Dominating Cassidy [Long Mead 2]

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Dominating Cassidy [Long Mead 2] Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Long Mead 2

  Dominating Cassidy

  Cassidy Jocks has been forced to make a choice. She either chooses Gary, Scott, Roy, and Jesse Walker or she chooses Michael Hall, the local sheriff. She can’t do it, and when she goes to tell her men that she can’t pick, they give her the best option available. She can have all of them.

  Her life with her men is a dream come true. Gary is fierce and loyal. Scott is confused, but she sees the love inside of him. Roy is cheeky, and Jesse is her best friend. Michael is the dominant.

  Their relationship is working well, but when a misunderstanding causes Gary and Scott to attack Michael during his time with Cassidy, she knows it’s time to leave.

  Cassidy stays with her sister. She learns a few facts about herself and the love she has for her five men. Will she have the strength to fight for them? Or has her change of heart come too late?

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Genre: Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre, Western/Cowboys

  Length: 34,591 words


  Long Mead 2

  Sam Crescent


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: LoveXtreme


  Copyright © 2012 by Sam Crescent

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62241-649-3

  First E-book Publication: November 2012

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  Amanda Hilton, Publisher


  I want to say a big thank-you to my editor, Alex O’Brien, for your wonderful help on this story. I appreciate everything you and Siren do.


  Long Mead 2


  Copyright © 2012

  Chapter One

  Cassidy Jocks poured herself another generous shot of whiskey and enjoyed the burn as she swallowed down the dark amber liquid in one gulp. She wiped the tears from her eyes as she poured herself another drink. Earlier in the day, Michael Hall, Sheriff Michael Hall, had asked her out on a date. In the next instance, Gary and the other three Walker brothers each took turns in asking her out. How could she pick between all of the men? On the one hand there was sweet Sheriff who treated her like a lady and then there were the Walker brothers. All four brothers looked like they had been personally blessed by the gods in every area of their physique. The four brothers had been there for her when she needed them most. They welcomed her into their family with open arms when her parents passed away. So instead of going out dancing with any of the men, she was at home drowning her sorrows in cheap-ass whiskey, which she didn’t like.

  How did she get herself into this mess?

  For the last few weeks she’d been trying to figure out a way to pick between the brothers and the sheriff. The Walker brothers came together as a four-person unit. She knew about their need to share a woman as they had a mother and three dads themselves. Cassidy ran her fingers through her red, tangled hair, wincing when she caught a knot.

  She moved from the sofa, taking the bottle of whiskey with her. She walked up the flight of stairs to her bedroom. She grabbed the brush and began to yank at the strands of her hair.

  The tears poured from her eyes as the pain increased from her brushing. The alcohol did not help to ease her rioting thoughts. Fighting her attraction for five men was getting harder every day. She knew it would only be a matter of time before they told her to pick between them. Was she sick to be feeling something for five men? She knew Long Mead had their share of multiple relationships but five men! Five men. She closed her eyes, not able to look at her reflection in the mirror.

  Claire Martin was due to visit her in the next day. Her husbands, Shane and Liam, were bringing her over so she could have a girly day with Cassidy.

  What would happen if she couldn’t pick? Would the Walkers throw her out of her home? Michael would never talk to her again, and she loved the older man’s company. She liked them all for different reasons.

  Gary was the oldest of the four brothers with intensely dark hair and brown eyes. He was bossy, but she saw the care in his eyes when he looked at her. Scott was the next Walker but lighter in hair coloring and was always passed over for Gary. Roy was the cheeky brother who loved to play jokes. He loved her pies and sweet treats that she baked. She adored his easy banter. The last of the Walker clan, but certainly not least, was Jesse, the youngest, quietest, and most intense of all the brothers. He stared at her, and she had no idea what he was thinking. Jesse was the largest of all four brothers as he spent a great deal of his time weight lifting in the gym they put in or lifting bales of straw.

  Then there was Michael Hall, the Long Mead sheriff who treated her like a lady and listened to her when she talked. He didn’t order her around or make her feel like a child.

  Oh shit! She was in love with all five, and she didn’t have the first clue in how she would be able to pick or even tell them how she was feeling.

  Opening her eyes, she put the brush back on her dresser top and flopped down onto the bed. Some of
the whiskey sloshed onto the sheets, making her want to cry. She would need to put them in the laundry tomorrow.

  Not only would she have to do the laundry, she needed to tell five men how she felt and put them all out of their misery. Even if putting them out of their misery meant she no longer had a home. She reached for her phone and dialed the number for her sister. Louise—Cassidy preferred to call her Lou—was her youngest sister and lived in town as a nanny to some wealthy lawyer.

  “Hello.” Louise picked up on the third ring.


  “Cassidy? What’s the matter?” She heard the worry in her sister’s voice, and it made her want to cry.

  “I can’t pick,” she said, biting her lip to try and contain her sobs.

  “I guess you’re referring to the delightful Walker brothers and our very own Long Mead sheriff?” Cassidy could imagine her sister sat on her bed, brushing out her blonde curls, laughing at her.

  “This isn’t funny,” Cassidy told her.

  “I never said it was. I’ve told you a gazillion times. Talk to Michael and Gary and all the others. Tell them all how you feel.”

  The way her sister said it, she made it sound so simple. How could she approach five amazing men and tell them to their faces that she loved them all? She’d never told anyone she loved them before in her life, except her parents and her sister, Lou.

  “It’s easier said than done,” Cassidy said, taking another gulp of the whiskey. She coughed but was able to keep it down even as it burned her throat.

  “No. It’s not. Gary and the guys have cared for you for some time, and I know Michael does as well. You’ve got nothing to lose. Stop being a baby and go tell them how you feel.”

  “You do realize you’re younger than me, right?”

  “Yes and stop drinking. You’ll look a mess tomorrow, and nobody wants to kiss a drunken woman. Eww.”

  Cassidy laughed, feeling much better after talking with her sister. “I know you’re probably going to kick my ass, but if it doesn’t go well tomorrow…”

  “Then you’ve got a place to crash here. Mr. Smith won’t mind.”

  “Thank you.”

  They hung up several minutes later. Cassidy took a final drink of the whiskey. She knew tomorrow she had to make her choice.

  How were they going to take her answer?

  * * * *

  Michael stared out of the Walkers’ kitchen window at the house at the back. It was only a small building and was enough for Cassidy to live in. The lights were still on in the front, and he saw a light in the top right window that he assumed was her bedroom. He’d never been inside her house, but he knew it was small from what the town folk said.

  “What are you trying to say, Michael?” Gary asked from across the room. His arms were folded across his chest, and Michael knew the other man was being defensive.

  “What I’m saying is that we don’t let her choose. She can have all of us if you’re willing to share her with me.”

  He watched as Gary, Scott, Roy, and Jesse exchanged looks. “We don’t even know if she wants to be with us. Gary has been too bossy when it comes to Cassidy,” Scott said.

  “Look. I love Cassidy. She’s a wonderful woman, and I want to spend the rest of my life with her, and if that means I have to share her, then that is what I’m willing to do.” Michael had seen Cassidy in town looking like a shell of her usual boisterous self. She looked like she’d lost weight, and he loved her curves. He wanted to see her smiling with her hips swaying to her own musical beat inside her head. It was because of all these reasons that he’d finally decided to lay his cards on the table to the Walkers. He knew they cared for her, too, and this would be the only way for all of them.

  “She’ll pick who she wants,” Gary said.

  “You really think she’ll pick between us? She would have picked by now. If we don’t tell her how we feel soon, she’ll leave us, and then we all lose,” Michael told him.

  Jesse stood up from his seat at the table. “I think Michael has a point.”

  The other three brothers began to argue with him.

  “Shut the fuck up,” Jesse yelled. “You’re like a dog with a fucking bone.” Considering he was the quietest of the four brothers, Michael held a lot of respect for the youngest member.

  “We don’t even know if she’ll want all five of us. She might tell us all to go and fuck ourselves,” Roy finally spoke up.

  “And she might want us all,” Michael said. “I came here because I think she wants all of us. She won’t pick between us, and any woman would have by now. I’m willing to share, and you’re all clearly willing to share with each other, so why not me?”

  Silence descended on the kitchen as all four brothers stared at him. He folded his arms over his chest and stared back. He wasn’t afraid of the men in front of him. Fighting was not what he had planned with them.

  “Can you give us a few minutes? I want to talk with my brothers,” Gary said.

  Michael nodded and walked out the back door. He stared at the house, debating if he should see if she was okay. Running fingers through his hair, he made his way down the path toward her front door. He knocked and waited.

  At first there was no noise coming from her house, and he turned to go back to the Walkers’ when she stood with her wild red hair flowing round her.

  “Michael? What’s the matter?” she asked.

  The moment he saw her, Michael felt a kick to his gut. She always affected him like this. He was forty years old. Fifteen years her senior.

  “I wanted to make sure you were okay.”

  “Why wouldn’t I be?” She folded her arms in front of her, and he noted the sheer nightgown she was wearing. Her skin was so pale and her eyes clear blue like the ocean on a hot summer’s day.

  “I’m not a fool, Cassidy. I know you’ve been trying to deal with all this.” He pointed at himself and then behind him at the Walkers’ ranch.

  “Yeah. You guys haven’t made anything easy on me, have you?” She left the door open, walking away from him. Michael followed behind, closing her door as he did. He found her putting away a whiskey bottle in a cabinet. The sheer nightgown she wore molded to her generous curves. He knew she’d lost weight, but looking at her in the small scrap of fabric made him aware she still had plenty of curves.

  He always loved a woman who could take his passion. He loved holding on to a woman and letting go and fucking her into oblivion without the fear of breaking her. Michael knew she would look amazing with the red print of his hand over her ass. When her full luscious curves returned in full, her ass would be all his. Most of his nights were spent imagining her on her hands and knees as he spanked her ass, over and over again. The desire to tie her to his bed as he punished her for making him wait was hard to ignore. He wanted his submissive, desperately.

  “I guess we haven’t.” He folded his arms, trying to stop himself from walking over to her, pressing her against the wall, and fucking her brains out. “Have you made a decision?” he asked.

  She burst out laughing. The sound she made, verging on hysteria rather than actual happiness. “I’ve got to pick between you and the Walker brothers?”

  Michael knew he didn’t sound fair, one against four, but he could make her happy. He was certain of it.

  “I’m fucking drunk, Michael. I’ve been drinking all afternoon wondering how the fuck I could pick between you two.”

  He put her cursing down to the drink as he’d never heard such naughty words come past her lips before.

  She walked toward him, her tits, which were not constrained by a bra, bouncing with every step she took. His cock thickened in his pants at the glorious sight before him. The desire to reach out and tear the fabric from her body was intense. He wanted to see her naked, open, and willing underneath him.

  Pre-cum oozed out of the tip of his cock, and he hoped to god he didn’t have an arousal stain inside his jeans. He caught her the moment she stumbled over her own feet. She looked so adorably
cute with her fiery red hair spilling around her face. He loved her hair. Her hair was the same red-hot spirit as the woman who owned it. He would love to see a pair of his nipple clamps on her nipples. Michael imagined her nipples would be red and puckered.

  She melted against him, and Michael couldn’t help himself. He sunk his fingers in her hair and splayed his hand on her waist. She felt like home to him. Her blue-eyed gaze captured him as she looked up at him. Her tongue peeked out from between her lips to moisten her mouth.

  He wanted to fuck her mouth. He wanted to see her red lips wrapped around the length of his dick as he pushed inside her mouth.

  “You’re thinking naughty thoughts,” she said.

  “How would you know?” he asked, loving this new teasing side to Cassidy.

  “Your cock is pressed against my stomach, Sheriff. May I say what a mighty fine package you have?”

  Michael growled as she stroked him through his jeans. Fuck! He was struggling to keep his dominance at bay. If she’d been his and knew about his lifestyle he would have her on the floor, presenting herself to him. Her head bowed while her tits were pushed up. Michael forced his rampant desires down. Cassidy wasn’t ready for that side of him. With time she may be ready to be submissive for him but now wasn’t the time to explore.

  “Cassidy? You need to stop.”

  “No I don’t. I’m tired of stopping, Sheriff. I want you so bad. I want you all so bad. Fuck me, and let me forget about the choice I have to make.” Her begging was his undoing. Lifting her in his arms, he moved out of the sitting room, going to the stairs. She giggled, pushing the strap of her nightgown down her arm. He knew he would regret this decision in the morning. Her breasts spilled out, and she looked so fucking good. They were large with lovely pink nipples. He wanted to suck her and see how sensitive her mounds were. Kicking open the first door he came to, he moaned in frustration while she giggled. He’d opened the bathroom door. In the next room, he thanked the lord above as there was a lovely full-size bed.


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