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Loving Ashley

Page 1

by Lauren Nicole




  Copyright © 2016 Lauren Nicole

  Kindle Edition

  Cover Designer: Kari with Cover to Cover Designs

  Formatter: Paul with BB eBooks

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One



  Lauren Nicole Bio



  “Congratulations, Miss Williams, I would like to offer you a position with Mills Elementary as a first grade teacher.”

  Holy shit!

  “Wow. Yes, thank you so much.”

  “You’re welcome. We will be in touch again soon to set up a time when we can complete the paperwork and discuss the specifics.”

  I hang up the phone and begin jumping up and down. Feeling spontaneous, I decide to book a flight back to Tennessee so I can tell John I got the job and am moving back to him. Nancy, my best friend, is going to be devastated that I am leaving. After booking a flight for three o’clock that afternoon, I begin packing my carry-on. A smile lights my face as I think about how surprised everyone will be to see me. I am not due home for another week or so, but I just can’t wait that long to share my awesome news.

  Once I’ve boarded my plane, I sit back and relax, reflecting on my last five years here in Florida. I graduated from the University of Florida with my degree in Early Childhood Education. As much as I have loved it here, I am ready to move back and start my life with John. We have been together for about seven years—started dating our senior year of high school and continued through college. While I went away, he stayed back to help with his father’s company. It hasn’t been all sunshine and rainbows doing a long distance relationship, but we made it work. Plus, I know my parents are going to be super excited I am coming home.

  The flight is a little under an hour so by the time we land it’s a little after four in the afternoon. After exiting the plane, I grab the first taxi I see. On the drive to his house I am so excited and nervous I can barely sit still. How will he take the news? Will he be excited? Nervous? Or shit, he might even be mad. The taxi pulls up to his apartment that we will be sharing in less than a month. Exiting the taxi, I stand for a moment and breathe slowly to help calm my nerves. Slowly, I walk up the flight of stairs and stop at the door, digging the keys out of my pocket. Putting the key into the lock, I turn the knob and enter a quiet house.

  “John,” I holler, walking into the living room. With no response, I head toward our bedroom. I quietly push the door open, and what I see makes my heart fall to the floor. John is in bed with the school slut, Sierra, who at one point was one of my best friends. He has her bent over and is fucking her from behind.

  “What the fuck, John.” I don’t know where the voice comes from, but I scream it at him. They both immediately stop and his eyes bug out of his head. Instantly, he removes his dick—I can’t help but notice he’s not even wearing a fucking condom. Turning around, I run out of the house, only stopping to grab my bag. I can hear him yelling my name from a distance, but I don’t stop. Tears are streaming down my face, and I can hardly breathe. I feel like I just left my heart back there on our—no, his floor. After all this time together, this is how he treats me. It makes me wonder how long he has been cheating on me. Seven years I was faithful to him, even while away at school. I gave him seven years of my life that I will never get back. Well, you know what? Fuck him!

  Flagging down a passing taxi, I have him take me to the airport. Luckily, I catch the next flight out at seven. Since I have a couple of hours I head to the bar and order vodka on the rocks. I pull out my phone and see a bunch of missed calls from him and texts saying it’s not what it looks like. Yeah, fucker, it never is. Ignoring him, I open a text to Nancy.

  Me: Went home to surprise John, and found him fucking Sierra in our bed!

  I’m expecting her to text back but instead my phone lights up that she’s calling.

  “Hey, Nancy.”

  “What the fuck did that dick weed do? And why the fuck are you in Tennessee? I just saw your ass this morning.”

  “After you left I got the call that I had gotten the teaching position up here, so I came to surprise John and tell him. Little did I know, I was to get the shock of my life. Now I’m sitting at the airport, waiting to fly back to Florida.”

  “I am going to kill him if I ever see him again. What time does your flight land?”

  “Eight twenty.”

  “Okay, I will be there to pick you up and take you to the bar to get hammered.”

  I chuckle at her answer to it all. We chat for the rest of her break before she has to go back to work. This is why she is my best friend. No matter what she is doing, she is always there for me and will kill anyone who brings me down. After my two drinks, I make my way to the gate and wait to board.

  I have to think about what I want to do now. Do I move back and chance running into him all the time or stay in Florida and teach there? I have a lot of decisions to make but all I want to do is drink my problems away. I’m glad I haven’t told my parents yet; I will tell them when I am ready to talk about it.

  I try to sleep on the flight home but fail miserably. I can’t get the picture of them fucking out of my head. Thankfully, it doesn’t take long and once we land I head straight to the pickup lines. I spot Nancy standing beside her car. She rushes toward me and engulfs me in a hug. The tears I have managed to keep at bay for so long begin to fall. We stand there for about ten minutes before security makes us leave. I slide into the passenger seat of her car as the tears fall even harder.

  “Okay, that’s it, no more crying. We are going to get you drunk. Maybe even find you a hot guy to get that asshole off your mind.”

  Oh, hell no. I am done with men. I don’t need one, want one, or want to have anything to do with one. Right now, it’s time to get drunk, and then tomorrow it will be time to figure out my future.

  Chapter One


  One year later

  This past year, my life has not panned out like I thought it would. I graduated college just over a year ago with my degree in Early Childhood Education. I landed a teaching job back in Tennessee. My boyfriend at the time lived there and I was going to move back in with him over the summer. But he’s a cheating bastard, so that didn’t happen. After making the decision to stay in Florida, I started applying for jobs around town and landed a teaching position at the local elementary. My best friend, Nancy, was excited, to say the least. Tonight, we are headed to a local bar that just opened in town. She scored us VIP tickets through her work.

  As I am putting the finishing touches of makeup on, there is a knock on my front door. Looking out the
peephole, I see Nancy standing there. Unlocking the door, I open it for her to come in.

  “Time to party, bitch,” she yells, walking into the apartment.

  “I’m almost ready, let me finish then we can head out,” I tell her as I walk toward the bedroom. Going into my bathroom, I finish where I left off.

  “Girl, I am so stoked about this new club. We are going to let loose and have a blast,” she says from my bed.

  “I am ready to go out and ring the summer in. I know it will get easier as the years go on, but this last week of school was rough.”

  Putting on my heels, we make our way out the door. Sliding into the passenger side of her BMW, we make our way to the bar.

  “So, how are things with Brian?” Brian is a guy she started dating around a month ago. He seems nice, but there is something about him I just don’t like.

  “I broke up with him earlier today. I just wasn’t feeling it and he never wanted to go out and do stuff. I’m still young and want to party, while all he does is stay home.” Nancy still lives like we are eighteen and fresh out of high school. All she does is go out and party. I have nothing against that but during the school year I try to stay in during the week, although I will go out on the weekends. Now that it is summer, I will go out some more.

  “I’m getting excited for our trip to the Bahamas at the end of the month,” I tell her as we park in the lot of Big T’s Tavern.

  “I can’t wait! Speaking of that, we need to go shopping before we leave.”

  Agreeing with her, we make our way inside after the bouncer checks our IDs. It is only nine forty-five and the place is quickly filling up. Being that it’s the grand opening, everyone wants to check it out.

  The music blares out of the speakers, which makes the floor vibrate to the beat. The bar is in an old brick building, giving it an old-time feeling. There are solid wood high top tables placed around the wooden dance floor. We head toward the VIP rope and Nancy hands them the passes. The bouncer is around six feet, with arms as big as my head. I’m doubtful anyone would mess with him.

  We head up the dark wood stairs to a large, open space. The whole left side is open to where you can look down and see everyone. Along the right side there are black leather sofas, with a wooden table placed in front.

  Making our way over to the bar, I order a vodka and Red Bull, hoping it will give me some kind of energy. Nancy orders a drink for herself and two shots of Patrón. After we down the shots, we find an empty sofa and make ourselves comfortable.

  “What are your plans this summer?” Nancy asks.

  “Not too much. I plan on going to see my parents next month, after we get back from vacation. Other than finishing my lessons plans before the next school season begins, I am just going to enjoy it.”

  “Yeah, I took a week off in July and am flying home, my sister Jessica is having her first baby, and I want to be there for it.” Nancy has two sisters who live in California, she’s quite close with them both and flies out to see them often.

  The waitress comes around and we order another round of drinks. As we sit there and make small talk, I happen to glance over to the top of the stairs and see the most attractive guy I have ever laid eyes on. He stands at least six four with dark brown hair that just makes you want to run your fingers through. He’s got on faded blue jeans and a black polo with the bar’s logo on the left side. The shirt stretches across his chest and is tight around his biceps. There is a blond guy standing next to him wearing the same shirt.

  He looks up and his green eyes clash with mine, I feel the air being sucked out of me, finding it hard to breathe on my own.

  “Holy shit, Ash, who are they?”

  Breaking eye contact, I look over to Nancy. “I have no clue.”

  When I finish my sentence, I see her eyes bug out of her head. Slowing turning, I see the two guys making their way from the table by the stairs over to where we are sitting on the couch. When they reach us, I feel like my skin is on fire.

  The blond guy introduces them. “Hi, ladies, I’m Thomas and this is Taylor. We own the bar and would like to say thanks for coming out.” They both stick out their hands. Lifting mine slowly, I place it in Taylor’s big hand.

  “Um, hi, I’m Ashley.” When our hands meet, there is a jolt of electricity that shoots through me. I quickly pull my hand away and place it by my side.

  “Nice to meet you, Ashley,” Taylor says with a deep, raspy voice.

  Holy hell, just him saying my name gives me goose bumps. I glance over and see Nancy and Thomas in conversation. Looking around, I see most of the females eyeing these guys right in front of me. I’m sure the guys love the attention they are getting.

  “Are you enjoying yourself?” Taylor says, getting my attention.

  Bringing my eyes back to his, I have to force myself to speak. “Yes, thank you. This place is nice.”

  “Good, I’m glad. Well, ladies, we must make our way around. Please enjoy your time, and if you need anything, don’t hesitate to ask someone.”

  I get a good look at him from behind and damn, he can fill out a pair of jeans. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I look around and still see all the women staring. As hot as the guy is, I’m sure he plays the field quite often, and I’m not going there again. I just started to get my life back together after my ex. No way do I need another man in my life.

  “I need another drink,” I say, hastily getting up and making my way toward the bar. While I wait for my drink, I down a shot of vodka. Nancy is standing up as I reach her.

  “Let’s go downstairs and dance the night away.” Grabbing my hand, we make our way to the dance floor. I feel a little tipsy but not that bad. Nancy only had one drink and that shot because she is driving tonight. Normally, we switch off who is driving or we take a cab.

  Spotting some friends in the far corner, we detour from the dance floor to say hi to Jake and Chance. We have known them since we were freshmen in college. Jake has always tried to get with me, but I just don’t see him like that. He’s fun to party with and a good friend, but nothing more than that.

  Hitting the dance floor, I begin to let myself move to the music. Being out here, I momentarily forget all the worries in my life and just have fun. We dance song after song until there is sweat dripping down our bodies. At this point, I could use another drink, so I join the guys at their table just off the dance floor.

  “I need another drink. Where did Nancy go?” I must have lost her on the way back here.

  “She went to the bathroom, I believe. I’ll go get you another drink. What do you want?” Jake asks.

  “Vodka and Red Bull, please.” Nodding his head, he makes his way toward the bar. I look around the packed bar and my eyes connect with Taylor’s. He’s talking to some woman who is all over him, yet his stare holds mine.

  “Here’s your drink, doll,” Jake says, snapping me back to now.

  “Thank you.” I pick up the drink, glancing back at Taylor, who now looks angry.

  “Sorry, the line was long at the bathroom,” Nancy says when she returns to the table.

  I can’t help but glance back to where Taylor was standing, but he’s disappeared. I down my drink as Nancy speaks up.

  “You about ready, girl? It’s one, and I have to go into the office for a couple of hours tomorrow.”

  “Yep, let me pay my bill and we are good to go.” Heading toward the VIP bar, I squeeze my way in-between two girls.

  “Can I help you, sweetie?” the redheaded bartender asks.

  “Yes, I need to close my tab. Name is Ashley Williams.”

  The bartender heads over to where the cards are kept. Sifting through the pile before making her way back to me. “Your tab was paid for. Here is your card and the note left with it.”

  “What? That can’t be right,” I say as she hands it over.

  Glancing at the note it reads: Hope you enjoyed your night. Taylor.

  Holy shit. He paid my bill. Thanking the lady, I head to find Nancy. Along t
he way I see Taylor in the corner talking to yet another female. His eyes look up and meet mine, giving me a quick wink before resuming talking. I don’t want to interrupt and make it seem like I’m interested in starting something with him, I am finally happy with where my life is now. I decide not to tell Nancy about this, because I know five hundred questions will come. But I am curious to know if he paid her bill as well.

  Chapter Two


  I watch as the last customers leave the bar and the bouncers lock up. What a night this has been. When I moved to Florida to be with my brother, we came up with the idea of one day opening a bar. Never did we think we would have it opened this quickly.

  “Damn, bro, we did it. That was an amazing night,” Thomas says, slapping me on the back.

  “Yes, we did.”

  We make our way toward the office and go over numbers, hoping we hit our goal for the night. As I sit here looking them over, my mind drifts back to Ashley and meeting her tonight. When I walked into the VIP room and saw her for the first time, I felt my heart skip a beat. She was sitting there with her brown hair pulled over her right shoulder talking with the girl next to her. When our eyes met, I knew I needed to meet her. Her chocolate brown eyes were breathtaking. She stands about five three and has a very athletic body from what I could see. When our hands touched, I felt a jolt go through me, and I think she did also because she pulled her hand back quickly.

  “Everyone is gone; how did we do?” Thomas says, coming into the office and taking a seat.

  “We doubled what we were shooting for.”

  “Awesome. You about ready to head out?”

  Grabbing my keys, we head out of the building. Even though we live together, we drive separately. I groan when I see Amanda leaning against my car. Normally, I would be all up for taking her home, but not tonight. I am way too tired and Ashley is still fresh on my mind.

  “What do you want, Amanda?” I ask, walking up to her.


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