it all home to me. She meant everything to me, and I had come close to killing a member of my club for her. That was scary shit, but not as scary as what they would have done if I’d gone straight to the clubhouse as I planned. “Darlin’, tell me you’re all right. Please.”

  She cupped my jaw more lovingly than I deserved. “I’m shaken up and in pain but okay. They aren’t why I called, though.” Slowly she rose from the sofa, and I followed her down the hall where the bedrooms were located.

  “What’s going on? I need to get out of here because some serious shit is going down tonight.” I didn’t mean to be an asshole after what happened to her, but we finally had the evidence we needed to present to the club.

  “Trust me,” she said, and I wanted to yell and scream, to go fuck someone up because one silver eye had started to swell and the other had blood creeping in.

  “I do.”

  I guess that satisfied her because she moved that ugly ass beanbag chair that Magnus loved and pressed on the wall until it popped open. “All clear,” she groaned and stepped back.

  Dagger stepped out looking like he’d been on the losing end of a beat down. “Holy shit, brother, what happened to you?”

  “Toro and Wags,” he groaned as he stood, leaning on Talon who’d moved in to assist him to the bed. “They’re into some bad shit.”

  “Yeah, I know. You showed up just in time for Church tonight.”

  He grinned, but I could see how much pain he was in. “Your girl patched me up. Magnus has a kid, what a kick.” Then his gaze finally settled on her again. “What the fuck happened?”

  “Your buddies wanted to come in and look for you. I said no.”

  “Shit, Talon, I’m sorry.” He looked so full of regret that any anger I had about him not helping vanished. “I didn’t hear shit.”

  “Thick walls,” she said and left the room, returning moments later with a bottle of water and her phone. “Can I let Trudy know you’re alive and well? She’s worried sick.”

  “No,” he barked angrily. “When this is all over I’ll get home to her.” His voice softened. “She’ll try to come to me now, and it’s not safe.”

  “Fine. There’s a truck in the garage, but I’m guessing you know that,” she said to me, her eyes no longer full of light and happiness.

  I hated that this shit had touched her so closely, too fucking closely. “I do,” I finally answered and leaned down to press a kiss to her mouth. “I’m sorry this happened, but I swear I’ll make it up to you.” I took her mouth again because I couldn’t help it. Because she was everything to me. Because I could. “You truly are something special.”

  She grinned and winced, placing a hand against her bruised and swollen face. “I’m glad you think so, Mick, because I’m sure.” She looked up at me, and what I could see of her silver eyes sparkled with love. I just hoped I could be worthy of a woman like her.

  “Good to know.” I kissed her again, this time longer and hotter, full of meaning before stepping back and helping Dagger to the garage. “Talon?” I turned to where she stood in the doorway.


  “I love you, too.”

  She smiled, and her skin flushed prettily. “Be safe, guys. Come back to me, Mick.”

  “Always.” I meant those words with everything inside of me. I would get the club back on the right track and then I’d come back to my woman and make her mine.


  “You sure you want to do this, Mick?”

  I looked at my President, my leader, and gave him a sharp nod. I more than wanted to do this, I needed to do this shit. “Fuck yeah, I’m sure. You saw what they did to Dagger, and you saw the footage, not to mention what they did to Talon.” Then a thought occurred to me. “Are you cool with them going behind your back to do this shit? Pocketing a shit ton of cash that should go to the club?”

  His expression darkened, but when he answered with a short, “No,” relief flooded my body.

  I knew I was being a prick and letting my mouth run away, but Rod didn’t seem to get how bad this was for him. For all of us really, but the challenge of his leadership could be dangerous for him. “If this shit comes back, it’ll be on the club not just Toro and Wags. I don’t want Talon or Minx or anyone’s ol’ ladies to pay for their shit. They pay enough for ours.”

  “Yeah, yeah. I got it, Mick, and I’m with you. Let’s do this shit.” He clapped my back and slid open the doors of the Church of CAOS. It’s where we held all of our important meetings, voted on club matters from stripping members of their tags to removing tattoos and welcoming new prospects. For us this room was as sacred as any other church.

  Roddick took his seat at the head of the table and removed the bandana that kept his black hair tied back. The silver outlaw gavel in his hand as he looked at the men already assembled. The empty seats belonged to the traitors whose fates we would decide tonight.

  Toro and Wags strolled in, all smiles despite the ass kicking they took earlier. I looked forward to taking these motherfuckers down. Especially the prick who’d laid hands on Talon. “Looks like the gang’s all here.” He smirked and took his seat to Rod’s right.

  “Sit down!” Rod’s bark echoed in the room, drawing the attention of everyone. Those still standing sat except Toro. Defiant to the fucking end.

  Toro finally sat, leaning back in a casual stance that underscored the tension in his face. “Is this ‘cause Mick got his panties in bunch? You can’t blame me for wanting a piece of that fine ass. Would’ve gotten it too if you weren’t such a pussy.”

  “Big talk for a man who got his face bashed in. Didn’t realize rape was a part of CAOS these days,” I spat and let the room absorb those words. “I got the bruises you put on her as proof. Want to deny it so we can settle this outside?”

  He paled, but the bastard refused to back down. “Anytime.”

  “Enough,” Rod growled, his patience obviously at its breaking point. “Church is now is session. We need to talk about some of the rumors I’ve been hearing and frankly I don’t fucking like.” He outlined the basics, that club members are providing unsanctioned protection for shit we don’t deal in.

  “Probably just a few assholes jealous because they’re broke.” Toro grinned, but I could see the lines tightening around his eyes and mouth.

  Rod looked him head on. “So, you’re telling me that you aren’t one of the men providing protection so the Mexican Devils can get drugs across the border? What about the Aces & Spades? The Star Fuckers?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about. You have something to say, say it.”

  Rod nodded and looked around the room. “Does every voting member in the room know the penalty for stealing money from the club?”

  Everyone nodded because we all fucking knew.

  “And double dealing,” Rod added with a glare.

  We all nodded again.

  “And what about
going against the club?”

  We all banged against the table knowing that the penalty for that particular sin was a date with the Outlaw.

  “Good. Then let’s get down to business.” The flat screen on the wall flickered on, and the grainy video footage Cash and I shot began to play. After a few grumbles the room fell silent, watching Toro shake hands with Lazarus, take cash from Lazarus, and lead him and his men to a safe house that belonged to the Star Fuckers.

  “This is bullshit!” Toro stood and banged his hands on the table in fake ass outrage. He marched to the door but found two prospects standing guard and turned back to Roddick. “You know I wouldn’t do that.”

  Yeah, that fucker was afraid now.

  Rod stood up, every fucking inch the battle-hardened President he was. We needed. “I thought that too, but then I spoke to Lazarus. And Dante and Xiao. They all told me about these deals they thought were brokered with my okay. Funny, Toro, I don’t recall any of these fucking deals.”

  Toro paled while Rocky and Wagman remained silent. No one knew who else was involved yet, and those assholes kept their mouths shut. “We did the heavy lifting, so we earned that money,” he shot back, full of defiance.

  Rod stared him down for a long moment, probably thinking of all the shit they’d been through together. Those two had been around for decades, had each other’s backs for a long time, and this kind of betrayal had to sting. He banged the Outlaw gavel five times in honor of the five founding members. “Call to a vote on VP Toro for stealing club funds. For brokering deals against club interests. For killing a fellow Outlaw.”

  “I did not kill Magnus! But the mutherfucker’d still be alive if he’d just kept the produce comin’ in the way it was. We had a deal!” The fear in his eyes told me that was exactly what he’d done, but my guess was, he had the prospect do it.


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