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Wild & Inked: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Desert Sons MC) (No Saints in Biker Hell Book 2)

Page 25

by Claire St. Rose

  “Why do I think it won’t be that easy?”

  “Come on! Have a little faith!” he teased. “That is one of the reason I picked LA. Huge port, lots of money, and easy to hide in.”

  Tina grinned. “What was I thinking? What could possibly go wrong?”

  Jack snickered. “That’s more like it! Seriously, if Seth can come through, I think we will have it made.”


  “I shouldn’t have drunk that water,” Tina moaned two hours on the other side of Flagstaff.

  “Don’t feel bad. I’m going to have to stop too.”

  “Where? I haven’t seen a thing in miles.”

  “Which means we should be coming into Kingman soon. There will be someplace to stop there.”

  “I hope. This truck may be as big as a house, but it still needs a bathroom.”

  “Easy for you to say... but unless you can drive this turkey, we still need to stop so I can pee.”

  Tina snickered. “Trying to switch drivers would be… look! That sign says eight miles left!”

  “Are you going to make it?” he teased.

  “Yeah. Are you going to stay with the truck?”

  “Nah. I’ll just park it out somewhere. Quick pee break and we will be back on the road before anyone has a chance to look too closely.”

  Ten minutes later the Peterbuilt hissed and blew as Jack engaged the parking brake well away from the pumps and store.

  “Aren’t we going to put gas in it too?” Tina asked.

  “Nope. We still have a little over half a tank. This bitch has legs! Don’t dilly dally, and don’t beat anyone up. You remember what happened the last time we stopped at a place like this.”

  “I’m going to kick your ass if you don’t stop picking on me about that,” she said, but she was grinning when she leaned over for a kiss.

  They climbed out the cab and stretched for a moment before they walked hand-in-hand into the truck stop.

  “Shit… I’m getting sleepy,” Jack said as they approached the idling Peterbuilt. It was nearly five am and they had been on the road seven hours.

  “You want to walk about a little to wake up?” She asked. She felt for him. Despite her best efforts, she had nodded off a couple of times between Flagstaff and Kingman.

  “Getting out of the truck has helped, but we still have four or five hours to go.”

  Tina thought for a moment, then pulled him into the shadows beside the truck where she kissed him with everything she had. They devoured each other for several long moments as their tongues dueled and they pressed their bodies together.

  “Fuck… who can sleep now?” he panted.

  “Think about that if you start to get sleepy,” she said breathlessly.


  Once they were back on the road, Tina began to tell him, in exquisite detail, all the things she was going to do to him, and all the things he was going to do to her, when they got to Los Angeles… and neither Jack nor Tina became drowsy again.


  “It’s Seth,” Tina said as she picked up the ringing phone. “Hey, Seth. Tell us the good news.”

  “I got a place. It’s in San Bernardino. They are going to meet you there with the key. You owe the relator a hundred bucks when you get the key.”

  “Shit! We’re in San Bernardino right now! Jack! Get off! We’re here! What’s the address?” Seth quickly rattled it off. “Shit! I can’t remember that. Can you text it to us?”

  “Yeah… as soon as I hang up.”

  “Okay! You’re my hero! I’ll call you back as soon as the cars are safe.”

  “Okay. Call me if you have any problems. The woman’s name is Lisa Zetchel.”

  “Got it. Thanks, Seth,” she said before she hung up.


  Twenty minutes later, the rig ground to a halt a block from the address of the warehouse. Tina had called Lisa and she was there waiting on them. “Go around the block a few times while I get the key. I will wave you in if the coast is clear,” Tina said as she opened the door.

  “Okay. Be quick as you can. I feel like my dick is hanging out here.”

  “I know the feeling… and I don’t even have a dick.”

  As he rounded the corner from his first trip about the block, Tina waved her arm in a welcoming gesture, then stepped onto the truck as he stopped.

  “We’re going to have to unload out here. There is no room to turn this thing around in there.”


  “Yeah. But it can’t be helped. You unload them and I will park them.”

  “Okay. Let me pull up some.”

  As soon as she heard the blow of the brakes, she began to unlock the Audi. They worked together and had all four cars on the bottom rack freed and ready to roll in minutes. As fast as Jack could get them off the trailer, she drove them into the warehouse. She went easy on the throttle as she puttered through the parking lot to hide that Ferrari yowl, then trotted back for the next one. The second tier rack took longer, but within forty minutes, all cars including the Audi were safely locked away inside the warehouse and, as far as she knew, no one had seen a thing.

  “Do we have to go to San Diego now?” Tina asked as she crawled into the truck. She didn’t seem at all pleased with the idea.

  “It’s only two more hours,” Jack said as he started the truck moving.

  “Each way,” she reminded him. “Are you okay to drive?”

  “Right now, I’m so pumped up I don’t know if I will ever sleep again. And with the sun up? Yeah, I’m good. Why don’t you grab a nap on the way down?”

  Tina yawned loudly. “Maybe I will. But if you get sleepy, wake me up.”


  “Tina. Wake up.”

  “Getting tired?” she mumbled as she struggled up out of sleep.

  “No. We’re ready to head back.”

  She blinked as she tried to clear the cobwebs from her mind. Jack was on the wrong side of the truck… and her door was open. “We’re in San Diego?”

  Jack chuckled. “We’re in San Diego and the bikes are unloaded.”

  “The bikes are already unloaded?” she asked as she tried to catch up. Jesus… I must have been dead to the world, she fretted.

  “Yes. I just let you sleep.”

  “Where are we?” she asked as she looked around and continued to blink herself awake. They were in a huge parking lot with a Walmart and a few other stores.

  “Someplace called Stonecrest Plaza. It was right off the interstate, so it seemed like as good a place as any to dump the truck. And there is a Panda Express for lunch. I’m about out of gas and need something to eat.”

  Tina climbed out of the truck, then turned back for the bag of food. No point in stinking up Rog’s truck with rotting sandwiches, she thought as she climbed down for the second time.

  “I spoke to Marshall on the drive down. Rog called him about eleven last night after he reported the truck stolen. They will be looking for it, but it may still take a few days before people put this abandoned truck and Rog’s theft report together.”

  They left the bikes where they sat while they tanked up on fast-food Chinese. After lunch they felt much more alert as they mounted up and set out on the ninety-minute ride back to San Bernardino.

  They made a quick stop to check on the cars, then found the nearest motel and checked in. Jack had to produce his ID and prepay since he was paying with cash, but he was just too damn tired to care. If the cops wanted to arrest them now, they could. At least he would have a place to sleep.

  In their room he allowed Tina to shower first to wash off the road before he did the same. She was already asleep before he joined her—not that he cared. They would have to wait and do all the erotic things they discussed sometime tomorrow.



  Jack’s eyes popped open just after six and for a moment he couldn’t remember where he was as he stared at the unfamiliar furnishings. As he recollected himself he smiled and h
e rolled over to take Tina into his embrace. After a solid twelve hours of sleep, he was feeling rested and refreshed and he was ready to make good on what he promised between King and San Bernardino.

  “What time is it?” Tina mumbled, her voice slurred and thick with sleep.


  She yawned then scooted in a little closer. “I’m cold.”

  Jack snugged her in tighter still and tucked the linens around her as he shared his warmth with her in the chilly room.

  “Mmmm… that’s nice,” she murmured as she wiggled a little and settled in. When he began to stroke her breast softly, she smiled but didn’t move. She wasn’t quite awake yet and she enjoyed the hell out of just being held as he gently caressed her breast. They had nothing to do today, so there was no reason to hurry into anything else.

  Tina was clearly content to simply lie in his arms and be held… and he was content with that arrangement as well. But after almost another hour of holding her, he needed to find out what was going on back home.

  “Where are you going?” Tina murmured when he released her and rolled away.

  “Nowhere. I need to go to the bathroom, then call Marshall and find out what is going on.”

  “I’m not ready to get up yet.”

  “I’m not either. I’ll be right back.”

  After Jack planted the seed and the toilet flushed in the bathroom a few seconds later, Tina realized she needed to relieve herself as well.

  “Marshall... Jack,” he said as she stepped out of the bathroom a few minutes later and he waved her back to bed.

  “Jack!” Marshall’s voice came out of the tiny speaker as she crawled into bed and spooned with him. “I guess you made it?”

  “We’re here. Seth called with the warehouse information literally as we were driving through town. We only had to backtrack a couple of exits.”

  “That was cutting it pretty close.”

  “Yeah. He really came through for us, though.”

  “Where are you? LA? Seth wouldn’t say where he found the warehouse. He said he didn’t want any more leaks. I can understand that, but it kind of pissed me off.”

  “I’m sure it’s nothing personal. We’re in San Bernardino.”

  “No problem getting there?”

  “None at all. Just a long drive, and Peterbuilts aren’t as comfortable as my Audi. By the way… I’m not sure how you can use the information, but Rog’s truck is parked in the Stonehenge… Stonewood… Stone-something shopping center in San Diego. It’s right off interstate 15.”

  “Okay. I will let him know his baby is safe.”

  “What’s the news on the theft?”

  “Not a peep. Nothing on the news I could find and nothing in the paper yesterday or today.”

  “The cops are probably too embarrassed to admit they lost the cars,” Tina chimed in.

  “Maybe they haven’t noticed yet.”

  “Oh, they’ve noticed,” Jack said. “Tina left a ‘fuck you’ note for them.”

  “A what?”

  “I printed off a sheet of paper that thanked them for keeping the cars safe for us. Jack and I both signed it.”

  Marshall burst into laughter. “Nothing like adding a little insult to injury. That’s classic. No wonder they haven’t leaked the story. I bet they are tearing up the town looking for those cars.” He chuckled again. “I wish I could have been there when they found that note.”

  “That will teach them to mess with Tina,” Jack teased. “She doesn’t take prisoners.”

  “No. I see that she doesn’t. Tina… he’s my best friend. Don’t kill him, please.”

  “Don’t worry. I’m taking good care of him,” she said as she rubbed her ass into his crotch.

  “I’m sure you are. But is he taking care of you?”

  “He’s not doing too bad.”

  “Any news on finding a buyer?” Jack asked as he tried to put the conversation back on track.

  “The guy in South America will take the GTO. He’s upped his offer to three million.”

  “But nothing else?”

  “Nothing firm. Cheryl may have a line on some Russian dude, but nothing else. Brett’s talking to a Saudi prince or something. He wants the cars, and certainly has the money, but he’s concerned that the cars are stolen and Brett doesn’t think he is going to bite.”

  “So we have a definite on the GTO, and a maybe from a Russian. Does he want the lot?”

  “That’s the way he’s talking, according to Cheryl.”

  Jack thought for a moment. “Let’s put the pressure on him. We’ll give him until… what is today?”

  “Tuesday,” Marshall supplied.

  Okay… let’s give him until Wednesday night to confirm or we’ll let the GTO go. That’s the crown jewel of the collection and that may motivate him.”

  “I think Cheryl already told him we had a buyer for the GTO, but I will let her know. You want them to make a deposit?”

  “Yeah. We’ve got the cars. If they want them, they are going to have to pony up.”

  “I will let her know. Anything else?”

  “No, I don’t think so. Anything you need to tell me?”

  “I don’t guess. I’ll let you know if I hear any news about the cars.”

  “Thanks, Marshall. Say hello to Nic for me.”

  “Hello, Tina and Jack,” Nic’s said somewhere in the background.

  “Never mind then,” Jack chuckled. “I’ll talk to you this evening.”

  “Okay. Take care, you two.”

  Jack thumbed his phone off and twisted enough to drop it on the bedside table before he turned his attention back to the warm softness cuddled in close.

  “Now… it seems I recall you were questioning my manhood on the drive last night. No, wait, Sunday night. Fuck, the last couple of days have all run together. Anyway, you were insinuating I might not be able to keep up. You care to find out if I can or not?”

  She smiled as she remembered their verbal fencing to keep each other awake on the long overnight drive. The challenges and good-natured insults as they bantered had made her so randy, the only reason she hadn’t jumped his bones right then was they both wouldn’t fit under the steering wheel of the truck.

  “Pretend I’m from Missouri.”


  “Show me,” she said.

  Jack released her and tumbled out of bed. She rolled to her back and watched in confusion as he crossed to the air conditioner and switched it off before he returned to the bed.

  “What was that all about?” she asked as he covered her body with his own.

  “Didn’t you say we had to drip with sweat?” he asked as his lips brushed against hers.

  Tina flashed hot at the thought of them fucking so long and hard that they were dripping with sweat. She had forgotten that, but now that he mentioned it again, it did sound wonderfully erotic.

  “What are you waiting on, then?” she asked as she offered her lips to him.

  What indeed? he wondered as he accepted the offer. He kissed her softly, but rapidly it became deeper and more erotic. In the meantime he pressed down and gently thrust his hips to spread his lubricant between their bodies.

  As all the things they talked about Sunday night came rushing back to her, Tina could feel her desires ramping up. At one point in the evening she had challenged Jack to make love to her all day, and make her scream over and over again. They were going to have to stop for lunch since they missed dinner last night, and were going to miss breakfast this morning, but if he managed to keep it up for the almost five hours until lunch… she would probably need a break anyway.

  He broke away and began to kiss down her body. He knew the challenges, insults, and questions about his manhood were all in good fun, and it had worked wonderfully well to keep him awake and alert, but now he was going to make good on as many of those challenges as possible. When she gasped and pressed his mouth harder into her breast as he flicked the nipple with his tongue, he smiled
. Making her scream this morning may not be all that hard, he thought as he flicked her nipple again.

  She had heard of orgasming simply from nipple teasing... and if Jack kept up what he was doing, she might have her first one. “Fuck…” she murmured as he continued to gently roll her nipple between his finger and thumb while kissing and teasing the other with his lips and tongue. She wanted to feel his touch in her most intimate place but, fuck, what he was doing felt good!


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