Dominating Cassidy [Long Mead 2]

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Dominating Cassidy [Long Mead 2] Page 2

by Sam Crescent

  She laughed as he dumped her on the bed and followed her down. Then she went silent with her body going lax. Frowning, Michael looked down and saw she’d passed out. He wondered how much she had drunk. Cursing himself, he eased up off the bed and lifted her into a more comfortable position. He put a blanket over her and turned out her light. With great reluctance, he left her alone and walked down the stairs. He locked himself out of her house and pushed the key through the letter box.

  He had to have her, and he hoped the Walkers saw the appeal of his suggestion. He refused to give up. Cassidy was his woman and he intended to have her, no matter the cost.

  Chapter Two

  Gary made sure Michael was out of earshot before he began talking to his brothers. He knew it was only a matter of time before the older man came calling with such a suggestion. He’d been thinking about an arrangement along similar lines. Ever since they’d given Cassidy the ultimatum to choose between them, he knew it was unfair. Sharing her with his brothers would be different to sharing her with Michael. He hated the idea, but he also saw the solution to all of their problems even if it was fucked up.

  “You’re considering this?” Scott asked him.

  He nodded his head, unable to form the words.

  “I think it is a good idea,” Jesse said as he stood up. Gary stared at his younger brother. He rarely spoke, and yet he had an opinion on this matter.

  “Do you really think we’ve got what it takes to share her with Michael?” Roy asked.

  “We don’t have a choice. Cassidy would never pick between us. She’d leave before she risked hurting anyone. You know that. We all know that,” Gary said. He ran his fingers through his hair, trying to stem his frustration. Most of the time he was in Cassidy’s bad books, and he no longer wanted to be responsible for causing her pain. The moment she left him inside a prison cell rather than bail him out had opened his eyes to what he was doing to the woman he loved. “I love her, guys. I don’t want to lose her because we can’t share her.”

  “What if we can’t share her, Gary? What happens then?” Scott asked.

  “We learn to share her with Michael or we lose her. It’s as simple as that. You tell me, Scott. Can you watch her walk away or would you share her to be able to see her smile every day?” Gary asked his brother.

  He saw Scott fighting with himself. The way he held himself back with the instinct to refuse. “I’d rather share her than have nothing of her,” Scott finally admitted after some time.

  “And you?” Gary looked at Roy for his answer.

  “I have loved Cassidy for most of my life. I’d do anything to be with her,” Roy answered.

  “What about you?” He turned to Jesse, the youngest of all the brothers.

  “I’d give everything for her happiness. I’m the one who beat the shit out of that asshole who used her, remember? Sharing her with Michael would not be a hardship. He clearly loves her, otherwise he wouldn’t be here trying to get us to do the same.”

  Gary nodded, recalling the fuck head who’d dated Cassidy when she was nineteen. He’d watched the fucking loser, Luke something, around Long Mead. He would never forget the day he opened the door to see her crying and in pain. Luke had taken what he wanted from her and moved on to the next woman. None of them had been able to stop Jesse from finding the asshole and beating him to a pulp.

  “We’re in agreement then?”

  They all nodded. Gary went to the door and saw Michael returning from the path leading to Cassidy’s place. “What were you doing?” he asked.

  Michael walked back inside. “I went to visit Cassidy. She’s not in good shape. She doesn’t want to choose, and if we don’t come to some agreement, then we’re going to lose her.”

  Gary noted the flush on the other man. Something had happened back at Cassidy’s house, he was certain.

  He wouldn’t ask. From this night on, they would all be equal to Cassidy’s affections.

  “Have you made a decision?” Michael asked.

  “Yes. We’re willing to share.” Gary hoped he’d made the right decision. Staring behind him at the outline of Cassidy’s house, he hoped to god he would have her love soon.

  * * * *

  Jesse went to his room as his three older brothers saw Michael to the door. He closed the door and let out the breath he’d been holding. For the last few weeks he’d been waiting for this stalemate between his brothers and the sheriff to come to a close. Watching Cassidy had been a nightmare. She always looked so troubled when she should be happy. There were five men who wanted nothing more than to love her, but she had to choose. Moving away from the door, he sat on the edge of his bed. He leaned down and grabbed the wooden box from under his bed.

  Releasing the latch, he opened the lid. None of his brothers knew about the trinkets he’d kept over the years. His personal memories of Cassidy Jocks. He’d still been in high school when she had. Three years separated them in age. The short age gap hadn’t stopped them from being close friends.

  He pulled out a couple of faded movie tickets from when he’d taken her out on a date. Well, he’d seen it as a date whereas she saw it as two friends going out together. A couple of shells from the beach when he’d driven both of them down to sea for the day. Some of the trinkets were receipts he kept from meals they had shared together. A handkerchief she’d given him when he cut his hand while chopping some vegetables for a barbeque. It was washed, but he couldn’t throw it out as it belonged to her. Moving other bits and pieces out of the way, he pulled out a handful of pictures he had of her. He placed the box on the bed at his side, and looked at the pictures with care.

  The first one he took with her sister when she came to visit Cassidy at the ranch. She came in every morning and evening to cook for them and clean their house. They wanted her close to them so they could protect her. He placed the picture at the back and moved to the next one. She stood near a Christmas tree wearing a reindeer sweater and smiling at him. It had been their first Christmas together, and he’d never seen her so happy. The next picture was one with his brothers. Gary, Scott, and Roy stared at her with hunger in their eyes. They’d wanted her from the moment she’d stepped onto their ranch all grown up and asking for a job. Up until that time she had been too young. Her stubborn spirit and caring ways had won them over within days. Cassidy Jocks was the woman for them.

  The last photo was the one with him. She had her arms wrapped around his neck, and she was kissing his cheek. This was taken last year during summer break. He’d driven them down to the beach and gone partying that lasted into the early hours of the following morning. She knew how to dance, and he’d loved every second of her being in his arms.

  Pushing everything back into the box, he placed it back under his bed. He lay back and stared at the picture. There was nothing in this world that he wouldn’t give to be with Cassidy. The night he and his brothers had sat down and admitted their feelings for her had been the best moment of his life.

  “I love you, Cassidy Jocks. I always have, and I always will.” He stared at the picture until he drifted off into sleep.

  * * * *

  Scott saw Michael out with Gary and Roy. The older man left in his truck, not the marked sheriff truck but a plain black one.

  “Where’s Jesse?” he asked his brothers when the door closed.

  “He’s gone to bed. I think he’s dealing with everything that’s happening. You know it’s his way of handling stuff,” Roy said.

  Scott nodded and moved to the sitting room. He turned on the television and flicked through the channels.

  “I’m going to bed. Michael will be over tomorrow. Seeing as it’s Sunday and we’ve let the ranch hands off for the day I think it means we’ll have plenty of time to discuss Cassidy,” Gary said.

  “Sounds like a plan. I only hope you haven’t fucked us over with Cassidy. You know? With your overbearing attitude.” Scott turned over the adult channel as he didn’t want to see the crap with women faking it.

know I fucked up, Scott. I’m hoping I haven’t caused too much trouble.”


  Scott grunted. He was so angry with his brother he wanted to spit. For years he’d been forced to toe the line and listen to what he had to say. Look where that had gotten him. The woman he cared about turned to another man for comfort, and now he had to share her with Michael. He would do it as he loved her, but he didn’t want to.

  Roy settled on the seat across from him, and he glanced behind him to see Gary moving toward the stairs.

  “If he hadn’t been an asshole, she wouldn’t have gone to Michael in the first place,” he said to Roy.

  “You’ve got to get over your issues with Gary. He cares about you, and he was doing what he thought was best for Cassidy.”

  He hated how his brothers defended Gary. “You really think shouting at her and treating her like a child was doing the right thing?” he asked.

  Roy stared past his shoulder, and Scott turned to see Gary was stood there staring at him. “I said I was sorry, Scott. What more do you want from me? I saw her in a skimpy bikini, and the guys were staring at her, and I didn’t think. I only reacted, and I fucked up. I know this.”

  Scott stood up and faced his older brother. He didn’t know what was going on inside him. The anger he felt toward his sibling had been growing for years. He was constantly looked over because of Gary, and he was getting sick of it. Women would only date him to get to the oldest Walker brother. Teachers always saw him as Gary’s younger brother. There was nothing in his life where he wasn’t compared to Gary. He was thirty-two years old, and the animosity he felt was still consuming him.

  “You notice though how when you fuck up it’s everyone else’s fault but your own? Because of you, we’ve got to share her with Michael. If only you’d gotten your shit together, we could have her by now.”

  Gary moved closer, and Scott stepped forward. His hand clenched into a fist. If Gary was going to start a fight, then he would be more than happy to oblige.

  “Would the pair of you stop this? Cassidy will see through the pair of you if you don’t get over your problems. She’d agree to us all sharing, however, I don’t think she’d agree to you two fighting.” Roy stood between his two older brothers. The fight inside Scott went away.

  “I’m going to bed,” Scott said, storming up the stairs. He passed Jesse’s room and went to the end of the hall where his room was. Slamming the door behind him, he smacked his fist against the hard wood. The pain did nothing to ease his anger. Pacing his room, he took deep breaths to try and handle his temper. This is what his fathers had taught him to do when they’d seen the fight inside him.

  In time, he began to cool down, and his anger dissipated. Once he could open his eyes without seeing red, he went into his bathroom and turned the shower onto the coldest it could go. For as long as he could remember, he’d been dealing with his anger. His fathers had refused to take the belt to him, which is what his grandfathers had suggested.

  He rid his body of his clothes and got into the cold shower, wincing the moment the cold jets touched his skin.

  His thoughts eased, and then he thought of Cassidy. Whenever he thought about her, he was able to gain control within moments. He knew having her close would help him deal with his problems toward Gary.

  He recalled the moment he’d been yelled at for some work he’d done wrong on the ranch. Gary and his yells could be heard all around. Instead of ignoring him when he stormed through the kitchen, Cassidy followed him out to the barn. When he’d been ready to do some serious damage to his fists, she’d sat with him and listened to him talk. She was the first woman to take the time to listen. Most of the women he knew wanted a quick route to Gary. Cassidy had been different. She talked to him and always had a smile and kind word.

  She made his issues with Gary seem unimportant. Washing his hair, he thought about his brother. He would never see him come to any harm, and he did love him in his own way. Gary was able to make his temper rise unlike anyone else.

  He turned the shower off and grabbed a towel to dry his body. He hoped, with Cassidy being with them, she would be able to calm his temper. She meant the world to him with her kind smile and sassy attitude. She would be good for all of them.

  He hoped they were men enough to see the angel she was.

  * * * *

  Roy watched Scott leave and then Gary. The animosity between the two brothers was getting more heated with every passing day. Ever since Gary had pissed Cassidy off and sent her into Michael’s waiting arms, the tension had risen between Scott and Gary.

  Shaking his head, he sat down on the sofa and put the dirty movie back on. Watching porn helped him to lose himself for the few minutes’ peace it gave him. The woman on the television was pretty, and he could tell it was an act. No woman went down like that on a man, and when one of the guys fingered her between the legs, he saw she was bone dry. Disgusted by what he saw, Roy turned the television off and went to his own room. The meeting had gone much better than he thought.

  He shut himself inside his room and put on some soothing music. Lying down on his bed, he stared up at the ceiling thinking about what had happened. Sharing her with Michael would be hard to do at first, but when he thought of her lush body with five of them to give her pleasure, his dick grew to attention. Shutting his eyes, he thought about her spread on their bed, her feet and arms bound with his brothers and Michael loving her. She would never be alone again. They would love her and give her everything she ever wanted.

  Moaning, he stroked his cock through his jeans. He pulled himself out and stroked the length, using some of his cum leaking out of the tip to spread over the head. He envisioned her thrashing against the restraints but her cum clearly visible, leaking from her pussy. She would be so wet and welcoming that they would take it in turns to lick her up. He growled, wondering what she would taste like.

  The thought alone was enough to throw him over the edge. His cum shot from cock onto his exposed stomach. He came down from his release panting for breath.

  Being with Cassidy couldn’t come soon enough.

  Chapter Three

  Michael drew closer to her. The nightshirt she wore disappeared as he tore it from her body. The intensity of his gaze made her shiver with need. He wore a pair of leather pants with no shirt. The thick muscles of his arms made her aware of the power behind his body. All she had was a safe word to keep her safe. But did she want to be safe from him?

  She wanted him so desperately.

  “You’ve been a naughty girl making us wait,” he said.

  “I couldn’t choose between you and the others.”

  “Who said anything about you choosing? They want you here as much as I do. Look.” Michael moved out of the way for her to see all the Walkers staring at her. Their eyes were on her body.

  “Kneel,” Michael said. She complied instantly. All of her men were here. She would do anything for them. “I think you deserve to be punished. I want to see your sweet, pale ass red for the trouble you’ve caused each of us.”

  “Yes, I want it.” She moaned as his fingers sunk into the length of her hair, pulling on the strands.

  “You’ll let us all punish you, won’t you? You’re our woman for us to use and punish as we see fit.”

  “Yes. I’m only yours. I only want you.”

  He laid her on the floor with her on her knees. Her ass in the air. The lips of her cunt would be on perfect display for all the men. She heard moans of approval followed by rustling. Cassidy couldn’t see anyone.

  Someone caressed her ass, and then she heard the sound of the smack followed by the burn.

  “Look at her red ass.”

  Cassidy wanted more. She wanted them all to punish her, but it wasn’t meant to be.

  Cassidy rolled over and groaned as her head felt like hammers were being smacked inside her brain. She grabbed her head and sat up in bed. Her mouth tasted horrible, and her hair was matted. Opening her eyes, she looked around her
bedroom. The morning light was shining through the thin curtains. She checked the time and saw it was already past nine in the morning. Moaning, she climbed out of bed and walked slowly toward the bathroom.

  The door was open, and she went to the sink where the mirror was. She gasped at the state of her hair. There was no way she would be able to brush out the knots. Pouting, she turned on the shower and grabbed a bottle of special conditioner that would help with her hair. She pulled her nightgown off and stopped. Her memories of the previous night were fuzzy, but she saw Michael as clear as day.

  Had he come round to visit?

  She got in the shower and moaned in approval when the warm water ran over her body. The water cascading over her body made her feel refreshed. She rubbed the conditioner in her hair and then the events of the night before came to her in full force. She remembered begging Michael to fuck her and stroking him brazenly like some cheap hussy.

  Moaning, she put her head on top of her arms which were resting against the shower wall. If she were sad enough, she would burst into tears. The tears evaded her for the moment. Sighing, she finished washing the night’s stresses and drink away from her body. Refreshed, she climbed out of the shower, grabbed a towel, and went to get dressed.

  Cassidy settled on a simple blue summer dress with flat sandals. She clipped her red hair off her face and decided on no makeup. She wanted the fresh air on her face.

  Walking down the stairs, she let out a sigh of relief when she noticed her house was completely clean. Her drinking binge hadn’t caused any external problems, so a point for her. She looked out of the window at the Walkers’ house and thought about what her sister had told her. The conversation with her sister had been one of the clearer points of last night. She knew she had to tell them what she felt. Leaving them hanging like this was not fair.


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