Book Read Free

Delayed Call

Page 30

by Toni Aleo

  He shrugged. “It’s fine.”

  “Okay, but when I get back, we need to talk this out.”

  He let his head fall back in annoyance. “I don’t want to talk about my heart.”

  Her own heart broke a bit. “They want us to go back in, and the testing will be overnight.”

  “B, I don’t want to. I don’t want to leave my home.”

  “I know, buddy. I’m sorry, but we have to.”

  “Not we, me. It’s always me.”

  “I’m there with you, though.”

  “I know, but Mitch won’t be or Grandma, and I don’t know. I hate it.”

  “Rod, it’s your health, bub.”

  Letting out an annoyed breath, he shrugged. “But I can come back, right?” he asked, so hopeful, and she smiled.

  “As long as the doctors say yes, then, yeah,” she said, dropping into her regular seat beside Mekena, though she wasn’t there yet. When she looked back at the screen, though, she saw Vaughn’s face beside hers in the camera. Looking over, she laughed while he waved all big and silly at Rodney.

  “Hey! How ya doing, buddy?”

  But Rodney didn’t smile. “She’s making me go to the doctor. Overnight.”

  Vaughn set him with a look. “What did I tell you about that ticker?”

  “Keep it healthy?”

  “Yup, don’t let me down, bud.”

  Rodney smiled a bit as he nodded. “Okay.”

  “That’s my man. And don’t worry, she means well.”

  “I know, but I don’t want to.”

  “But we’re men, right? We gotta keep healthy, because then who would drive Brie crazy?”

  Rodney smiled and nodded. “You’re right.”

  “I know. See you soon.”


  Vaughn squeezed her shoulder before he walked down the aisle of the plane, and her heart caught before she glared back at Rodney. “So you’ll listen to him?”

  “Yeah, I like him more.” She snorted, and he smiled big. “I’m joking.”

  “I know.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Don’t be. It’s fine. We’re gonna be okay.”

  “I hate the doctor.”

  “I know, buddy, and when I get back, we’ll talk more, okay?”

  “All right. Will it be okay, B?

  “Of course, Rodney. Love you.”

  “Love you.”

  Ending the call, she sighed heavily. She was pretty sure the last couple weeks had been the most stressful weeks of her life. She was freaking out about the doctor stuff like crazy and hated that no one really had any answers. She had been on the phone with the doctors for the last three days, trying to figure out their next move. But no one had a plan. They weren’t happy with the production of the pacemaker; something wasn’t connecting right, and it scared her. She had called Dawn and Trish, and they both promised to keep an extra eye on him while she was gone, but she was silently freaking out. She just wanted him to be okay. When her eyes started to cloud with tears, her phone chimed. She picked it up to see it was a text from Vaughn. Her lips curved as she opened it.

  Vaughn: Don’t worry, everything is gonna be fine.

  Brie: Can’t help it.

  Vaughn: Wanna go do it in the bathroom when the plane takes off? Take your mind off it?

  Brie: As much as that excites me, I’m not a flyer, so I doubt I would be fun.

  Vaughn: You don’t like flying?

  Brie: Hate it.

  Vaughn: Wussy.

  Brie: Who’s scared of needles?

  Vaughn: Touché, Soledad. Touché.

  Vaughn: Fine, stew in your feelings, but if you wanna come back here, I’ll put my hands down your pants.

  Laughing, she rolled her eyes.

  Brie: You’re so kind.

  Vaughn: Thinking only of you.

  Vaughn: All the time.

  Brie: Right back at ya, sexy ass.

  Vaughn: :)

  Brie: :)

  Exhaling softly, she curved her lips as her heart fluttered in her chest. While she had to talk to Rodney about the issue of his heart and the doctor’s plans, she also wanted to talk to him about her and Vaughn. She wasn’t exactly sure how he would take it, but she needed him to know. When she dated Martin, he never met Rodney. He didn’t want to, and since she didn’t want Rodney to get confused, she never pushed it. But with Vaughn, it was different. She wanted Rodney to know about them.

  Because Vaughn was important.

  Very important.

  Closing her eyes as she leaned back in the seat, she couldn’t help but feel right about them. It had been almost two weeks since they decided to do “Vaughn and Brie official,” and it was perfect. She knew it was new, and when that wore off, it wouldn’t be as life altering. But in a way, she felt like it would be. They were playful, silly, and she just couldn’t get enough of him. While he still wouldn’t sleep over or even invite her over to his place, they were always together. He would go to practice, come home, take her out, or they would hang out. It was perfect, and she felt good about them.


  She felt right.

  She was excited to go to his hometown, to see NateWay One, and to go to dinner with Wells and his boyfriend. Vaughn made her feel special, and he told her she was gorgeous every day. It was sweet, and she’d never dreamed he would be like that at the beginning. She thought he would be hard and kind of cocky all the time, but when he was with her, he was with her. The real Vaughn. He said he didn’t want to be anywhere but with her, and that alone made her heart skip. When he showed up the day before with dinner and a single rose, that one rose meant more than all the dying ones in her living room, all because he said she needed it. To smile. She didn’t understand it, but…but… Fuck, she was falling for him.


  And she wasn’t sure if it was a natural progression of things or if she was an idiot.

  Either way, it was as true as the sky was blue.

  And while she knew it would scare him, it didn’t scare her. She wanted it. She wanted him. She just hoped that sooner rather than later, he would feel the same. When she felt the seat beside her shake, she opened her eyes, and Mekena was grinning at her. With a scoff, Brie said, “You’re late.”

  “We did it in the car.”

  Snickering, she shook her head. “Do you guys get to share a room when you’re married?”

  Mekena shrugged as she stuffed shit under her seat. “Who knows? I damn well hope so, but I haven’t asked and neither has he.”

  “I bet you’re ready to be married.”

  Beaming up at Brie, Mekena said, “You have no clue.”

  “I bet.”

  “Yeah, my mom is going all out, while his mom is pushing for it to be at her church. But I want it in a field with some flowers. I just want to marry him, I don’t care about this hoopla.”

  “Shot too many weddings, huh?”

  “Yes, I hate them.”

  Laughing, Brie ignored the jealousy that ate at her heart. Mekena was only like twenty, if that, and she was getting married. Brie was knocking on thirty-two’s door, and she was dating a reformed playboy. God help her.

  “I’m just glad it’s happening, but Markus wants our cake to be in the Stanley Cup, and he told me he will be devastated if it’s not. I’m like, dude, win the damn thing, then. I can’t win it for him!”


  “He’s driving me insane, and he won’t get off my back about my cat.”

  Brie tried not to laugh. “He’s fat, Mekena.”

  “That is rude,” she answered back as she fastened her seat belt. “But whatever, I’m annoyed.”

  “Why? You’re usually so sticky-sweet when you speak of your cat and your honey.”

  Letting out an annoyed breath, Mekena pointed to her head. “He slammed the shit out of my head against the car. I told him it was hitting, but he was too far gone. It hurt.”

  Bursting out in laughter, Brie laid her head back. �
��Y’all are too cute.”

  “Whatever, I have a headache.”

  “I’m sorry. Want some drugs?”

  “Nah, I’m good.”

  “Okay, I have them if you change your mind,” she said, pointing to her bag. She went to grab it, but when she did, Mekena was in her face.


  With wide eyes, she backed up a bit. “What?”

  Mekena lowered her voice to a whisper. “Markus said Franklin said you and Vaughn are doing it.”

  Brie just nodded, and before she knew it, Mekena hit her hard in the arm. “Why didn’t you tell me?” she yelled, and Brie cried out before covering Mekena’s mouth. She felt like a teenager, and soon she was snorting with laughter. “Brie!”

  “I don’t know, we aren’t really throwing it out there.”

  “We’re friends!”

  “I know, but you’ve been busy. Plus, it isn’t like you’re my best friend.”

  “Well, that’s a jerky thing to say.”

  “Love you,” she sang, and Mekena rolled her eyes.

  “I care about you.”

  “I know, but it happened so fast, and then we’ve been together.”

  Mekena beamed, her eyes bright as she nodded. “Wow, I can’t believe it.”

  “I can’t either, really.”

  “I thought y’all hated each other.”

  “That, or we really wanted each other.”

  “That’s crazy, but so cool.”

  “I think so,” Brie said softly, and she wanted to share more, but as Mekena had said, they weren’t best friends. Brie wasn’t mad, but she didn’t want to broadcast her business like she would have before. Vaughn was hers, and she didn’t want to share him. She didn’t mind sharing trivial things, but how he made her feel, other than happiness, and how their relationship started, she didn’t want to share.

  “Can’t believe you didn’t tell me. Is it serious?”

  “I think so,” she said with a shrug. “I’d be really upset if it ended.”

  “Aw, how sweet,” she exhaled. “That’s good. I’m happy for you.”

  “Me too, thanks.”

  Looking back to her, Mekena looked kind of hurt, and a wave of guilt rushed over Brie. “You’re mad?”

  “Not mad, but when you said we aren’t best friends, it kinda stung a bit.”

  “You’re the one who said it to me first, Mekena.”

  “I know, but I still thought we were almost best friends.”

  Brie’s heart ached. “I’m sorry. I thought you dumped me.”

  “How can I dump you? I love you!”

  “Wanna hug it out?”

  “Yes, you jerk.”

  They wrapped up in an awkward hug that just made them both laugh. Mekena pulled back and shook her head. “Be happy, Brie. You deserve it more than anyone.”

  Brie’s face split in a grin. “Thanks. Wanna go out when we get back?”

  “I do.”

  “Good, maybe I can tear you away from Markus.”

  “Oh, I thought Vaughn would come too.”

  Brie beamed. “I guess he could. That’s exciting, I’m not the third wheel anymore.”

  Laughing, they parted as they sat back, grins on both their faces. Brie had been upset with Mekena. But, then, had she reached out? No, so she was in the wrong as much as Mekena was. Plus, the girl had her head up her fiancé’s ass with good reason. Maybe Brie had to fight for their friendship if she wanted it. She did. She cared for Mekena.

  Looking over at Mekena, Brie went to say something, but she found Mekena was watching her as she asked, “But do me a huge favor?”

  “What?” she asked a bit warily. She wasn’t sure what Mekena was going to ask, and the grin on her face worried Brie.

  “Can you hit him in the head with the mic one night during an interview before the end of the season? I don’t want to lose twenty bucks.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “I have twenty bucks in the pot that says you will by the end of the season.”

  Holding her friend’s gaze, Brie couldn’t help it, she snorted. “What in the world?”

  “I know it’s stupid, but we all thought it would happen!”

  So did she. Wow, how things changed… With a small grin, she nodded. “Yeah, I got you, but don’t tell anyone about him and me.”

  “No, I wouldn’t. Ain’t my business.”


  “But I’m happy for you.”

  Meeting Mekena’s gaze with a grin, Brie nodded. “I am too.”

  She really was.

  More than she ever thought she could be.

  With a shocked face, Brie fought back the laughter that was bubbling in her chest.

  “They named the rink after you?”

  Looking over at her with a “Duh” kind of expression, Vaughn scoffed. “Do you even know who you’re dating?”

  “I’m aware of the man, but apparently, I wasn’t aware of the legend.”

  She felt him grinning at her as she reread the sign above the doors of the rink that Vaughn had grown up in.

  The Vaughn Johansson Skating Complex.

  The rink that gave the world “The Legend.”

  Looking over at him, she couldn’t hold it in, she lost it. Bending over at the hips, she was laughing so hard as she shook her head. “Who calls you ‘The Legend’? What the fuck? That is by far the funniest thing I’ve ever seen. It’s like calling Lundqvist ‘The King.’ Come on, it’s so fucking cocky. No wonder your ego is so big. I can’t. I can’t even.”

  “Well, obviously, the nickname has been dropped since I left here.”

  “Obviously? Thank God because that is the silliest thing I’ve ever heard.”

  “Hey, I was a—”

  “Legend?” she snorted, and he knocked his hip into hers.

  “You’re an asshole.”

  “I know, I’m sorry,” she said, still laughing as they climbed the stairs. “No, I’m not sorry, I can’t help it. This is awesome. Let me take a picture.”

  He pushed her phone away as he walked a little faster, shaking his head. “Girls would die to be here with me.”

  She snorted. “Wanna call them? I’ll take pictures for the walls inside as they all cry out—” she paused to start waving her hands in the air “—‘Oh my God, the legend wants me. Give me your big legendary cock.’”

  Looking over his shoulder at her, he glared. “Are you done?”

  She shook her head. “No, Legend, I’m just getting started.”

  “You’re lucky you give the best head ever.”

  “I know, right?” she teased as he unlocked the building and pulled the door open, letting her in first before smacking her ass. She grinned up at him, and he bent down, crashing his mouth to hers as she held on to him, her heart beating happily in her chest. Pulling away slightly, she smiled. “You do have a legendary-sized cock.”

  “How do you think I got the nickname? I was the doing the owner’s wife.”

  She cried in shock, her mouth dropping open. “You did not!”

  “I know, I just need something to shut you up.”

  That had them both laughing as he locked the door and threw his arm around her, leading her toward a hall that was apparently dedicated to “The Legend.” She snorted to herself but smiled in interest when he shot her a death glare. The walls, though, were a masterpiece. Even as a kid, he had been giving. He had held skate-a-thons for kids with Down syndrome. He did fundraisers to sponsor nights for special-needs kids so their caregivers wouldn’t have to pay. Framed article after article was about how generous and determined Vaughn was to help children and adults with special needs. As she walked away, a picture of him, Nathan, and an older man caught her eye. Underneath, it identified that it was Vaughn’s father, and then in big bold letters, it read, “Vaughn Johansson has a heart of gold and a drive that will change the world.”

  Smiling, she looked over at him. “Where is your dad?”

  He glanced up from where he
was looking at something, and his smile dropped. “I don’t talk to him.”

  “Oh, ’cause of everything?”

  “Yeah, we got into a really nasty fight, and we didn’t talk for a couple years. When I tried to reach out while I built NateWay One, he told me we were better off just staying away from each other. He remarried, and from what I’ve heard, he has taken on her kids as his.”

  Her face changed as she looked back at the picture. “What a jerk.”

  “I’m okay with it. After all we went through, it’s hard.”


  “Where is your dad?”

  She shrugged. “Never knew my real dad, and my stepdad died when Rodney was one. He was in a construction accident, and I don’t really know what happened. My mom never told me. He was a good man, a good dad for the four years I had him.”

  Vaughn came up beside her and let out a breath. “Life. A big dick sometimes.”

  “Yup,” she agreed, but then she grinned up at him. “This is so incredible. I love it all.”

  “It’s my childhood.”

  “Every article talks about how giving and kind you are,” she said, her voice dropping a few octaves. “Why was it okay then, but not now? For people to know about you?”

  “Because now, people assume celebrities do it for the fame. I do it because I care and love the people. I don’t need recognition. I didn’t need it then either, and I sure as hell don’t need it now.”

  Her heart soared as she cuddled against him, her arms squeezing his. When he looked down at her, she puckered her lips, to which he came down to her for a sweet kiss. Before he could stand back up, though, she gripped him by the back of the head, stopping him. “Do you know how amazing I think you are?”

  “No, tell me. I need a good stroking of my ego after you tore down my nickname.”

  She snorted but covered it with a cough when he glared. “Yes, well, I think you are pretty fucking incredible, you legend you, and I’m proud to call you mine.”

  He didn’t miss the dig at his nickname, but he grinned all the same. “Yeah?”

  “Yeah. You’re hot too,” she added, smacking his ass as her heart swelled so big in her chest.

  “Oh, good, I’m glad you noticed.”


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