Dominating Cassidy [Long Mead 2]

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Dominating Cassidy [Long Mead 2] Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “No. That’s okay. I wasn’t watching where I was going,” the man said. She recognized the voice. Frowning, she looked up at Luke. Her old boyfriend. The one who got his ass kicked for breaking her heart.


  “Cassidy. You look nice,” he said.

  She touched her hair self-consciously. He’d always had a problem with her red hair. In fact, as she thought back, he’d never liked a single thing about her. Her weight, her eye and hair color were always a problem.

  If she’d been so repulsive to him, why had he even dated her?

  “What are you doing here?” she asked. The last thing she’d heard was he had skipped town.

  “I moved back to town. I’m treating my wife to a night out.”

  “You’re married?”

  “Yes. Three years now. I’ve got a little boy as well. He’s the cutest thing ever.” Cassidy couldn’t believe it when he pulled out his wallet and began to show her a picture of his little angel.

  She stared down at the photo and couldn’t help but smile at the picture. A chubby-cheeked young boy stared back at her. “He’s so cute.”

  “I know. He’s the best thing that has ever happened to me. How are you, Cassidy?”

  “I’m fine. I’m with the Walkers now.”

  At the mention of her men, he paled. “I wanted to apologize for the way I treated you. Becoming a father has not only opened my world but opened my eyes to how I was. I’m sorry.”

  She wished she could tell him to go and fuck himself but suddenly, the pain he caused her no longer meant anything to her.

  A pair of hands wrapped around her waist. She gazed up to see Jesse glaring at Luke.

  “What are you doing here, Luke?”

  A blonde came out of the bathroom, the one who’d been glaring at her. She put her hand through Luke’s arm.

  “What’s going on, Luke?” she asked.

  “Melody, I’d like you to meet, Jesse Walker and Cassidy Jocks. This is my wife, Melody.”

  Jesse tightened his grip, offering her support. She turned and smiled up at him.

  “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Melody. Come on, Cassidy. The others are waiting for us,” Jesse said.

  She smiled at the woman and Luke, then followed Jesse through the crowds of people. Shane, Liam, and Claire were saying their good-byes by the time they got to the table.

  “You’re leaving?” Cassidy asked.

  “It’s getting busier, and home seems pretty good right now. I’ve got two handsome men who want to keep me entertained.” Claire hugged her. “I’ll see you in the week.”

  Cassidy sat between Scott and Gary, staring out at the dance floor. Couples littered the floor, all of them in a state of arousal. She saw the way they touched, their bodies fusing together and becoming one.

  Her heart rate picked up as Scott and Gary caressed the inside of her leg. Up and down, up and down. Their fingers ignited her flesh and made her burn. Her nipples tightened to painful points as her pussy moistened. They knew what they were doing, and Roy, Michael, and Jesse sat and watched her get hotter with every touch.

  She needed to gain some control. Cassidy took a long drink of her beer and then stood up.

  “Come on. I want to dance with all of you.” She took Scott and Gary’s hands, leading them onto the floor. She looked behind her to make sure the other three were following. They were.

  Other dancers moved out of the way to make room for all of her men. They surrounded her with their warmth and love. She could feel the power of their feelings deep down to the very core of her soul.

  They touched her, and she didn’t know who touched or where. They were all touching her, and that was the only thing she cared about. She loved these five men more than anything else in her life. They meant the world to her.

  When she saw Luke, she’d known her feelings for him had been pathetic compared to the way she felt about the five men around her. She knew she shouldn’t be feeling this way for five men, but she did. Life was too short and painful to not learn to love the people who love you back.

  In the city their relationship may have been something to be ashamed of but in Long Mead, their relationship would be accepted without fear.

  Cassidy felt the heat of the dance, the exotic pulse of the music. Everywhere she turned, her men surrounded her. All the other people inside the bar no longer mattered. The only people she saw were the men who wanted to possess her. They were all so different but shared the same passion, their need for her. Michael held her hips, moving her against his crotch. She felt the hard length of his cock pressing against her butt. Gary, Scott, Roy, and Jesse took turns dancing in front of her. All four of them were as hard as Michael. The heat in the room increased. Wetness pooled inside her, spilling out of her. She was so turned-on. Friday had taken too long to get to. She wanted all five of them with a desperate need that scared and excited her.

  “You feel good,” Michael whispered against her ear. He kissed her neck. The pleasure shooting straight to her nipples and clit.

  She moaned. “Take me home.”

  Her five men stopped in front of her. “What?” They all looked doubtful at her words.

  “Take me home and make love to me. All of you. Fuck me, love, and take care of me.” They made their way off the dance floor and were out at the truck in a matter of seconds. She rode with Michael and Scott while the other three travelled in Gary’s truck.

  The journey home was a tense one. Michael and Jesse had a hand on each of her thighs. Their touch threatened to send her over the edge. She’d never known pleasure like what they were doing to her body.

  In no time at all, Michael was pulling up at the ranch. Cassidy was sure he’d broken the speed limits trying to get home. Minutes later Gary’s truck pulled up.

  She was escorted indoors. Jesse started kissing her and tearing at her clothes. She pulled on the buckle of his jeans. Her dress was torn from her shoulders. Her breasts spilled out of the top. Hands grabbed her, fingering her nipples. She cried out, turning around to pull Michael close to her. Michael slammed his lips down on hers. His fingers sinking in her hair and tightening the length around his fist. She gasped as he pulled on the length, breaking the kiss.

  “You’re mine. You’re not in charge tonight. We are.”

  “I want to see you all.” Michael took charge ordering everyone to do as he wanted.

  They moved her into the sitting room. She saw them piling cushions onto the floor. Roy and Jesse were naked. Scott pulled her panties down and removed the scraps of her dress. The black stiletto heels were the only thing she had left.

  “She’s fucking beautiful.”

  Michael grabbed her ass and thrust his pelvis against her stomach. “Get naked. I want to see you all.”

  She left the men who were dressed and wandered over to Roy and Jesse. Cassidy glanced down and stopped in her tracks. She was no virgin, but she’d never seen cocks like the size of the ones Roy and Jesse were sporting.

  “You like?” Roy asked.

  “I’ve never seen anything so big.”

  “I think we’re all going to get along,” Scott said from behind her. He pulled her hair aside, kissing her neck.

  “How are we going to do this?” Michael asked.

  “No plans, just let everything come naturally,” Cassidy said. All of them were naked. She stood and turned in a circle to stare at all of them. Her pussy throbbed from the sight of five sexy, hard-muscled, hard-shafted men.

  Jesse grabbed her from behind and lifted her breasts to the men in front of her. “Who’s going to have the first taste of these tits?” he asked.

  Scott moved forward. He cupped her cheek, grazing her lips with his. Seconds later, his hot mouth sucked her nipples. She cried out as the pleasure-pain of what he was doing sent goose bumps erupting all over her flesh. Cassidy closed her eyes. She couldn’t stop the intense sensation of what they were doing. She felt like a wanton hussy.
r />   Her legs were spread and two fingers slid between her folds. Opening her eyes, she gazed down to see Roy between her legs. She cried out. Gazing past Scott, she saw Michael and Gary sat in a chair, watching her and palming their large shafts. Their pre-cum glistened in the small light provided by the lamp. Someone must have turned out the main light. The setting was perfect for fucking. She licked her lips which made both of them moan.

  “I want to feel your lips around my dick,” Michael said.

  All three men let her go. She walked over to Michael and knelt at his feet. He ran his fingers through her hair. His touch calmed her.

  “You’re so beautiful.”

  She took his cock in her hand, feeling the heat through her palm. Opening her lips, she consumed the head, licking off the jewel of semen that had gathered. She moaned as the explosion of his musky taste filled her mouth. Michael was big, perfect, and tasted even better.

  “Fuck me, that looks good,” Roy said with a growl.

  “She’s got the sweetest mouth. I don’t know if I’m going to last.”

  “Do you think she’ll swallow?” Gary asked.

  Their conversation made her so horny. They were talking about her, and the need sounding in their voice turned her tummy over.

  Michael grabbed a fistful of her hair and began to control her thrusts. She held his dick at the base and took him deeper in her mouth.

  “Come on, baby. You can take a little bit more,” Michael encouraged her. Cassidy relaxed and worked more of his length inside her. “That’s it. Take it all. Make your master proud.”

  His words sent a frisson of excitement through her. He was her master, and she his willing slave. She moved her hand away and took all of him to the back of her throat. It took some time for her to swallow past the gagging reflex, but with his soothing words, she sucked him in like a lollipop.

  “Fucking hell. They’re all looking at you, baby. They like seeing your mouth filled with cock. We love you so damn much,” Michael told her.

  “We do, Cassidy. You look so fucking stunning,” Scott said.

  She wished she could turn around and look at them, but she’d have to stop giving Michael head, and she liked his cock in her mouth.

  In that moment she felt being with five men could work. All of her doubts left her, and she relaxed, sucking on Michael.

  “I’m not going to last, Cassidy. If you don’t want to swallow it, you’re going to have to lift up.”

  She’d never swallowed a man’s cum. She wanted to give Michael everything. Even though she was a little frightened of the unknown, she felt excited at the new experiences she was gaining at the hands of the men she loved.

  Michael growled. His grip on her hair tightened as she continued to suck him. He grew larger inside her mouth, and seconds later the pulse of his seed flooded her throat. She swallowed all of him. He tasted salty, and she didn’t stop until he pulled on her hair.

  “You’re perfect,” he said, touching her face tenderly.

  She wiped her mouth, getting to her feet.

  Jesse and Roy pulled her onto the mound of pillows. Michael remained in his seat, watching. She felt connected to him.

  She lay on her back, Jesse opened her legs and her attention was drawn to him as he licked her pussy. Cries erupted from her as Jesse brought her to orgasm in a matter of seconds. She was so turned-on. Her flesh was sensitized from all of their ministrations.

  “Touch me.” Roy put her hand on his dick with his palm over hers. He set the rhythm of her touch. Jesse pulled up and stared into her eyes.

  “We’re going to be the first,” Jesse said.

  Glancing past him at the other men, they nodded their consent. Smiling, she gave herself over to their gentle touch.

  Jesse moved up between her thighs. “I love you.”

  “I love you, too.” She gazed down and watched as he brushed the head of his cock through her wet slit. He looked huge against her small pussy. She saw and felt as he pressed the head inside her cunt. He opened her around him, stretching her to accommodate his wide girth. She gasped, moving her hand from Roy to touch Jesse.

  “You’re so fucking tight. I feel you squeezing me like a vise.”

  “It feels so good.” He pushed inside her. She lifted her legs and grabbed onto his buttocks, pulling him in deeper. She cried out as, with one long thrust, he seated himself inside her to the hilt.

  He stayed still inside her.

  She turned to Roy and saw him fucking his cock into his hand. “You look so good. I can’t wait to be inside you.”

  Jesse cupped her cheek, turning her to him. He leaned down and kissed her. She moaned when his tongue lunged inside her mouth. Her pussy tightened around his shaft. He pulled out of her body and pushed back inside. His lips never left hers. Wrapping her hands around his neck, she held on as he rode her body. His thrusts increased and he went deeper inside her body. She cried out when she saw all her men watching her being fucked. They looked lost with lust. Their cocks stood out full and hard.

  Her pussy tightened, imagining all of them wanting her. They were all hard for her. The fat girl she once was in high school. They saw past her weight to the woman underneath.

  She met Jesse stroke for stroke, crying out as he brushed her G-spot when he changed the angle of his penetration.

  “I’m not going to last.”

  Neither was she. She felt her climax building, the tightening in her stomach. Her pussy pulsed with every heated thrust.

  Jesse went up on his hands and slammed inside her. The sound of wet flesh hitting flesh echoed off the walls. The growls of her men filled her senses. She screamed as Jesse used his strength, pounding inside her in a frenzy. Her climax rushed through her. She tore at his back. Her nails raked the tender flesh of his back. He pushed inside her a final time, crying out his release. His cock tensed, and she felt the wash of his semen flooding her channel.

  He collapsed on top of her for several seconds before Roy pulled him off. Jesse kissed her head and told her he loved her.

  * * * *

  Jesse collapsed on the sofa and watched Roy fill her with his cock. He’d seen his cum leaking out of her cunt, and it had been the most erotic thing he’d ever seen. She lay supine and willing for all of them. She made his heart ache with the love he felt for her. His cock lay flaccid and wet with their combined releases. Roy flicked her clit, teasing her to climax.

  She was so responsive. He sat back and watched her give every part of herself to his brother. Roy filled her and pulled out. Watching his brother’s cock glistening made him hard as he felt her tight pussy squeezing him. There was no sexual feeling toward his brother. He only felt for Cassidy. Jesse looked at all the men in turn and knew she would always be well cared for. He’d watched his parents share the same love and devotion, and he knew he’d wanted the same for himself and his brothers.

  Her screams filled the air as Roy growled out his release. He watched his brother thrust inside her, riding out his climax. Scott moved in next.

  “She needs her rest,” Roy said, looking dazed.

  “No. I want you all. I need you all. Please. All of you touch me. Let me feel you.” Jesse got up off the sofa and surrounded her with the other men who loved her. He knew their relationship wasn’t a conventional one but it felt so right to him. Roy, Gary, Scott, and Michael would do everything to keep her safe. That kind of love can’t be found anywhere. She was meant to be their woman.

  He would do everything he could to make it work.

  Chapter Eleven

  Cassidy cried out as Scott filled her pussy. She knew by the end of the night she would be tender, but she wanted all of them. Being with Roy and Jesse made her feel part of them. They were her best friends, her lovers, and her protectors. She was safe with them. They would never hurt her or let anything happen to her.

  “I want you on your knees,” Scott said. He pulled out of her and flipped her onto her stomach. Before she could help or protest, he had her on her knees and was fil
ling her tender pussy with his stiff cock. She felt the mixture of her own release and that of the two men she’d been with.

  They all touched her as Scott made love to her. She knew in her heart that the act was fucking, but between them all, they were making love. Time stood still for her with all of their loving. There was not a part of her that went untouched. She cried out in pleasure as someone flicked her clit. Scott pressed inside her, filling her up more than she’d ever felt. He held her hips and pulled her back against him.

  She cried out for everything. Gary lifted her face to him and thoroughly kissed her. She waited for Scott to start arguing but he didn’t. His hand, stroked over her back, curving down to her ass.

  “It’s all right, Cassidy,” he said. She couldn’t believe it. There was a calmness to him which she had never felt with Gary close by. Gary looked at her with a smile.

  “You heal us.” He went onto his knees before, presenting his cock to her waiting lips. She licked the tip then opened her mouth for him to press forward. Scott smacked her ass, making her moan which vibrated up his shaft, causing Gary to thrust deeper into her throat.

  Her two bickering men were attuned to each other. The fighting seemed to melt away under their loving of her body. She was the one thing to bind them together. For the past week she’d been trying to figure out how to get them to stop fighting, and she never thought sharing would do the trick. Their hands touched her body, rubbing up and down her back. Their cocks made love to her pussy and mouth. She accepted Gary and Scott inside her. Their attentions were making her melt and forget everything. Their pants sounded in the air all around her. She cried out as they used her body for their pleasure. Scott held her hips in a tight, bruising grip as Gary grabbed her hair.


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