Wings of Love

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Wings of Love Page 3

by Jeanette Skutinik

  As he returned to his seat a big, burly, red-headed dude came up from behind him and grabbed Adam by the arm. “What the hell are you doing with my girlfriend?” He bellowed loudly. The guy was just about to deck him when Bob came out of nowhere and beat him to the punch. The big dude toppled over and was knocked out cold.

  “Let’s get the hell out of here,” said Joey as he grabbed his car keys and made a bee line for the door. “We do NOT want to be here when he wakes up.”

  “I’m right behind you, brother.” Adam took his leather coat and threw it over his shoulder as he followed him out the door.

  “How’s that for timing! For once I showed up at the right moment!” Bob laughed as they all piled into Joey’s car. “What the hell were you doing with her anyway? She was nasty!”

  “That’s just it. I didn’t even want to dance with her. It was a package deal.” Adam shook his head as he pointed his thumb at Joey. “That’s it, as of tonight I officially resign as your wing man!”

  They peeled out of the parking lot as they whooped and hollered. After a few more drinks at a few more bars the guys drove around town, then Joey dropped them off at their house. They loudly got out of the car and headed toward the porch. Both of them stumbled up the icy stairs. Adam fumbled with the keys as he opened the front door. He finally succeeded and turned on the lights as they walked in.

  “I’m going to hit the sack.” Adam tossed his keys in the bowl on the hall table. He missed a couple stairs as he climbed up them. “Hey, thanks again Bob. I owe you one. See you in the morning.”

  ‘Hell no. You won’t see me in the morning I can guarantee you that.” Bob shut the light behind him as he dragged himself up to bed. “And no problem bro, you know I always got your back.”

  Chapter 4

  Amy came down the stairs her heart beat a little faster than usually. She wore Gloria Vanderbilt jeans and a peach halter top with a striped cardigan.

  “I’m ready when you are.” Amy smiled up at Adam. Even with her brown platform shoes, she was still a few inches shorter than him. She grabbed her purse and leather jacket.

  Amy checked Adam out as he opened the front door for her. He looks damn good tonight. He had on Calvin Klein jeans with a navy sweater underneath his black leather jacket. They got into his truck which officially started their first date.

  “I thought we’d try this new, Mexican restaurant in town.” Adam glanced over at her as he backed the truck out of the driveway.

  “El Charro’s?” She asked. “I heard they have an awesome cheese fondue.”

  Amy watched as he searched the radio for a station. He left on Afternoon Delight by Starland Vocal Band. She sat in silence and listened to the lyrics. Amy shyly glanced over at Adam. When their eyes met they both laughed. Awkward moment came and went. The ice was broken now so she let her guard down and relaxed.

  “Remember the night we all skated on the creek over there?” Amy pointed out the window.

  “What a night that was.” Adam had both hands on the steering wheel. Say You Love Me by Fleetwood Mac was on the radio now as he spoke. “Remember Joey and I snuck Peppermint Shnapps out of my parents’ house?”

  “Yeah that and the bon fire sure kept us all warm,” laughed Amy.

  Adam pulled into the parking lot that was full except for a couple spots in the back. After he backed the truck in, he got out and reached for Amy’s hand. She slid over to his side and placed her hand in his. She stumbled as she stepped out, but was quickly caught by Adam. He held Amy in his arms as her eyes stared up into his for a brief moment.

  “Careful, babe,” Adam said as he released her from his grasp.

  Amy held his hand as they walked to the restaurant. He opened the heavy wooden door and entered into the terracotta tiled foyer.

  The hostess came up and greeted them cheerfully. “Good evening. Table for 2? Would you like smoking or non-smoking?”

  Adam shrugged his shoulders as he looked at Amy. “I guess first available would be fine.”

  Amy nodded in agreement.

  As they waited for their table Amy looked around the room. The walls were painted vibrant colors of burnt orange and deep yellow. They displayed multi-colored sombreros and wrought iron sconces which held earth tone candles. Hung along the ceiling were chili pepper string lights.

  “You’re table is ready.” The hostess grabbed two menus. “Follow me.”

  Adam followed Amy as they were led to their table. He pulled out the chair for her. As she sat down she noticed a lovely vase of dried flowers and a candle that had been already lit.

  The hostess placed menus on the table in front of them. “Fernando will be with you shortly.”

  Amy looked at her menu then glanced up to smile at Adam. “There’s so much to choose from.”

  “Why don’t we start with a cheese fondue and a Margarita?” He asked before he gave the order to the waiter who just placed a basket of nacho chips and salsa on the table.

  They both nibbled on chips and salsa while they waited for their appetizers. Amy decided on the chicken quesadillas and he chose the beef fajitas for dinner.

  Fernando placed the cheese fondues and drinks on the table then lit the candles underneath the fondue pots. He took their dinner orders and rushed off to the kitchen.

  “I never had a Margarita before.” Amy sipped on the salty drink. “Not bad. I can taste the tequila.”

  Adam dipped the fried soft taco sticks in to the melted cheese. “You were right, these are good.”

  “I usually am right,” she teased Adam as she also enjoyed her cheese fondue.

  “So what did you do this week?” Adam looked into Amy’s hazel eyes and held her gaze.

  “Well, Janet and I went out to lunch, then we had a girls’ night and I worked fifty-two hours this week.” She sipped more of her margarita. “What about you?

  Fernando brought their meals as well as more margaritas. He placed the used dishes on a tray and carried them off to the kitchen.

  “I worked all week,” Adam continued as he made his fajita, filling it with plenty of beef, green peppers and onions. “I had hockey practice and I hung out with Joey and Bob at Doogles one night.” He took a bite of his fajita. “This is delicious. How’s yours?”

  Amy finished chewing and wiped her mouth with her napkin. “It is really good. You made an excellent choice.”

  “I usually do.” He teased her back.

  Amy enjoyed her dinner with Adam. It was a relaxed atmosphere, great food, and even better company to share it with. Not to mention the margaritas were going down much too smoothly. She really did not want to leave this cozy little nook of their evening.

  Fernando approached the table and gave Adam the check. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. Even though he tried to be discreet Amy seen he pulled out a hundred dollar bill and placed it in the black folder that held the bill. “We’re all set.” Adam nodded to the waiter.

  “Thanks for dinner.” Amy rose from her chair.

  Adam helped her with her jacket. “I’m glad you enjoyed it as much as I did.” He carried the doggie bag with him as they left the restaurant.

  Amy welcomed Adam’s arm as he placed it around her. She snuggled into his chest as they walked to the truck feeling warm and cozy. She didn’t know if it was from being so close to Adam or the margaritas taking affect. Maybe a little of both, she decided with a smile.


  “Looks like we made it just in time,” Adam whispered to Amy as they walked to their seats in the dimly lit theater. “The previews are just about to start.”

  Adam followed Amy as she found two seats a few rows from the back. He handed her the popcorn and pop after she took her jacket off. Adam glanced at her and smiled, as he sat down and waited for the movie to begin.

  “I’m glad you picked Rocky”, he whispered into Amy’s ear. She smells good. He kissed her lightly on the cheek.

  Adam relaxed and placed his arm around Amy as the movie began. She snuggl
ed up close and offered him some popcorn. She was stirring up unfamiliar feelings in him. There was definitely something different about Amy and he liked it.

  Adam enjoyed the movie with Amy. They both laughed, she cried and the time flew by. Before he knew it the movie was over and the lights came on dimly. As the credits rolled he didn’t want the night to end yet.

  Adam stood up and stretched. “Hey Amy.”

  Amy’s eyes sparkled as she laughed at his lame attempt to imitate Sylvester Stallone. “Better not quit your day job.”

  Adam placed his arm around her waist as they walked out of the theater. I really like this woman. He smiled to himself giving her a quick squeeze.

  “Do you want to come back to my place for awhile?” Adam asked her as he pulled his truck out of the parking lot onto the highway. “We could watch Saturday Night Live.”

  “Sure, that would be fun.” Amy scooted over to sit next to him. She smiled then laid her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes.

  Adam turned on the radio quietly to the tune of Sara Smile by Hall and Oates. He placed his hand on Amy’s leg and watched her as they drove to his house. There was no need for words. He was just content to have her here next to him. Nothing had ever felt this right to him before. He turned slightly to give her a kiss on the top of her head and stared out the window the rest of the way home. Just him, Amy and the radio playing.

  Adam pulled up in his driveway. He gently shook Amy. “Babe we’re here.”

  “Did I actually fall asleep?” Amy asked softly. “I was just so comfortable I must have dozed off.”

  Adam helped her out of the truck and rubbed her shoulders. He pulled her close feeling the warmth of her body and kissed her tenderly. “I’ve wanted to do that all night.”

  Amy looked up at him breathless. “Me too.”

  Adam led her up the stairs and into the house. He turned on the lamp and threw his keys onto the table. He walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. “Do you want something to drink? I have pop or beer.”

  “I’ll have a beer.” Amy called from the living room as she sat down on the couch. She crossed her legs and played with her hair as she waited for Adam to join her.

  Adam opened two beers and went back into the living room handing Amy one of them. He turned the TV on and sat down on the couch next to her.

  They watched a skit with John Belushi as well as one with Jane Curtin doing weekend update and of course The Mr. Bill Show. Amy laughed as she rested her head on his chest and placed her legs beneath her.

  Adam took her beer and set it on the table next to him. He reached his arm around her pulling her closer. Amy placed her hand on his cheek softly and kissed him. “I’ve wanted to do that all night.”

  That was all it took for Adam to lose his composure that he had kept all night long. He pulled her even closer, as he hungrily kissed her like he’d never kissed her before. She was more than eager to respond to him with a passion he never knew she had.

  Adam wanted her and he wanted her now. He looked into her eyes that were filled with desire. She bit her lip as she stared back at him which tempted him even more.

  Adam decided to slow down and give it some time. He was tired of one night stands and lonely days. He wanted more and was willing to take his time with Amy. He liked her enough to want to be sure that she would still be there in the morning.

  Adam lifted her on his lap. As he stroked her hair he could feel her heart race rapidly. He waited until her breathing returned back to normal than kissed her lightly on the cheek. They watched the rest of Saturday Night Live and almost fell asleep in each others’ arms.

  Adam did not want her to go, but he knew if she didn’t he might not be able to control himself a second time. “Come on babe.” Adam pulled her up off the couch. “I better take you home.”

  Adam dimmed his lights as he pulled into her driveway.

  “Thanks for the great evening. I really had a good time.” Amy kissed him goodnight.

  “So did I.” He caressed her back as he looked into her eyes. “I’ll call you.”

  Adam watched Amy as she closed the door and shut off the porch light. He hoped that he hadn’t made a mistake to let her go home tonight. He turned the radio back up as Dream Weaver by Gary Wright came on. Adam backed out of this driveway at least a hundred times before, but never had he felt like he did tonight.

  Chapter 5

  Amy washed her breakfast dishes as she listened to the radio. She sang along to You Make Me Feel Like Dancing by Leo Sayer. She danced around in the kitchen as she put away the dishes. She heard Joey as he heavily came down the stairs before entering the kitchen. She treasured the morning chats with her brother over coffee.

  Joey had been drafted at the age of nineteen by the NHL and had been with the Motor City Blades ever since. When he was gone on the road, which was often, the house was much too quiet. Joey had a zest for life that rubbed off on you and you couldn’t help but love him.

  “Morning,’ he reached for the coffee pot and poured himself a cup. “So how was your big date last night?”

  “It was nice…very nice.” Amy sighed as she smiled.

  “I’m really happy for you. Who would have ever thought?” Joey pulled the kitchen chair out, reversed it and sat down. “I wish I could say the same for Angie and me.”

  “Uh-oh. What’s wrong?” This took Amy by surprise. Joey never had problems with a woman before.

  “I don’t know exactly,” Joey tried to explain. “Here’s a good example. I called her up yesterday and she was too busy to talk. She said she was babysitting her niece and nephew or something like that.”

  Amy smiled to herself. She loved her brother dearly, but at times he could be very self-centered. He was used to women that hung onto his arm as well as his every word.

  “I’m going to take a stab in the dark here,” Amy suggested. “Maybe she really was busy?”

  “You know I never thought of that.” Joey’s face lit up as if a light bulb had went off in his head.

  “Boy, do you have a lot to learn.” Amy laughed at Joey as she rinsed the dishes off and put them in the dish rack.

  “I really like to see her again.” He slapped his hand on the kitchen table. “In fact I think I will call her right now.” He took a piece of paper out of his pocket and dialed the phone.

  Amy continued to dry the dishes while Joey made plans with Angie to go ice skating this Saturday. She hung up the dish towel as he ended the conversation.

  “We’re going to open skate this weekend. I hoped you and Adam could go. Maybe you could ask Janet too.” Joey pleaded with her. “I want you all to get to know her.”

  “Sure I’ll ask them next time I talk to them, if you want me to.” Amy shrugged her shoulders. Her brother was full of surprises lately. Usually he tried to get rid of her when he had a new love in his life.


  Adam hung his coat on the chair before he sat down at the table in the Thumb Area Michigan Works in Sandusky. He leaned over the table and ran his hand through his hair as he filled out the necessary forms to attend the Sanilac County Community Center.

  At seventeen, Adam had dropped out of school to focus on his hockey career and work. When the NHL drafts came he was unselected as the scouts considered him too slow to play in the NHL. Since then, he spent most of his free time with a skating instructor to improve his foot speed. Now he felt he was ready to return to school, earn his high school diploma and move on to college hockey.

  Adam handed in his completed forms to the receptionist. “Here, I think I filled all of it out.”

  “Evening classes are held Monday through Thursdays from 6-10pm,” said the woman as she stamped his application. “GED testing is in May and costs $55.”

  “Thank you.” Adam took all the information she gave him in a folder. He put on his Carhartt jacket, zipped it up and went out into the blistery weather. He cleared his windshield of the freshly fallen snow and headed home. Boy, it sure is going to
feel strange to attend classes again.

  Adam beeped as he waved at the oncoming traffic when he spotted a neighbor or relative. He pulled his truck into the corner market in Argyle to pick something up for dinner. He grabbed a loaf of bread, a package of Oscar Meijer bologna and a can of Chicken Noodle soup placing it on the counter.

  “Howdy Adam. Have you been rabbit hunting lately?” Mr. Shoemaker, the owner, asked as he rung up the bill. “I got me about a dozen of them yesterday. The wife is home cooking them up as we speak.”

  “No, I haven’t had a chance.” Adam paid for his groceries and grabbed the paper bag. “My dad asked me to go but I had practice.” He nodded to Mr. Shoemaker and walked out the door. He put the bag in the back of his pick-up, before he headed out on the highway again. Adam turned up the radio and listened to Rock and Roll All Night by Kiss. He couldn’t wait to get home and call Amy to share his news.

  Adam made a bologna sandwich and a bowl of soup for dinner. He placed it on the coffee table to let his soup cool and sat down on the couch. He picked up the phone dialing Amy’s number and waited for someone to answer.

  “Hello?” Amy’s voice was on the other end.

  His heart skipped a beat when he heard her voice. “Hi babe.”

  It had been a couple of days since their date. He wanted to call her the next morning but decided to wait. He hadn’t wanted her to think he was pushy or worse yet, desperate. He figured he was safe now.

  “How are you?” Amy said excited to hear from him.

  “I signed up for my GED classes today.” Adam took a sip of his soup. “I start right away and I will be finished in May. Then I can attend college in the fall.”

  “Good for you. If you need my help studying just let me know,” Amy said thoughtfully. “I used to work as a tutor in high school.”

  “Thanks.” Adam remembered the main reason he called. “You can bring your car to the station on your lunch tomorrow, if you want. We don’t have too many repairs scheduled, so I’ll have time to look at it.”


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