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Saving Elizabeth Bennet

Page 9

by Melanie Schertz

  Arriving at Darcy House, Bingley quickly ushered the ladies inside. Georgiana Darcy was awake and waiting for the new arrivals, having been told by Mrs Jarvis of the men leaving to rescue Elizabeth.

  “Lizzy, oh, my dear Lizzy, are you injured?” She asked as she rushed forward, wrapping her arms around Elizabeth. “I have been so worried since we received word there was a plan to attack the townhouse.”

  Mrs Albright was relieved to be safe in the fine house. “You received word of the attack? From whom?”

  “I am not certain, but my brother received a message and the men quickly left with some of the men from the mews.” Georgiana led the ladies up the stairs and showed them into the sitting room attached to her own bedchamber. “We will stay here for the time being, until William and Richard return with the other men. I have asked Mrs Jarvis to have some tea sent up, as well as some brandy. I believe we could all enjoy something to calm our nerves.”

  Nodding her head, Mrs Albright agreed. “It has been a very trying night. Fortunately, it appears that we were all awake. I had just climbed into my bed when I heard sounds and Miss Elizabeth’s bell. Rosie had just finished her work and was on her way to her rooms, and Mrs Owens had gone to bed early. Fortunately, Cook had stayed at her sister’s home tonight, as her sister was birthing her babe this afternoon.”

  “Fortune was watching over all of us this night.” Bingley stated as he entered the room with a decanter of brandy and several glasses. “Mrs Jarvis sent these up, and the tea will arrive shortly. Miss Elizabeth, would you care for a glass?”

  Elizabeth nodded her head. Taking the glass, all could see how the night had troubled her, as her hands shook violently. Georgiana took the glass in her own hand, holding it to her friend’s lips. Once Elizabeth had taken several sips, Georgiana placed the glass on the table and wrapped her arms around her friend. “All will be well, Lizzy. We just received word from your uncle. He is bringing his family and your sisters as we speak. They will all be here, safe and sound. And you will be with them. Will that not be wonderful? I know you have been missing them.”

  Tears continued to flow freely, though the sobs had ceased. Soon there was a sound of the men returning, and a moment later, Darcy and Richard had entered Georgiana’s sitting room. As soon as Darcy’s eyes located the woman who held his heart, he rushed to kneel before her. “I pray they did not harm you, Elizabeth. Are you well? Should I send for Mr Johnston?”

  Elizabeth attempted to speak, whispering “I am well” to him. Darcy took hold of her hands, kissing them repeatedly. “I am so grateful. I was so afraid you would be harmed again, or worse, killed. My dearest Elizabeth, I cannot tell you how grateful I am at this moment.”

  Elizabeth stared into his eyes, seeing the truth of his devotion in their depths. She took one of her hands from his, placing it gently against his cheek. No words were needed between them at that moment, each was lost in the emotions they held for each other. Though, unlike Darcy, the sensation was new to Elizabeth. Though frightened at first by the intensity, Elizabeth quickly calmed with the warmth the look in his eyes brought her.

  Darcy took a seat in the chair near Elizabeth, keeping hold of one of her hands. Colonel Fitzwilliam explained to the ladies how a message had arrived at Darcy House, with the young man who delivered it stating it was urgent. The missive was simple. It stated “They know where she is and are on their way now. Save her.”

  Her forehead furrowed with confusion. Darcy could understand her thoughts without words. “I am not certain who sent it, but it appears that someone on Armstrong’s staff did not agree with his master and made certain to warn us.”

  Bingley nodded his head. “If I were a betting man, I would put money on it being the butler. When I went there to retrieve Miss Elizabeth’s belongings, the man was apologetic and informed me that, though her items had been removed from the house, he had them stashed so they could be returned to her. He is in a difficult position, needing employment, and yet, not approving of his employer’s actions.”

  Within half of an hour, the Gardiners and Bennets were announced to the group. Mrs Gardiner made her way quickly to her second eldest niece. “Oh, Lizzy, are you well? They did not harm you again, did they?”

  As her aunt enveloped her in warmth and security, Elizabeth began to sob again. “Shush, dear girl, all is well. We are all together, and safe. The men will discover a way to stop Mr Armstrong from bringing further harm. Have no fear, my sweet girl. You are with your family and we love you so much.”

  Several moments flowed by before Elizabeth was able to whisper to her aunt. “Jane?” “Yes, dear girl, your sisters are all here. Jane is being settled into a bed, and then I will take you to see her. She has been so worried for you.”

  Darcy had remained near Elizabeth as she was sobbing in her aunt’s embrace. “Mrs Gardiner, Miss Elizabeth, once you have visited with Miss Bennet, I am afraid Miss Elizabeth’s presence will be required in the drawing room. We should find you something more appropriate to wear though. We sent for the constable and he will, most likely, arrive soon. I am not certain what you saw or heard, Miss Elizabeth, but the constable will have questions for you.”

  “And who is the magistrate for this area of Town?” Mr Gardiner asked.

  “Lord Bentley. I sent a footman to his townhouse with a message as well.”

  “Write.” Elizabeth whispered, motioning her hand as if writing. Georgiana was quickest to catch her meaning. “I will bring the writing table Brother purchased for me last year when I was forced to remain in bed after I broke my leg.” Georgiana smiled. “It is perfect to sit across your lap with all the supplies you will need. I will also gather some clothes together for you, so you will have something to wear.”

  “Come, Lizzy, let us see Jane, and then you can return to Miss Darcy’s care to dress you. I know that none of us is dressed for a ball, but we, at least, had time to put some clothes on before fleeing our home. My poor girl.”

  Darcy smiled at the affection being shown by Elizabeth’s aunt. “Have no fear, Mrs Gardiner. Tomorrow, in the light of day, we will have someone gather Miss Elizabeth’s belongings and bring them here. If there is any need for additional items, they will be provided. And if you or anyone in your family have any needs, please, inform myself or Georgiana. She will be acting as your hostess while you remain with us. I am certain you will find her up to the task.”

  “I have no doubt of that, Mr Darcy, and I am grateful for all you and your family have done for us. I will never be able to thank you enough for all you have done.”

  “There is no need to thank me, Mrs Gardiner. It pleases me that I am able to come to your aid. I only wish it had not been necessary and that we could have met under more pleasant circumstances.”

  ~~ ** ~~ Lord Bentley entered the drawing room of Darcy House to find a gathering of people awaiting him. The constable, Mr Hawkins, was taking statements from Darcy.

  “Good God, what has happened? All the message said was that there had been an assault. From the looks of this house, it was not here. This is a fortress, from all the guards you have.”

  “Lord Bentley, welcome to our nightmare.” Colonel Fitzwilliam stated as he greeted his friend. Lord Bentley had always taken a shine to the younger Fitzwilliam son, and, at one time, had hope of having him for a son in law.

  “Richard, what is all this?” “We received word that Armstrong had

  discovered where Miss Elizabeth Bennet was hiding. We had placed her in a townhouse nearby, with guards and servants, in a plan to keep her safe. Armstrong has been searching for her, as he wishes to silence her, once and for all. When we arrived at the townhouse, there was a battle being fought between our guards and men attempting to force their way inside.”

  Lord Bentley sat in a nearby chair, shaken by the violence which had occurred. “Do we know Armstrong was behind the attack? Can we prove it?”

  “Miss Elizabeth heard his voice. She has written out her statement, as she still cannot speak ver
y well. She wrote that she heard his voice as he neared the stairwell leading upstairs, where she was standing with her nurse, the housekeeper, and maid. Having never heard the man, and with all the commotion, the other ladies do not know Armstrong from anyone else. It was just moments before we arrived, and after she heard us, Armstrong must have scurried out the back like the rat he is.”

  “But none of you saw him in the residence or on the grounds outside the building? We need a witness to prove he was there. He would hire the best solicitor to defend him, and they could say that Miss Elizabeth was slandering him in retribution. I know…I know…he should not be allowed to be free on the streets. It is clear that he is bent on causing her more harm. Do you know any of the men who were in the townhouse? Did you recognize anyone?”

  “I did not, though there were two men captured when we wounded them. My guards have them in the cellar, in separate rooms. I have sent for Mr Johnston.” Darcy informed Lord Bentley and Mr Hawkins.

  “Mr Hawkins, you should take the men into custody after they have been seen by the physician. And perhaps we should inspect the townhouse tomorrow morning, so we can attest to the damage done. When we are finally able to arrest Armstrong, I intend to have all the information wrapped with a bow to present to the world.”

  Mr Hawkins nodded his head. “After this attack, I am sure you all agree there will most likely be another attempt to reach Miss Elizabeth. Would it not be better to remove her from Town?”

  Lord Bentley shook his head. “No, no, Hawkins, it would not be safe. As a matter of fact, I am certain the colonel here could tell you that it would not be a battle plan he would use. Carriages would be far too vulnerable, there are many locations to ambush the carriages between here and Pemberley, which is where Armstrong would imagine them taking her. No, this is most likely the safest townhouse in all of London. The royals could learn a thing or two from these young men on securing a location.”

  “We have moved the Gardiners and Bennets here, and Mr Bingley as well.” Darcy stated. “Richard suggested it would be easier to protect us all here, under one roof.”

  “That is why Richard is a colonel, so young in his career. He has earned each promotion he has received, not purchased a commission like some of the dandies in our society.” Lord Bentley was proud of his young friend.

  “If you gentlemen are finished with Miss Elizabeth for tonight, would you mind if I escort her to her rooms?” Darcy inquired, noting Elizabeth’s eyelids growing heavy. “She has been through quite an ordeal tonight, and needs to rest.”

  “Of course, Miss Elizabeth. I pray you find some peace in your sleep. We will talk again tomorrow.” Lord Bentley stated clearly, making it obvious to Mr Hawkins that further questions could wait.

  Darcy assisted Elizabeth to her feet, then wrapped her fingers around his arm. He then led her down the hall, placing her in the room directly across the hall from his own. “This is the door to my rooms.” Darcy pointed out. “If you need anything, please, do not hesitate to ask. Feel safe, I will not allow any harm to come to you or your family.”

  Seeing the devotion in his eyes, Elizabeth nodded her head. “Thank you.” She whispered. “You never need to thank me, Elizabeth. I will always be here for you.” He lifted her hand to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on back of it. “Rest well, you are safe.”

  Inside her rooms was a maid, waiting to assist her. “Miss Georgiana asked me to see to you. My name is Abby. She gave me a nightgown for you to wear, as well as a morning gown for you to wear when you wake for the day.”

  Elizabeth nodded her head in approval. Once prepared for bed, Elizabeth sank into the comfort of the bed, succumbing to sleep, secure in the knowledge that she was safe and loved.

  ~~ ** ~~ “The whore has escaped me once again.” Armstrong roared as his physician treated a wound to his left shoulder. “How did Darcy and his cousin come to be there? And Bingley, too. If it were not for them, we would have the whore. We had almost made it to the stairs when they arrived. I will tolerate no more interference. This must come to an end. And there will be retribution for Matlock’s relations crossing me.”

  The physician was nervous, as he heard

  Armstrong’s words. It was obvious, from the bullet wound in his shoulder, the man had been in some sort of fight. From his words, the fight was instigated by Armstrong and his men.

  “The men sent word from Cheapside. When they returned to watch the Gardiner home, they learned the family was gone and the servants are on holiday.” James informed his employer.

  “That means Darcy has gathered them in his protection. Would he take them to Pemberley?” “The men asked around, and it appears that Darcy House is still occupied by the family. And it appears Mr Bingley has moved there. That must be where the Gardiner family has gone.”

  Armstrong cursed as the physician cleaned the wound. “I want you to take some men and pay a call on my establishments. Find Lord Matlock’s eldest son. Give him a message to relay to his father.”

  James nodded his head and left the room. Armstrong turned to the physician. “You will not tell anyone of my wound. Do you understand? Not one word, or you will regret it.”

  The physician nodded his head and continued to tend the wound, trying not to cause further fury from his patient.

  ~~~~~~~ ** ~~~~~~~

  Chapter 9 A knock on his study door drew Lord Matlock’s attention. “Enter” he called out.

  “Sir, there is a constable here to speak with you.” Lord Matlock’s brow furrowed as he wondered what would bring a constable to his door. “Show him in.”

  Once inside the study, the constable introduced himself as Mr Bowen.

  “What can I do for you, Mr Bowen?” “Lord Matlock, there is no easy way to tell you this, but I am here to inform you that your son, Anthony Fitzwilliam, was found dead. He was in a rough neighborhood, on Lower Bay Street. There are many gambling dens and houses of ill repute in that area. It appeared he had been robbed and beaten to death.”

  Finding it too difficult to speak, Lord Matlock sat still, unmoving. Mr Bowen was just about to call for assistance, when Lord Matlock finally uttered words. “My son and heir was murdered. Where is his body?”

  “I had his body taken to Milton’s. You can make whatever arrangements you wish with Mr Milton. We will be looking into the matter, as it is a murder, but I must tell you, the chances of finding the killer are slim.”

  “Enough. I have heard enough. Please leave me to my mourning.” Lord Matlock dismissed the constable. When the door closed, Lord Matlock moved to the sideboard and poured himself a glass of port. Throwing back the drink in one shot, he poured a second glass. “Damn you Armstrong. Damn you and your harlot. You murdered my heir over some whore you could not control. Bingley, you will pay for your role in my son’s murder. Why could you not have just left Armstrong alone with the chit? Your interference has cost me my first born. Damn you to hell. And I am sure that Darcy and Richard are involved in this betrayal as well. Richard most likely thinks he will inherit his brother’s title and wealth. Ha. There is no wealth left. There is nothing left now but your brother’s lifeless corpse. And it is on your head as well.” Draining his second and third glass of port, Lord Matlock turned and heaved the empty glass at the fireplace, shattering the glass against the stone façade. ~~ ** ~~

  The neighborhood surrounding the townhouse belonging to Bingley’s aunt began to come alive. The sounds of the fight the night before had most of the neighbors hiding in their homes, too afraid to venture out. Seeing the damaged townhouse, in the light of day, spoke volumes of the violence.

  Windows were shattered, doors were splintered to gain entrance. There was blood in many areas of the first level of the house, and in the garden area behind it. Furnishings were damaged, tables smashed and chairs over turned. It was clear to everyone that someone had desperately wanted something inside the townhouse.

  Lord Bentley and Mr Hawkins walked through the townhouse with Colonel Fitzwilliam. Darcy and Bi
ngley had remained at Darcy House, both wishing to remain close to their ladies.

  “We forced our way in the front door, and the intruders had nearly made it to the staircase. With our arrival, they were forced back. If we had been even a few moments later, they would have reached Miss Elizabeth and the other women.” Richard declared. “One of our guards was killed, two were injured. We were fortunate there were not more, as they were highly outnumbered. Armstrong brought a small army of his men.”

  “This is outrageous.” Lord Bentley exclaimed. “The amount of damage speaks of how many men were in here, fighting each other. I agree, Richard, it was a small army. The desperation to reach Miss Elizabeth is clear. It is a miracle they were not able to achieve their goal.” Turning towards the constable, Lord Bentley inquired, “Have either of the men taken into custody spoken?”

  “No, your lordship, though the one works at the docks, in one of the gambling establishments owned by Armstrong. It is not enough to prove Armstrong’s involvement, but it leans towards the conclusion.”

  Another man arrived, stepping to Lord Bentley’s side and spoke softly. Lord Bentley’s face paled. He turned his eyes to Colonel Fitzwilliam. “Richard, my footman has just informed me that your brother has been found, murdered.”

  “Armstrong made good on his threats.” Richard said as his hand combed through his hair. “Good God, Darcy and I were sure he had threatened Father. Anthony’s gambling has led to some major debts to Armstrong. He was sending us a message and punishing Father. Blast it all, what a horrid mess. Father must be beside himself.”

  “You should go to him, Richard. He will need you now more than ever.” The colonel shook his head. “No, Father will not wish to see me. He will hold Anthony’s death against me, and against Darcy. We argued recently over the situation with Armstrong. Father made it clear that we were not welcome if we did not assist Armstrong, and hand over Miss Elizabeth to him.”


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