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Defender's Blood Alex's Destiny (An Urban Fantasy)

Page 9

by A. K. Michaels

  “What?” she gasped.

  “Alexina, have you not felt the draw towards this Vampire? He is your soul mate, sentinel, and keeper. He will stay with you and look after you – forever. Our great leader has broken one of the main laws. He has fashioned each of you for each other. What has happened since the death of your mother has made him break this rule – interfering in human lives – and you will find out a great destiny awaits you and the products of your joining.”

  He smiled into Alex’s face and she felt strangely calm. Then he promptly disappeared before she could question any of what he had just said.

  Thadius was bleeding from his head after hitting his desk, when the Demon had thrown him out of the way. Tatiana approached him and looked up into his face, “May I?” she asked, he nodded. She took his hand and led him to a chair, so he could sit down.

  He needed to be seated in order for her to touch the wound. She barely came up to his waist. She placed her hands over the wound and again chanted in her strange dialect. There was a slight shimmer and when she removed her hands, the wound was gone. No scar, nor mark, as if the wound had never been there.

  “I know you are a very strong Werewolf, Thadius, and your system would have fairly quickly healed the wound, but it’s quicker for me to do it. We have a lot to discuss.” Tatiana’s voice was rich and soft.

  “Thank you,” he said and at that point the doors flew open. Several large guards and Amelia ran in.

  “What’s happened? I felt a severe blow in the natural order of things, as if a great evil were here.”

  Thadius took control and advised Amelia that she had better get everyone that worked for her to ward the full town.

  She looked astonished. “The full town, Thadius? Do you know how much work that would entail? It will take us a long time to do that.”

  “Well, you better get started Amelia, and I mean now! First priority is here at HO and Zach’s place. Once those have been made safe, then continue with the full town, and I mean everywhere. Do you understand?” he was nearly shouting and Thadius shouting was rather scary, Alex thought.

  “Yes, Thadius, I will take a few minutes to call my sisters, and then I will make this room safe immediately. They will call when Zach’s place has been protected, then we will start on the rest.” Amelia’s voice was contrite in the face of Thadius’s ire.

  The fairy spoke up, “Your magic and spells may not be enough for what we are facing. If you give me five minutes of your time, I can show you how to do the wards against Demons.” Her voice was literally a sing song.

  Amelia looked shocked and a bit angry. Thadius spoke before Amelia could come back with a cutting remark. “That would be very welcome, Tatiana. Amelia, please listen to Tatiana before you continue.” His tone made sure that Amelia knew this was not a request.

  Tatiana walked over to Amelia and took her hand. Amelia jerked. She went with this female to the corner of the room, where the fairy explained what had to be done, specifically for Demons. She advised Amelia to ward against anything and everything and to include the Demon wards to whatever she had planned to do.

  Amelia only nodded her head and turned and left the room, and as she left Thadius made eye contact with Zach. “So, Zach, you heard what the Angel said. What do you make of it?”

  Zach looked down into Alexina’s face and then up at Thadius. “It certainly makes some sense of what Alexina and I have been feeling. Neither of us could understand how deeply we felt for each other, so soon after meeting. I still have questions regarding what he said, but those can wait. I need to get Alexina home and settled. I hope they get it warded soon.”

  “I am sure Amelia won’t take long,” Thadius replied, staring intently at how Zach cradled the human in his arms.

  Tatiana had made her way back over and stood in front of Zach and Alex. Her anger was plain for anyone to see on her face. “Mr Vampire, the last thing I said to you was to keep my girl safe, was it not?” Tatiana spoke in a very clipped voice. “And here you are faced with a Demon and you stay in the same room? The doors may have been locked, however, you could have moved Alex to safety!”

  Alex had never heard this tone of voice from her aunt – Tatiana was a force to be reckoned with.

  “Tatiana, up to this point we didn’t know what we were facing. I had to try and find out a bit more in order to properly protect Alexina. If that thing had taken one more step towards us, I was going to move with Alexina. I would not have let it get any closer to her. However, the two of you arrived, just as I had made the decision to move. Please let me make this clear, Tatiana, I would not have let it get to Alexina!” Zach’s tone was just as forceful and in fact, Alex thought he came out on top in the little spat.

  She felt safer than she had earlier. She had totally forgot that he could, as he called it, move, and she realized his points were valid. None of them had any knowledge of Demons, and if one had to fight them, then one had to see, study, and find out any weakness they may have. Tatiana just huffed and looked as if she was about to say something else, then changed her mind and stayed silent.

  Amelia walked back in, and it was clear from her face that she had many questions, but Thadius cut her off. “How long will it be until Zach’s place is safe?” His tone brooked no kind of argument or discussion, so Amelia answered in a rather clipped tone.

  “My second is on her way there now. She has also got another two Witches who live in the area of Zach’s house joining her – with the three of them it won’t be long – at most twenty minutes. I am going to start here and I have others coming to help, they will get here soon.”

  As Amelia started to lay some of the products of her witchcraft around the room, Tatiana sat in the chair nearest to Thadius and opposite Zach and Alexina.

  She took a deep breath and opened her mouth to speak. Her first words were not what anyone was expecting. “I am so sorry, Alexina, I have failed you!”

  “What on earth do you mean? You just saved our lives. I am pretty sure even Zach and I together would have had a hard time killing that thing.”

  “Thadius, I am not talking about today, I am talking about years ago, when my previous wards were killed. I was so torn that night when young Alexina took ill. I wanted to stay and watch over her, but I felt something was not right, and I should have gone with her grandmother and mother. They needed me, but I was just a ‘family friend,’ and they insisted that little Alex would not be happy with anyone but me looking after her. Then after they were killed, I failed again! I just wanted to keep my young one safe. We travelled and moved a lot in the first couple of years. I was terrified we would be found! Then as she started to grow, I should have shown her the journal. She could maybe have found a way to unlock its secrets and know her destiny. However, I just couldn’t do it. I was so scared for her that I kept it from her. I kept everything from her because of my fear. That was not what I should have done, so I am sorry.” She finished on a sob, and it was clear to everyone that she was extremely upset.

  “Aunt M...sorry, I mean Tatiana,” Alex started, “It’s okay, you only did what you thought was best for me. You gave me a wonderful childhood. I was loved and felt safe and even though you weren’t my mother, I felt a mother’s love from you. How could anyone be angry at that? Please don’t be upset – you are here now, so you can help now. Can’t you?” Alex finished with hope in her voice.

  Tatiana looked at Alex and she looked unsure. “Do you mean that? If you do, I would love to stay. I would love to be near you, see what the future holds for you and for the future of both of you, the one that the Angel was implying. It is not usual for our kind to mix with anything other than our own, but as you have all seen me and the Angel himself introduced me to you, I take that as an implied consent!” She sounded much better, Alex thought, she seemed genuinely happy to stay. Alex thought they could use all the help they could get.

  The phone rang on the desk and Thadius got up to answer it. “Okay,” was all he sa
id to the caller and he hung up. “Your place is safe, Zach. You and Alexina can get off home. Tatiana can stay here. I want to talk a lot more and see if she can help our situation. I will find her some rooms here in HO. I am sure there are some rooms that are unoccupied in the West Wing, near mine.”

  Tatiana turned her extremely feminine and beautiful features towards him and smiled. “That would be just grand, Thadius, just grand. Off you go, you two. I will see you tomorrow at some point.” She directed this last comment to Alex and Zach. They made their way to the door and Alex looked back with a questioning look and Tatiana just waved her hand at her, shooing them out the door.


  Amelia had been working in the background as they spoke and she was a little curious as to what the tiny female, Tatiana, had said about the future of Zach and Alex. Had she missed something?

  She hoped they weren’t a couple, because she had wanted Zach from the very first time she had laid eyes on him. Over 100 years ago. She had even tried some love potions on him, but they hadn’t worked, obviously because he was such a strong Vampire. She hadn’t given up hope, she usually got what she wanted, and she ran roughshod over anyone who stood in her way.

  Chapter 8

  When they got to the front doors of HO, there was a hive of activity going on. There were extra guards and several women, who Alex surmised were Witches, around the outside.

  Vladimir was striding up towards the doors and stopped when he saw them. “Alexina, are you alright? We heard what happened and I am shocked. There has never been an attack here, ever. I have all my men working overtime to get the full place secured. I have placed two guards at the front and two at the rear of your property, Zach. I will make sure you’re safe, if need be, I will stay at your place.” Vlad finished talking, and it was obvious he was agitated.

  Both of them replied “No!” at the same time. Zach continued talking, “That’s okay, Vlad. I am sure that’s not required. The wards are in place at my house, so we should be fine. I just want to get Alexina home now.”

  Alex smiled at Zach, he was very diplomatic. Neither of them wanted anyone in the house with them. She looked at Vlad and answered his original question, “I’m a bit wobbly – that ‘thing’ was scary, but Zach is right, we should be fine now. I just want to get back and have a nice long drink, preferably alcoholic, and relax.”

  Alex impulsively gave Vlad a hug. He was huge and her arms didn’t go all the way around. He seemed a little taken aback and Zach suppressed a laugh. Vlad looked down at Alex and spoke in a quieter tone, “Okay, if that’s what you want, little lady, then that’s what you will get. Zach, get her on home now. I have a meeting with Viktor to discuss what’s happened.” Vlad released himself from Alex and continued on.

  When they got into the jeep, Alex could see Zach was now laughing and was a little confused. He tried to explain, “Oh, that was great, Alexina! Vlad’s a very tough guy and never shows emotion in public. He’s the Head of Security and has to keep his men in check. He has the reputation of being a very hard, excuse the French, motherfucker, and I have never seen him look so awkward. That just made my day.”

  Alex smiled. “I’m glad I could amuse you, but he doesn’t seem so tough to me,” she replied. “I think you could take him.” She smirked and peeked at Zach from the side. He laughed all the more. “I think you should give me all the info of the people here, so I maybe don't embarrass someone again?” Zach said he would, and then she realized they were already parked outside his home.

  They saw the guards outside and she wondered where all these huge hunks came from. “Zach, is it a prerequisite for anyone that’s a, what did you call them? Oh yes, anyone that’s a Super to be huge and gorgeous? Everyone I have seen is huge, well, the males are, and they are all good looking. How come?”

  Zach let out a low growl from his throat and Alex turned around in fright, thinking another Demon was there. But no, he was clenching his teeth and visibly trying to relax his hands that were clamped to the steering wheel.

  “Okay, something I should tell you about now, Alexina. I have come across a new emotion. Just now, never had it before, but it’s strong in me at this moment.”

  She had no idea what he was talking about. “And what might that be?” she cautiously asked. “Jealousy!” he said forcefully.

  “OMG, who would’ve thought it,” she laughed. “The absolutely gorgeous Greek God in this relationship is the one that is jealous? That is so funny – and to mimic you, Zach – you have just made my day.” She was chuckling to herself as she got out of the vehicle. Before she had taken two steps he was at her side, holding her firmly to him and walking her towards his house. “Hi guys,” she shouted to the guards out front, and Zach growled again and pulled her even closer.

  Once they were inside, he asked her if she wanted a drink and she said yes, far too quickly, and asked for it to be strong. She followed him into the kitchen. Well, she didn’t really have a choice because he hadn’t let go of her hand, and he deposited her on a high stool at the breakfast bar.

  He got the makings of her Jack Daniels and cola and asked if she wanted ice. “Usually I do, but I feel chilled, inside, so maybe not.”

  He immediately was in front of her peering into her eyes. “Are you okay? Were you hurt?” Zach’s eyes were probing, and she was astounded at the care that was showing in them.

  “Oh, Zach, do you know what you do to me when you look at me like that?” she asked.

  “No, tell me,” he responded quietly.

  She hesitated before replying, “You make me feel loved, and wanted, and desired and, well, just plain happy! I have never felt this happy before. Even with all that other stuff. It still scares me shitless, but I know with you beside me, I can face anything. I have never, ever, felt like this in my whole life.” She had tears in her eyes and he very gently wiped away one that escaped and ran down her cheek.

  “I will always be at your side, Alexina, always,” he whispered in her ear.

  Alex winced and spoke quickly – in fear, “How? How will you be at my side always? You, you are a Vampire, a very bloody old one and I’m a human. I will grow old and you won’t. How can you watch me grow old and die? How can I have you at my side, when I am seventy and old and wrinkly and toothless, and you are still the same virile, gorgeous man you are now? Oh God, I couldn’t bear it to see you looking at me in pity as I struggled to walk or go pee!” Alex was freely crying now, and she was taking large gasping breaths.

  Zach couldn’t bear to see her like this. “My darling, please don’t cry. It won’t be like that, I promise. I can make sure it’s not,” he talked slowly, trying to soothe her.

  “How?” she cried out.

  “Okay, I need you to calm down. I will tell you, but only once you are calm and we can have a proper conversation. Okay?” Zach said.

  She looked at him and said, “Nope.”

  “What?” he said confused.

  “I don’t want a conversation just now. I think I might like a shower.” She raised one eyebrow at him, and as soon as she did, he realized his trousers were once more tight.

  “Oh, you naughty girl, if it’s a shower you want, then a shower you shall have.” He picked her up and put her over his shoulder. She squealed in delight and pretended to try to escape, but she didn’t try very hard.

  He took her to his en suite and sat her, once again, on the cabinet next to the sink. He turned the shower on and then turned to her. He stood in front of her and removed his clothes, never breaking eye contact, and once they were all on the floor, he stepped closer.

  He took her sandals off first, then her blouse, then her trousers with a little lift of her behind and some shuffling. When she was down to her underwear, he gave her a very cheeky smirk and moved in to kiss her.

  Once more when their skin touched, they got that feeling, a tingly, exciting sensation. She hoped that would never go away. He unhooked her bra and let it fall to the floor. He left
her mouth, which she was upset about, but soon forgot, as he took one of her breasts into his mouth. She arched towards him and realized that just this was sending her over the edge. The man had a magic touch.

  He released her breast and pulled her up so she was standing in front of him. He turned her around, so she could see them both in the mirror, and he relieved her of her panties. He pulled her close with her back against his chest and leaned down to whisper in her ear, “Shower will come later.”

  Her pulse picked up as she realized what he was going to do. He bent her over slightly, so she could brace her hands on the unit and watch him in the mirror. He came up close behind her and put his arms around the front. One hand fondling a breast and one slipping lower and lower until he cupped her most intimate part.

  He continued to massage both parts and didn’t once take his eyes from the mirror, watching her response to him. Her breath caught in her throat – dear God, this man was going to be the death of her. Her heart was beating wildly and she was nearing her peak.

  “Do you like that?” He asked her in a very sensual way.

  “Oh God, you want me to speak?” she gasped.

  “Yes, I want you to tell me if you like what I’m doing.”

  She looked into his eyes and for the first time ever while having sex she spoke. “Yes, you make me feel sexy, hot and very, very lustful, please don’t stop.”

  He smiled at her and quickened his pace on her clit and she went over. She shuddered and she thought she even gave a little sob, the feeling was so exquisite. Before she could get her breath back he came closer and entered her, again never breaking eye contact. She moved back into him, so that he went deeper, and this time the moan came from him.


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