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A Matter of Time_Paranormal, Tattoo, Supernatural, Romance

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by W. J. May

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan Sequel

  A Matter of Time

  Book I


  W.J. May

  Copyright 2016 by W.J. May

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright 2016 by W.J. May

  Cover design by: Book Cover by Design

  No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles and reviews.

  Have You Read the C.o.K Prequel Series?

  A Sub-Series of the Chronicles of Kerrigan.

  A prequel on how Simon Kerrigan met Beth!!

  Download for FREE:


  Christmas Before the Magic


  Question the Darkness


  Into the Darkness


  Fight the Darkness


  Alone the Darkness


  Lost the Darkness


  The Chronicles of Kerrigan

  Book I - Rae of Hope is FREE!


  Book Trailer:

  Book II - Dark Nebula


  Book Trailer:

  Book III - House of Cards


  Book IV - Royal Tea


  Book V - Under Fire


  Book VI - End in Sight


  Book VII – Hidden Darkness


  Book VIII – Twisted Together


  Book IX – Mark of Fate


  Book X – Strength & Power


  Book XI – Last One Standing


  Book XII – Rae of Light



  Christmas Before the Magic


  Question the Darkness


  Into the Darkness


  Fight the Darkness


  Alone the Darkness


  Lost the Darkness



  Matter of Time


  Time Piece


  Find W.J. May




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  A Matter of Time

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan Sequel

  The highly-anticipated sequel to the Chronicles of Kerrigan series, by international bestselling author, W.J. May

  It's time.

  The past can't stay buried forever...

  Rae Kerrigan and her friends thought all their problems were solved. The corruption in the Council has been exposed. The hybrids have been released from their unjust prisons. And Jonathon Cromfield—the evil puppet master pulling all the strings—has finally been put in the ground.

  With the promise of an actual future with Devon, the love of her life, Rae slips the ring back onto her finger and turned her eyes towards the horizon. Her heart’s filled with hope.

  Except, fate has other plans...

  With the return of her father, the infamous Simon Kerrigan who started it all, Rae finds that her newly right world has turned upside down again. The new peace in the tatù realm has shattered once more. Turning friends against friends. Family against family.

  Why was he imprisoned? What will he do now? More importantly, can Simon Kerrigan ever be trusted again?

  Rae and her team intend to find out...



  Have You Read the C.o.K Prequel Series?

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan

  Find W.J. May


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Time Piece Blurb

  Note from Author

  The Chronicles of Kerrigan

  More books by W.J. May


  ‘Lost time is never found again.’

  Benjamin Franklin

  Chapter 1

  ‘Lost time is never found again.’

  Benjamin Franklin

  But sometimes, just sometimes, you can find the things time left behind in its shadow.

  It can’t be.

  It was as if the room itself had turned to stone, rendering everyone in it a frozen statue; eyes wide with fear and astonishment, unable to believe it could be true. The only mov
ement that broke through the stillness was a quiet shuffling—the sounds of two unsteady feet slowly making their way towards the light.


  All the blue dilated out of Rae’s eyes as she took an automatic step back. Her shoulder blades pressed into Devon’s chest, standing just behind her, but she took no comfort in his presence. His pulse was as frantic and scattered as hers.

  This…cannot be happening. This has to be a dream.

  The man took another uncertain step forward—wincing at the light leaking in from the hallway, as if even its meager shine was enough to do him harm. He lifted his hand halfway in front of his face, shielding his eyes as he tried to speak again. “B-Beth…is that you?”

  The sound of his voice attacked Rae from all sides. Swooping down on her like a thousand vicious spirits. A thousand terrible memories she thought had been forever laid to rest.

  She didn’t answer. Couldn’t speak. The idea never even occurred to her. Her every thought was dominated by one single command, one single chance to leave this all behind her.


  But her feet wouldn’t move. Neither would Devon’s. Neither would any of the twelve armed men they’d brought with them to clear the dungeons. It was as if they were all under the same ghastly spell. Watching, completely incapacitated, as the man of their nightmares came slowly forth.

  “That’s…” An elderly guard standing with the rest of the contingent covered his mouth with a shaking hand. A weather-hardened soldier to be sure, but he had suddenly met his match. “That’s Simon Kerrigan.”

  The name sent out a shockwave, rippling through the little cavern and echoing against its the walls.

  Simon Kerrigan.

  Although Rae had grown up trapped under the legacy of that name, although she had grown up fighting the weight of it with everything she had…it was like she was hearing it for the first time.

  Her eyes flashed up and rested for a split second on his face. A face that had stared up at her from archived ‘wanted’ posters and open homicide investigations for the better part of her life. A face that should have been a stranger, but somehow was as familiar as her own.

  Their eyes met in the darkness. Father and daughter, standing there for the first time. The entire world seemed to stop turning, and for a moment it was just the two of them.

  Then the weight of reality came crashing down upon them, leaving a trail of unimaginable panic and years of devastation smoking in its wake.

  “No…” Devon’s hands wrapped around her upper arms, pulling her protectively against his chest. “No, that’s not…that couldn’t be…”

  But Simon seemed to notice Devon at the same time. For a moment his bleary eyes went wide with wonder, then he took another halting step forward. “Tristan?”

  Devon’s entire body locked down. Pressed up against him, Rae could feel it just as easily as if they’d been standing face to face. His lips parted, but not a whisper of sound came out. For a moment, he simply stood there—just as lost as she.

  Then all at once, the entire cavern sprang to life.

  At some unseen signal, a dozen hammers were cocked. A dozen guards lifted their guns in perfect unison—pointing each one at Simon Kerrigan’s chest.

  Simon froze where he stood. His eyes flickered over Rae and Devon, stricken in the center of the room, before he took a faltering step back.

  “I’m sorry…” His voice was hoarse from lack of use. “I wasn’t trying to…”

  The room fell silent again. Twelve fingers poised on the trigger. Not a single breath among them. A man’s entire life coming down to a single moment in time.

  “Just awaiting your orders, Madame President.”

  While the title still felt strange to Rae’s ears, Simon looked up in surprise. Surprise that turned to genuine pride and affection as he recognized the face of his daughter for the first time.

  “You’re the President of the Privy Council.” Despite the darkness around them, his eyes softened with a paternal glow. “Rae.”

  If hearing Simon’s name had stopped her heart, hearing her own name brought Rae back to life. He might have set fire to her past, but she had risen from the ashes to give herself a new future.

  She wasn’t about to let all that slip away now. Not for anything. Certainly not for this.

  All her years of training and experience suddenly came rushing back, steadying her shaking hands and silencing that ominous ringing in her ears. The legendary fairy painted on her lower back hummed with anticipation, ready to bring any of a hundred active powers bursting forth.

  And all the pain, and loss, and sacrifice…still fresh beneath the surface from a battle’s devastating cost, unlocked her frozen body. Propelling her forward into the cell.


  While Simon had said her name as an affirmation, Devon said it as a quiet plea. A warning for caution. There were no tatùs within these walls, but they had all grown up hearing enough stories of Simon Kerrigan to believe in the myth as well as the man.

  He took a step with her, unwilling to let her go too far. On either side of them, the contingent of guards followed suit their guns still raised at the ready.

  After ‘the battle to save the world’, as it had been quickly named by some of the younger members of the inked generation, the power dynamics within the society’s upper echelons had irrevocably shifted. Not only had Rae been unanimously asked to assume the presidency of the Privy Council, but she and her friends had been forcibly thrust into a position of near-royalty. A cult of fervent veneration had sprung up around the young friends. A respect bordering almost upon reverence that elevated their already-renowned story to the stuff of legends.

  It was a strange and unwelcome position to find themselves in, seeing as the only thing the reluctant heroes wanted to do at the moment was shut themselves away from the world and cry. It also meant that, even though Rae and Devon were undoubtedly the most formidable warriors in the cell, their own guard felt absurdly protective of them.

  The second Devon stepped forward, three hands shot out to pull him back. They would have done the same thing with Rae if she wasn’t already halfway across the floor, standing face to face with her father.

  Would you look at that…

  He was tall. She’d never known that before. With a beard that spoke to almost two decades kept in captivity. In all the pictures she’d seen, he’d always been clean-shaven.

  She tilted her head and leaned in closer still.

  It probably wasn’t wise to get so close. If she hadn’t figured that out herself, she could always pick up on it from the palpable tension coming from her people on the other side of the room. No, it probably wasn’t wise. But what part of this situation possibly made sense?

  The man was dead.

  There was a death certificate to prove it. There were a dozen eye-witnesses to back it up. She had seen it herself, for Pete’s sake. She had seen the kitchen ceiling give way. Seen the waves of liquid fire crash down upon his head. He had been buried in rubble, only to emerge a broken corpse, not a flicker of life left in his body.

  And yet…

  Her blue eyes traced him up and down, taking in every little detail with spellbound attention, only to realize that he was doing the exact same thing to her. Their eyes met in the middle, and for a second she was almost tempted to reach out and touch him. If only to make sure that he was real.

  Then Devon’s voice cracked out like a whip. “Kerrigan!”

  Both Rae and Simon looked up at the same time.

  She glanced over her shoulder, lingering a moment on her fiancé’s anxious face before returning to her father’s. That same paternal smile was still lighting him up, quickening his breath, before settling in his eyes as he beamed down at her.

  “You look so much like your mother.”

  Rae blinked once.

  Then she pulled back her fist, and knocked him right to the floor.

  * * *

  A dozen frantic whispers ech
oed nervously off the cell walls, creating a low buzz in Rae’s ears as she stared down at her father. For his part, Simon Kerrigan was sleeping peacefully on the stone floor, completely oblivious to the fact that his own flesh and blood had just punched him with enough force to dent a car.

  “—can’t believe that’s actually him. They buried him, didn’t they? Had a funeral?”

  “Cremated, I think. No funeral. Because who the hell would go?”

  “But that’s Simon, alright. I was a few years above him in school. The beard threw me for a second, but I’d know him anywhere. There are some faces you just can’t hide…”

  There are some faces you just can’t hide.

  Rae stared down at Simon, ignoring the chaos going on around her as she pondered the wisdom in those words.

  Was it true? Were there some things so terrible, that no matter how deep you buried them in the ground they would always come back up to haunt you? Could you only run so far before the past eventually caught up?

  Several minutes passed, but Rae found that she couldn’t move a muscle. All she could do was stare. The buzzing in her ears grew louder and more impatient, but still she stayed right where she was, kneeling over Simon’s fallen body. Staring at his closed eyes, as if at any moment they could snap open and drop her where she stood.

  As usual, Devon was just a step behind. He, too, had remained perfectly still. A far cry from his usual perpetual motion, but the boy was a perfect statue. The only time he moved was to reach out and grab someone’s cell phone, crumbling it in his hand before it could complete the call.


  The guards instantly complied with his soft-spoken request. But the buzzing remained.

  An obvious question floated to the forefront of everyone’s mind, echoed back in a dozen different voices, phrased a dozen different ways. And the longer they stood there, the longer they talked, the more that question demanded an answer.


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