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Spring Showers Box-set

Page 68

by Avell Kro

  looked at the wounded and wondered how many would survive. “We could probably convince

  them to take their own, but they won’t allow anyone who had contact with the demons.”

  “You were here for the battle?” Magdelin asked.

  Mikel turned back to her and was surprised by her change of expression. Worry and fear now

  consumed her features.

  “Yes,” Mikel replied. “I assume you were safe with the women and children.”

  She nodded. “They wouldn’t let me out until a few minutes ago. Something about waiting for the

  demons to be burned.”

  “You did not see them?” Mikel asked.

  “No, the fighting started on the edge of town. These warriors herded the women and children into

  the chapel, then…” her voice cracked as her gaze turned towards the brave men laying on piles of

  straw beneath a sagging canopy. “We have to do something. They saved all of us.”

  “No, Mikel saved all of us,” Adalina appeared next to Mikel, making him jump.

  “We’ve already discussed this Adalina,” Mikel replied, barely concealing his impatience for the

  subject. He didn’t want the praise she gave him.

  “Really?” Magdelin asked with obvious doubt.

  “Yes, he wields a weapon gifted from the gods.” Adalina explained. “He slayed the demons as if they

  were lowly cattle.”

  “She exaggerates, I assure you.” Mikel said, waving his hand in the air. “I merely evened the odds.”

  “As you say,” Adalina replied with a bow.

  “What do you need Adalina?” Mikel asked with a huff.

  “I need Magdelin,” she replied. “The villagers say she is a competent physician and several of my

  men need more care than I can provide.”

  “I will care for them, but as I was telling this Englishman, they cannot stay outside. We could take them into the chapel.”

  “My men are stronger than most. Only concern yourself with closing their wounds.”

  Magdelin’s shoulders slumped with resignation. Mikel watched as the two women walked away

  into the throng of wounded men and found himself migrating towards Raphael.

  “I think we’ve found the first of our warriors,” Raphael said, his voice still harsh from the damage

  to his throat.

  “Yes, I think you’re right,” Mikel agreed. “How do we convince Adalina to join us?”

  “You’re not serious, are you?” Raphael asked. “She already knows you’ve been touched by God,

  even though she thinks it’s a different god. I suggest you tell her everything. I think she’ll believe


  The two men looked on as Magdelin ordered one of the villagers to collect her bag, then she knelt

  next to one of Adalina’s men. His plate armor and shirt had already been removed, revealing a long,

  deep cut running from his shoulder blade to his lower back. Magdelin gently urged him to lie on his

  stomach as she dipped a strip of cloth into a nearby bucket of water. After cleaning the cut, she set

  to the task of stitching it.

  “What of the Englishwoman?” Raphael asked, breaking the silence between them.

  “I suppose we could use someone to tend to the wounded,” Mikel replied. “Especial y if our most

  prominent foe turns out to be these demons.”

  “Do you know anything about her?”

  “Only that her husband recently passed away.” The two men fell into a comfortable silence again,

  watching the villagers work. “We’ll need to set aside some time later to discuss the possibility of

  another attack.”

  “I hadn’t thought of that, but you’re right,” Raphael said. “It would also be the perfect opportunity

  to discuss Adalina’s future. She should be at this meeting, as we will need her warriors.”

  “Yes, but how many are left that can fight?”

  Chapter 23


  Later that evening, Mikel, Raphael, Adalina and Mark, her second in command, crowded into

  Magdelin’s small, wooden hut. It consisted of two rooms; the main room where they all sat on the

  floor and another room partition by a curtain of reeds.

  “Were you not able to find the village leader?” Mikel asked Raphael.

  “Yes, but he only speaks their native tongue.” He looked at Magdelin and continued. “He trusts that

  Lady Magdelin will relay any important information.”

  They all looked at Magdelin, bewildered.

  She blushed. “I may have saved his son a few weeks ago,” she said quietly. “He was attacked by a

  puma. He will have an ugly scar on his leg and a limp, but he’s otherwise unharmed.”

  “What is a lady of your stature doing in the middle of the jungle?” Mikel asked. “You said earlier that

  your husband was a physician, so he was a man with significant means. Why did you not return to


  “Do not speak of my husband,” she replied fiercely. “You cannot begin to understand who he was. I

  stay because I choose to.”

  “You forget that I am also in the middle of the jungle, my lady,” Mikel said bitterly. “You cannot begin

  to understand what I’ve endured.”

  She cast him an intense glare. “We were part of a missionary group with the Spanish,” she began.

  “We were here long enough to build the chapel before a fever starting running through the village.”

  Her expression softened to sadness. “Too many died, despite our efforts, including my husband.”

  Mikel felt guilty for asking her to relive that memory. He should have guessed it was something

  similar. Tears pooled at the edges of her eyes, but she quickly swept them away.

  “I’m sorry, Lady Magdelin,” Mikel said quietly.

  Her reply was a soft mumble.

  “I believe we need to get to the point of this meeting,” Adalina stated. “We are not ready for

  another attack. Too many of my men are injured.” She looked directly at Mikel with a mischievous

  smile. “Your gift will be the only thing that saves this village.”

  Mikel raised an eyebrow at Adalina.

  “Unfortunately, I agree with her,” Raphael interjected. “I was useless against those creatures.

  Adalina’s men were able to kill several of them, but it took a great deal of effort.” He turned to the

  warrior with an apologetic look. “Your sword sliced through their thick hides with ease, Mikel. If

  we all had a weapon like yours, the battle would be won easily.”

  Mikel looked down at his softly glowing hand. Did anyone else see it besides he and Raphael?

  “When the demons come, I will do what is necessary to defend the village,” he said. “But I fear it

  won’t be enough. I’m only one man. You cannot depend on me to save everyone.”

  The small room suddenly filled with light, causing the group to shield their eyes. Mikel recognized

  it and was not surprised by their visitor, but everyone else’s response was one of shock and

  amazement. Except for Raphael, who recovered as quickly as Mikel, with a wide grin on his face.

  “I’m glad you found each other so easily,” He said settlingHis tall form onto the floor next to


  She inched away from Him, without removing her stunned gaze.

  “It’s alright, child. I will not hurt you.” He chuckled softly and turned to Mikel. “This is the beginning

  of your charge, Mikel. Tomorrow, the remaining demons will return. You must defeat all of them.

  None can be allowed to live.”

  “How can I do that?” Mikel asked. “We know there are at least another dozen, possibly more.
  Adalina’s men are brave and strong, but many are wounded and unable to fight. I cannot defeat

  that many on my own.” He looked at his hand again, struggling to admit defeat but also seeing no

  hope of victory.

  “I have one more gift to bestow this night that will ensure your victory,” He said. “But only if the

  Lady Magdelin will accept it.”

  Mikel watched her look of wonder turn to shock when she realized God was talking to her. She

  looked up at Him with wide eyes, unable to speak.

  “You have a natural gift for caring for the wounded. I will enhance that gift, giving you the power

  to do more than heal wounds.” His gaze roamed the room then back to Magdelin. “These warriors

  will need strength and longevity, as well as healing. Will you be the bearer of this gift?”

  Magdelin was still unable to speak.

  “You are the one who gifted Mikel with his sword?” Adalina asked with surprise. “I suspected it

  was Ares, the God of War.”

  “Adalina, the Amazon warrior,” He said with a glowing smile. “Yes, I gave Mikel his gift, as well as

  Raphael’s. The only one left is Magdelin.”

  “Adalina does not receive a boon?” Raphael asked.

  “Adalina has the blood of her sisters running through her veins. It is all she requires to lead her warriors into battle, as she always has. My gift to her will be through the young woman sitting

  next to me.”

  All eyes focused on Magdelin. Her cheeks flushed and she stuttered.

  “Someone needs to explain all of this.” She waved her hands in the air frantically until one settled

  and pointed at God. “Who are you?What gifts did you bestow on these men and what is this talk of

  Adalina being an Amazon warrior?”

  “Mikel?” Adalina asked. “I’d like to hear this as well.”

  Mikel sighed and explained his initial meeting with God, then his and Raphael’s encounter with

  their first demon. Everyone listened intently as he described their next meeting with God and the

  task put before them.

  “You know what happened when we arrived here, which leads us to this gathering.”

  “I still don’t understand what you want us to do,” Magdelin said, looking into the swirling eyes that

  bore down on her.

  “We cannot remove the evil from the hearts of men. It has been there since the beginning.” He

  shook his head in sadness. “But the demons should not be here. Their presence destroys the

  natural balance between good and evil. The fact that the Csökkent were able to summon an

  Overlord indicates that an even greater evil is forcing his will into humanity. We cannot allow that

  to happen.” He looked at Adalina, then Mikel. “Man cannot fight against the demons you will face.

  Only with the gifts I grant to you, will humanity survive.”

  The room fel into silence for several moments.

  “Each of you will bear a heavy burden of responsibility, but Mikel’s will be the hardest to endure.”

  Mikel felt His gaze and forced himself to return it. “There must always be balance. Without it the

  world will crumble. You have received my touch, and with it have been granted powers that will

  ensure humanity survives. But with that power comes sacrifice. When this evil finally emerges,

  his strength will rival your own. In order to vanquish him, a sacrifice of equal value must be made.”

  “So, you’ve sentenced me to death,” Mikel said with resignation. He couldn’t summon his anger. He

  understood the responsibility being cast upon him.

  “No, my son. I’ve given you a life with purpose. Your strength, and that of your Council, will

  determine how quickly the evil surfaces. Fight for humanity and you may be able to avoid his

  wrath for many years.” He turned His gaze back to Magdelin. “My dear, I can linger no longer. Will

  you join them in this fight?”

  She nodded with tears welling in her eyes. He passed his hand over her face, nearly touching her

  skin. She flushed a deep red and sweat beaded on her forehead, but her eyes never left his. He

  smiled once more.

  “You should catch her,” He said to Raphael, as Magdelin swayed and fell to the side.

  Raphael reached out with his uninjured arm, cradling her head against his shoulder.

  “When she wakes, she will need to heal the warriors.” He rose to feet, towering over the small

  group who rose with Him, leaving Raphael on the floor holding Magdelin. “The demons will be here

  before sunset.”

  He disappeared as quickly as He arrived, His light fading with Him.

  Mikel retrieved Magdelin and carried her through the hanging reeds. A low cot rested inside the

  doorway, and he lowered her onto it. He brushed several strands of hair from her face and left her

  alone in the small room.

  “Can you stay with her until she wakes?” he asked Adalina.

  “Of course,” she replied. She bit her lower lip and looked around the room. “Does anyone else feel

  like we’re trapped?”

  Chapter 24


  Raphael stirred on the pile of straw beneath him. Pain shot through his injured shoulder and he

  rol ed onto his back trying to find a position that didn’t cause discomfort. The cut on the back of

  his head rubbed against a fold in his jacket that acted as his pillow. He groaned, rol ing to his side

  then into a sitting position.

  “Let me help.”

  A soft whisper floated towards him, and he twisted around to find Magdelin treading softly

  through the sleeping men. She knelt next to him and lifted her hand towards his neck hesitantly.

  “May I?” she asked.

  Raphael nodded, watching her face. Her brow furrowed and the corners of her mouth turned down

  as she concentrated. He felt a pleasant warmth spread from her hand, through the skin at the base

  of his neck. The cut on his head tingled as the muscle and skin pulled together. Magdelin’s lips

  quivered, and she squeezed her eyes shut.

  “Don’t exhaust yourself on me,” Raphael said quietly. “There are others here who will be needed

  more than I in the fight to come.”

  She dropped her hand and opened her eyes. He saw a sadness and vulnerability in her gaze that

  hadn’t been there the night before.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “No, I don’t think I am,” she replied. “So much has happened in the last few days.” She folded her

  legs beneath her and smoothed her skirt to cover them. “I’ve been floundering in this small village

  since my husband…” She paused and took a deep breath. “But I couldn’t leave these people without

  someone to care for them.” She looked past him as a pair of children emerged from the nearest

  hut. A small smile crept across her face. “I’ve grown fond of many of them, especially the children.”

  She turned her gaze back to him, and her smile vanished. “When Adalina arrived yesterday,

  pushing us all into the chapel, I didn’t know what to think. She talked about monsters that we

  were not strong enough to fight against. Many of the village’s hunters refused to run and hide.”

  Tears pooled in her eyes. “They all died.”

  Raphael watched the tears spill over and stream down her cheeks. He wanted to embrace her and

  give her comfort, but he wasn’t sure how she would react. He remained silent, feeling her need to


  “I accepted this gift.” She opened her palms and laid her hands in her lap. “I accepted this las
t night, caught up in the passion of each person’s story. Now I’m not sure I’m strong enough to use

  it.” She looked up at Raphael with pleading eyes. “Did we really have a conversation with God? Did

  he give me the ability to magically heal people?”

  “Yes, we were in the presence of God,” Raphael replied. “And yes, he gave you an amazing gift.” He

  looked up to see Adalina and Mark mingling with some of the men that started to stir. “Although, it

  would appear one of us was already blessed before she arrived here. I would love to hear her


  “Is she really an Amazon warrior?” Magdelin asked, pul ing a lace handkerchief from her pocket

  and drying her eyes.

  “I don’t even know what that is, but I have to believe it’s true.”

  Magdelin’s soft laugh made Raphael blush. “I suppose you have not heard of them, have you? When

  this is over, we’ll have her tell us the story. I’ve only read of the Greek legends. My heart trembles

  at the thought of finding out they are real.”

  “Have you been able to heal any of the men?” Adalina asked quietly as she approached, with Mark

  at her side.

  “Yes, most of the ones you see stirring now. I’m not sure how effective my healing was, but

  hopefully it’s enough.”

  Raphael pulled the blood-soaked bandage from his head and felt the fresh scar running down the

  back of his neck.

  “I think she is more capable than she gives herself credit for,” he said, causing her to blush. “What

  else needs to be done?”

  “Mikel is attempting talk to the village elder about creating some defensive positions around the

  village,” Adalina replied. “He needs one of you to translate for him.”

  Raphael rose, then helped Magdelin to her feet.

  “I’l go,” he said, leaving the others to help the warriors get up and fed.

  Chapter 25


  Raphael and Mikel left the elder at the village center. He explained that they already had some

  defenses established to deter predators from coming into the village at night. Two local men

  walked with them to the edge of town where they discovered shallow trenches, with sharpened

  branches protruding towards the sky, staggered at uneven paces.

  “It’s a start,” Mikel said. “Any ideas on how to make it better in the next few hours?”


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