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Shadows of Deceit

Page 6

by Patrick Cotter

  Outside they found Dermot already seated in his car. Harry was invited to sit with him. Tommy and Steve followed in another vehicle. As the cars pulled out into the traffic Harry noticed that the three attackers were moving away into the darkness.

  “Thank you for that, you are useful.” Dermot said.

  “You knew these men?”

  “One of them I’ve seen before. I think he’s the son of one of my former tenants in Edinburgh. I run a letting business - you know flats and houses.”

  Dermot shifted his bulk on the seat and continued,

  “They were a bloody rough lot. Undesirables all of them.”

  “I was glad to be of assistance. That’s a nice club there.”

  Harry looked out of the window,

  “By the way, where are we heading?”

  “I’ve some business to arrange near the coast. Come along with us you might learn something.”

  Harry recalled that Dermot and Andrew were working together on the Letting business so he decided to tease out a bit more information.

  “You run this business on your own?”

  “No, there’s a partner involved as well, a friend of mine I used to work with in England some years ago.”

  ‘This is where Andrew comes in’, Harry thought. He decided not to say that he knew him and that he had already started a part time job with him.

  Chapter 4

  The two cars finally arrived at a small desolate seaside cottage. An older man with a strong Irish accent greeted them by the front door. Dermot did the introductions.

  “This is Michael, Michael O’Shaughnessy. He looks after the cottage for us. Michael this is Harry, he’s joining us for the evening.”

  The two men shook hands.

  “Come on in, the fire’s lit so it’s not too cold. I’ve some drink and food and there’s plenty for everyone.”

  Despite the initial show of friendliness Harry sensed that Michael’s eyes were suspiciously following him as he moved into the room and sat down next to Dermot. Tommy and Steve soon arrived and were greeted by Michael and shown in. They preferred to stand at the back by the drink’s table rather than sit by the fire. Michael retreated to a back room and prepared the food.

  Tommy poured and served drinks to everyone,

  “Good health!”

  “Slainte.” Dermot said as he downed his drink in one and held the glass up.

  “Another large one Tommy.”

  Steve turned to face Harry,

  “So what really is the truth about you then Harry lad? Are you on the run from someone?”

  ‘You bastard,’ Harry thought to himself, somewhat startled to be confronted in this way. He turned his head to reply to Steve.

  “I’ve told you my story back at the club, or weren’t you listening?”

  Dermot looked across angrily at Steve and shook his head indicating to him not to pursue the question any further. He then struggled to get to his feet,

  “Steve pull me up, I need a piss again.”

  Dermot scuffed his way towards the kitchen holding on to each piece of furniture as it came within his grasp. Steve moved back to where Tommy was standing and they chatted quietly about a newspaper article that they had read earlier. Harry was now convinced that his initial thoughts about Steve’s character had already proved to be accurate. Not a person to be trusted he thought. His first impression of him at the club was of a smiling assassin. He was someone not to be depended upon in any circumstance. But his private thoughts were quickly distracted by a muffled three-way conversation emanating from the kitchen. There was someone else in the cottage, but whom? The door opened and a younger man came into the room carrying some books and maps. Harry looked up and was astonished to see that it was the same person that Andrew had ‘entertained’ at his flat. The man nodded towards Steve and Tommy but became deeply embarrassed when he recognised Harry. Dermot followed him in, the stain on his trousers now fully replenished and spreading. “Harry.” Dermot said, “You wouldn’t know this fella, he’s my Son Darlath. Darlath this is Harry, our guest for the evening.”

  Harry stood up and greeted him as a stranger. Darlath meekly shook hands trying not to maintain prolonged eye contact.

  “Harry this boy of mine is one of the best. He keeps an eye on my affairs and reins me in sometimes when I get ahead of myself; he’s a good ‘un.”

  Dermot dropped heavily back into his chair.

  “Get a drink for the boy Steve.”

  Steve reluctantly reached for a glass. He resented Darlath’s influence on his father and disliked ‘the boy’ intensely for being too well educated and astute.

  Darlath cut in,

  “It’s OK., leave it now Steve, I’ll have a drink with the food later.”

  Steve’s opposition to Darlath was further revealed to Harry.

  “How’s your love life Darlath there must be many beautiful ‘colleens’ in Dublin?”

  Darlath responded irritably,

  “There are Steve. As I told you the last time you asked the same question.”

  Dermot turned to face Steve,

  “You never change do you Steve? Leave him alone. He’ll bring one home for his Dad to meet one day soon, won’t you son?”

  “Aye Dad, one day soon maybe.”

  Harry wasn’t sure if Steve knew about Darlath’s deviations, perhaps he was just guessing or being mischievous. And Dermot clearly wasn’t aware that his precious son was being seduced by Andrew. As Darlath turned towards the table he dropped some of the maps onto the floor and bent down to retrieve them; only to discover Harry’s hand had already moved to collect them. The other men were talking amongst themselves.

  “Here you are Darlath, no worries.”

  Darlath looked up at Harry’s face and responded,

  “No worries?”

  Harry confirmed and reassured him again,

  “You’ve no worries.”


  He nodded gratefully to Harry knowing his secret would be maintained.

  Michael came in with a tray of sandwiches and then left the five to discuss their projects. Steve and Tommy remained by the table at the back of the room eating whilst Dermot continued talking to Harry who was still seated. Suddenly Harry was gripped and pinned into the armchair by the two men behind him. His jacket was pulled down over his arms as he struggled to free himself,

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” He shouted.

  “We just need to check on something - ” said Dermot. “ - left arm!”

  With his free hand Steve pulled a flick knife from his pocket and pressed the blade into Harry’s cheek. Harry stopped resisting and moved his face to the side to ease the pressure. The weapon was then flashed threateningly in front of Harry’s eyes. The thin smile returned to Steve’s face as he moved the knife rapidly down to rip open Harry’s left shirt sleeve.

  “I fucking told you so!”

  Said Steve, now content with his actions.

  Dermot put on his glasses,

  “Ah, an Army regimental tattoo. How delightful.”

  Steve interrupted,

  “He’s been telling lies all along. Reserved occupation he said. He’s on the run just as I suspected!”

  Harry became less tense and relaxed into the chair.

  “I think we should hear what he has to say first,”

  said Darlath, trying to offer some help to Harry.

  “Bloody waste of time that’ll be!” Steve shouted.

  Dermot calmly spoke next.

  “Harry, I believe you need now to tell us the truth about your background.”

  Tommy joined in,

  “Come on Harry, be open with us.”

  Harry looked at Dermot,

  “But first get these jerks to let go of me.”

>   Dermot nodded to his two men to release their grip. He then turned to face Harry.

  “You see, Andrew recommended you to us, but we need to validate your story. At the moment there is conflicting information which is of concern to me. You’re a bit of a mystery man. Now you must tell all. Remember you’re in no position to lie any more are you? ”

  Harry sat forward,

  “Look, I couldn’t explain everything until I knew that I could trust you. Yes I’m on the run from the Army and yes I told lies about the reserved occupation, but I’m here aren’t I. I need to sort myself out, get a job and then, maybe later I’ll return to the Services before they find me. I can’t stay on the run forever.”

  Darlath intervened again,

  “When and why did you do a bunk from the Army?”

  The others listened. There was a long pause as Harry sat back in the chair and recalled the nightmare of battle. He spoke quietly,

  “It was after Dunkirk, when I got back to England. You see for five days me with two of my best pals were trying to get to the beaches to be rescued. We had no food and no ammunition. Our unit was told to hold back and defend the village of Veurne in Belgium to delay the German advance. Their troops initially ignored us by diverting to the East before turning back onto our positions and destroying most of our men and weapons. Our only chance was to breakout and head to the beaches. We received a signal to get to Dunkirk in whatever way we could. We kept off the roads and scrambled through the forests, all the time we could hear them, the Germans; the engine noises of the tanks, the smell of their exhausts nearby; the noise of aircraft flying low overhead.; the sounds of our lads being shot at. They were all around us, but somehow we eventually made it.

  After struggling to slip by the lines of Germans we finally got near to the ships, all the time being shelled and shot at. It was then that my mates were both killed. I scrambled on board a boat and blacked out. Somehow we got back to Folkestone. From there we were bundled onto a train for London. We were supposed to go on to an Army billet but I just kept walking. There was so much confusion that they probably thought I’d died as well so it was easy to disappear. The funny thing is I still do intend to go back; I will go back and face the music – but not just yet, another few months maybe.”

  “Go on.” Dermot said quietly.

  “You see, over there in France my whole world of friends I grew up with, went to football matches with, enjoyed a drink with and chased the girls with was snatched away from me. It would never be the same again. I felt as though I’d been ripped away from the story that had been planned for my life. That I’d planned for my life. There was to be no ‘happy ever afters.’ This was me alone and in shock I suppose. I just had to get away and clear my mind, clear the ache, clear the memory of those two guys, and all the others, whose bodies had been shattered and blown apart and…sorry, I‘ve said too much…I just …”

  Dermot raised his fingers slightly,

  “Its OK. lad, I understand.”

  Harry took a deep breath,

  “So you can see why I spun the story earlier, I had to have confidence that I could trust you as well you know.”

  “Thank you Harry.”

  Dermot leaned forward, his face now closer to Harry. The smell of his urine was drifting up into Harry’s nostrils.

  “Which regiment were you in Harry?”

  “The Royal Sussex, Why?”

  “Good, I know you’re telling me the truth now! You see we also need to make careful checks on any associates who wish to join our little group. I’ve done a little military research myself over the past few days; if you were in this regiment you’ll know all about its history won’t you?”

  Harry shifted his position in the chair and narrowed his eyes quizzically.

  “Yes, of course. It’s all taught to new recruits in the first six weeks of training.”

  “Precisely. So to ensure my colleagues here know that you are genuine please tell me all about your regiment. It does however seem rather foolish to have had a regimental tattoo and then go on the run from them doesn’t it?”

  “Yes, I know, but now I’m stuck with it. It was done years ago when I first joined. A lot of the lads I knew did the same at the time. What do you need to know Dermot?”

  “The tattoo first, what does it represent?”

  “How did you know about -?”

  “I’ll tell you later, please answer the question. Continue.”

  Harry sighed,

  “The badge has been assembled over the centuries from honours gained in various battles, and presently it depicts a cross like a ‘Maltese Cross’ but with longer ‘legs’ enclosed in a star design. Above is a plume of feathers, like the Prince of Wales’s.”

  “Which part of Sussex was the regiment formed from originally?”

  “Trick question I think Dermot?”

  Harry smiled feeling more at ease now.

  “Go on?”

  “The regiment was raised in 1701 in Belfast by the Earl of Donegall.”

  “When did it receive Royal status?”

  “1832 by William lV.”

  “Where did it fight in the last war?”

  “Dermot, to save you time let me provide some fuller details that we had to learn by heart as recruits.”

  “Go ahead.”

  “The regiment fought at Quebec in 1759, the Heights of Abraham campaign where the French Roussillon Regiment was defeated. In 1850 the Indian Mutiny then the Boer War then Ypres in the last war. What else do you need to know?”

  “Enough, enough I think. That’s what I read about, it’s all true lads, all true.”

  Dermot nodded agreement to the others present and then sank back into his chair smiling broadly. Tommy and Darlath’s expressions also changed as they walked across to the drink’s table. Steve remained motionless and scowled, still unable to contain his displeasure.

  “You just better not step out of line Harry boy, else I’ll be waiting for you.”

  “Talking of lines, I think you owe me a new shirt first!”

  “Gentlemen, enough! I now welcome Harry into our little group, and we must all do the same. Understood?”

  All the men agreed by raising their glasses and silently toasting Harry, albeit Steve’s attempt appeared rather feeble and brief.

  Harry finished his drink and turned to Dermot,

  “I’m still somewhat puzzled. How did you know I had a tattoo?”

  “Well, how shall I say this without being indelicate?”

  Dermot’s eyes scanned up to the ceiling,

  “Um – it was Eileen who told me that she had seen it. You see she has a part to play in our little schemes as well.”


  “Don’t feel that she has betrayed you Harry. In a way she has assisted in speeding up the process of your selection. With my help she engineered your visit to the Dugout this evening. Andrew was going to set up our meeting in a few days time but this opportunity came first.”

  “Does Eileen know Andrew as well?”

  “Of course.”

  “But she didn’t give that impression to me when I went to the ‘Stuart’ the first time with him. It’s very confusing.”

  “Don’t worry too much about it lad. You, I understand, helped Andrew out. He subsequently recommended that I should see you and then tonight Eileen directed you to us at the Dugout.”

  “So is Andrew also coming here tonight?”

  “No. Once he knew you had made it to the Dugout he ‘phoned me to say that he was going across to Edinburgh for a meeting with our solicitor. You see we both use the same one for our businesses.”

  ‘I bet he made his excuses knowing Darlath would be here’, Harry thought.

  Dermot continued,

  “So Harry, welcome, we look forward to working with you for a few
months until you decide how you want your life to move on. Now I think it’s time we discussed business, come and sit down everyone.”

  Dermot continued,

  “Firstly it’s agreed that Harry joins us, then we need to plan our next adventure.”

  Harry spoke up,

  “Excuse me lads but as the new boy I don’t yet know Darlath’s position in all this.”

  “Of course. Apologies Harry. Darlath is useful in that he works for a government ministry in Eire that is similar to our Civil Service. He was educated in Dublin by the Christian Brothers and after university acquired a position in, what is now the equivalent to the Foreign Office of the Free State.”

  Darlath intervened,

  “Dad I can explain my own story. It’s like this Harry, at the moment, as I was born in Ireland, I’m free to travel between Eire and the U.K. There is some discussion that this benefit may change but probably this won’t come up for serious discussion until the war is finished. But it means that on Irish ‘foreign office’ business I can travel frequently between Dublin and the U.K. You see London is keen to maintain cordial relations with Eire despite all their previous differences.”

  Dermot interrupted,

  “You see Harry, London’s fear is that the Germans could put pressure on the Free State so that they, the Reich, appear to have been ‘invited’ to establish a naval base over there. If that happened then it would effectively cut off supplies from the U.S.A. to Britain.”

  Darlath grinned at his father and then continued,

  “Thanks Dad. More worryingly the Germans could build up their military strength and launch an invasion from Ireland into the U.K. It’s a potentially dangerous and difficult state of affairs but Eire wishes to maintain its neutrality, that’s why they’ve allowed a Nazi Legation or Consulate to be established in Dublin. But it means, as I said, that I, as a junior official, can travel freely and monitor the situation for the benefit of both countries.”

  “And with your knowledge and information this little group can make a few pounds on the way?”

  Harry smiled and looked at Darlath.

  “Yes. Remember Harry there already exists a huge black market in the trade links between us, the States and Canada. If I can assist our ‘little group’ as you call it to cream away just a tiny fraction of it then why not?”


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