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Elusive Lovers

Page 38

by Elizabeth Chadwick

  "But why? That's not what we did before."

  "You're going to hold still because it's more fun if both of us are naked."

  "That could take forever,” she complained.

  "Sweetheart, they didn't call me Fast Jack Cameron for nothing.” He was already pulling her dress over her head and tossing it aside. “Lean down so I can get the corset laces."

  "Fast Jack Cameron?” She allowed herself to be pulled forward and then squirmed on him because it felt so good.

  "Quit that.” Jack released her corset laces with one hand while he slipped a breast from the chemise with the other and guided it to his lips. Kristin gasped and squirmed again. “Don't,” he whispered against her breast.

  "I can't help it,” she gasped.

  Jack tossed her corset, her chemise, and finally her petticoats toward the floor as he began to roll his hips up against her. Her hair was sliding from its pins and falling around them as their excitement, and with it their pace increased to a frantic sprint toward fulfillment. Kristin felt the tightening excitement build inside her body until she wanted to scream, to beg him for release. Jack, feeling her clenching around him, let go, drove up, burst in her, and let the shudders overtake them both until he went limp beneath her and she sprawled on top of him in spent happiness.

  "I'm so glad Sister Mary Joseph didn't know what she was talking about,” Kristin gasped when she could talk again.

  "Maybe you'd better tell me about Sister Mary Joseph,” said Jack, settling the damp, still quivering body of his wife in the curve of his arm.

  So Kristin told him about all the days when chaste couples abstained.

  "Hell, we'd never have had any sex life,” he remarked.

  "I know. I wondered about that myself. I mean, if the whole idea was to have babies, how did people ever manage to do it if they weren't allowed to make any babies most of the time? And then there was enjoyment. It wasn't allowed."

  "Well, if I'd married Minna, that wouldn't have been a problem, but with you—not a chance."

  "Why, thank you,” said Kristin, looking pleased. “Since it is allowed, I'm so glad you find me enjoyable. I certainly think you are. Look at that!” She was peering down at him. “It's rising again."

  "All this sexy talk,” muttered Jack.

  "I don't think Sister would approve. She was also worried about being properly clothed, and doing it in the dark."

  "Well, you had good intentions on the clothing part."

  "Not really. I just wanted to be accommodating since you said you were in a hurry."

  "I appreciate the thought. What else?"

  "Unnatural acts. But she never said what they were. I thought engaging in the act on a picnic blanket might be one and on a bearskin rug another."

  "Couldn't be,” said Jack. “Well, maybe the picnic blanket—it was sort of scratchy. But never the bearskin rug. That felt great."

  "Yes, but Sister Mary Joseph didn't want people to feel great. Just to make babies."

  "Well, we might have done that. I'll tell you what I think happened. I think Sister Mary Joseph got hold of one of those medieval books of penance and took it all to heart. When I was about twelve or thirteen, some friends and I managed to steal one from a Jesuit historian."

  "You didn't!"

  "Yes, we did. We had a terrible time translating the Latin, but it was pretty racy stuff. Makes you wonder why celibates are reading about stuff like that."

  "I wondered that about Sister Mary Joseph. I mean, she never—well, you know. So why was she so interested?"

  "I expect she wanted to spoil people's fun."

  Jack got up and put a robe on. Then he went out into the hall to use the hotel's annunciator, calling down for a bottle of champagne and a plate of cold chicken and fruit. “We'll stay right here in bed, honeymooning,” he told Kristin. “Feeding each other fruit and chicken and drinking champagne."

  "I don't drink."

  "Why not? You don't have to worry about my seducing you, not after you've just seduced me so effectively."

  "Did I?” Kristin felt very pleased with herself.

  Jack fed her a piece of chicken, then a grape, then a sip of champagne. “Now that I've prepared you with food and drink, I have a piece of news for you. Pretty shocking."

  "What?” asked Kristin anxiously. She had put on the lacy nightgown she brought in her valise.

  "Your parents have offered me the dowry I was promised with Minna."

  "But you can't marry Minna. You're married to me."

  "They've offered it for you. I gather they're getting a lot of criticism for the way they treated you. Do you want to refuse it?"

  "Of course not. I want to invest it in your bank and make lots of money.” She tucked a grape between her lips and leaned over to kiss him.

  "Now that's a nice way of getting sustenance,” Jack murmured. “You're certainly a fast learner."

  "Sister Ermentrude always said so."

  "Oh? Was she talking about marriage too?"

  "No, art. Which reminds me. I have news too. I've been invited to submit a painting to the Columbian Exposition. It's a great honor. Mary Cassatt will be doing a mural in the Women's Building."

  "I don't even know who she is, but she can't be more talented than you. We'll have to go back to Chicago for the exposition and make our families horribly jealous."

  "Oh, can we?” Kristin giggled. She and Jack were so much alike. They both liked to make love, they both liked her paintings, and they both enjoyed a good revenge fantasy.

  "Absolutely. We'll be the toast of the city. Rich, talented, and beautiful. I'm rich. You're talented and beautiful."

  Kristin giggled some more. She was definitely feeling the champagne and liked the feeling. Kat would be very disappointed in her. “I think you're talented and beautiful too. In fact, I've done a new portrait of you. Wearing clothes,” she assured him hastily, “and looking absolutely irresistible. As for talented, you must be the most talented man alive."

  "Exactly what talent are we talking about here?” asked Jack.

  "The one you're going to demonstrate for me as soon as you put that champagne glass down."

  "Your wish is my command, princess.” He dropped the champagne bottle over the side of the bed, placed the glasses on the nightstand, swept the remains of the chicken and fruit off onto the floor, and stretched out beside Kristin. “That's a very intriguing nightgown. It appears to be held together with this one little bow."

  "Yes, it is. It was a going-away present from the girls at the Sporting Club. They sent it along with my picture for St. Mary's and my naked portrait of you. Would you care to see how the bow works?"

  "That sounds like a very tantalizing idea. While I untie the bow, why don't you give a thought or two to procreation. Then we can get on with the matter of enjoying ourselves in a proper fashion."

  * * *

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