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Page 8

by Marie Harte

  Just as the creature opened its mouth, Jonas swore and simultaneously flashed in truth and jumped between Cadmus and the wraith. A river of red energy poured from the wraith’s mouth to surround Jonas, trying to push through the black flames encasing him.

  The familiarity of the red substance hit Cadmus hard. Months ago, fighting alongside his brothers against ‘Sin Garu, Cadmus had encountered a Nocumat, a creature of Shadow that consisted of a thick red goo that could take the shape of anything. It appeared this wraith carried the Nocumat within its body.

  The only way Cadmus and his brothers had escaped the Nocumat before was with Shadow magic.

  “Jonas, can you talk to it?”

  “No. It only responds to those of Shadow, not Dark.” Pain bracketed Jonas’ mouth, and his aura flickering in clear testament to his struggle.

  Cadmus needed Shadow magic. And he knew of only one woman capable of helping him now. Quickly casting an emergency spell, he caught Aerolus.

  Aerolus answered, “Brother, what plagues you?”

  Startled at the clarity of his brother’s speech, Cadmus glanced around, expecting to see him close. “I need your help. We’re under Nocumat attack.” Aerolus swore then his affai, Alandra, spoke, her soft, husky voice more than welcome.

  “You just can’t stay out of trouble, can you, Cadmus? Nocumat attack, hmm? Just repeat after me. Afwel Sava otol.”

  He repeated the foreign words, relieved beyond measure when the Nocumat dropped Jonas like a hot plate. Alarm replaced relief, however, when the thing advanced on him.

  “Alandra? What now?”

  “Tell him I said hello.”

  “This is no time for niceties, dammit. Jonas is dying.”

  “Cadmus, tell him to return to Lord Sava before I report a Nocumat working with ‘Sin Garu. Remind him of Oxcen’s punishment and he’ll leave you alone.

  He swore he heard her mutter, “I hope,” but repeated her words.

  The Nocumat seemed to understand him and cringed, for the lack of a better description. Then it shot back into the wraith’s mouth and disappeared.

  The wraith jerked and glared at them, lifting its arms as it gathered a strange ball of blue energy. Bracing himself and Jonas with an energy shield, Cadmus felt sure the wraith would have attacked had it not been thrown off balance by the monster it caged inside itself.

  Taking advantage, both he and Jonas unleashed their magic. The wraith burst into pieces of blue fire, its body as insubstantial as the dying flame. The Nocumat, thankfully, was nowhere to be found.

  Panting, Cadmus bent over to catch his breath. When he could speak, he rasped, “By all that’s Light, what was that thing?”

  Jonas shook his head. “I have a bad feeling we’ve just seen one of ‘Sin Garu’s latest hybrids.” He clutched his belly and fell to his knees as he flashed back into the form of a man.


  “Ellie’s not safe,” Jonas said in between breaths. “Not if they’ve found you here. They’ll know where she lives. They’ll definitely be watching this place. We have to bring her back.”


  “To Foreia. Where she’ll be safe, at least for the time being.”

  “She won’t go.” Cadmus knew she wouldn’t willingly visit Foreia. Not if she held so much animosity towards her father.

  Jonas wheezed, “She’ll have no choice, and neither will Amanda. Fuck.” He rubbed his abdomen and stood with Cadmus’ help. “I really hate the Nocumat. Stupid Shadow-dwellers.”

  “Aren’t they your people?” Cadmus walked Jonas to the door. He accepted the keys Jonas handed to him, and they left Ellie’s place a mess.

  “My people? Hell, Cadmus. That’s like calling humans Light Bringers because they walk in the sun. Dumbass,” Jonas muttered, his epithet making Cadmus feel much better. If Jonas could rail at him, he couldn’t be too injured.

  “So I’m finally going to meet Mrs. Ethim il Ruethe.”

  The Djinn chuckled, then groaned upon bending to enter his SUV. “I’d love to see the expression on her face when you call her that.”

  “You okay?”

  “It’s just my stomach rebelling at that Nocumat’s touch. The drive to Amanda’s should give me suitable time to regroup. Don’t worry. I can manage enough energy to send us to Foreia.”

  “About that,” Cadmus began. “I don’t think—”

  “Don’t think. Lexa wants you there, you go. Besides, this might help Ellie resolve her feelings about herself. Because until she does that, she’ll never have any peace in her life. Not to mention the small fact ‘Sin Garu knows where she lives and that she’s got ties to Storm Lords. She’s not secure here anymore.”

  “Damn it. Okay, Ellie has to go. And her mother, if that will keep them both protected.” Cadmus meant it. He would make sure Ellie and her mother accompanied them to Foreia. Ellie needed to be safe, and she needed to be happy. Without quite knowing why, he made it his mission to see that joy found his little Djinn. He only hoped the confrontation sure to follow wouldn’t put him any further back in her affections than he already was.

  Chapter Six

  “Jonas, what a pleasant surprise.”

  Ellie left the kitchen and glanced up in shock to see her mother hugging Jonas. Another figure appeared in the doorway behind him, and her pulse skyrocketed. There was no mistaking the broad shoulders and smouldering gaze that roamed her body with familiarity.

  “Who’s your handsome friend?”

  Jonas muttered something under his breath. “This is Cadmus Storm, Mandy. Cadmus, Amanda Markham.”

  Cadmus’ lips curled up in a smile, and Ellie’s heart raced. Get a grip, girl! Remember, keep your distance. She worked hard to appear calm, to tamp down the heat that rose to the surface the longer she stared at him.

  He took her mother’s hand in his own and lifted it to his lips for a kiss. “It’s truly a pleasure, Mrs. Markham.”

  Her mother gushed, “Please, call me Mandy.”

  “Mandy. It’s obvious where your daughter gets her beauty.”

  Smooth one, Romeo. I look exactly like my father.

  His eyes flew to hers at the unintended mental connection, and his grin widened. “You’ll forgive me for saying so, Mandy, but you look more like Ellie’s sister than her mother.”

  “Oh, I like this one. So you’re a friend of Jonas’, hmm?” She followed his glance towards Ellie, and her eyes narrowed. “I don’t need to ask if you know my daughter.”

  “Know her? I—”

  Not sure what Cadmus might say, Ellie didn’t give him the chance. “Cadmus, how nice to see you again. Are you two stopping through on your way somewhere?”

  “Nope. I just couldn’t wait to see you again, honey. I can’t believe you never told your mother about me.”

  Jonas eyed Cadmus warily, and Ellie couldn’t blame him. Just what ran through the Storm Lord’s devious mind?

  “How did you two meet?” Amanda asked.

  Ellie silently groaned, knowing the expression on her mother’s face all too well. If she had to suffer the I-want-grandchildren speech again because of Cadmus, so help her, she’d kick that sexy ass of his all the way to—


  “What?” she asked out loud.

  “What?” her mother repeated, staring from Ellie to Cadmus. “I asked how you two met. Don’t tell me this is the man Alex was telling me about? That sexy devil from Outpour?”

  “Mother.” Ellie flushed with embarrassment. Could her mother not keep a secret? And what about Alex? What was the use of having a best friend if your best friend told your mother everything? “Alex has a big mouth.”

  “Yes, she does.” Amanda grinned. “So when is she flying back? Where is she now? New York?”

  Jonas interrupted with a sigh. “Cadmus, we don’t have a lot of time.” He rubbed his stomach and caught her attention.

  She zeroed in on her cousin, studying him with that part of herself she normally kept in check. Jonas looked a mes
s. Clouded energy dimmed his normal vibrancy, and she could see what looked like blood-red blisters searing the aura around his midsection.

  “What happened?”

  “A Nocumat,” Cadmus answered quietly, his grin fading. “I’m sorry, Ellie, but we have to go. All of us.”

  Amanda’s gaze narrowed. “Did you say Nocumat? Oh hell. You’re one of them.”

  “Mom.” Crap. Her mother had that tone again.

  “Don’t ‘Mom’ me. Of all the eligible men in this world, you had to fall for an out-worlder?”

  “Out-worlder?” Cadmus raised a brow, then his eyes widened. “Fall for?”

  Jonas scowled. “Out-worlder is what Mandy considers anyone not from this plane. And Ellie…” he turned to her, “…if you think we’re not going to talk about this, think again.” The glance he shot Cadmus spoke volumes.

  Ellie felt a disturbance deep within herself, as if she could hear the subtle vibrations of a massive door groaning while it slowly opened. Dim shrieks and a pulse of Darkness echoed within her.

  Cadmus cursed. “Shit. Ellie, Mandy, we’re leaving. Now.” His tone brooked no argument, and surprisingly, Mandy nodded without a word.

  Jonas took a deep breath and released it. “Everyone hold hands.”

  “Are you well enough to do this?” Cadmus asked with concern.

  “I could use a little help.” Jonas glanced at Ellie.

  “Who, me? No. Not until you tell me what the hell is going on. I want to know just how you ended up injured and why you want us to leave.”

  “Not now, Ellie. Take Cadmus’ and Jonas’ hands,” Mandy ordered. “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but Jonas, take us to Ethim.”

  Bewildered but sensing the urgency rising each minute, Ellie lent power to her cousin. She didn’t understand what he did, but she recognised the magical pathways he utilised to transport the four of them. A sense of pressure surrounded her for the briefest of moments, then she felt as if she were flying. Freedom, speed and warmth carried her between worlds, through stars and a multitude of existences before they stopped on a breath and dropped onto navy--coloured grass in an alien landscape.

  “Foreia,” her mother whispered, reverence and worry in her voice.

  This was Foreia? Her father’s homeworld? The place she’d been forbidden to discuss, let alone visit? Ellie could only stare at tall black trees with red leaves, a pinkish sky, blue grass, and some really weird looking bat/birds that hummed as they swooped through the air. The sky felt overcast, though she could clearly see a bright fuchsia sun. Yet she cast no shadow. It seemed as if the Djinns’ Dark nature was mirrored in the very land on which she stood.

  She inhaled a sweet, floral essence that revived her, and the air skimmed over her skin with a gentle, welcoming caress. Her gaze automatically sought Cadmus and he nodded, approval on his face.

  “This is a part of you, Ellie. Embrace it.”

  “But it’s Djinn.” Her life suddenly seemed to be turning upside down, yet Cadmus seemed like that one solid rock she could cling to for safety. No matter how hard she chipped at him, he remained immovable. “Don’t you loathe so much Darkness?” she asked tartly, wishing she felt as stable.

  He chuckled. “When the Darkness comes in such a winsome package, I’m drawn to its lure.” He fairly purred. “And your Darkness, little Djinn, is so hot, so wet and welcoming that even now I long to—”

  “I get the picture.” She blushed, hoping her mother was too occupied by the foreign landscape to pay attention to her daughter. Subtly shifting her gaze, she exhaled with relief to find Mandy taken by Foreia’s pink skies. Unfortunately, Jonas studied her and Cadmus with a frown. Hell.

  Bad enough Ellie was here, in this Dark place full of people who weren’t human, but Djinn. A race of men and women to which she supposedly belonged.

  As if her thoughts had conjured her father, Ethim suddenly appeared out of thin air. Dressed in clothing similar to Jonas, with dark, leather trousers and a vest baring an eternally strong frame, Ethim looked every inch a leader of warriors. But when his eyes set on her mother, his gaze softened and he smiled with welcome.

  “Ah, Amanda. I’ve missed you,” he said simply, opening his arms.

  Fully expecting her mother to make a scene before succumbing to her father’s charms, Ellie was taken aback by the hug her parents shared.

  “I’ve missed you, too,” her mother mumbled.

  Jonas’s lips curled in satisfaction before he turned to Cadmus. “Why don’t you and Ellie come with me? I’ll show you around. You haven’t seen this particular area of Foreia before, Cadmus.”

  As they walked some distance onto a matted path, she noted Cadmus’ tension and heard a hum in his mind. He walked taller, his eyes shifting around him, his hands open and ready, braced as if preparing for attack.

  The Djinn killed his father. The memory made her feel sick, and she hoped he’d meant what he said earlier, that he didn’t hate all Djinn. Because she had a feeling being here was like ripping at a healing wound. It made her own worries about Foreia pale in comparison. These people respected her father and would welcome her. But Cadmus was considered an enemy, a creature of Light among beings of Darkness.

  “Why have I never visited here before, Jonas?” Cadmus asked.

  “You weren’t ready before.”

  “And I am now?” He snorted. “I swear, you Djinn live for subterfuge. You can’t say yes or no. Everything with you people is a hanging maybe.” He included Ellie with a knowing look, and she immediately bristled.

  “What does that mean?”

  “Why did you take off for your mother’s this morning? And after what we shared?”

  “Yes, Cadmus, just what does that mean?” Jonas added, his gaze darting between Ellie and the Storm Lord. “I’m not an idiot, you know.”

  “Could have fooled me,” Cadmus muttered, making Ellie want to laugh despite her unease with his probing question.

  “I know there’s something between you two.” Jonas’ eyes narrowed. “The way you pause between words, the way you look at one another in understanding. It’s almost as if…”

  Ellie’s interest perked. “As if what?” Was mind-sharing not a common Djinn trait? She wished she had someone to ask, to confide in. But sharing her love life with her mother was a definite no-no. Jonas obviously wouldn’t approve, nor would her father—as if she could talk comfortably about something as personal as sex with him.

  She could almost hear the wheels in Jonas’ mind spinning. He murmured, “No. It couldn’t be.”

  “Couldn’t be what?” Cadmus asked, crossing his arms over his chest. “Maybe Ellie and I have found true love, and I’ve come to claim my affai and steal her away to Tanselm.” He spoke plainly, and for one breathless moment, Ellie thought he might be serious. But when she met the laughter in his eyes, a faint echo of disappointment settled in her belly. That she could feel depressed at all made her angry. Where was that distance she desperately needed? With all that was unfolding around her, she knew she needed to be strong to survive. And more heartache from Cadmus Storm was not on the menu.

  Jonas missed the joke too and flashed in truth, his glare and his fiery nature impossible to miss.

  “Damn, Jonas.” Cadmus chuckled. “I was just kidding.”

  Ellie smiled, forcing herself to laugh along with him. Jonas’ flame grew darker, and she glanced at Cadmus to see what he made of her cousin’s reaction. He, however, was staring at her, a predatory gleam of hunger in his dark brown eyes that he suddenly masked with light-hearted laughter.

  But Ellie had seen, and she didn’t know quite what that meant. She pressed subtly at his mental walls and found them locked tight, his gaze disapproving when he realised what she attempted. Flushing, she withdrew, but she couldn’t help sneaking a peek at his aura.

  Taking a second, deeper look, she was astonished to find Cadmus, a Storm Lord warrior and Light Bringer, full of seething shadows. Tinged with a dim, rosy light, the Darkness growing wit
hin him spread in waves reaching out to her.

  Intrigued by the intensity of his energy, she closed the distance between them. The itchy need spreading through her continued to grow until he reached out and grabbed her hand.

  Warmth surged between them, a shocking meeting of more than body, but soul-deep emotion. She gasped, watching helplessly as Cadmus leant down to kiss her, his desire plainly visible despite the growing white glare of his flaming gaze…

  “Fuck. Cadmus, back away, now!” Jonas thrust a band of energy between them, startling Cadmus into a roar of frustration.

  Coming out of what felt like a dream, Ellie watched in horrified amazement as Cadmus and Jonas fought, both men suddenly in truth, like Djinn warriors she’d only imagined from Jonas’ many tales of Djinn battle.

  They flowed like cinematic art against the alien world around them. Two mystical forms flaming bright, surrounded by shadow against the hazy pink sky and giant red-leaved trees. Streams of black energy visibly swirled between them before Cadmus’ Light blazed between the bands of Dark, streaming into her cousin in a painful rush of fury.

  Jonas bellowed in pain, and Ellie finally found her wits. “Cadmus, stop! You’re in truth again. Damn it, Earth Lord, listen to me!” But nothing she said made an impact, and his power increased as the ground beneath her trembled.

  Roots massed and surged from the blue grass. Black strips of bark and wood wrapped around Jonas with ease. The beams of Light mingling with the Dark rays pouring from Cadmus’ fingertips dug into Jonas with painful teeth. She could see her cousin’s aura pulsing with hurt as he tried, unsuccessfully, to pull himself away from Cadmus.

  Shocked and growing more alarmed, Ellie could only stare in horrified awe as the easy-going Cadmus bloomed into a monster she had only seen in her nightmares. He seemed invincible, his power amazing in scope, pushing through Light and Dark with a strength she wouldn’t have credited him.

  Jonas’ aura began to dim, and she realised it was only a short matter of time before he lost consciousness, or worse, his life. Cadmus couldn’t control the Darkness seething within him. She could almost feel Foreia begging her to help, the need to soothe Cadmus more than compelling, undeniably vital to her very soul.


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