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Clinched_A Single Dad Romance

Page 10

by Nikki Ash

  My senior year of college I met Justin. Six months later, we had sex and it was okay but not something a girl would write home about…if her parents were alive…and wanted to hear about her sex life. I’ve never orgasmed during sex but I read that’s normal. I looked it up and several articles state over seventy percent of women don’t orgasm through penetration alone. I know I can orgasm through masturbation since I’ve done it myself, but Justin never cared enough to bring me to an orgasm. Sex with my husband went from okay to robotic and eventually it was so bad, I would just tune it out completely. Most of the time we had sex, he would finish in mere minutes not even caring if I came.

  I’m curious to find out if most men are selfish in bed like Justin, or if they’re more like the men in the romance books I’ve been binge reading the last several months. I’m not getting my hopes up but it would be nice to experience an orgasm at the hands of someone other than myself. I don’t, however, think that will be happening any time soon and most likely not by the hands of Tristan.

  “Charlie! I need a White Russian and a Manhattan,” Bianca says, giving me a small smile and a wink. Bianca is a waitress here at Plush and one of the sweetest women I’ve ever met. She helped train me when I first started here a few months ago and was so patient with me. When I told her I had no experience, she insisted everyone has to start somewhere.

  I finish making the Manhattan and pour it into its glass, then hand them both to Bianca. She places them on her tray and sashays over to the table to serve the men sitting in her section. It’s Tuesday night and the club is busy. I’m working the downstairs bar with another bartender, Nick, and by the time I’m able to take my first break it’s already after eleven p.m.

  “Hey Nick! I’m going to take a quick fifteen.” He looks my way and shoots me a smile to acknowledge he heard me. I use the restroom quickly, wash my hands, and run my fingers through my hair before sticking it up in a high ponytail. Then I grab a granola bar from my purse and scarf it down.

  As I’m walking down the hallway back toward the bar, I see Tyler walking my way. He gives me a chin raise and stops in front of me. “A guy came in here looking for you.” The blood flowing through my veins drains downward, my body suddenly turning cold. Please god, there’s no way Justin could’ve found me. I’ve done everything right. I haven’t left a single bread crumb for him to follow.

  “W-what did he want?” Tyler gives me a look of concern. He doesn’t know anything about my past. While I told him and Bianca a little—keeping it simple and only giving them just enough so they understood I needed to lay low because of an ex—I didn’t give them any specifics.

  “Hey now. It’s okay.” He places his hand on my shoulder and I flinch. “Sorry.” He removes his hand from my body, having figured it out months ago, I don’t do touching well. “It was a member…actually, a guest of a member. He came in and requested you, but I told him you aren’t available.”

  “Oh,” I say in relief.

  “I know your stance on entertaining and working private parties, but you could make a killing.” He waggles his eyebrows comically.

  “I know, but I love bartending and suck at seduction,” I laugh. “I’ll leave that to the experts. I wouldn’t want to give your club a bad name!” I pat him on his shoulder playfully and head back to the bar wondering who came in here to request me. Could it have been Tristan? My heart picks up slightly at the thought of him coming in here looking for me.

  When I get back to the bar, I see things have picked back up again, so I jump right in taking and making orders alongside Nick. Once the rush has slowed down, Bianca plops down onto a stool and I pour her an ice water.

  “Thank you! It’s busy tonight.” I nod in agreement. “We should go out one night this week. I could’ve sworn I saw you’re off Friday night.” She grins mischievously. She knows I’m off because she’s the one who makes the schedule. I roll my eyes and then notice a guy sit down a couple stools over. Grabbing a menu, I place it in front of him.

  “What can I get you this evening?” When I look up, sky blue eyes are dancing with laughter.

  “You work here,” Tristan’s friend Mason states knowingly, a slight smirk quirking up on one side of his mouth.

  “You know I work here. I helped host your private party the other night.”

  He shakes his head. “You know what I mean. You work down here at the bar. That’s why you weren’t dressed like the other women.” Ahh…so he’s catching on.

  “And?” I challenge.

  “And…my boy was here requesting you…because he thinks you’re an entertainer. But you aren’t, are you?”

  “I can’t help what your boy assumed.” I shrug and Mason throws his head back in laughter. “What can I get you to drink?”

  “I’ll take a Heineken.” I grab a chilled glass and tip it slightly, pulling the lever up so the beer pours into the glass without all of the foam. Once it’s filled to the brim, I flip the lever back down and place the glass on a coaster on the bar top.

  “So, do you strip at all?” Mason asks, but before I can answer Bianca butts in laughing.

  “That’s funny! Charlie taking her clothes off?” I glare her way and she laughs harder before changing the direction of the conversation. “I don’t usually strip or entertain either, but for you”—she checks Mason out from head to toe, lust shining in her eyes—"I might be willing to make an exception.”

  “That’s good to know.” Mason smiles wide at Bianca’s flirting. “But I’m here for my boy. I’m thinking I should shoot him a quick text and let him know I’ve found his alcohol-slinging Cinderella.”

  “Cinderella?” Bianca questions and I groan, walking away from them to refill another member’s drink. When I return Bianca is laughing.

  “Charlie! You let the poor guy believe you’re a stripper?”

  I shrug. “He assumed…and you know what they say about people who assume.” Bianca cackles and downs the rest of her water before getting back up to go check on her tables. Once she’s gone, I turn to Mason. “Trust me when I tell you it’s for the best. If Tristan was smart, he would forget about me and go in search of a woman who isn’t as fucked up as I am.” It’s the first time I’ve acknowledged just how broken I am, but he needs to know what his friend is trying to get himself into.

  Mason shakes his head and takes a sip of his beer. “You sound like Tristan.”

  “So, he does know how messed up I am.”

  “No.” Mason laughs humorlessly. “He believes he’s just as fucked up.” Somehow, I can’t imagine Tristan’s issues measuring anywhere near the magnitude of mine on the Richter scale of fuckedupness, but it makes me wonder about him. I haven’t seen Lexi’s mom around, nor have either of them mentioned her. Just as Tristan doesn’t know anything about my past, the truth is I don’t really know anything about his either. He appears put together. He has a nice home, a nice car, a beautiful daughter. Apparently, I’m just as guilty at assuming as Tristan is.

  I leave Mason to enjoy his drink in peace while I tend to other members. Another hour goes by and Bianca is back at the bar. “So…Friday night…you, me, Club Hectic.” I groan, handing her another water. “Please, Charlie, I need you as my wing woman. Please, please, please, pl—”

  “Okay!” I cut her off. “Okay, fine! But only for a couple of hours.”

  “Yes! I will get a car service and pick you up at eight o’clock. We’re going to have so much fun!”



  Lexi’s asleep, and Morgan has just left with her boyfriend, Adam. I had her come by to keep an eye on my daughter while I went to Plush with Mason again in an attempt to find Charlie. After the owner told me Charlie wasn’t available, Mason suggested we stay and have a drink but I wasn’t feeling it. The last few days I’ve had Charlie on my brain but it’s obvious it’s not going anywhere. Hell, I can’t even reserve time with her! I came home and hung out with my sister until her boyfriend came to pick her up to go out for dinner. With a b
eer in my hand, I sulk in front of the TV watching stupid late-night shows.

  The door swings open and closed, Mason entering our condo like a damn tornado. “You. Me. Club Hectic Friday night.”

  “Lexi,” is all I say.

  “Have your sister come back over. Trust me.” His arms cross over his chest and he gives me a knowing smirk.

  “Fine,” I sigh, taking another pull of my beer, and go back to watching whatever crap is on the television.

  It’s Friday night and my sister is at my place babysitting Lexi. I’m nursing my third beer at the bar of the newest club in the area: Club Hectic. Mason’s sitting next to me with a beer in his hand as well but he keeps surveying the area like he’s waiting on someone.

  “You ready to tell me why we’re here? Why we’ve been sitting here for the last hour like we’re waiting on someone.” Mason’s about to say something when he looks over my shoulder, his smile widening.

  “Because we are and she just got here.” He nods his head so his chin juts out indicating someone is behind me. When I turn around to see who he’s referring to, the sight in front of me has me cursing under my breath.

  Charlie is walking toward the dance floor with another woman. She’s wearing a light blue skintight dress that hugs her curves in all the right places. The dress isn’t short by any means which makes it that much sexier. The front is shaped like a V showing her ample cleavage. Her hair is down in thick waves framing her face, and her makeup is done natural—a smidge of blue around her eyes to accent her dress. She smiles at whatever her friend is saying and then throws her head back in laughter. When she gets to the center of the dance floor and turns around to face her friend, I notice the back of her dress is practically missing, revealing her entire sexy back. Holy shit! This woman is fucking stunning.

  “You’re welcome,” Mason says laughing before he gets up and heads toward the women. I drop my beer onto the bar top and follow him over. He must know the woman Charlie is with because he doesn’t even introduce himself before joining her.

  Before Charlie can turn around, I come up behind her, our bodies almost touching. I know she can be skittish, so before I pull her body against mine, I lean down into her ear and whisper, “You look stunning tonight.” She jumps slightly, but once she tilts her head to the side and sees it’s me, a ghost of a smile splays across her lips, her body visibly relaxing. I take that as my cue to touch her. Wrapping my arms around her waist from behind, I lean down, my chin resting on her shoulder and I can feel her body sinking into mine.

  “I should’ve known Mason would find us,” she laughs, shaking her head. At first thought, I’m not sure what she means by that, but suddenly it all clicks. Somehow Mason knew she would be here tonight. Mason glances over at me and gives me a knowing nod.

  There’s a remix of throwbacks booming through the speakers in the club. The song switches to Bow Wow’s You can get it all, and Charlie’s ass sways to the music. Gliding my hands down her waist and over her hips, I stop at the sides of her thighs, our bodies dancing in sync against each other to the beat of the music. Charlie’s arm comes up and her fingers wrap around my nape as she sways seductively against me.

  The songs bleed together one after another until the deejay changes it up and a slower song fills the speakers. Charlie turns around, both her arms wrapping around my neck as she continues dancing, her moves slowing down to match the rhythm of the song. My hands go to her ass and I’m surprised when she doesn’t stop me. I pull her close until my knee is situated between her thighs, and leaning into her, my mouth grazes her earlobe so she can hear me over the music. “I looked for you at Plush the other night but you were all booked up. You’re a busy woman.”

  I can feel Charlie shaking with laughter at my words before she says, “I must be in high demand.”

  My hands tighten on her, my body almost one with hers. The thought of her being in demand for anyone other than me has me seeing red. I kiss the shell of her ear and she shivers.

  “What if I want to demand your attention?” She backs up slightly, her eyes meeting mine, a sad smile marring her face.

  “I need to get a drink.” The warmth of her body leaves mine but I’m not letting her go that easily. I follow behind her to the bar. She orders a water and I order another beer then insist we take our drinks to an available table.

  “How do I get on the approved list?” I ask once we’re seated. She gives me a look I can’t decipher then shrugs. Knowing I’m not going to get a straight answer out of her, I change the subject. “Tell me about you.”

  Her eyes widen for a second before she smiles softly. “What do you want to know?”

  “Everything…anything. Give me something.” I take a long pull of my beer.

  “I was born and raised in Georgia. I went to college and graduated with a degree in art and digital design. I live in LA now and work at Plush.” She shrugs. “What about you?” Her response is generic. It gives me information about her without really telling me anything about her. I go for the same type of answer in return.

  “I was born and raised in Las Vegas. Moved to San Diego to go to college then moved to Los Angeles to finish my degree. I own a gym and you already know I have a daughter. Why do you strip if you have a degree?”

  She flinches at my question and takes a sip of her water before answering. “You do a lot of assuming, Tristan.” It doesn’t surprise me she’s giving me another generic response.

  I take her hand in mine. “Are you in trouble?”

  “And the assuming continues…” she smarts.

  “My mom was a stripper once. She was in financial trouble. If you’re in trouble I just want to help you.”

  She takes her hand out of mine. “Even if I was in financial trouble, I would never depend on another person again…especially a man.” Her eyes widen when she realizes that while giving me her cryptic answer, she actually gave something away. And judging by the shock in her eyes, it’s something big.

  “Who hurt you?”



  “The total comes to $238.27.” I hand the cashier my credit card and she swipes it. “I’m sorry but it’s been declined.” She hands the card back to me.

  “That’s weird. Okay, try this one.” I hand her another card. She swipes it again but gives me the same answer. Completely embarrassed and confused, I ask her if she can please hold onto the clothes while I figure it out. She agrees.

  Taking Georgia’s hand, I walk us to a bench outside of the store and call Justin. “What?” Ever since he came home early to find the house a mess and accused me of cheating, he’s been even more of a monster, not even caring who is in front of him when his true colors come out.

  “My card was declined.”

  “Yep.” That’s all he says.

  “I was buying Georgia some winter clothes for our upcoming trip.”

  “I cancelled all your cards. Your job is to take care of the house and Georgia, and you aren’t even doing that. For all I know you’re fucking some other guy instead of taking care of my daughter. And on top of that, my mom is giving me shit about wanting another grandchild. If Georgia needs something, let me know and I’ll have my assistant purchase it. Maybe once you start pulling your weight around here, you’ll get your cards reactivated.” He doesn’t even wait for a response before he hangs up.

  Having no clue how I would even explain my situation to the cashier, I leave without letting her know I won’t be back for the clothes.

  “Mommy, what about my new dollie?” Georgia asks as I place her into her car seat.

  “Another day, baby girl.” I give her a sad smile, and like the beautiful little girl she is, she just nods in understanding.

  Two more weeks, I tell myself. Two more weeks, and I will never have to depend on another person again.

  “Charlie,” Tristan says again, “Who hurt you?”

  I hold back the hot tears brewing. I need to get out of here. I need some space. “It doesn’t matter
. I need to go.” I jump out of my seat to go in search of Bianca to let her know I’m going to head out.

  “Charlie! Wait!” Tristan yells behind me. He catches up to me and goes to grab my arm but stops right before making contact, unsure of how I will react. God I’m so fucked up! “Charlie please!” I stop and turn around. “Can I at least get your number?”

  Closing my eyes for a long beat, I internally debate whether this is a good idea. When I open them, Tristan is still standing there, his beautiful dark blue eyes pleading. “Please.”

  And in a moment of weakness, I give in. “Okay.” He looks shocked I have actually agreed, but he quickly pulls his phone out—I’m sure before I can change my mind—and has me put my number in his contacts. When I’m done, I find Bianca. She’s still dancing with Mason, the two of them looking like they’re about to get it on right there on the dance floor.

  “I’m gonna go!” I yell over the music. She frowns but nods, backing up from Mason.

  “Okay, playboy! I gotta go.” She reaches up and gives him a kiss on his cheek.

  “You don’t have to leave. I can grab a car,” I insist, “It’s only a few miles away.”

  “Nope, not happening. You go, I go.” She links her arm with mine as we walk out of the club and into the chilly night. Mason and Tristan follow us out and refuse to leave until we’re in a car and on our way home.

  “Did you have a good time?” Bianca asks. “Mason said that guy is really into you. What’s his name?”

  “Tristan. I did have a good time. Thank you for dragging me out.”

  “Any time, sweets. That’s what friends are for.”

  The car drops me off first and Bianca gives me a hug goodnight, telling me she’ll see me at work. Once I’m inside my home, I take a quick shower to rinse off, change into my pajamas, then lay down in bed. As I’m putting my phone to charge, a text comes through. I told Bianca to text me once she gets home so I’m not surprised when I see her name pop up letting me know she’s made it to her place. I type out a quick response saying goodnight. A few seconds later my phone chimes again and I assume it’s Bianca, so I’m shocked when I see an unknown number.


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