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Chase and Seduction

Page 2

by Randi Alexander

  Reno sighed, put a finger in her other ear, and said, “Trying to keep myself from doing something really stupid."

  "Hun, you're only there for another couple days. Do something stupid. Do it twice!"

  She laughed, but had a hard time hearing her friend over the noise. She walked to the door and pushed it open, but rain poured down and lightning zip-lined across the sky. She closed it, and slid through a door into the next studio. Where his trailer sat among a dozen others at the far end, only about a football field away, but a whole lot further than she was willing to go.

  "How's everything back there, Mitz?"

  Reno heard a catch in her friend's sigh. “I didn't want to tell you this until you got home, but I guess you should know—Jane lost the baby."

  "Oh, no. What happened?” Reno strolled along the wall.

  Mitzi went into detail about the miscarriage.

  "I'm glad you told me, Mitz. I was going to call her tomorrow.” Reno stopped walking. She was too damn close to the trailers. She should turn around...

  Was that smoke?

  Chase's trailer, fronted by lawn furniture set on a piece of artificial grass, glowed with a long string of tiki lights running along the top. The trailer door stood open and small puffs of smoke curled up out of the trailer.

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  Chapter Two

  Reno jogged toward Chase's trailer, fearing the candle she'd visualized him lighting had caught the drapes on fire.

  "Mitzi, I've got to call you back—"

  "Is everything all right?"

  Reno skidded to a halt at the trailer door, her cell phone at her ear.

  Chase sat in an upholstered chair, smoking a thick cigar, one booted foot resting on the opposite knee. His hat sat in the middle of the end table, next to the still-lit candle, and she stared at the rare sight of his wavy auburn hair. God, how she wanted to touch it, touch him—all over, all night. A shiver of desire trickled through her.

  His gaze pierced her and his voice rumbled, “Doll, you're a bit late."

  Her friend's voice bellowed from her phone. “Reno! What's going on?"

  "I'm fine, Mitzi. I'll call you tomorrow.” She hung up, stuck her phone in her pocket, and backed up a step. How was she going to get out of this mess?

  "Whoa there, Miss Reno. You're going the wrong way.” He set his cigar in the crystal ashtray, planted his feet flat on the floor, and leaned his elbows on his thighs. “Come on in."

  "I...I don't mean to be here. I mean, I saw the smoke."

  He grinned. “You came to save me?"

  "Yeah. No. I'm...” Scared? Horny? Jumpy? Tempted?


  "Yes!” What a relief. He understood her. Evidently, during all the talks they'd shared, he'd been listening to her.

  "I'll admit, I'm puzzled, too. There's this crazy-strong pull between us, and I want to see where it goes."

  He was right, there was something burning between them, besides the smelly cigar. But was it a flame that would smolder out after one night? She dropped her head and scuffed the turf with her sandal, not sure how to answer him.

  "Reno.” He waited until she met his gaze. “I didn't think you were coming.” His eyes told the story of his disappointment. “And you wouldn't be here right now if you didn't think I was trapped in a burning trailer, right?"

  "I don't know.” Was she subconsciously working her way over here while she was on the phone? She looked at his handsome face. Would it be so terrible to spend a little private time with him? “Maybe I just move a lot slower than you do."

  He perked up, and the look in his eyes turned hopeful. “Listen, it's been a real ball buster for me, too, Reno. There's something goin’ on with us. Every time I see you, and damn it, when I touch you, it's—"

  "Chase, wait. I think you're reading more into this than you should. You know the type of person I am. I'm not interested in one night, and you're not the type to offer more.” So there they were, staring at each other, waiting for the other to make a concession.

  He shook his head. “You still think that I...” He ran a hand through his hair. “Aw, hell, you aren't coming in, are you."

  "I don't think I should.” What she should do was back up a step, then another, then turn and run as if prairie fire licked at her heels. But she wanted just a few more minutes with him. To soak him in, and let his desire fill every inch of her.

  "Just...come and sit with me. Have a beer. Let's talk."

  No. If she stepped foot in that trailer, she'd become a victim of her own lust, and neither of them would be coming out until they did everything she'd been dreaming of. Her voice wouldn't work, so she shook her head.

  He must have recognized the wistfulness in her eyes, because he stood and walked to the edge of the two steps leading into his RV. “Reno, I can be a gentleman.” He put one booted foot on the step and reached out his hand.

  Mitzi's voice echoed in her head—Do it. Do it twice. But she wasn't that brave. She glanced up into his eyes, and in an instant...

  Everything changed.

  His brow furrowed, his jaw clenched, and he stood frozen, waiting for her decision. The look in his beautiful blue eyes startled her: pleading, unsure, and it darn near charmed the shorts off her. It drew her in completely, made her breath catch in her throat, and her blood run hot. He didn't just want her, he needed her.

  Maybe she'd misjudged him. She just assumed from the movie set gossip that he was wild. But she hadn't seen him with any women on the studio lot, or at their hotel, or at any of the parties. He'd been attentive only to her. Oh, God, was he falling for her, just as she'd already fallen for him?

  She stepped forward and put her hand in his. Lightning shot up her arm and all the way down into her pussy as she let him tug her up the steps and into his life.

  He stood close to her, holding her hand, tipping his head down to look into her eyes. “That first step is always the hardest."

  She blinked, then broke eye contact before she gave in to the temptation to walk straight into his arms and kiss him senseless. Looking around at the cozy trailer, she smiled. He had neatened up. A messy stack of papers hid behind a chair, and his boots were lined up like soldiers against the wall.

  He asked, “Beer?"

  She shook her head. She'd ingested enough alcohol tonight. Glancing at the seating options, she turned to the chair opposite his. But when she tried to pull her hand from his, he held on and picked up a crystal glass of clear liquid.

  "Here.” He offered it to her. “Tequila."

  "No, no.” Her lip curled. “I haven't done that bad stuff since I was a kid."

  "Well, Miss Reno, I got some news for you. I'm still a kid."

  She looked away. Yes, he was a kid, and he was also rich, famous, and spoiled. A hazardous combination.

  Chase held out the glass. “One sip, just to make me think I'm not the only immature thirty-year-old in LA."

  She smiled, even though he reminded her of the bad boy who'd talked her into doing tequila shots in high school. “I'm only twenty-eight."

  He laughed, his deep voice rumbling out of his big chest.

  She scanned his face. “You're thirty?"

  He nodded. “I'm older than I look...” His southern accent flowed thick again. “...'cause when I was a kid, every time I did somethin’ wrong, momma would knock me into next week."

  She grinned, unable to resist his charm. “Cute."

  Chase said, “Let's get you loosened up a bit."

  She stared at the clear liquid, bit her lower lip, and sighed. Oh, why not. She wasn't driving tonight, and one taste wouldn't affect her much.

  Reno sipped cautiously. It wasn't as rough on her throat as it had been in high school, and she took a few more swallows. Good God, what the heck was she doing? Standing in Chase's trailer drinking tequila. The unreality of the situation made her dizzy. He was such a bad influence on her.

  He winked and took the glass, finished the tequila in one gulp, an
d set the empty on the table. “That wasn't too terrible, was it?"

  She shook her head, but the last swallow went down wrong, and her eyes watered and squinted as she cleared her throat.

  Chase laughed, then sobered. His fingers slid under her hair, caressing her neck softly as he said, “You are a beautiful woman."

  She'd often been called beautiful-but-healthy, which referred to those extra forty pounds that made the difference between being a model, and being just plain Reno Linden.

  He ran his fingers up the back of her head. “Your hair is like satin. And I've never seen eyes that color. Amber."

  Trying to keep from grinning, she teased, “Reno."

  He laughed. “No, your eyes are amber.” Seconds slipped by before he tipped his head and brushed his lips over hers.

  She closed her eyes and parted her lips to breathe in his essence.

  With a groan, his arm came around her waist, and he pulled her closer. His tongue danced with hers, the unexpectedly sweet taste of tequila and tobacco making her hungry for more of him.

  Chase ended the kiss then pressed his lips to her temple and began swaying them in a slow dance. Quietly, he sang, “You're the one I've been looking for, You're the light behind that hidden door, Can't figure out where you've been all my life, but I don't wanna be without you anymore."

  Something melted inside her as he sang the song he dedicated to her from the stage. This was where she belonged, in his arms, where she fit perfectly, a lost puzzle piece at last finding its place.

  He said, “Look at me."

  She tipped her head, the tequila spreading warmth from her belly, sending a dizzy, loosening-up effect to her brain. The strange sensation of being in someone else's body grew stronger and she blinked to clear her vision.

  He stared at her, searched her face, then focused on her eyes, taking in her response to the tequila.

  And her response was...too honest. “I like looking at you."

  His lips curved into a slight smile. “Yeah?"

  His face was so close, she couldn't resist, and she lifted her arm, which felt like a hundred pounds, and touched her fingers to his cheek. “Chase, you're so handsome."

  "I know.” His chuckle shook his chest. “Everyone knows. I was one of last year's top ten sexiest men in the world, remember?"

  Remember? How could she forget? She'd seen his face in the magazine as they were casting the movie, and suggested Chase to the director. He dismissed her idea at first, but after she did research, and sent him videos of Chase being interviewed by late night talk show hosts and his guest appearance on a live comedy show, he agreed to give him a screen test. They offered him the role on the spot. “But your nose is crooked.” She ran a finger up onto the bridge of it.

  "Really?” He looked down at his nose, cross-eyed. “Should I get it fixed while I'm here in LA?"

  "No. Don't you dare. I love it just the way it is.” Love? Crap, that liquor put her over her limit. But what a sweet intoxication.

  She pressed against him, her breasts to his hard chest, and her stomach to his stiff cock. Every inch of her slit quivered for him, wanting his big rod sliding in, stretching and filling her. Her finger trailed slowly down his nose to his upper lip, which bristled with a day's growth of mustache.

  He opened his mouth and took her finger in, his teeth gently biting the first knuckle as his tongue tickled up and down on the pad. Then he wrapped his lips around her finger and sucked, keeping up the tongue action.

  Reno closed her eyes and shook with the desire exploding inside her, her muscles tensing as she waited impatiently. She wanted that mouth on her breasts, on her clit.

  As if he read her mind, he released her finger and bent his head to her breast, nibbling at her hard nipple, and even through layers of clothes, it sent wicked flashes of lust straight to her cunt.

  "Mmm.” She licked her lips, tasting him on her. “Chase, what are we doing?"

  "You can tell me to stop,” he growled, “but it'll kill me.” He grabbed her hand and pressed it to the zipper of his jeans. “I want you so goddamn bad."

  Boldly squeezing his hard erection, she let a whimper escape her throat. Big and long, its heat warmed her palm through the soft denim.

  He groaned. “It's going to happen. Right now, baby."

  She looked at him for a minute, losing herself in the dark passion in his eyes, then she fisted her hand in his silky hair and pulled him down to her and kissed him. Her tongue plunged in, twisting with his.

  He took over, his lips slanting on hers, his breath hot and sweet as he explored every crevice of her mouth, teasing and caressing. His arms wrapped tightly, and he spread his feet apart so his hips could grind back and forth across her pussy.

  Her mind numbed to everything but the throbbing of her slit, the trickle of cream sliding from her opening onto her swollen lips, wetting her panties. She pulled his head back, still gripping his hair, and took huge breaths. “I'm drowning, Chase. Don't let me go."

  "Reno.” His voice caught. “Never.” He walked her backward three steps and flattened her against the hard wood of the wall separating the rooms. His eyes bore into hers, his pupils dilated, making them look black, sensual, intense. He ran a hand up under her shirt, up to her breast. Her nipple grew rock hard as he teased it with his thumb, making circles, then squeezing it.

  The pleasure ached, making her cry out with the urgency of her need. He had to take her. Now. She couldn't wait...

  Then he tugged her bra up and fit her breast into his hand. “Oh, baby, this is so fucking much better than I imagined."

  She stared at him, his face so close, it seemed like a dream. Her voice seemed to come from far away. “Did you, Chase? Did you think about this? About making love to me?” She wanted to cry, for some insane reason—cry and hold on to him forever.

  He gyrated his hips against her, hitting her clit through her clothes. “Yeah, I thought about this. Every time we talked, every time I saw you across a room.” He took her nipple between his finger and thumb again and caressed it. “And a hundred times a day when I could only see you in my mind."

  The ecstasy streaking from her breast to her pussy was outrageous. Sweet, heavenly contractions began, and she tipped her hips up to better feel his cock against her clit. The increased pressure flooded her pussy with heat as her climax began.

  "Reno.” He captured her mouth with his, demanding and driving, his need becoming frantic. He moved his hand from her breast to the waistband of her shorts, and slid his fingers in, catching her lacy underwear with it.

  Wanting to prolong her ecstasy, she pulled away from his kiss and caught her breath while she unbuttoned his shirt and yanked it open. Seeing his muscular pecs and abs, she lost all control and ran her hands over his hot, satiny skin, making circles with her fingers in the auburn hair lightly covering his chest. She leaned forward and bit him on the collarbone.

  He cried out, “Oh, yeah, baby, I like a little pain."

  She kissed the spot she'd just bitten. “And a little pleasure?” She'd never been so bold with a man. All her inhibitions had packed up and left.

  He yanked her shorts and underwear down to the floor, then stood and cupped her pussy with his big hand. “A lot of pleasure."

  Her thigh muscles tightened, pushing his hand in closer, his calluses softly abrading her swollen flesh, kicking up her desire and sending her spinning.

  His finger slid into her slick folds, then deeper, up into her cunt. “Baby, you're wet for me, aren't you?"

  The demanding penetration against her over-sensitized flesh started quivers in her core, squeezing against his finger.

  His voice rolled deep and thick. “You're so tight, I can only fit one—"

  "More. Please.” Her body shook, so close to orgasm it made her woozy.

  He slid his finger out. “Aw, goddamn, woman.” Her opening stretched as he eased a second finger in.

  Looking into his eyes, everything faded but the sensation of his fingers sliding into h
er, slowly pushing upward, touching her so intimately her heart double pumped. When he'd fit them completely inside, and his hand bumped against her swollen pussy lips, he growled, his teeth bared, and his breath heavy.

  "Reno.” He pulled his fingers out then sunk them deep into her, again and again.

  She shuddered with each plunge, and spasmed with each withdrawal until she couldn't wait another second. Couldn't hold herself back from demanding, “Now, Chase. Please."

  His thumb found her clit, rubbing, circling, bringing her higher, his other hand went to her breast and tweaked her nipple. He looked into her eyes. “Please, what, Reno?"

  "Please.” She could smell her own musky scent. “I'm close."

  His nostrils flared as he breathed in and out quickly. “I know you are. You're so wet, my mouth is watering for a taste.” He flicked his tongue over her bottom lip, demonstrating what he intended to do to her clit.

  "Later. Now, I need you to keep doing this,” she said, greedy for release. She pressed her hand on his, over her mound, and rubbed her clit shamelessly against his thumb.

  "You want to come, baby? Say it. Say make me come, Chase."

  "Make me come. Chase.” The words ground out and the instant she said his name, all hell broke loose inside her, and she spun into the stars, a cry leaving her throat as she shook uncontrollably. Powerful contractions squeezed deep in her core. An amazing orgasm. It sent chills through her body while every inch of her skin tingled.

  She opened her eyes and smiled at the astonished look on his face. “Chase. You are...” What was he? Talented? Amazing? Was her extreme orgasm the result of finally making love to the man she'd been fantasizing about for two years? Or was it just the tequila? “You are sinful."

  He grinned and eased his fingers from her pussy, and brought them to his mouth, then stuck his middle finger in, and sucked. “Mmm."

  A wave of desire swamped her, she whimpered, and her knees gave out.

  He caught her, his hands on her ass. “And you, Reno, are mighty tasty.” He lifted her against him, she flung her arms over his shoulders, and he carried her toward the back room. “Now it's my turn, baby, and after that, we're going to take turns. All night."


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